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单词 tariff
释义 tariff nounadjective | ... of tariffs | verb + tariff | tariff + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤high, low高关税;低关税▸➤preferential, protectionist, protective特惠/保护主义/保护性关税◆british industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs.英国工业凭借保护性关税免受国际竞争影响。➤punitive, retaliatory惩罚性/报复性关税◆the european union has threatened retaliatory tariffs.欧盟威胁要征收报复性关税。➤external对外关税▸➤internal内部关税▸➤import进口关税➤agricultural, industrial农业/工业关税➤steel, textile, etc.钢铁、纺织品等的关税➤across-the-board全面的关税◆a 27% across-the-board tariff on all goods from china对所有来自中国的商品征收的 27% 的全面关税... of tariffs➤level关税水平◆a 40% level of tariffs on imports40% 的进口关税verb + tariff➤fix, set (both especially bre) 确定关税◆the agreement fixed tariffs for foreign goods coming into japan at 5%.协议规定对进入日本的外国商品征收 5% 的关税。➤impose, introduce, levy, slap (informal) 征收关税◆the us could impose punitive tariffs of up to 100% on some countries' exports.美国可能会对某些国家的出口商品征收高达 100% 的惩罚性关税。◆the us has slapped tariffs on steel imports.美国已对进口钢材征收关税。➤pay缴纳关税▸➤increase, raise增加/提高关税▸➤cut, lower, reduce减少关税;降低关税▸➤abolish, eliminate, lift, remove取消关税tariff + noun➤reduction, reform关税下调/改革▸➤structure, system关税结构/体系▸➤policy关税政策▸➤level, rate关税水平/税率▸➤barrier, protection关税壁垒/保护◆the aim of removing all tariff barriers by next year明年以前清除所有关税壁垒的目标◆the removal of tariff protection for farmers取消对农民的关税保护preposition➤tariff on对⋯征收的关税◆they set a tariff of 36% on british wool cloth.他们对英国的毛料征收 36% 的关税。phrases➤a reduction in tariff/tariffs关税的下调 tariff /tærɪf/ noun [countable] (trade 贸易) a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country 关税◆new import tariffs have been imposed on a wide range of agricultural products. 对多种农产品新征收了进口关税。◆high tariff barriers protect domestic industry. 高关税壁垒可以保护国内产业。⨁ to impose / set a tariff征收/确定关税 ⨁ to place a tariff on sth对某物征收关税 ⨁ to abolish / eliminate / lift a tariff取消/消除/取消关税 ⨁ high / low / punitive tariffs高/低/惩罚性关税 ⨁ tariff barriers / protection / walls关税壁垒/保护/壁垒 (commerce 商业) a list of fixed prices that are charged by a company for a particular service, or by a hotel or restaurant for rooms, meals, etc. (旅馆、饭店或服务公司的)价目表◆a telephone tariff 电话价目表◆the hotel's daily/weekly tariff 酒店每日/每周价目表 protective tariff ◇ revenue tariff ☞ tarifftariff /tærɪf/ [countable] a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country, often in order to protect industry from cheap imports关税(常为保护国内工业免受廉价进口商品冲击而对出入境的货品征收的一种税)◆a general tariff was imposed on foreign imports.国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。tariff/ˈtærɪf ||; ˈtærɪf/noun[c] 1. a tax that has to be paid on goods coming into a country 关税 2. a list of prices, especially in a hotel 收费表(尤指旅馆的) tariffsee ⇨ money 10 tar·iff /`tærɪf; ˈtærɪf/n [c]a tax on goods that are brought into a country [进口货物的]关税




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