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单词 visible
释义 visible adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be可见▸➤become变得可见▸➤remain, stay仍然看得见◆the scars remained visible all her life.这些伤疤伴随了她一生。➤leave sth, make sth使⋯可见◆we cut the trees down to make the lake visible from the house.我们把树砍倒,这样在屋里就能看见湖了。adverb➤all too, clearly, easily, highly, particularly, plainly, readily, very非常明显;清晰可见;特别明显;显而易见◆his relief was all too visible.他显然如释重负。◆the election poster was clearly visible from the street.选举海报在街头颇为醒目。◆italy has a highly visible environmental movement.意大利展开了声势浩大的环境保护运动。➤completely, fully, quite完全可见;十分明显◆the tide was now out, leaving the wreck fully visible.现在潮退了,沉船完全露了出来。◆ellie's quite visible embarrassment埃莉十分明显的尴尬➤just刚刚能看见◆the mountains were just visible, dusky and black.黑黝黝的群山朦胧可辨。➤barely, hardly, scarcely几乎看不见◆the flat boats were barely visible.扁平的小船几乎看不见。➤almost差不多能看见▸➤partially若隐若现▸➤dimly, faintly模糊/隐约可见◆a figure was dimly visible in the evening gloom.沉沉的暮色里一个身影隐约可见。➤immediately能一眼看见的◆women are advised to wait where they are not immediately visible to approaching traffic.建议妇女等人时不要站在来往车辆能够一眼看见的地方。➤still仍然能看见的▸➤no longer再不能看见preposition➤from从⋯能看见◆their house is not visible from the street.他们的房子从街上看不见。➤through通过⋯能看见◆visible through the window is a row of small houses.从窗口望去可见一排小房子。➤to⋯能看见◆its contents were visible to all of them.里面的东西他们全都看得见。phrases➤visible to the naked eye肉眼能看见的◆tiny spiders that are hardly visible to the naked eye肉眼几乎看不见的小蜘蛛 visible adjective  ➡ see also the entry for marked另见 marked 条visible ♦︎ on display ♦︎ noticeable ♦︎ in evidence ♦︎ discernible ♦︎ in viewthese words all describe sb/sth that can be seen or noticed.这些词均表示看得见的、明显的、能注意到的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆visible / noticeable / discernible to / in / from sb / sth◆a visible / a noticeable / a discernible effect / feature / difference / change◆clearly visible / in evidence / discernible / in view◆still visible / on display / noticeable / in evidence◆particularly visible / noticeable / in evidence◆just / barely visible / noticeable / discernible■ visible that can be seen; that is obvious enough to be noticed看得见的;可见的;明显的;能注意到的◆the house is clearly visible from the beach.从海滩上就能清楚地看到那座房子。◆most stars are not visible to the naked eye.大多数星星肉眼看不见。◆he showed no visible sign of emotion.他丝毫不露声色。opp invisible → invisible  ➡ see also distinguishable → recognizable ▸ visibly adverb◆he was visibly shocked.看得出他大为震惊。■ on display -->idiomput in a place where people can look at it陈列;展出◆designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里。◆the old carriages were put on permanent display in the museum of transport.那些旧式客车厢在交通博物馆里长期陈列展览。■ noticeable easy to see or notice; clear or definite显著的;显而易见的◆her scars are hardly noticeable now.她的伤疤现在几乎看不出来了。◆it was noticeable that none of the family were present.很明显这一家没有人在场。◆the new filing system is a noticeable improvement on the old one.这种新的存档系统比过去那种有着显著的改进。 ➡ see also notice → notice ▸ noticeably adverb◆her hand was shaking noticeably.她的手显然在颤抖。◆marks were noticeably higher for girls than for boys.女孩子的分数明显地高于男孩子。■ in evidence -->idiompresent and clearly seen显眼;显而易见◆the police were much in evidence at today's demonstration.今天的示威集会上警察随处可见。■ discernible /dɪsɜːnəbl; name dɪsɜːrnəbl/ (formal) that can be noticed, discovered or understood, especially when it is not easy to see, understand, etc.(尤指不易辨察、理解等事物)可识别的,能觉察出的◆there is often no discernible difference between rival brands.竞争品牌之间往往看不出明显的区别。◆his face was barely discernible in the gloom.黑暗中很难看清他的脸。 ➡ see also discern → identify ■ in view -->phrasethat can be seen from where sb/sth is looking看得见的;在视野中的◆there was nobody in view.一眼望去,一个人也没有。◆they cleared the fence and lay down in view of (= where they could see) the camp.他们拆掉篱笆,在一个看得见营地的地方躺了下来。◆he was shot in full view of (= where he could be clearly seen by) a large crowd.他在众目睽睽之下被人枪杀了。opp out of sight → invisible visiblethat can be seen; that is obvious enough to be noticed看得见的;可见的;明显的;能注意到的◆the house is clearly visible from the beach.从海滩上就能清楚地看到那座房子。◆most stars are not visible to the naked eye.大多数星星肉眼看不见。◆he showed no visible sign of emotion.他丝毫不露声色。opp invisible → invisible  ➡ see also distinguishable → recognizable ▸ visibly adverb◆he was visibly shocked.看得出他大为震惊。visible/ˈvɪzəbl ||; ˈvɪzəbḷ/adj that can be seen or noticed 看得见的;明显的: ◇the church tower was visible from the other side of the valley. 在山谷的另一边可以看见教堂钟楼。◇a visible improvement in his work 他工作上的明显进步 [opp] invisible 反义词为invisible➔visibly /-əbli ||; -əblɪ/ adv ◇rosa was visibly upset. 罗莎显然不高兴。 visiblesee ⇨ see 5     • • •• ⇨ become visible vis·i·ble /`vɪzəbḷ; ˈvɪzɪbəl/adjsomething that is visible can be seen or noticed 可见的,看得见的:◇the lights of the city were clearly visible below them. 在他们下面,城市的灯光清晰可见。◇a visible change in her attitude 她态度的明显改变→ opposite 反义词 invisible




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