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标题 浙江省产业、人口与土地非农化的协调性分析

    沈孝强 吴次芳 方明

    摘要 产业、人口和土地非农化是城市化的基本内涵与表现,其协调性关系到城市化的可持续发展。运用协调耦合度模型和重心法分析1999年至2011年浙江省城市化过程中产业、人口与土地非农化的协调性与空间均衡性,通过皮尔逊相关性检验协调耦合度的影响因素,结果表明:①研究期全省产业、人口与土地非农化的协调耦合度得到持续提高,由0.54上升至0.76,从中协调耦合等级发展为较协调耦合等级,各市协调耦合度及其等级都获得相应提高,但“北高南低,南北分化”的空间差异特征依然显著;②以2005年为界,前半期全省及省内各市协调耦合度增速较快,但2005年之后显著放缓,说明促进各要素协调非农化的难度在上升;③地区不平衡未得到有效控制,西北部人口非农化速度领先、东北部产业非农化较快、中南部土地非农化超前,阻碍了综合协调耦合度的提高;④经济发展、城乡居民收入与公共服务水平,就业结构和土地资源禀赋等是影响产业、人口与土地协调非农化的重要因素。今后产业、人口和土地非农化协调性的提高将依赖于各要素非农化相互作用和地区平衡性的改善。东北部地区需着重推进产业升级和城乡一体化建设;西北部地区提高失业、住房等社会保障覆盖面,促进进城农民工市民化;中南部巩固农业的同时积极发展二三产业,增加非农就业,改善公共服务,同时优化土地利用管理,控制城市低效蔓延。

    关键词 城市化;产业非农化;人口城镇化;土地非农化;协调性;浙江

    中图分类号 F291.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0129-06


    1.3 重心法

    为进一步研究浙江省快速城市化进程中产业、人口与土地非农化的空间平衡性,引入重心法。利用ArcGIS 的 Mean Center 工具[14]计算全省二三产业增加值、非农业人口和城市建成区面积的地理重心分布,可以直观地表现出某一方位上是否存在某种要素非农化超前或滞后的现象。如建成区面积重心转移的方向,若与二三产业增加值、非农业人口重心转移方向不一致,则说明这一方向上土地的非农化相对超前于产业和人口非农化,可能存在城市过度蔓延的现象。若三个重心不断趋近,可以反映出全省产业、人口和土地非农化在空间分布上是趋向平衡的。

    1.4 数据来源与处理

    浙江省及各市的二三产业增加值、地区国民生产总值,非农业人口和总人口(农业人口和非农业人口之和)来自各省市相应年份的统计年鉴。城市建成区面积数据来自1999-2011年《中国城市建设统计年鉴》。其中,有四个数据做了调整,分别是2005年嘉兴市,2003、2005年湖州市及2006年舟山市的建成区面积。统计年鉴关于2004年、2006年嘉兴市建成区土地面积的数据分别为139.85和140.32 km2,而2005年为163.09 km2,显得不可思议。本文将2005年数据改为前后两年的中间值。笔者认为,这样的修改是相对合理的,也是有必要的。其他三个数据的修改原因和修改方式与上述一致。运用公式(1)对数据进行标准化处理。

    2 结果与分析

    2.1 浙江省产业、人口与土地非农化协调耦合度的时空演化




    2.2 浙江省非农产业、人口与建成区面积的重心转移

    2.3 产业、人口与土地非农化协调耦合度的影响因素

    地区经济社会发展水平和自然资源条件显著影响城市化状况[2, 15-16]。本文选取人均GDP、人均财政收入代表地区经济发展水平,人均公共服务支出、第一产业从业比例、城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入代表社会发展水平,人均土地面积(浙江省矿产、能源资源匮乏)代表资源禀赋,运用皮尔逊(Pearson)双尾相关性检验,分析与2011年浙江省产业、人口和土地非农化协调耦合度的相关性。各因素P值和皮尔逊相关系数见表3。表中指标都通过了显著性检验,其中代表地区经济发展水平与效率的人均GDP和人均财政收入与产业、人口、土地非农化协调耦合度呈高度正相关。经济发展会吸引农村人口流向城市,提高人口城镇化率[14],并在带动城市用地扩张的同时增加单位土地投入和产出能力[17]。因此,提高经济发展水平是促进区域产业、人口和土地协调非农化的基本动力。




    3 结 论





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    Abstract Deagriculturalization of industry, population and land use is the major connotation and outward manifestation of urbanization. And whether the nonagricultural process of the three key elements is well coordinated is Vitally important to the sustainability of urbanization. This paper quantitatively evaluated the coordinated coupling degree and special nonagricultural balance of the industry, population and land use in Zhejiang Province from 1999 to 2011 by using coordinated coupling model and centroid method, and analyzed the affecting factors through Pearson correlation test. The results indicate that: ① the coordinated coupling degree (CCD) of industry, population and land use deagriculturalization had achieved continuous improvement in Zhejiang which increased from 0.54 to 0.76 and entered a higher level, while an obvious gap existed between north Zhejiang and the south presenting a feature of “high north and low south”. ② After 2005, the improving velocity of CCD had slowed down sharply, implicating the increasing difficulty of promoting the coordination of the three elements during nonagricultural process. ③ Regional imbalance hadnt been effectively controlled. Specifically, northwestern Zhejiang is the fastest in population urbanization, and the northeast is the fastest area in industry deagriculturalization, while land use conversion in middle and southern Zhejiang is apparently in advance. The resisting spatial mismatch was playing a negative role in harmonious urbanization. ④ The levels of economy, resident income and public services, employment structure and land resource endowment are significant correlative factors to CCD. The further promotion of CCD relies on ameliorating the interactions among the elements of urbanization and the spatial balance. Specifically, the northeastern Zhejiang needs to focus on industrial updating and urbanrural integration, while northwest on the social security coverage and citizenization of migrant workers. For the middle and southern regions, apart from developing agriculture, more attention should be paid to expand secondary and tertiary industries, raise the standard of public services to absorb rural surplus labors, Optimize land use administration for urban sprawl control.

    Key words urbanization; industrial deagriculturalization; population urbanization; land use conversion; coordination; Zhejiang Province

    [17]曹广忠,白晓.中国城镇建设用地经济密度的区位差异及影响因素:基于273个地级及以上城市的分析[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20(2):12-18.[Cao Guangzhong, Bai Xiao. On the Location Difference and Influencing Factors of the Economic Density of Urban Construction Land in China: Evidence from 273 Prefecturelevel Cities [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2010, 20(2):12-18.]

    [18]宋伟,陈百明,张英.中国村庄宅基地空心化评价及其影响因素[J]. 地理研究,2013,32(1):20-28. [Song Wei, Chen Baiming, Zhang Ying. Typical Survey and Analysis on Influencing Factors of Villagehollowing of Rural Housing Land in China [J]. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(1):20-28. ]

    [19]Lewis W A. Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor [J]. The Manchester School, 1954, 22(2):139-191.

    Abstract Deagriculturalization of industry, population and land use is the major connotation and outward manifestation of urbanization. And whether the nonagricultural process of the three key elements is well coordinated is Vitally important to the sustainability of urbanization. This paper quantitatively evaluated the coordinated coupling degree and special nonagricultural balance of the industry, population and land use in Zhejiang Province from 1999 to 2011 by using coordinated coupling model and centroid method, and analyzed the affecting factors through Pearson correlation test. The results indicate that: ① the coordinated coupling degree (CCD) of industry, population and land use deagriculturalization had achieved continuous improvement in Zhejiang which increased from 0.54 to 0.76 and entered a higher level, while an obvious gap existed between north Zhejiang and the south presenting a feature of “high north and low south”. ② After 2005, the improving velocity of CCD had slowed down sharply, implicating the increasing difficulty of promoting the coordination of the three elements during nonagricultural process. ③ Regional imbalance hadnt been effectively controlled. Specifically, northwestern Zhejiang is the fastest in population urbanization, and the northeast is the fastest area in industry deagriculturalization, while land use conversion in middle and southern Zhejiang is apparently in advance. The resisting spatial mismatch was playing a negative role in harmonious urbanization. ④ The levels of economy, resident income and public services, employment structure and land resource endowment are significant correlative factors to CCD. The further promotion of CCD relies on ameliorating the interactions among the elements of urbanization and the spatial balance. Specifically, the northeastern Zhejiang needs to focus on industrial updating and urbanrural integration, while northwest on the social security coverage and citizenization of migrant workers. For the middle and southern regions, apart from developing agriculture, more attention should be paid to expand secondary and tertiary industries, raise the standard of public services to absorb rural surplus labors, Optimize land use administration for urban sprawl control.

    Key words urbanization; industrial deagriculturalization; population urbanization; land use conversion; coordination; Zhejiang Province

    [17]曹广忠,白晓.中国城镇建设用地经济密度的区位差异及影响因素:基于273个地级及以上城市的分析[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20(2):12-18.[Cao Guangzhong, Bai Xiao. On the Location Difference and Influencing Factors of the Economic Density of Urban Construction Land in China: Evidence from 273 Prefecturelevel Cities [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2010, 20(2):12-18.]

    [18]宋伟,陈百明,张英.中国村庄宅基地空心化评价及其影响因素[J]. 地理研究,2013,32(1):20-28. [Song Wei, Chen Baiming, Zhang Ying. Typical Survey and Analysis on Influencing Factors of Villagehollowing of Rural Housing Land in China [J]. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(1):20-28. ]

    [19]Lewis W A. Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor [J]. The Manchester School, 1954, 22(2):139-191.

    Abstract Deagriculturalization of industry, population and land use is the major connotation and outward manifestation of urbanization. And whether the nonagricultural process of the three key elements is well coordinated is Vitally important to the sustainability of urbanization. This paper quantitatively evaluated the coordinated coupling degree and special nonagricultural balance of the industry, population and land use in Zhejiang Province from 1999 to 2011 by using coordinated coupling model and centroid method, and analyzed the affecting factors through Pearson correlation test. The results indicate that: ① the coordinated coupling degree (CCD) of industry, population and land use deagriculturalization had achieved continuous improvement in Zhejiang which increased from 0.54 to 0.76 and entered a higher level, while an obvious gap existed between north Zhejiang and the south presenting a feature of “high north and low south”. ② After 2005, the improving velocity of CCD had slowed down sharply, implicating the increasing difficulty of promoting the coordination of the three elements during nonagricultural process. ③ Regional imbalance hadnt been effectively controlled. Specifically, northwestern Zhejiang is the fastest in population urbanization, and the northeast is the fastest area in industry deagriculturalization, while land use conversion in middle and southern Zhejiang is apparently in advance. The resisting spatial mismatch was playing a negative role in harmonious urbanization. ④ The levels of economy, resident income and public services, employment structure and land resource endowment are significant correlative factors to CCD. The further promotion of CCD relies on ameliorating the interactions among the elements of urbanization and the spatial balance. Specifically, the northeastern Zhejiang needs to focus on industrial updating and urbanrural integration, while northwest on the social security coverage and citizenization of migrant workers. For the middle and southern regions, apart from developing agriculture, more attention should be paid to expand secondary and tertiary industries, raise the standard of public services to absorb rural surplus labors, Optimize land use administration for urban sprawl control.

    Key words urbanization; industrial deagriculturalization; population urbanization; land use conversion; coordination; Zhejiang Province





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