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标题 基于目标责任区际优化的耕地保护补偿





















    Fig.1Research framework

    是耕地总量动态平衡政策失效的主要原因之一 [27]。耕地保护目标责任的确定可以归纳为三种思路:①需求导向型,即在预测区域人口所需粮食产量的基础上测算区域耕地保护目标;②供给导向型,即在耕地保有量现状的基础上,分析耕地资源增加和减少量,预测未来耕地的供给量从而得到耕地保护目标;③供需平衡型,即测算耕地资源的供给量和需求量,通过供需平衡分析测算耕地保护目标。其中,前两种途径可以通过耕地保护实现粮食安全的目标,但是由于没有考虑到耕地保护与建设用地扩张之间的矛盾,在执行过程中往往会有一定的难度;第三种途径在考虑了粮食安全对耕地的需求的同时又考虑了耕地非农化导致的耕地有效供给,能够合理的确定耕地保护目标。然而,根据耕地利用现状确定耕地保护目标责任,有可能出现土地利用效率高、耕地非农化需求迫切的区域需要承担过多的耕地保护任务,使得区域耕地非农化压力难以释放,引致非法用地现象屡屡出现。而土地利用效率低、耕地非农化需求不足的区域耕地非农化指标高于实际需求,导致耕地非农化效率低下[1]。因此,耕地保护目标责任的确定应从空间效率均衡的角度出发,综合考虑耕地非农化需求的区域差异。





    Fig.2Compensation standard for cultivated land

    protection based on increasing

    value of cultivated land conversion



    Fig.3Correction of interregional compensation

    standard for cultivated land protection














    其中,耕地非农化收益[35]可由式 (2)计算得到。



















    6 000 kg/hm2、粮食播种面积指数为1.25的耕地。


    经测算,武汉城市圈耕地保护补偿区域需要向耕地保护受偿区域支付的补偿费用总额为57 382.13亿元,而耕地保护受偿区域需要接受的补偿费用总额为54 720.47亿元。补偿总额比受偿总额多2 661.66亿元。同时需要将补偿价值标准与赤字/盈余挂钩。因此,将武汉城市圈补偿总额与受偿总额的差值按耕地赤字/盈余状况在不同的区域之间进行分配:找出武汉城市圈耕地赤字最大的区域,将该区域修正值定为0;计算其它县域耕地赤字/盈余状况与武汉市市辖区耕地赤字的差,以此作为确定耕地保护区域保护补偿价值标准修正值的依据;然后根据各县域耕地赤字/盈余状况对武汉市市辖区的耕地赤字的差值占差值总额的比例进行耕地保护区域补偿价值标准的修正,可以得到武汉城市圈各县域最终的耕地保护补偿价值标准(见表5)。












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    Compensation Mechanism for Cultivated Land Protection Based on Interregional

    Optimization of Target Responsibility

    KE XinliYANG BaihanDING LuZHANG Anlu

    (College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070, China)


    Both regional target responsibility and regional compensation standard of cultivated land protection are key issues to ensure good results of interregional compensation policy for cultivated land protection. In traditional research, regional differences in resources quality and socialeconomic development are always ignored. In this article, a partitioned & asynchronous cellular automata model is built to optimize interregional distribution of cultivated land, and then regional protection target responsibility could be carried out. On the other hand, compensation standard for cultivated land protection has nothing to do with neither profit of cultivated land conversion nor deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in conventional study. So, it is difficult for this kind of compensation to performance as a leverage in cultivated land protection field. To conquer this disability, regional compensation standard for cultivated land protection is calculated by combining resource value of cultivated land and profit of cultivated land conversion in this article. And then, this compensation standard is revised by deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in each county to realize ‘optimized allocation decides compensation, compensation leads to protection. Wuhan City Circle, as the first batch of ‘resources saving and environment friendly society construction pilot area, was chosen to test effects of compensation mechanism for cultivated land protection based on interregional optimization of target responsibility. Results show: ① Taking regional differences in both resources quality and socialeconomic development into consideration for regional target responsibility of cultivated land protection can make it possible to ensure food security in the whole area as well as to relieve cultivated land conversion pressure as much as possible. ② Compensation standard, which is calculated by combining resource value of cultivated land and profit of cultivated land conversion and revised by deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in each county, may performance as a leverage to encourage cultivated land protection. ③ Compensation mechanism for cultivated land protection based on interregional optimization of target responsibility is one of the most important ways for harmonizing the conflict between urban land expansion and cultivated land protection during rapid urbanization procedure in China. With this compensation mechanism, it will encourage cultivated land protection and control cultivated land conversion.

    Key wordscultivated land protection; protection target responsibility optimizing; regional compensation standard


    Both regional target responsibility and regional compensation standard of cultivated land protection are key issues to ensure good results of interregional compensation policy for cultivated land protection. In traditional research, regional differences in resources quality and socialeconomic development are always ignored. In this article, a partitioned & asynchronous cellular automata model is built to optimize interregional distribution of cultivated land, and then regional protection target responsibility could be carried out. On the other hand, compensation standard for cultivated land protection has nothing to do with neither profit of cultivated land conversion nor deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in conventional study. So, it is difficult for this kind of compensation to performance as a leverage in cultivated land protection field. To conquer this disability, regional compensation standard for cultivated land protection is calculated by combining resource value of cultivated land and profit of cultivated land conversion in this article. And then, this compensation standard is revised by deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in each county to realize ‘optimized allocation decides compensation, compensation leads to protection. Wuhan City Circle, as the first batch of ‘resources saving and environment friendly society construction pilot area, was chosen to test effects of compensation mechanism for cultivated land protection based on interregional optimization of target responsibility. Results show: ① Taking regional differences in both resources quality and socialeconomic development into consideration for regional target responsibility of cultivated land protection can make it possible to ensure food security in the whole area as well as to relieve cultivated land conversion pressure as much as possible. ② Compensation standard, which is calculated by combining resource value of cultivated land and profit of cultivated land conversion and revised by deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in each county, may performance as a leverage to encourage cultivated land protection. ③ Compensation mechanism for cultivated land protection based on interregional optimization of target responsibility is one of the most important ways for harmonizing the conflict between urban land expansion and cultivated land protection during rapid urbanization procedure in China. With this compensation mechanism, it will encourage cultivated land protection and control cultivated land conversion.

    Key wordscultivated land protection; protection target responsibility optimizing; regional compensation standard


    Both regional target responsibility and regional compensation standard of cultivated land protection are key issues to ensure good results of interregional compensation policy for cultivated land protection. In traditional research, regional differences in resources quality and socialeconomic development are always ignored. In this article, a partitioned & asynchronous cellular automata model is built to optimize interregional distribution of cultivated land, and then regional protection target responsibility could be carried out. On the other hand, compensation standard for cultivated land protection has nothing to do with neither profit of cultivated land conversion nor deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in conventional study. So, it is difficult for this kind of compensation to performance as a leverage in cultivated land protection field. To conquer this disability, regional compensation standard for cultivated land protection is calculated by combining resource value of cultivated land and profit of cultivated land conversion in this article. And then, this compensation standard is revised by deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in each county to realize ‘optimized allocation decides compensation, compensation leads to protection. Wuhan City Circle, as the first batch of ‘resources saving and environment friendly society construction pilot area, was chosen to test effects of compensation mechanism for cultivated land protection based on interregional optimization of target responsibility. Results show: ① Taking regional differences in both resources quality and socialeconomic development into consideration for regional target responsibility of cultivated land protection can make it possible to ensure food security in the whole area as well as to relieve cultivated land conversion pressure as much as possible. ② Compensation standard, which is calculated by combining resource value of cultivated land and profit of cultivated land conversion and revised by deficit/surplus status of cultivated land in each county, may performance as a leverage to encourage cultivated land protection. ③ Compensation mechanism for cultivated land protection based on interregional optimization of target responsibility is one of the most important ways for harmonizing the conflict between urban land expansion and cultivated land protection during rapid urbanization procedure in China. With this compensation mechanism, it will encourage cultivated land protection and control cultivated land conversion.

    Key wordscultivated land protection; protection target responsibility optimizing; regional compensation standard





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