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单词 then¹
释义 then¹ /ðɛn; ðen/adv 1. at a particular time in the past or future 当时; 那时; 届时,到时:◇he's coming at eight, but i'll have left by then. 他八点来,但到时我已经走了。◇my family lived in new york then. 当时我们一家人住在纽约。 2. after something has happened; next 然后,接下来:◇we had lunch and then went shopping. 我们吃了午餐,然后去购物。 3. spoken used to show that what you are saying is related in some way to what has been said before 【口】 那么[用于表示正在说的话与之前说过的话有某种关联]:◇"he can't come on friday." "then how about saturday?" “他星期五来不了。”“那么星期六怎么样?”◇so you're going into nursing then? 那么你准备从事护理工作了? 4. used in sentences with 'if' to show the result of a possible situation 那么[用于有 if 的句子中,表示某种前提的结果]:◇if bobby wants to go, then i'll go too. 如果鲍比想去,那么我也去。 5. now/ok/right then spoken used to introduce a new subject or idea 【口】 那好吧[用于引出一个新的话题或主意]:◇right then, who wants to come swimming? 那么,谁想来游泳? 6. used to add something to what you have just said 此外,另外:◇he's really busy at work, and then there's the new baby, too! 他工作真的很忙,而且还有这个才出生的宝宝呢! 7. then and there/there and then immediately, after something has happened 立即,马上:◇i would have given up then and there if my parents hadn't encouraged me. 如果父母没有鼓励我,我当场就放弃了。→ see also 另见 but then (again)... (but¹), (every) now and then (now¹)




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