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单词 injure
释义 injure verb¹ 1harm yourself/sb physically伤害身体adverb➤badly, seriously, severely重伤;严重伤害▸➤slightly轻微地伤害➤physically伤害身体▸➤accidentally意外伤害◆insurance to cover you in case one of your employees accidentally injures someone员工意外伤害他人时替雇主予以赔付的保险➤deliberately故意伤害➤permanently永久性地伤害injure verb² 2damage sb's reputation, pride, etc.损害名誉;挫伤自尊心adverb | verb + injure adverb➤seriously, severely严重损害◆this incident could seriously injure the company's reputation.这一事件可能会严重损害公司的声誉。verb + injure➤be likely to很可能损害◆espionage activity which was likely to injure the national interest很有可能损害国家利益的间谍活动 injure /ɪndʒə(r)/ verb [transitive] harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident (尤指在事故中)伤害,使受伤◆no one was injured in the fire at the factory. 没有人在工厂发生的火灾中受伤。◆injured workers are entitled to medical care. 受伤的工人依法享有医疗保健。 damage sb's reputation, pride, etc. 损害,伤害(名誉、自尊等)◆this could seriously injure the company's reputation. 这会严重损害该公司的声誉。☞ injure injure verbinjure ♦︎ wound ♦︎ hurt ♦︎ bruise ♦︎ maim ♦︎ sprain ♦︎ pull ♦︎ tear ♦︎ twist ♦︎ strainthese words all mean to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident.这些词均表示使身体受伤,尤指因事故而致。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to injure / hurt / strain yourself◆to injure / hurt / sprain / pull / tear / strain a muscle◆to injure / hurt / sprain / twist your ankle / foot / knee◆to injure / hurt / sprain your wrist / hand◆to injure / hurt / strain your back / shoulder / eyes◆to injure / hurt your spine / neck◆to be badly injured / wounded / hurt / bruised / maimed / sprained / torn◆to be severely injured / wounded / hurt / bruised / sprained◆to be seriously injured / wounded / hurt / bruised◆to be slightly injured / wounded / hurt / bruised / sprained◆to accidentally injure / wound / hurt sb / sth■ injure [transitive] to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident(尤指在事故中)伤害,使受伤◆he injured his knee playing hockey.他打曲棍球时膝盖受了伤。◆three people were killed and five injured in the crash.撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。◆she injured herself during training.她在训练时受了伤。■ wound /wuːnd/ [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to injure part of the body, especially by making a hole in the skin using a weapon使(身体部位)受伤;(尤指用武器)伤害◆he was wounded in the arm.他手臂受了伤。◆about 50 people were seriously wounded in the attack.约有 50 人在袭击中受了重伤。ⓘ wound is often used to talk about people being hurt in war or in other attacks which affect a lot of people. * wound 常指在战争中或在波及许多人的其他袭击中受伤。■ hurt (hurt, hurt) [transitive, intransitive] to cause physical pain to sb/yourself; to injure sb/yourself使疼痛;伤害◆he hurt his back playing squash.他打壁球时背部受了伤。◆did you hurt yourself?你伤着自己了吗?◆stop it. you're hurting me.住手,你弄疼我了。◆my back is really hurting me today.我今天背疼得厉害。◆strong light hurts my eyes.强光刺痛我的眼睛。◆my shoes hurt-they're too tight.我的鞋子太紧,穿着夹脚。  ➡ see also hurt → hurt verb 2 note 辨析 hurt or injure?you can hurt or injure a part of the body in an accident. hurt emphasizes the physical pain caused; injure emphasizes that the part of the body has been damaged in some way.在事故中使身体受伤用 hurt 或 injure 均可,hurt 强调身体疼痛,injure 强调身体部位受到某种损伤。■ bruise /bruːz/ [transitive, intransitive] to make a blue, brown or purple mark (a bruise) appear on the skin after sb has fallen or been hit; to develop a bruise(使)出现瘀伤;撞伤;摔伤◆she had slipped and badly bruised her face.她滑了一跤,摔得鼻青脸肿。◆careful: i bruise easily.小心,我很容易受瘀伤。▸ bruising noun [uncountable] ◆ (rather formal) she suffered severe bruising, but no bones were broken.她挫伤严重,但骨头没断。■ maim [transitive] (rather formal) to injure sb seriously, causing permanent damage to their body使残废;使受(永久性)伤害◆hundreds of people are killed or maimed in car accidents every week.每周都有数百人因车祸而丧生或致残。■ sprain [transitive] to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, by suddenly bending it in an awkward way, causing pain and swelling扭伤(踝、腕、膝)◆i stumbled and sprained my ankle.我摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。▸ sprain noun [countable] ◆a bad ankle sprain踝关节严重扭伤■ pull [transitive] to injure a muscle, etc., by stretching it too much拉伤,扭伤(肌肉等)◆she has pulled her achilles tendon.她拉伤了跟腱。■ tear /teə(r); name ter/ (tore, torn) [transitive] to injure a muscle, etc., by stretching it too much拉伤,扭伤(肌肉等)◆she's torn a ligament in her right hand.她右手的一处韧带拉伤了。note 辨析 pull or tear?to pull or tear a muscle is basically the same action, but a torn muscle is more badly injured than a pulled muscle: the injury or tear goes further across the muscle. you can talk about a badly torn muscle but not◆a badly pulled muscle * pull a muscle 和 tear a muscle 意思基本相同,均指拉伤、扭伤肌肉,但 a torn muscle 的伤势比 a pulled muscle 严重,撕裂的部分(亦称 tear)更大。可以说 a badly torn muscle (严重拉伤的肌肉),但不说 a badly pulled muscle。■ twist [transitive] to suddenly bend a part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, in an awkward way, causing an injury that involves pain and swelling扭伤(踝、腕、膝)◆she fell and twisted her ankle.她摔了一下,把脚崴了。note 辨析 sprain or twist?a sprain is an injury to your ankle, wrist or knee that causes pain and swelling; to sprain your ankle/wrist/knee is to injure it in this way. to twist your ankle/wrist/knee is to do the action (= to suddenly bend it in an awkward way) that causes the injury. * sprain 作名词表示踝、腕、膝的扭伤。sprain 作动词时可后接 ankle/wrist/knee,表示对这些部位造成扭伤。动词 twist 也可后接 ankle/wrist/knee,表示造成扭伤的动作。■ strain [transitive] to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work too hard使劳损;拉伤;扭伤◆don't strain your eyes by reading in poor light.别在光线差的地方看书以免眼睛过度疲劳。◆are you sure you can carry all that? don't strain yourself.你真提得了那么多东西吗?别把自己弄伤了。▸ strain noun [countable, uncountable] ◆a calf / groin / leg strain腿肚子/腹股沟/腿部拉伤◆muscle strain肌肉劳损injure [transitive] to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident(尤指在事故中)伤害,使受伤◆he injured his knee playing hockey.他打曲棍球时膝盖受了伤。◆three people were killed and five injured in the crash.撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。◆she injured herself during training.她在训练时受了伤。injure/ˈɪndʒə(r) ||; ˈɪndʒɚ/verb [t] to harm or hurt yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident 伤害,受伤(尤指在事故中): ◇the goalkeeper seriously injured himself when he hit the goalpost. 守门员撞在球门柱上,受了重伤。◇she fell and injured her back. 她栽了一跤,伤了背脊。 ☞ look at the note at hurt. 参看hurt的注释。 ☞ hurt/injure in·jure /`ɪndʒə; ˈɪndʒə/v [t]to hurt a person or animal 使受伤,弄伤:◇she was badly injured in the accident. 她在事故中严重受伤。 ☞ injure




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