标题 | 基于小波阈值和LMS算法语音降噪算法研究 |
范文 | 郑珩+宋斌![]() ![]() ![]() 摘 要: 语音信号降噪是语音信号处理的重要方面,对人们的日常生活有重要影响。常见的降噪算法包括自适应方法及小波变换等。LMS算法是自适应算法的一种,其优点是算法实现简单,复杂度低;其主要缺点是不能同时保证算法的收敛速度和实验精度。小波阈值在处理语音信号方面也有独特的优势,其主要缺点是处理高频信号时存在失真现象。提出将两种方法结合起来,对语音信号进行两次处理,保留了每种算法的优点,同时避免单一方法带来的不利影响。实验结果表明,该方法的效果显著优于单一算法。 关键词: LMS; 小波阈值; 语音降噪; 信号处理 中图分类号: TN911?34; TP301.6 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2015)08?0037?04 Research on voice noise reduction algorithm based on LMS algorithm and wavelet threshold ZHENG Hang, SONG Bin (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210014, China) Abstract: Noise reduction is an important aspect of the voice signal processing, which has a major impact on people's daily lives. The common methods of noise reduction include adaptive noise reduction algorithm and wavelet transform algorithm. LMS algorithm is one of the adaptive algorithms, whose advantages are low complexity and easy to realize, but whose main drawbacks are those which can not guarantee the convergence rate of the algorithm and the accuracy of the experimental at the same time. Wavelet threshold algorithm also has a unique advantage in dealing with the voice signal, whose main drawback is distortion when dealing with high?frequency signals. The combination of two methods to deal with voice signal twice to retain the advantages of each algorithm and avoid the influence caused by a single method is proposed in this paper. The experimental results show that the effect of the method is significantly better than only one algorithm. Keywords: LMS; wavelet threshold; voice noise reduction; signal processing 0 引 言 声音是人与人之间沟通交往的一种重要方式。然而在特定环境下会产生噪声,轻则造成声音听起来比较刺耳,重则无法获取声音中的有效信息。如何减少甚至消除噪声是现在一个广泛研究的课题。 现在常用的噪声消除方法包括谱减法、线性滤波法、小波变换法,子空间语音降噪法,自适应噪声抵消法[1]等。其中自适应噪声抵消法[2?3]效果较好,相比于其他方法,由于多了一个参考噪声作为输入,因此能够获得更加全面的噪声信息,从而得到更加良好的降噪效果。LMS作为自适应噪声抵消方法的一种,具有计算量较少的有点。另外小波分析[4]是一种时域分析,克服了傅里叶变换固定分辨率的缺点,在信号的高频部分,可以获得较好的时间分辨率,在信号的低频部分可以获得较高的频率分辨率,适用于语音信号等非平稳信号的处理。 1 LMS自适应算法 1.1 LMS算法原理 自适应滤波[5]就是利用前一时刻获得滤波器参数的结果自动的调节现时刻的滤波器参数,以适应信号和噪声统计特性,从而实现最优滤波。自适应滤波器实质上就是一种能调节其自身传输特性以达到最优的滤波器。一般自适应滤波器的结构如图1所示。 图1中[x(n)]为输入信号,通过参数可调的数字滤波器后产生输出信号[y(n)],将输出信号[y(n)]与期望信号[d(n)]进行比较,得到误差信号[ε(n)]。[ε(n)]和[x(n)]通过自适应算法对滤波器参数进行调整,使误差信号[ε(n)]最小。 |
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