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单词 appear
释义 appear verb¹ 1come into sight/existence出现;产生adverb➤suddenly突然出现◆a man suddenly appeared in the doorway.一个男子突然出现在门口。➤from nowhere, magically不知从何处冒出来;奇迹般地出现◆a police officer appeared as if from nowhere and ordered us to halt.一个警察不知从哪儿冒了出来,命令我们停下。➤first, initially, originally首次/首先/最初出现◆modern contact lenses first appeared in the 1940s.现代的隐形眼镜最早出现于 20 世纪 40 年代。➤usually通常出现◆symptoms usually appear within two to three days.症状通常在两到三天内出现。➤recently最近出现◆some exciting new products have recently appeared on the market.最近市场上出现了一些令人兴奋的新产品。appear verb² 2perform/be seen in public公开演出;公开露面adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤currently正在演出➤frequently, occasionally, often频繁/偶尔/经常露面◆the senator has appeared frequently on this show.这名参议员频频在这个节目中露面。➤rarely很少露面◆she rarely appears in public.她很少在公共场合露面。➤briefly短时间露面◆he appears briefly in the movie as a waiter.他在这部电影中出演一位戏份很少的服务员。preposition➤at在⋯演出◆she is currently appearing at the playhouse.她目前正在剧院演出。phrases➤appear on television在电视上露面◆she regularly appears on television.她经常上电视。appear verb³ 3in court法庭preposition | phrases preposition➤at (bre) 在⋯出庭◆he will appear at manchester crown court next week.下周他将在曼彻斯特刑事法庭出庭。phrases➤appear before a court, appear before a judge, appear before a magistrate出庭;出庭受审;在治安法庭出庭◆the man will appear before magistrates later today.该男子将于今天晚些时候在治安法庭出庭。➤appear in court出庭◆a man has appeared in court charged with the murder of seven women.一名被控谋杀 7 名女子的男子已出庭受审。appear verbappear ♦︎ emerge ♦︎ show ♦︎ loom ♦︎ pop ♦︎ manifest itself ♦︎ form ♦︎ come outthese words all mean to start to be seen in a place.这些词均表示出现、呈现或显现。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to appear / emerge from sth◆to loom / pop into view / up◆to appear / emerge / loom / pop out of sth◆to suddenly appear / emerge / show / loom / pop / come out◆to gradually appear / emerge / manifest itself / form◆to eventually appear / emerge / show◆to finally appear / emerge / loom■ appear [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to start to be seen出现;呈现;显现◆she suddenly appeared in the doorway.她突然在门口出现。◆if a rash appears, call a doctor immediately.如果出现皮疹,立即打电话叫医生。◆posters for the gig appeared all over town.音乐会海报在城里随处可见。◆new shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant.植物根部刚刚长出新芽。◆her dead mother appeared to her in a dream.她过世的母亲在她梦中出现。opp disappear → disappear ■ emerge /imɜːdʒ; name imɜːrdʒ/ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to leave a dark, confined or hidden place and be seen(从暗处、封闭处或隐蔽处)出现,浮现,露出◆the swimmer emerged from the lake.那个游泳者从湖水中浮出来。◆they suddenly emerged into brilliant sunshine.他们突然走到明媚的阳光下。◆the crabs emerge at low tide to look for food.蟹在潮退时出来觅食。■ show (showed, shown) [intransitive, transitive] to be visible; to allow sth to be seen露出;显出;呈现◆the cloth was folded so that the stain didn't show.布料折叠起来,这样污渍就看不见了。◆his hands were clenched, the whites of the knuckles showing.他双拳紧握,指关节都发白了。◆she had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing.她戴了一顶保暖的毛线帽,只露出眼睛和鼻子。◆a white carpet will show every mark.白色地毯有一点脏都看得见。◆come out and show yourselves (= let us see you)!出来让我们看看你们吧!■ loom /luːm/ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (written) to start to appear as a large shape that is not clear, especially in a frightening or threatening way(尤指令人惊恐地)隐现;赫然耸现◆something huge and black loomed out of the mist.一个巨大的黑糊糊的东西从薄雾中隐隐出现。◆the city walls loomed up ahead of them.城墙隐约出现在他们前面。■ pop (-pp-) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to suddenly appear, especially when not expected突然出现;冷不防冒出◆the window opened and a head popped out.窗户打开,一个脑袋冷不防探了出来。◆when you send a fax, a dialog box pops up on the screen.发传真时,屏幕上会弹出一个对话框。◆an idea suddenly popped into his head.他突然有了主意。■ manifest itself /mænɪfest/ "m&nifest--> [transitive] (formal) to become visible or noticeable显现;使人注意到◆heatstroke sometimes manifests itself as red spots on the skin.有时中暑显现出的症状是皮肤上长红斑。◆a new trend seems to have manifested itself.一个新趋势似乎已经显现出来。■ form [intransitive] (rather formal) (especially of natural things) to begin to exist and gradually develop into a particular shape(尤指自然事物)出现,逐渐成形◆flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form.花开了,却没能结出果实。◆storm clouds are forming on the horizon.天边出现了雷雨云。■ come out -->phrasal verb(came, come)(of the sun, moon or stars) to become visible(太阳、月亮或星星)出现,露出◆the rain stopped and the sun came out.雨停了,太阳出来了。 appear [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to start to be seen出现;呈现;显现◆she suddenly appeared in the doorway.她突然在门口出现。◆if a rash appears, call a doctor immediately.如果出现皮疹,立即打电话叫医生。◆posters for the gig appeared all over town.音乐会海报在城里随处可见。◆new shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant.植物根部刚刚长出新芽。◆her dead mother appeared to her in a dream.她过世的母亲在她梦中出现。opp disappear → disappear appear [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to arrive at a place and be seen there来到;出现◆by ten o'clock lee still hadn't appeared.到 10 点钟李仍然没有露面。◆a man appeared at the door and asked to see her.一名男子出现在门口要求见她。◆the file appeared on my desk yesterday.那份文件昨天出现在我的桌子上。 appear [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to take part in a film, play or show; to be written or mentioned somewhere演出;被记载;被提及◆he has appeared in over 60 movies.他参演了 60 多部电影。◆she regularly appears on tv.她经常在电视上露面。◆your name will appear at the front of the book.你的名字将出现在书的前页。 appearlinking verb (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal) to seem, especially from what people can see看来;似乎;显得◆she didn't appear at all surprised at the news.她听到这消息显得一点也不吃惊。◆they appeared not to know what was happening.他们似乎不知道正在发生的事。ⓘ appear is more formal than look; it can also suggest that you, or the person you are speaking to, does not quite believe that sb/sth really is as they seem. * appear 比 look 更正式些,还可暗示你或谈话对象不太相信某人或某事物看起来的样子◆he appears to be a perfectly normal person (= but there is still some reason to suppose that he might not be).他看上去完全是个正常的人。◆it would appear that this was a major problem (= although i don't really understand why it should be).这显得是个大问题。it can also be used, like seem, when you are not certain about sth or don't want to accuse sb too directly of doing sth wrong. * appear 也可像 seem 那样,用于不确定或婉转指出某人错误的情况◆there appears to have been a mistake.看来是出了个差错。in british english you can use appear + noun phrase; in american english you need to use appear to be + noun phrase (which is also acceptable in british english).在英式英语中,appear 后面可接名词短语;在美式英语中,则在 appear to be 后接名词短语,这在英式英语中也是可接受的◆ (bre) he appears a perfectly normal person.他看上去完全是个正常的人。  ➡ see also apparent → apparent , appearance → appearance appear/əˈpɪə(r) ||; əˈpɪr/verb1. linking verb appear to be/do sth;appear (that)... to seem 看来;似乎: ◇she appears to be very happy in her job. 她看来工作得很愉快。◇it appears that you were given the wrong information. 看来你收到了错误的消息。 ☞adjective apparent 形容词为 apparent 2. [i] to suddenly be seen; to come into sight 出现: ◇the bus appeared from round the corner. 那辆公共汽车从转角处出现了。 [opp] disappear 反义词为 disappear 3. [i] to begin to exist 开始存在: ◇the disease is thought to have appeared in africa. 相信那种疾病是在非洲出现的。 4. [i] to be published or printed 刊出;出版;发表: ◇the article appeared in this morning's paper. 那篇文章刊载于今天上午的报纸上。 5. [i] to perform or speak where you are seen by a lot of people 在公众场合表演或演说: ◇to appear on television/in a play 在电视上亮相;在戏剧中演出 appearto start to be seenrelated wordsoppositedisappear,to seem to be something 出现 seem,to start to exist 好像为某事物 start,when the sun appears in the morning 开始存在 up (8),to arrive unexpectedly 早上太阳升起时 arrive,1. to start to be seen 出其不意地来到 appear /əˈpɪəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to start to be seen or to suddenly be seen 出现;显露 a face appeared at the window. 窗前露出了一张脸。appear from the manager suddenly appeared from his office. 经理突然从他的办公室里出来。appear from behind/under etc a spider appeared from under the sofa. 一只蜘蛛从沙发底下爬出来。 lois was about to knock when a woman appeared from around the side of the house. 洛伊丝正要敲门,一个女人从屋子旁边走出来。appear out of nowhere suddenly appear 突然冒出来 the dog appeared out of nowhere and began running alongside me. 一条狗不知从哪里冒出来,跟在我身旁一起跑了起来。 appearance [uncountable noun] appear of the sudden appearance of several reporters at the hospital caused a lot of confusion. 医院里突然出现了几个记者,引起了很大的混乱。 become visible /bɪˌkʌm ˈvɪzə̇bəl/ [verb phrase] to gradually start to be able to be seen - use this when you just start to see something, especially when it looks very small and difficult to see 逐渐变得清晰可见[尤指很小、不易看见的东西] we had been on the boat for several hours when i noticed the coastline slowly becoming visible. 我们在船上几个小时以后,我看到海岸线渐渐变得清晰可见。 as the fog became thinner, the edges of buildings slowly became visible. 浓雾渐渐淡薄,建筑物的轮廓慢慢地显现了出来。 come into view/come into sight /ˌkʌm ɪntə ˈvjuː, ˌkʌm ɪntə ˈsaɪt/ [verb phrase] if something comes into view/sight, you can see it as you get closer to it or it gets closer to you - use this about things that are far away [远处的事物因渐渐靠近而]出现在眼前,进入视线 as the station came into sight, the train began to slow down. 随着车站进入视线,列车渐渐减速。 astronomers say that over the next few weeks the comet will be coming into view. 天文学家说未来几个星期能见到彗星。 come out /ˌkʌm ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if the sun, the moon, or a star comes out, it appears in the sky [太阳、月亮或星星在空中]出现 the moon came out from behind a cloud. 月亮从云朵背后钻了出来。 as the sky grew darker, the stars came out one by one. 天色渐暗,星星一颗颗地出来了。 emerge /ɪˈmɜːʳdʒ/ [intransitive verb] especially written to come out from a room, building or other enclosed space and start to be seen 【尤书面】[从房间、建筑物等封闭的地方中]出来 emerge from baxter emerged from the building and walked across the parking lot to a waiting car. 巴克斯特从大楼里出来,穿越停车场走向一辆等候着的汽车。 brian, emerging from the bathroom, heard his wife speaking to someone at the front door. 布赖恩从浴室里出来,听到妻子在前门和什么人在说话。 at the airport, people stood behind a metal fence waiting for passengers to emerge from customs. 机场里,人们站在金属栅栏后面,等待乘客从海关出来。 loom/loom up /luːm, ˌluːm ˈʌp/ [intransitive verb] if a large person or thing looms or looms up, they suddenly appear in a way that makes you feel nervous or frightened, especially in a situation in which you cannot see clearly [高大的人或物]突然隐约出现[以致使人感到紧张或害怕,尤指在看不清楚的情况下] as we rounded the curve, the mountain loomed up in front of us. 就在我们转弯的时候,大山隐隐耸现在我们眼前。 they were walking through the alley when a man suddenly loomed out of the shadows. 他们正穿过巷子,突然有一个人从阴影里冒出来。 reappear /ˌriːəˈpɪəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to appear again after a short time of not being there or not being able to be seen [消失一段时间后]再出现 baines went back inside and reappeared a few moments later carrying an umbrella. 贝恩斯回到屋里,过了一会儿拿着一把雨伞又出现了。 reappearance [uncountable noun] her sudden reappearance startled me. 她突然又出现了,吓了我一跳。 ap·pear /ə`pɪr; əˈpɪə/v 1. [linking verb 连系动词] to seem 好像,看来:◇sandra appeared relaxed and confident at the interview. 在面试时,桑德拉看来轻松且自信。◇the noise appeared to come from the bedroom. 噪音好像是从卧室传来的。 2. [i] to begin to be seen 呈现; 出现:◇suddenly a face appeared at the window. 突然窗前出现了一张脸。 3. appear on television/on stage/in the news etc to act or be shown on television, in a play etc 上电视/登台[出场]/上新闻等:◇john thaw appears regularly on television. 约翰·陶经常上电视。 4. [i] to happen, exist, or become available for the first time (首次)出现; 有售:◇irving's novel is soon to appear in paperback. 欧文小说的平装本即将出版。 ☞ appear




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