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标题 Extended Thinking on the Relevance of Quantum Physics and quantum Society


    【Abstract】The quantum characters of particles are depicted as wave-particle duality, state uncertainty, entanglement, etc. Hereby the similarities also apply to the modern human society. Has many countries gradually entered into the club of quantum society? This article attempts to explore some practical thoughts on those critical issues.

    【Key words】quantum; matter quantum; quantum society

    【作者簡介】Benling Liu, female, born in 1973, Han nationality, Master of Management of Science and Engineering, a Lecturer of economy and management college of Shandong University of Science and Technology, Shandong Province, Qingdao city of China.

    Quantum entity is the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles in universe, it features quantum nature, wave-particle duality, state uncertainty, and entanglement among quantum entities, etc.

    Ⅰ The Quantum Nature of Universe

    The matter of universe consists of every single microscopic quantum entity, and the unit of universe energy is also divided in piece by piece. For instance, the light exists and transmits in the form of a tiny photon, the energy carried by a single photon is in proportion to the frequency of the light. It is expressed as “E=hf”, where “h” is the Planck constant and “f” is the frequency.? It indicates the faster of the quantum motion is, the stronger of the frequency, and the energy will be bigger.

    The matter is composed of microscopic quantum entities (such as atoms, molecules, photons, etc.). The state of quantum determines the state of matter. For example, the same matter in the macroscopic world usually exists in one of three states: solid, liquid, gas, or superconducting in alignment with temperature changes. The state change is decided by the energy, motion, and impact of each other from atoms or molecules,In hence if the energy of a single microscopic quantum is stronger, the constraints from both sides then become weaker, in result the matter become more active.

    From the macroscopic point of view, the matter made of quantum entities shows the characteristics of quantum, similarly the universe made of matters could have the same characteristics of quantum entities. Therefore the physical, chemical, biological and other characteristics of quantum determines the properties of matters, which in turn reflect on the overall characteristics of the universe.

    ⅡCharacteristics of Matter Quantum

    1.The wave-particle duality of quantum entity. In the microscopic world, in terms of quantum mechanics, every particle or quantum entity may exhibit wave and particle character in different physical settings, this behavior of quantum-scale objects is described as wave-particle duality.

    In macroscopic world, the movement of matter basically has such complex characters too. For example, a flying bow appears the linear motion in overall but has wave-like curve motion at each very short time point. For another example, while the earth orbits around the sun, it is also doing its own rotation at the same time.

    2. Uncertainty of quantum entity.Quantum physicists such as Heisenberg and Schr?dinger had found that the position and velocity of quantum cannot be accurately measured concurrently the behavior of quantum is uncertain and can only be described by probability.

    The uncertainty of quantum entities may be comparable to the behaviors of living creatures in the macroscopic world, human beings are usually affected by various environmental and emotional factors, and their behaviors and subsequent trends sometimes are unpredictable and logically uncertain. For matters like water may have complex state changes such as solid, liquid, and gas due to the influence of temperature, pressure etc.

    3. Entanglement of quantum entity. Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance.

    For a pair of entangled particles, when one particle gets its state changed, it can immediately affect the other particle, notwithstanding how far the distance is between the pair of particles.? The quantum entanglement feature has been widely applied to quantum computer, quantum communication, quantum encryption, etc. This feature implies a strong correlation occurs among particles.

    The similar correlation appears among macroscopic matters too. The matters while it is doing its own movement may affect the movement of others in the universe, i.e. the overall state of the solar system is formed by its own planets which are mutually affected and entangled. The chaos theory example like the butterfly effect depicts the sensitive dependency on initial conditions in which a small change in one system could result large difference in a later state.

    Ⅲ? Reflection on the quantum nature in human society

    Human body as part of universe, its cells are comprised of microscopic particles, and they are the source of human reproduction and growth. The DNA and RNA controls the humans biology and emotion, the changes of surroundings also cause changes to cells, furthermore it affects humans consciousness and behaviors. It may conclude the microscopic particles and cells effect on individuals all the time.

    From the macroscopic perspective, the human society is always affected by individuals, in reverse the social environment changes can influence the development of individuals too. From this point, human society may have similar quantum nature.

    1. The quantum nature of human and society. A person has its own characters and energy in the society, the individual behaviors could affect the overall behaviors of the society. The citizen quality is commonly lifted in an economic-advanced country with well-developed social system, because of the improvement of individual quality and respects on personality and freedom. So it is highly coupled between the level of social development and the quality of individual citizens.

    2. Multi-personality, variability verse the complexity of society. The quantum entity has wave-particle duality, similarly every person in a society seems in a complex superposition. A person is a combination of “id, ego and super-ego” even at a certain point in time according to Freuds theory of personality structure,? human behavior shows variant states of joy, trust, anger and sadness along with different environment in the time dimension. To some extent, the content and form of the information carried by human genes are not singled and fixed, it is evolving all the time.

    The diversity of human personality is as complex as a quantum wave-particle duality, the complexity of society is because of the collection of individual complexities. Therefore, the quality of contemporary society has direct relationship with the quality of citizens, society will naturally benefit from the improvement of citizens.

    3. Uncertainty of citizens and society. The activities of a person in human society are unpredictable and uncertain under the some conditions like the quantum entity, a persons emotion or behavior my keep changing during the decision making process. Somewhat it is difficult to accurately identify and measure each person.

    The uncertainty of a high influential person may create the uncertainty of the human society during social development, it is critical for the human society to mitigate the negative uncertainty by improving individuals quality. In 2018, Romer, the Nobel laureate in economics, proposed the endogenous growth theory, it holds that investment in human capital, innovation, and knowledge are significant contributors to economic growth, the improved citizen quality and the spirit of innovation are the inexhaustible motive force for a healthy and sustainable economic growth in a country.

    4. Entanglement of human society. Compare to coupled quantum entities may show entanglement and strong correlation in micro-world. The human may also have the mysterious entanglements, such as connected to souls, telepathy, due to the mutual influence of family, marriage, friendship, cooperation and so on. A strong connection between persons is the prerequisite for the success of social cooperation.

    The contribution and influence of quantum theory to the world is growing up along with further quantum research and quantum usage, and the quantum society in the 21st century has become more outstanding with the development of science, technology, economy and education. Does that mean the policies on education, economy, culture and politics should be adjusted accordingly? It is worth we go on studying.


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