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单词 random
释义 random adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem随意;好像随意adverb➤completely, entirely, purely, quite, totally完全随机;纯粹任意;十分随意▸➤almost几乎任意▸➤fairly, pretty, somewhat相当/颇为/有点儿随意▸➤truly确实任意➤essentially基本随机▸➤apparently, seemingly显得随意◆a seemingly random sequence of numbers似乎随机选出的一串数字 random /rændəm/ adjective [usually before noun] done, chosen, etc. without sb thinking or deciding in advance what is going to happen, or without any regular pattern 随意的;任意的;未经事先考虑的◆create passwords using a random assortment of letters, numbers and symbols. 使用随机组合的字母、数字和符号产生密码。◆the information is processed in a random order. 信息是按照随机顺序处理的。 ▸ randomly adverb◆a survey of 2 000 randomly selected customers 对 2 000 名顾客的随机调查 random /rændəm/ noun ●at randomwithout thinking or deciding in advance what is going to happen 随意地;任意地;胡乱地◆select a customer at random each month to receive a special gift. 每月随机选择一位顾客领取一份特别的礼物。☞ random☞ random random adjectiverandom ♦︎ haphazard ♦︎ indiscriminate ♦︎ disorganized ♦︎ untidy ♦︎ unsystematicthese words all describe things that are not organized or planned.这些词均表示随意的、无计划的、无条理的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the random / indiscriminate / random use of sth◆a random / haphazard approach◆random / indiscriminate attacks◆a haphazard / an indiscriminate method◆in a random / haphazard fashion / manner◆in a random / a haphazard / an unsystematic way◆totally random / haphazard / disorganized◆very haphazard / disorganized / untidy / unsystematic◆rather haphazard / disorganized / untidy◆seemingly / apparently random / haphazard / indiscriminate■ random [usually before noun] done or chosen without sb deciding anything in advance; left to chance随机的;随意的;碰运气的◆the group to be studied was selected on a random basis.用于研究的小组是随机选择的。◆there's no motive for this kind of random killing.这种随意杀戮没有动机。◆random numbers are generated by the computer.随机号码是由电脑产生的。◆the names are listed in random order.名字按随机顺序排列。ⓘ random is often used in connection with statistics and research. collocates include allocation, distribution, effects, fluctuations, numbers, and sample. * random 常用于与统计和研究有关的方面。与之搭配的词有 allocation、distribution、effect、fluctuation、number 和 sample。 opp predetermined → set ▸ at random idiom◆she opened the book at random (= not at any particular page) and started reading.她随手翻开书的一页读了起来。▸ randomly adverb◆the winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.获奖号码是由电脑随机选取的。■ haphazard /hæphæzəd; name hæphæzərd/ (disapproving) done with no particular order or plan; not organized well无秩序的;无计划的;组织混乱的◆it was the result of rather haphazard planning.这是规划混乱不周的后果。◆in the early years training was haphazard.早年间培训缺乏计划。▸ haphazardly adverb◆she started packing, throwing things haphazardly into the case.她开始打包,将东西随便地丢进箱子里。■ indiscriminate /ɪndɪskrɪmɪnət/ (disapproving) (of actions) done without thought about the results, especially when it causes people to be harmed; (of people) acting without careful judgement(行为)不顾后果的,恣意的(尤指会伤及他人);(人)不慎思而行的◆indiscriminate violence / killing / slaughter任意施暴;滥杀;恣意屠杀◆the newspaper denounced the indiscriminate firing by the police.该报指责警方胡乱开枪。◆she's always been indiscriminate in her choice of friends.她一向择友不慎。▸ indiscriminately adverb◆the soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd.士兵向人群胡乱开枪。■ disorganized (bre also randomised) (disapproving) (of people) not able to plan or organize well; (of events) badly planned(人)缺乏条理的,不擅计划的;(活动)计划不周的◆they are lazy and disorganized.他们懒懒散散。◆it was a dismal, disorganized weekend.那个周末过得一塌糊涂。 opp organized → efficient ■ untidy /ʌntaɪdi/ (of people) not keeping things neat or well organized(人)无条理的,不修边幅的◆why do you have to be so untidy?你为什么非得这么邋遢? opp tidy → efficient ▸ untidiness noun [uncountable] ◆their arguments were usually about his untidiness.他们争吵通常都是因为他邋遢。■ unsystematic /ʌnsɪstəmætɪk/ without a clear system无系统的;紊乱的;杂乱无章的◆training for volunteers is patchy and unsystematic.对志愿者的培训零散无序。opp systematic → efficient random [usually before noun] done or chosen without sb deciding anything in advance; left to chance随机的;随意的;碰运气的◆the group to be studied was selected on a random basis.用于研究的小组是随机选择的。◆there's no motive for this kind of random killing.这种随意杀戮没有动机。◆random numbers are generated by the computer.随机号码是由电脑产生的。◆the names are listed in random order.名字按随机顺序排列。ⓘ random is often used in connection with statistics and research. collocates include allocation, distribution, effects, fluctuations, numbers, and sample. * random 常用于与统计和研究有关的方面。与之搭配的词有 allocation、distribution、effect、fluctuation、number 和 sample。 opp predetermined → set ▸ at random idiom◆she opened the book at random (= not at any particular page) and started reading.她随手翻开书的一页读了起来。▸ randomly adverb◆the winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.获奖号码是由电脑随机选取的。random/ˈrændəm ||; ˈrændəm/adj chosen by chance 随机的: ◇for the opinion poll they interviewed a random selection of people in the street. 他们在街上随意选择一些人来做民意调查。 ➔randomly adv at random without thinking or deciding in advance what is going to happen 随意;任意: ◇the competitors were chosen at random from the audience. 参赛者是从观众之中随意挑选的。 randomsee ⇨ chance 3     • • •• ⇨ at random ran·dom /`rændəm; ˈrændəm/adj 1. at random if you choose something at random, you give each of the things within a group an equal chance of being chosen 随机的:◇winning lottery numbers are chosen at random. 中奖的彩票号码是随机选取的。 2. happening or chosen without any definite plan or system 随便的; 任意的; 胡乱的:◇a random survey 随意的调查




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