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标题 风险偏好、外部信息失效与农药暴露行为


    摘要 农民长期暴露在农药环境中,他们或者在使用农药时直接接触农药,或者在没有过安全期就直接进入农地而接触到农药残留,由此也引发了健康风险问题。对此,一部分学者认为农民的农药暴露可能是受农民风险偏好所驱动的行为;另一部分学者认为农民关于自身农药暴露的信息是非常有限的,这也正是农民长期暴露于农药环境中的根本原因。而本文则是从农户行为角度着手,运用广东省274个菜农的实地调研数据,通过个人保护装备使用情况来判断农民的农药暴露程度,在此基础上构建有序回归模型,计量分析了风险偏好、外部信息失效和个人特征对农药暴露行为的影响作用,并对农民农药信息失效的原因进行了研究。研究发现:目前广东农民整体存有较高程度的农药暴露现象;在控制农民的年龄、受教育程度和性别后,影响农民农药暴露行为的显著因素是“外部信息失效”,而不是“风险偏好”,即相较于农药信息来自自身经验的农民,最有用的农药信息是来自外部信息的农民在施用农药时穿戴全套保护装备的概率更低;农药零售商为了追求利益最大化而向农民提供不完全或者不对称的农药信息,这也正是现阶段农民外部农药信息失效以及高程度农药暴露行为的主要原因。结论表明,为推进农药信息普及工作,降低农民的农药暴露程度,应做到:第一,加强对农药零售商的培训、管理和监督,优化市场环境,引导农药零售商向农民提供完全、对称、准确的农药信息;第二,进一步强化农技站、植保站和农业学校等相关部门的农药信息服务功能。

    关键词 农药暴露;风险偏好;农药信息;信息渠道

    中图分类号 F323.6 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0135-06





    2.2.1 农民风险偏好农民的风险偏好或者说风险态度是农民的主观意愿,难以直接衡量,对此本研究将用“农民是否购买保险”作为代理变量。之所以使用该指标作为代理变量,原因有二:一是农民是否购买保险能够客观衡量;二是购买保险是农民厌恶风险的表现,即相较于没有购买保险的农民,购买保险的农民更加厌恶风险。尽管“农民是否购买保险”并不是农民风险偏好的直接衡量,但使用该指标能较为明确的将农民划分为风险厌恶程度较高(购买保险)和较低(不购买保险)的两个群体,而通过研究这两个群体农药暴露行为的差异性,则可间接判断出风险偏好是否显著影响农药暴露行为。

    2.2.2 农药信息有效性如果由农民自己判断农药信息的有效性,则可能出现判断错误或者过度判断等主观臆断现象,对此本研究将用“最有用的农药信息是否来自自身经验以外的其他信息”作为代理变量。如果来自外界的信息对农药暴露程度有正向影响作用,则说明外界农药信息失效,降低了农民对农药暴露的正确认识,反之则可认为外界农药信息有助于减弱农药暴露行为。

    2.2.3 控制变量


    2.3.1 解释变量回归结果诠释



    2.3.2 控制变量回归结果诠释





    3 外部信息失效原因分析


    3.1 信息渠道


    3.2 信息失效原因


    4 结论与政策含义



    (编辑:田 红)


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    [17]Bontems P, Thomas A. Regulating Nitrogen Pollution with Risk Averse Farmers Under Hidden Information and Moral Hazard[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006, 88(1): 57-72.

    [18]Hoppin J A, Yucel F, Dosemeci M, et al. Accuracy of Selfreported Pesticide Use Duration Information from Licensed Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study[J]. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 2002, 12(5): 313-318.

    [19]Quiroga S, Garrote L, FernandezHaddad Z, et al. Valuing Drought Information for Irrigation Farmers: Potential Development of a Hydrological Risk Insurance in Spain[J]. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011, 9(4): 1059-1075.

    Abstract Farmers often expose to the environment with pesticides, sometimes they directly contact with the pesticide when using it, sometimes they directly get into farmland and exposure to pesticides when there is no safety period. As a result, they get some problems of health hazard. Some scholars think that farmers behavior of pesticide exposure is likely to be driven by farmers risk preference. While other scholars think that the reason why farmers exposure to pesticide is their limited information about pesticide exposure. However, this paper is from the perspective of peasant household behavior, using the field survey data of 274 farmers in Guangdong Province to determine the level of farmers pesticide exposure by how they used personal protective equipment. Based on this, it builds orderly regression model, carries out econometric analysis on how risk preference, external information failure and personal characteristics affect the behavior of pesticide exposure. And then it studies the reasons of farmers information failure. This paper finds that farmers have high degree of pesticide exposure at present in Guangdong. The significant factor which affects farmers behavior of pesticide exposure is ‘external information failure, but not ‘risk appetite when controlling farmers age, level of education and gender. This means that compared with ones whose pesticide information is from their own experience, the farmers whose most useful pesticide information is from external information would less likely wear full set of protection equipment. Pesticide retailers will provide farmers with incomplete or asymmetry pesticide information for getting maximum interest, which is the main reason of farmers external pesticide information failure and high level of pesticide exposure. Results indicate that there are two aspects of work we should do to promote the pesticide information popularization and reduce farmers pesticide exposure. Firstly, we should strengthen the training, management and supervision of pesticide retailers, optimize the environment of market, and guide the pesticide retailers to provide farmers with completely, symmetry and accurate information of pesticides. Secondly, we also should strengthen the pesticide information service function from agricultural technology station, plant protection station, agricultural schools and other departments.

    Key words pesticide exposure; risk preference; pesticide information; sources of information

    [16]Humphrey S J, Verschoor A. Decisionmaking Under Risk Among Small Farmers in East Uganda[J]. Journal of African Economies, 2004, 13(1): 44-101.

    [17]Bontems P, Thomas A. Regulating Nitrogen Pollution with Risk Averse Farmers Under Hidden Information and Moral Hazard[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006, 88(1): 57-72.

    [18]Hoppin J A, Yucel F, Dosemeci M, et al. Accuracy of Selfreported Pesticide Use Duration Information from Licensed Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study[J]. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 2002, 12(5): 313-318.

    [19]Quiroga S, Garrote L, FernandezHaddad Z, et al. Valuing Drought Information for Irrigation Farmers: Potential Development of a Hydrological Risk Insurance in Spain[J]. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011, 9(4): 1059-1075.

    Abstract Farmers often expose to the environment with pesticides, sometimes they directly contact with the pesticide when using it, sometimes they directly get into farmland and exposure to pesticides when there is no safety period. As a result, they get some problems of health hazard. Some scholars think that farmers behavior of pesticide exposure is likely to be driven by farmers risk preference. While other scholars think that the reason why farmers exposure to pesticide is their limited information about pesticide exposure. However, this paper is from the perspective of peasant household behavior, using the field survey data of 274 farmers in Guangdong Province to determine the level of farmers pesticide exposure by how they used personal protective equipment. Based on this, it builds orderly regression model, carries out econometric analysis on how risk preference, external information failure and personal characteristics affect the behavior of pesticide exposure. And then it studies the reasons of farmers information failure. This paper finds that farmers have high degree of pesticide exposure at present in Guangdong. The significant factor which affects farmers behavior of pesticide exposure is ‘external information failure, but not ‘risk appetite when controlling farmers age, level of education and gender. This means that compared with ones whose pesticide information is from their own experience, the farmers whose most useful pesticide information is from external information would less likely wear full set of protection equipment. Pesticide retailers will provide farmers with incomplete or asymmetry pesticide information for getting maximum interest, which is the main reason of farmers external pesticide information failure and high level of pesticide exposure. Results indicate that there are two aspects of work we should do to promote the pesticide information popularization and reduce farmers pesticide exposure. Firstly, we should strengthen the training, management and supervision of pesticide retailers, optimize the environment of market, and guide the pesticide retailers to provide farmers with completely, symmetry and accurate information of pesticides. Secondly, we also should strengthen the pesticide information service function from agricultural technology station, plant protection station, agricultural schools and other departments.

    Key words pesticide exposure; risk preference; pesticide information; sources of information

    [16]Humphrey S J, Verschoor A. Decisionmaking Under Risk Among Small Farmers in East Uganda[J]. Journal of African Economies, 2004, 13(1): 44-101.

    [17]Bontems P, Thomas A. Regulating Nitrogen Pollution with Risk Averse Farmers Under Hidden Information and Moral Hazard[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006, 88(1): 57-72.

    [18]Hoppin J A, Yucel F, Dosemeci M, et al. Accuracy of Selfreported Pesticide Use Duration Information from Licensed Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study[J]. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 2002, 12(5): 313-318.

    [19]Quiroga S, Garrote L, FernandezHaddad Z, et al. Valuing Drought Information for Irrigation Farmers: Potential Development of a Hydrological Risk Insurance in Spain[J]. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011, 9(4): 1059-1075.

    Abstract Farmers often expose to the environment with pesticides, sometimes they directly contact with the pesticide when using it, sometimes they directly get into farmland and exposure to pesticides when there is no safety period. As a result, they get some problems of health hazard. Some scholars think that farmers behavior of pesticide exposure is likely to be driven by farmers risk preference. While other scholars think that the reason why farmers exposure to pesticide is their limited information about pesticide exposure. However, this paper is from the perspective of peasant household behavior, using the field survey data of 274 farmers in Guangdong Province to determine the level of farmers pesticide exposure by how they used personal protective equipment. Based on this, it builds orderly regression model, carries out econometric analysis on how risk preference, external information failure and personal characteristics affect the behavior of pesticide exposure. And then it studies the reasons of farmers information failure. This paper finds that farmers have high degree of pesticide exposure at present in Guangdong. The significant factor which affects farmers behavior of pesticide exposure is ‘external information failure, but not ‘risk appetite when controlling farmers age, level of education and gender. This means that compared with ones whose pesticide information is from their own experience, the farmers whose most useful pesticide information is from external information would less likely wear full set of protection equipment. Pesticide retailers will provide farmers with incomplete or asymmetry pesticide information for getting maximum interest, which is the main reason of farmers external pesticide information failure and high level of pesticide exposure. Results indicate that there are two aspects of work we should do to promote the pesticide information popularization and reduce farmers pesticide exposure. Firstly, we should strengthen the training, management and supervision of pesticide retailers, optimize the environment of market, and guide the pesticide retailers to provide farmers with completely, symmetry and accurate information of pesticides. Secondly, we also should strengthen the pesticide information service function from agricultural technology station, plant protection station, agricultural schools and other departments.

    Key words pesticide exposure; risk preference; pesticide information; sources of information





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