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单词 broken/not broken
释义 broken/not broken1 objects/cups/furniture etc2 bones3 machines, cars, phones etc that do not work4 to stop working5 to stop a machine from working6 not broken or damagedrelated wordssomething wrong with a machine, system etc 机器、系统等出故障 fault (1),when a machine, system etc works well without any problem 机器、系统等没有故障运作良好 working,see alsobreak,damage,tear,repair,1. objects/cups/furniture etc 物体/杯子/家具等 broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ [adjective] something that is broken has become separated into pieces, for example by being hit or dropped 损坏的;破碎的 the floor was covered in broken glass. 地上满是碎玻璃。 this suitcase is no good - the handle's broken. 这只手提箱没用了一把手坏了。 the birds had gotten into the cabin through a broken window. 这些鸟是从破碎的窗户飞进小木屋的。 in the corner of the room were a broken chair and a rickety old desk. 房间的角落里放着一把破椅子和一张摇摇晃晃的旧书桌。 chipped /tʃɪpt/ [adjective] a cup, plate etc that is chipped has a small piece broken off the edge of it [杯子、盘子等边缘]有缺口的 why do i always get the chipped cup? 为何老是我用有缺口的杯子? don't use that plate - it's chipped. 别用那个盘子,它破损了。 cracked /krækt/ [adjective] something that is cracked is not completely broken, but has cracks on its surface as a result of damage 有裂痕的,有裂缝的 throw that jug away. it's cracked. 把那个壶扔掉吧,它已经有裂缝了。 the tiles were old and cracked. 这些瓷砖年代已久,有裂缝了。 he's been driving around with a cracked windshield for months. 他几个月来一直开着挡风玻璃破裂的车到处跑。 bust /bʌst/ [adjective not before noun] british informal /busted /ˈbʌstɪd, ˈbʌstəd/ [adjective] especially american, informal broken 【非正式】破碎的;坏的 i can't carry all the shopping home in this bag - it's bust. 我无法用这个袋子把买的所有东西拿回家—它破了。 the door's bust again. can you get it fixed? 门又坏了,你能修一下吗? in the yard, miguel found a writing table with a busted leg. 米格尔在院子里看到一张有条断腿的书桌。2. bones 骨头 broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ [adjective] a broken bone has been cracked or separated into pieces 折断的 one little boy had a broken arm. 有一个小男孩手臂骨折了。 i think my ankle's broken. 我想我的脚踝骨断了。 fractured /ˈfræktʃəʳd/ [adjective] a fractured bone has been cracked, but it has not completely separated 骨裂的,骨折的 the x-ray revealed that she had several fractured ribs. x光片显示她多处肋骨骨折。 busted /ˈbʌstɪd, ˈbʌstəd/ [adjective] american informal broken 【美,非正式】折断的 julie's arm is busted and she can't take care of herself. 朱莉手臂断了,无法照料自己。3. machines, cars, phones etc that do not work 机器、汽车、电话等不能正常运作 is not working/doesn't work /ɪz ˌnɒt ˈwɜːʳkɪŋ, ˌdʌzənt ˈwɜːʳk/ [verb phrase] if a machine or piece of equipment is not working or doesn't work, it does not do the job it is supposed to do [机器]无法运转;失灵 the phone's not working. 电话坏了。 our car isn't working at the moment, so i've been taking the bus. 我们的车坏了,所以我一直在坐公共汽车。 the elevator doesn't seem to be working - let's take the stairs. 电梯好像坏了,我们走楼梯吧。 the headlights don't work and the brakes need fixing. 车头灯不亮了,刹车也得修一下。 this camera doesn't work - i'll have to take it back to the store. 这架相机是坏的—我得把它拿回商店去。 there's something wrong with /ðeəʳz ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈrɒŋ wɪð something ǁ-ˈrɔːŋ-/ [verb phrase] if there is something wrong with a machine, car etc, it does not work properly, but you do not know exactly why [机器、汽车等]有毛病[问题] there's something wrong with my car: i think it might be the battery. 我的车子出了故障,我想可能是电池坏了。 there was something wrong with the photocopier, so we called in the service company. 复印机坏了,我们就请来了维修公司。have something wrong with something if the vcr has something wrong with it, take it back to the store. 如果录像机有问题,就把它拿回商店去。 broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ [adjective] not working - use this especially about a small machine or a small piece of equipment [尤指小机器或设备]损坏的 ‘what's the time?’ ‘i don't know, my watch is broken.’ “现在几点了?”“不知道,我的表坏了。” i think the doorbell must be broken - i didn't hear anything. 我想门铃肯定是坏了,我一点声音也没听到。 a broken dishwasher 坏了的洗碗机 be out of order /biː ˌaʊt əv ˈɔːʳdəʳ/ [verb phrase] if a machine, especially one used by the public, is out of order it is not working for a temporary period [机器,尤指被公众使用的机器]失灵,出故障 every phone i tried was out of order. 我试了所有的电话,都坏了。 the toilets are almost always out of order. 抽水马桶几乎一天到晚出故障。 be out of action /biː ˌaʊt əv ˈækʃən/ [verb phrase] especially british if a vehicle or machine is out of action, it cannot be used at the moment because it is broken 【尤英】[车辆或机器]发生故障;失灵 three of our tanks are out of action. 我们有三辆坦克出了故障。 these planes may be out of action for a week, just for regular maintenance. 这几架飞机也许要停飞一个星期作定期维修。 our washing machine's out of action at the moment, so we use the laundry down the road. 我们的洗衣机出了问题,所以我们要把衣服送到马路那头的洗衣店去洗。 be down /biː ˈdaʊn/ [verb phrase] if a computer system is down, it is not working [电脑系统]不运转的;停机的 the computer system was down all afternoon so we went home. 电脑系统整个下午都停机,于是我们便回家了。go down stop working 停止运行 the network went down at 11:00 and we lost the whole morning's work. 网络在11时断了,我们丢失了整整一个上午的工作。 be on the blink /biː ɒn ðə ˈblɪŋk/ informal also be on the fritz /biː ˌɒn ðə ˈfrɪtz/ american informal [verb phrase] if a piece of electrical equipment such as a television or washing machine is on the blink or on the fritz, it sometimes works and sometimes does not [电视或洗衣机等电器]失灵,出毛病 my tv's on the blink again. 我的电视机又出毛病了。go on the blink/fritz the car's air conditioning went on the fritz just as we reached dallas. 我们刚抵达达拉斯,汽车的空调就出问题了。 temperamental /ˌtempərəˈmentl◂/ [adjective] informal a machine, car etc that is temperamental works some of the time but not all the time 【非正式】[机器、汽车等]性能不稳定的,时好时坏的 jo's car is very temperamental in the mornings. sometimes it starts and sometimes it doesn't. 乔的汽车在上午总时好时坏,有时能发动起来,有时就发动不起来。 the only heating was from a temperamental iron stove in the centre of each hut. 唯一的取暖设备就是在每间小茅屋中央的那个时好时坏的铁炉。 has gone british is gone american /həz ˈgɒn, ɪz ˈgɒnǁ-ˈgɔːn/ [verb phrase] if you say that part of a machine, especially a car, has gone or is gone, you mean that it has stopped working properly [机器零件,尤指汽车零件停止正常运转;坏了 i'm not sure what's wrong with my car - i think the clutch has gone. 我不肯定我的汽车出了什么问题一—估计是离合器坏了。 if the gearbox is gone it'll cost you a fortune. 如果变速箱坏了,那你就得破财了。 ‘what's that noise?’ ‘it sounds like the suspension's going.’ “那是什么声音?”“听起来好像是悬架要出问题了。” has had it /həz ˈhæd ɪt/ [verb phrase] if you say that a machine has had it you mean that it is completely broken and cannot be repaired [机器]彻底坏了 i'm afraid the stereo's had it. 那台立体声音响器材恐怕已经彻底坏了。 bust /bʌst/ [adjective not before noun] british busted [adjective] /ˈbʌstɪd, ˈbʌstəd/ especially american broken or badly damaged 坏的;破的 our television's bust, and so's the radio. 我们的电视机坏了,收音机也有毛病。 there's no point in trying to mend it, it's completely bust. 这东西修了也没用处,它已经彻底坏了。 you can't record anything - the vcr's busted. 你录不了东西了—录像机坏了。 a busted air-conditioner 有毛病的空调机4. to stop working 停止工作[运转] something goes wrong /ˌsʌmθɪŋ gəʊz ˈrɒŋǁ-ˈrɔːŋ/ [verb phrase] if something goes wrong with a machine, it stops working normally - use this especially about complicated equipment, when you do not know what the problem is [尤指复杂的仪器]出问题;出故障 who'll fix my computer if something goes wrong? 我的电脑出问题的话谁来修?something goes wrong with occasionally something went wrong with the projector and the movie was canceled. 放映机偶尔会出问题,这样就得取消播放电影了。 something's gone wrong with my washing machine. 我这台洗衣机出了问题。 break down /ˌbreɪk ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a car, bus, train, or large machine breaks down, it stops working completely [汽车、公共汽车、火车或大型机器]停止运转,出故障 she was late for the meeting because her car broke down. 由于车子抛锚,她开会迟到了。 the elevators in this building are always breaking down. 这幢楼里的电梯总是出毛病。 breakdown /ˈbreɪkdaʊn/ [countable/uncountable noun] a mechanical breakdown during the race would mean defeat. 比赛中机械出故障的话就意味着要输了。 crash /kræʃ/ [intransitive verb] if a computer crashes, it suddenly stops working, and information is often lost because of this [电脑]停机;瘫痪 i installed the new program and my computer crashed. 我安装了新程序后电脑就停机了。 hundreds of hospital records were wiped out when the network crashed. 医院的系统瘫痪了,导致数以百计的病历都丢失了。 cut out /ˌkʌt ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if an engine cuts out, it suddenly stops working [引擎]突然熄火 every time mark slowed down the engine cut out. 每次马克一减速,发动机就熄火。 i started to go up the hill and the engine just cut out on me. 我开始驾车爬坡,发动机就熄火了。 fail /feɪl/ [intransitive verb] especially written if a part of a machine or of a piece of electrical equipment fails, it stops working 【尤书面】[机器或电器的部件]失灵 the driver of the car claims that his brakes failed and he was unable to stop. 汽车司机声称他的刹车失灵了,他无法停车。 in the last ten minutes of the game, one of the television cameras failed. 比赛进行到最后十分钟时,有一架电视摄像机坏了。 one of the engines failed at 30,000 feet. 在30,000英尺高度时,有一台发动机失灵了。 failure /ˈfeɪljəʳ/ [uncountable noun] mechanical/equipment/engine failure investigators traced the cause of the crash to engine failure. 调查人员查出失事的原因是发动机失灵。 malfunction /mælˈfʌŋkʃən/ [intransitive verb] formal to stop working properly 【正式】发生故障,失灵 this is a sign that the computer's hard disk is malfunctioning. 这个信号表示电脑硬盘发生了故障。 both satellites entered orbit but quickly malfunctioned. 两颗卫星都进入了轨道,但很快就出了故障。 malfunction [countable noun] someone at the plant has to be ready to deal with equipment malfunctions at any time. 厂里得安排一个人随时准备处理机器故障。 pack up /ˌpæk ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] british informal if a machine packs up, it stops working, especially because it is old 【英,非正式】[机器因陈旧而]停止运转,出故障 when this record player packs up, i'll buy a cd player. 这架唱机坏了以后,我就去买台cd播放器。 they won't know what to do if a pipe bursts or if the heater packs up. 如果管道爆裂或取暖器出了问题,他们是不知道该如何处理的。5. to stop a machine from working 使机器停止运转 break /breɪk/ [transitive verb] to stop a machine from working by damaging it, especially by damaging it so badly that it cannot be used again 损坏,弄坏[尤指严重损坏使之不能再使用] one of the kids put some rocks in the blender and broke it. 其中一个小家伙把一些石块放进了搅拌机,把它弄坏了。 i don't know what she did, but she managed to break the sewing machine. 我不懂她是怎么弄的,她竟然把缝纫机弄坏了。 disable /dɪsˈeɪbəl/ [transitive verb] written to make a machine or a system unable to work 【书面】使[机器或系统]无法运转 the robbers had disabled the bank's security system. 那些抢劫者破坏了银行的保安系统。 the tank's navigational system had been disabled during a grenade attack. 坦克的导航系统被手榴弹炸坏了。 put something out of action /ˌpʊt something aʊt əv ˈækʃən/ [verb phrase] to deliberately stop a machine or piece of equipment from working properly by damaging it, especially because you want to stop an enemy from using it 故意使[机器或设备]出故障[尤因要防止被敌人使用] an electronic mine exploded under the ship and put it out of action. 一枚电子水雷在船底爆炸,摧毁了这艘船。 reporting from the area was difficult even before terrorists put all the telephone lines out of action. 即使在恐怖分子把全部电话线破坏掉以前,从那个地区进行报道就已经很困难了。 immobilize also immobilise british /ɪˈməʊbɪlaɪz, ɪˈməʊbəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to stop a vehicle from working, especially a military vehicle 使[军用车辆等]停止运行 demonstrators immobilized tanks using gasoline bombs. 游行示威者用汽油弹把坦克烧得无法行驶。 kendrick had only a few minutes to immobilize the aircraft. 肯德里克只有几分钟时间破坏飞机。6. not broken or damaged 未损坏或遭破坏的 intact /ɪnˈtækt/ [adjective not before noun] not broken or damaged, in spite of being hit, dropped etc 未受损的;完整无缺的 despite the bombing, the house was still intact. 尽管受到轰炸,房子仍完好无损。 the toys have to be intact in their original boxes or they're not worth anything. 玩具要完整无缺地放在原装盒内,不然就不值钱了。 our furniture survived the long journey more or less intact. 我们的家具经过这次长途旅程,基本上没受到损坏。 in one piece /ɪn ˌwʌn ˈpiːs/ [adverb] if something arrives or is moved in one piece, it does not get broken in spite of being moved [搬动后]完好无损的 i don't know how we got the piano down in one piece! 真不知道我们是如何把钢琴完好无损地抬下去的! the china arrived all in one piece, thank god. 瓷器运到时全部都完好无损,谢天谢地。




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