标题 | 投资激励视角下农产品供应链治理结构优化 |
范文 | 浦徐进+范旺达 摘要 本研究针对“公司+农户”型供应链面临的双边投资意愿不足的现实困境,论文尝试在不对称纳什谈判博弈和Stacklberg博弈的框架下,分析“公司+合作社+农户”型农产品供应链提升双边投资意愿的理论依据,从而为农产品供应链的治理结构优化提出政策建议。数理模型分析显示:①与“公司+农户”型供应链相比,“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中的农户种植投资和公司销售投资的意愿均能得到提升。②“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链的农户利润水平与合作社谈判力正相关;当合作社具有相对较强的谈判力时,即使合作社规定的资本留存率较高,农户利润水平依然能够高于“公司+农户”型供应链。③当合作社谈判力在某一特定范围内时,公司与农户利润水平均能实现Pareto改进。④当考虑到公司和农户进行长期合作时,“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中确保农户履约的保证金阈值显著低于“公司+农户”型供应链。最后,利用数值仿真分析了合作社谈判能力、资本留存率等因素对公司与农户利润水平的影响以及农户保证金阈值的变化。论文研究结果表明,由于农户和公司在“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中的地位更为平等,合作社能够形成对于公司的制衡力量,这大大降低了农户进行种植投资后可能面临的“敲竹杠”风险,农户的种植投资意愿得到提升。当农户加大种植投资后,合格农产品产量将会提高,这反过来又会激励公司提升销售投资意愿来获得更多的利润。因此,我国未来农业产业化经营模式的制度创新必须以农民专业合作社的壮大为基础,大力发展“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链,这不仅有助于更好地保障农产品质量安全;也有助于让农户平等参与现代化进程,共同分享现代化成果。 关键词农产品供应链;双边投资;合作社;不对称纳什谈判 中图分类号F306文献标识码A文章编号1002-2104(2015)01-0152-06doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2015.01.021 根据农业部对我国农业产业化经营模式的调查统计结果显示,“公司+农户”型供应链是目前采用率最高的模式[1]。然而,考虑到双方现实地位不平等、农业经营活动具有的高度不确定性以及由此带来的机会主义行为等问题,我国“公司+农户”型供应链的现实运行呈现出典型的不完全契约特征。一方面,处于弱势地位的农户担心进行专用性投资后可能会面临被对方“敲竹杠”(hold-up)的风险,因此在事前就会表现出种植投资不足;另一方面,公司凭借自己的优势地位可以对农户施加影响而获得超额利润,因此也缺乏必要的销售投资意愿,双方的合作将陷入了“双输”的囚徒困境[2]。针对“公司+农户”型供应链现实运行中存在的问题,本文结合我国专业合作社迅猛发展的现实,尝试通过数理模型构建和分析,对“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链在提升双边投资意愿、增进农户和公司收益等方面具有的优越性进行理论证明,从而为我国农业产业化经营模式的制度创新提出政策建议。 1文献综述 长期以来,“公司+农户”型供应链运行中可能出现的契约失效、组织解体等问题是学术界关注的研究热点。Lowe和Precket[3]认为农产品供应链的管理要比其他类型供应链的管理更为困难,因为有着更长的提前期、更为不确定的供给和需求。Yu等[4]指出,若在公司和农户间的契约中仅仅含有价格条款,将不能保证双方交易的公平,也不能保证供应链长期稳定运作。Hirschauer和Musshoff[5]证明,如果公司和农户间的契约机制不能惩罚违约者,那么设计的契约事实上是无效的。Federico等[6]对英国乳制品供应链开展的实证研究表明,由于乳制品企业与农户的市场地位失衡,加之经济全球化所带来的外部竞争压力,使得农户的利润空间缩小。 事实上,农产品供应链种植和销售环节往往需要资产专用性很强的投资。例如,种植过程中的农产品、化肥农药、农用机械设备等投资具有专用性,而销售过程中的储藏设备、保鲜处理等投资同样也具有专用性。Grossman和Hart[7]、Hart和Moore[8]建立的GHM模型中指出,如果一方在签约后进行专用性投资,那么将存在被对方“敲竹杠”的风险,进而导致其投资激励的不足。只有通过有效的产权或其他恰当的合同安排,才能提高交易事前和事后的效率。叶飞等[9]发现,传统的“保底收购,随行就市”价格机制并不能很好地协调“公司+农户”供应链,在此基础上他们设计了一种能增强供应链稳健性的“B-S期权定价+生产协作+保证金”协调机制。近年来,随着农户组织化程度的加深,许多学者通过实证分析研究了合作社在改善农户市场地位、促进农户增收中的作用。Barrett等[10]运用固定效用回归模型处理了五个发展中国家订单农业发展情况的面板数据后认为,公司倾向于与合作社中的农户合作,而且加入合作社的农户收入往往高于其他农户。罗必良等[11]认为,进行农业产业化经营的农户,虽然实现了规模化生产但同时也增加了其资产专用性程度,从而面临更大的市场风险,通过建立合作社提高农民的市场地位是解决这一问题的有效途径之一。 浦徐进等:投资激励视角下农产品供应链治理结构优化 中国人口·资源与环境2015年第1期 2问题描述与假设 种植环节投资(例如优化种植技术、购置先进种植设备等)和销售环节投资(例如改进包装技术、购置保鲜容器等)共同决定供应链的最终产出,我们假设种植投资将影响合格农产品的产量,而销售投资将影响销售价格。参考Xie et al.[12]的研究,当种植投资为ef时,合格农产品产量为a(1+ef),其中a为基础产量,种植投入成本为12βfe2f,βf为种植成本系数;当销售投资为er时,市场销售价格为p=p(1+er),其中p为基础销售价格,销售投入成本为12βre2r,βr为销售成本系数。另外假设cf和cr分别为单位农产品的种植成本和销售成本,并且为保证种植并销售农产品有利可图,我们有k=p-cf-cr>0。 下文用下标“f”、“c”、“e”分别代表农户(farmer)、合作社(cooperative)和公司(enterprise),用不同的字母上标代表不同的模式,其中“ef”(enterprise+farmers)表示“公司+农户”型供应链,“ec”(enterprise+cooperative+farmers)表示“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链。 3模型构建与分析 3.1“公司+农户”型供应链(ef模式) 在传统的“公司+农户”型供应链中,处于强势地位的公司往往对于收购价格w具有主导权。此时农户和公司的利润函数分别为: πeff=(w-cf)a(1+ef)-12βfe2f πefe=[(1+er)p-w-cr]a(1+ef)-12βre2r 公司和农户之间进行的是Stacklberg博弈,公司首先确定对农产品的收购价格和销售努力投入;随后农户根据公司的决策来选择自身最优的种植努力投入。我们将利用逆推归纳法对公司和农户的决策进行推导: Maxw,erπefe=[(1+er)p-w-cr]a(1+ef)-12βre2r s.tMaxefπeff=(w-cf)a(1+ef)-12βfe2f 求解上式可以得到: eef*f=a2p2+aβrk-βfβr2βfβr-a2p2 wef*=cf+βf(aβrk+a2p2-βfβr)a(2βfβr-a2p2) eef*r=ap(ak+βf)2βfβr-a2p2 πefe的Hessian矩阵为-βra2pβf a2pβf-2a2βf,由于销售投资肯定为正数(eef*r>0),故2βfβr-a2p2>0,同时-βr<0,所以πefe的Hessian矩阵负定,可以判定wef*和eef*r为该决策问题的唯一最优解。 另外,由于种植投资也肯定为正数(eef*f>0),因此可知a2p2+aβrk-βfβr>0。 将wef*、eef*f、eef*r代入πeff和πefe,可以得到博弈均衡时的农户和公司利润分别为: πeff=[βf(aβrk+βfβr)2-(2βfβr-a2p2)2]2(2βfβr-a2p2)2 πefe=βr(ak+βf)22(2βfβr-a2p2) 事实上,公司为了和农户开展长期合作,往往要求农户期初预交一定金额的保证金F。在这个无限次重复博弈中,公司的触发策略为:若上一阶段农户选择履约,则下一阶段继续与农户签订农产品购销合约;若上一阶段农户选择违约,则没收保证金并终止与农户的合作。如果某期农户选择违约则其可获得一个高于πeff的超额利润πhf(πhf>πeff),但之后就一直不能和公司合作,只能自己进行销售而获得较低的利润πlf(πlf<πeff)。此外,假设农户贴现因子为δ。 农户选择始终履约时的利润现值为: πefkf=πeff+δπeff+δ2πeff+…=πeff1-δ 而农户选择违约时的利润现值为: πefbf=πhf-F+δπlf+δ2πlf+…=πhf-πlf+πlf1-δ-F 比较农户选择始终履约与违约情形时的利润现值,可以得到: πefkf-πefbf=F-(πhf-πlf)+(πeff-πlf)1-δ 很显然,当保证金金额满足F>Fef=πhf-πlf-πeff-πlf1-δ时,农户将在“公司+农户”型供应链中选择始终履约,Fef为此时保证农户履约的保证金阈值。 3.2“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链(ec模式) 由于合作社在财政投入、税收减免、金融服务、项目承担、人才培养等方面享受一定的扶持政策,同时在用地、用电、运输等方面也有相应的优惠,许多公司为了套取国家的相关政策红利也在积极组建合作社。因此,这些所谓的“合作社”都是公司所挂的另一块牌子,属于 “空壳合作社”。在这些所谓的“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中,公司依然独享利润而农户却没有得到实质性帮助,本质上还是前文分析的“公司+农户”型供应链。 而在真正的“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中,合作社是农户联合行动的产物,农户支付给合作社固定的服务费用g(g>0),而合作社的交易成本为c,合作社的交易成本包括制度运行的成本,其中包括信息成本、谈判成本、起草和实施合约的成本、界定实施产权的成本、监督管理的成本与改变制度安排的成本等。合作社规定资本留存率为s(0≤s≤1)(也就是农户将自身收益以s比例上交合作社),作为发展再生产和建设本地基础设施的滚动发展资金。合作社代表农户利益与公司进行批发价格谈判,农户通过集体行动获得了一定的话语权和自我选择权。此时农户、合作社与公司的利润函数分别为: πecf=(1-s)(w-cf)a(1+ef)-12βfe2f-g πecc=s(w-cf)a(1+ef)-12βfe2f+g-c πece=[(1+er)p-w-cr]a(1+ef)-12βre2r 不对称纳什谈判是指考虑博弈参与双方不同的议价能力并满足个体合理性、可行性、弱帕累托最优性质等六个公理时的纳什谈判,此时决定的唯一谈判解被称为不对称纳什谈判解(Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Solution),即: u=arg Max(u1,u2)(u1-d1)τ(u2-d2)1-τ,τ∈[0,1] 其中,u1和u2表示参与者1和参与者2的效用,d1和d2表示参与者1和参与者2的谈判破裂点,而τ和1-τ分别表示各自的谈判能力。有时出于计算简便的考虑,也可以用对数形式来表示不对称纳什谈判解,即: u=arg Max(u1,u2)τln(u1-d1)+(1-τ)ln(u2-d2),τ∈[0,1] 在下文中,我们假设此时合作社相对于公司的谈判力为τ(0<τ<1),由于农产品具有播种、生长和收获的季节性周期以及容易腐烂变质的生物属性,因此农户与公司一旦在事前签订合同,事后双方毁约的成本相当巨大,故不合作的保留收益为0。合作社与公司基于如下不对称纳什谈判模型进行批发价格谈判: Maxws(w-cf)a(1+ef)-12βfe2f+g-cτ· [(1+er)p-w-cr]a(1+ef)-12βre2r1-τ 求解上式等价于考察规划: Maxwτlns(w-cf)a(1+ef)-12βfe2f+g-c +(1-τ)ln[(1+er)p-w-cr]a(1+ef)-12βre2r 对上式求关于w的一阶导数并令其等于0,可以得到: τsas(w-cf)a(1+ef)-12βfe2f+g-c- (1-τ)a[(1+er)p-w-cr]a(1+ef)-12βre2r=0 容易得到达到谈判均衡时的批发价格为: wec*={τs[(1+er)p-cf-cr]a(1+ef)-12τsβre2r +12(1-τ)sβfe2f-(1-τ)(g-c)}/sa(1+ef)+cf 将谈判确定的批发价格wec*代入农户与公司的利润函数,随后农户和公司之间进行关于种植投资和销售投资的Stacklberg博弈,与前文的分析方法类似,我们可以得到: eec*f=βrak+a2p2βfβr-a2p2 eec*r=ap(ak+βf)βfβr-a2p2 将wec*、eec*f、eec*r代入πecf、πecc和πece,可以得到博弈均衡时的农户、合作社和公司利润分别为: πecf=(1-s)τβf(aβrk+a2p2)+(βrak+βfβr)ak2(βfβr-a2p2) -(1-s)(1-τ)(g-c)+sgs πece=(1-τ)(aβrk+a2p2)βf+(aβrk+βfβr)ak2(βfβr-a2p2) +(1-τ)(g-c)s πecc=τsβf(aβrk+a2p2)+βr(ak+βf)ak2(βfβr-a2p2)+τ(g-c) 分析合作社利润的表达式可知,当c>sβf(aβrk+a2p2)+βr(ak+βf)ak2(βfβr-a2p2)+g时,合作社的利润将为负值。这说明,交易成本是制约合作社发展的主要因素,当交易成本过高时,合作社将面临组织崩溃的困境。因此,降低交易成本是合作社实现高效运作和可持续发展的关键。 与前文进行的重复博弈分析类似,公司为了和入社农户开展长期合作,依然要求入社农户期初预交一定金额的保证金F,其余假设与前文相同。 此时农户选择始终履约时的利润现值为: πeckf=πecf+δπecf+δ2πecf+…=πecf1-δ 而农户选择违约时的利润现值为: πecbf=πhf-F+δπlf+δ2πlf+…=πhf-πlf+πlf1-δ-F 比较农户选择始终履约与违约情形时的利润现值,可以得到: πeckf-πecbf=F-(πhf-πlf)+(πecf-πlf)1-δ 因此,当保证金金额满足F>Fec=πhf-πlf-(πecf-πlf)1-δ时,农户将在“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中选择始终履约,Fec为此时保证农户履约的保证金阈值。 4结果比较与数值仿真 根据上述模型分析结论,我们对“公司+农户”型供应链和“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链的均衡结果进行比较分析。 4.1种植投资意愿和销售投资意愿的比较分析 观察eef*f、eef*f和eec*f、eec*r的表达式,我们容易发现有: eec*f-eef*f=βrag+a2p2βfβr-a2p2-a2p2+aβrg-βfβr2βfβr-a2p2>0 eec*r-eef*r=ap(ag+βf)βfβr-a2p2-ap(ag+βf)2βfβr-a2p2>0 因此,相比于“公司+农户”型供应链,“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链的种植投资意愿和销售投资意愿均将得到提升。这说明,由于“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中农户和公司的地位更为平等,合作社能够形成对于公司的制衡力量,这就大大降低了农户进行种植投资可能面临的“敲竹杠”风险,农户的种植投资意愿得到提升。当农户加大种植投资后,合格农产品产量将会提高,这反过来又会激励公司提升销售投资意愿来获得更多的利润。 4.2农户利润水平与资本留存率的关系分析 满足双边投资都为正数的约束条件(a2p2+aβrg-βfβr>0,2βfβr-a2p2>0)我们将基本参数假设为:βf=10、βr=90、α=2.5、p=8、cf=0.2、cr=0.1、c=1、g=0.4,在合作社谈判力分别为τ=0.2、τ=0.5和τ=0.8时,令资本留存率s在区间上[0,1]上连续变化,绘制农户利润水平与资本留存率之间的关系见图1。 图1农户利润水平与资本留存率的关系 Fig.1Relationship between the farmers profit with the capital preservation rate 观察图1,我们可以发现,“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链的农户利润水平与合作社谈判力正相关,与资本留存率负相关;当合作社具有相对较强的谈判力时,即使合作社规定的资本留存率较高,农户利润水平依然能够高于“公司+农户”型供应链。这说明,随着合作社谈判力的增强,农户经营收入的提升空间将得到进一步扩大,合作社可以收取较高的资本留存用于未来发展。 4.3农户、公司利润水平与合作社谈判力的关系分析 假设资本留存率s=0.5,其他基本参数的假设与前文一致,令合作社谈判力τ在区间[0,1]上连续变化,绘制农户、公司利润水平与合作社谈判力的关系如图2所示。 观察图2,我们可以发现,“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链的农户利润水平与合作社谈判力正相关,而公司利润水平与合作社谈判力负相关;存在一个合理的合作社谈判力区间τ∈[τ1,τ2],能够使得农户和公司利润水平都比“公司+农户”型供应链时得到Pareto改进。这说明,渠道权力更为平等的“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链对于农户和公司双方都是有利的,此时双方建立的利益联结纽带将更为巩固和稳定。 图2农户、公司利润水平与合作社谈判力的关系 Fig.2Relationship between the profit of the farmers and the enterprise with the bargaining power of the cooperative 4.4不同类型供应链下农户保证金的比较分析 假设资本留存率s=0.5,合作社的谈判能力为τ=0.5,而πhf=55,πlf=10,其他基本参数的假设与前文一致,令农户的贴现系数δ在区间[0,0.8]上连续变化,绘制“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链与“公司+农户”型供应链下保证农户履约的保证金阈值如图3所示: 图3不同类型供应链下农户保证金的比较分析 Fig.3Comparative analysis of farmers guarantee fund in two different kinds of supply chain 观察图3,我们可以发现,“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链下确保农户履约而所需缴纳的保证金阈值显著低于“公司+农户”型供应链。这说明,合作社作为中间组织介入农户和公司的交易后,能够有助于提高农户违约成本,降低农户违约风险;而农户有了合作社作制度保障,也不用像以前那样向公司缴纳高额保证金。 5主要结论与政策含义 本文通过构建数理模型,对“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链和“公司+农户”型供应链的运行结果进行了比较分析,研究发现“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链是一种更优的治理结构,能够同时提升种植投资意愿和销售投资意愿,并降低农户缴纳的保证金金额,从而实现农户和公司利润的Pareto改进。因此,我国未来农业产业化经营模式的制度创新必须以农民专业合作社的发展壮大为基础,这不仅有助于提升供应链各环节的投资意愿,更好地保障农产品质量安全;也有助于让农户平等参与现代化进程,共同分享现代化成果,并最终实现“三化同步”的战略目标。 (编辑:刘呈庆) 参考文献(References) [1]高阔,甘筱青.“公司+农户”模式:一个文献综述(1986-2011)[J].经济问题探索,2012,(2):109-115. 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[5]Hirschauer N, Musshoff O. A Gametheoretic Approach to Behavioral Food Risks: The Case of Grain Producers [J]. Food Policy,2007, (32):246-265. [6]Topolansky Barbe F G, Gonzalez Triay M M, Hughes N J. The Challenges of A Consolidated Supply Chain to British Dairy Farmers [J].Social Research,2011, 2(23):90-99. [7]Grossman S J, Hart O D. The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration [J].Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94(4):691-719. [8]Hart O, Moore J. Property Rights and Nature of the Firm [J].Journal of Political Economy,1990, 98(6):1119- 1158. [9]叶飞,林强,莫瑞君.基于B-S模型的订单农业供应链协调机制研究[J].管理科学学报,2012,15(1):66-76. [Ye Fei, Lin Qiang, Mo Ruijun. Contractfarming Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism Based on BS Model [J].Journal of Management Science in China, 2012,15(1):66-76.] [10]Barrett C B, Bachke M E, Bellemare M F, et al. Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries[J].World Development,2012,40(4):715-730. [11]罗必良,刘成香,吴小立.资产专用性、专业化生产与农户的市场风险[J].农业经济问题,2008,(7):10-15. [Luo Biliang, Liu Chengxiang, Wu Xiaoli. Assets Specificity, Specialized Production and the Market Risk of the Peasanthousehold [J].Issues in Agricultural Economy (Monthly), 2008,(7):10-15.] [12]Xie G, Yue W, Wang S, et al. Quality Investment and Price Decision in a Riskaverse Supply Chain[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 214(2): 403-410. Governance Arrangement Optimization of the Agricultural Products Supply Chain from the Bilateral Investment Incentive Perspective PU Xujin1,2FAN Wangda1 (1. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China;2. Jiangsu Food Research Base, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China) Abstract This study focuses on the realistic dilemma of bilateral investments deficiency in the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain and aims to analyze how to optimize governance arrangement of the agricultural products supply chain. In the framework of asymmetric Nash bargaining and Stacklberg game theory, the mathematical model is developed to capture the feasibility to increase the bilateral investments in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain. The results show that:①Compared with the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain, both the investments in the farmers production effort and the enterprise sales effort are increased in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain.②The profit level of farmers is positively correlated to the bargaining power of the cooperative. When the cooperative have a relatively strong bargaining power, the farmers can still have more profits even if the retention rate of capital requirements is high.③When the bargaining power of the cooperative is in a certain degree, the profits of both the enterprise and the farmers will achieve the Pareto improvement.④The farmers guarantee fund will become lower in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain if considering the repeated games between the enterprise and the farmers. Finally, numerical simulations are used to analyze the impact, such as bargaining power and capital retention rate of cooperative, on the enterprise and farmer profit levels and the change of farmers guarantee fund in two different kinds of supply chain. The results highlight an advantage of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain: by making the status of the farmer and the leading firm more equal, the ‘hold up risk ?will decrease when the farmer makes an investment. When the farmers willingness to invest becomes stronger, the leading firm may be encouraged to increase the investment level to make more profits. Thus, the priority should be given to the development of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain in the future based on the cooperatives growing rapidly, which not only can help to protect the safety and quality of agricultural products and also may help make the farmers equally participate in the process of modernization and share with the modern achievements. Key wordsagricultural products supply chain; bilateral investment; cooperative; asymmetric Nash bargaining [6]Topolansky Barbe F G, Gonzalez Triay M M, Hughes N J. The Challenges of A Consolidated Supply Chain to British Dairy Farmers [J].Social Research,2011, 2(23):90-99. [7]Grossman S J, Hart O D. The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration [J].Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94(4):691-719. [8]Hart O, Moore J. Property Rights and Nature of the Firm [J].Journal of Political Economy,1990, 98(6):1119- 1158. [9]叶飞,林强,莫瑞君.基于B-S模型的订单农业供应链协调机制研究[J].管理科学学报,2012,15(1):66-76. [Ye Fei, Lin Qiang, Mo Ruijun. Contractfarming Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism Based on BS Model [J].Journal of Management Science in China, 2012,15(1):66-76.] [10]Barrett C B, Bachke M E, Bellemare M F, et al. Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries[J].World Development,2012,40(4):715-730. [11]罗必良,刘成香,吴小立.资产专用性、专业化生产与农户的市场风险[J].农业经济问题,2008,(7):10-15. [Luo Biliang, Liu Chengxiang, Wu Xiaoli. Assets Specificity, Specialized Production and the Market Risk of the Peasanthousehold [J].Issues in Agricultural Economy (Monthly), 2008,(7):10-15.] [12]Xie G, Yue W, Wang S, et al. Quality Investment and Price Decision in a Riskaverse Supply Chain[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 214(2): 403-410. Governance Arrangement Optimization of the Agricultural Products Supply Chain from the Bilateral Investment Incentive Perspective PU Xujin1,2FAN Wangda1 (1. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China;2. Jiangsu Food Research Base, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China) Abstract This study focuses on the realistic dilemma of bilateral investments deficiency in the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain and aims to analyze how to optimize governance arrangement of the agricultural products supply chain. In the framework of asymmetric Nash bargaining and Stacklberg game theory, the mathematical model is developed to capture the feasibility to increase the bilateral investments in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain. The results show that:①Compared with the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain, both the investments in the farmers production effort and the enterprise sales effort are increased in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain.②The profit level of farmers is positively correlated to the bargaining power of the cooperative. When the cooperative have a relatively strong bargaining power, the farmers can still have more profits even if the retention rate of capital requirements is high.③When the bargaining power of the cooperative is in a certain degree, the profits of both the enterprise and the farmers will achieve the Pareto improvement.④The farmers guarantee fund will become lower in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain if considering the repeated games between the enterprise and the farmers. Finally, numerical simulations are used to analyze the impact, such as bargaining power and capital retention rate of cooperative, on the enterprise and farmer profit levels and the change of farmers guarantee fund in two different kinds of supply chain. The results highlight an advantage of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain: by making the status of the farmer and the leading firm more equal, the ‘hold up risk ?will decrease when the farmer makes an investment. When the farmers willingness to invest becomes stronger, the leading firm may be encouraged to increase the investment level to make more profits. Thus, the priority should be given to the development of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain in the future based on the cooperatives growing rapidly, which not only can help to protect the safety and quality of agricultural products and also may help make the farmers equally participate in the process of modernization and share with the modern achievements. Key wordsagricultural products supply chain; bilateral investment; cooperative; asymmetric Nash bargaining [6]Topolansky Barbe F G, Gonzalez Triay M M, Hughes N J. The Challenges of A Consolidated Supply Chain to British Dairy Farmers [J].Social Research,2011, 2(23):90-99. [7]Grossman S J, Hart O D. The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration [J].Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94(4):691-719. [8]Hart O, Moore J. Property Rights and Nature of the Firm [J].Journal of Political Economy,1990, 98(6):1119- 1158. [9]叶飞,林强,莫瑞君.基于B-S模型的订单农业供应链协调机制研究[J].管理科学学报,2012,15(1):66-76. [Ye Fei, Lin Qiang, Mo Ruijun. Contractfarming Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism Based on BS Model [J].Journal of Management Science in China, 2012,15(1):66-76.] [10]Barrett C B, Bachke M E, Bellemare M F, et al. Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries[J].World Development,2012,40(4):715-730. [11]罗必良,刘成香,吴小立.资产专用性、专业化生产与农户的市场风险[J].农业经济问题,2008,(7):10-15. [Luo Biliang, Liu Chengxiang, Wu Xiaoli. Assets Specificity, Specialized Production and the Market Risk of the Peasanthousehold [J].Issues in Agricultural Economy (Monthly), 2008,(7):10-15.] [12]Xie G, Yue W, Wang S, et al. Quality Investment and Price Decision in a Riskaverse Supply Chain[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 214(2): 403-410. Governance Arrangement Optimization of the Agricultural Products Supply Chain from the Bilateral Investment Incentive Perspective PU Xujin1,2FAN Wangda1 (1. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China;2. Jiangsu Food Research Base, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China) Abstract This study focuses on the realistic dilemma of bilateral investments deficiency in the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain and aims to analyze how to optimize governance arrangement of the agricultural products supply chain. In the framework of asymmetric Nash bargaining and Stacklberg game theory, the mathematical model is developed to capture the feasibility to increase the bilateral investments in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain. The results show that:①Compared with the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain, both the investments in the farmers production effort and the enterprise sales effort are increased in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain.②The profit level of farmers is positively correlated to the bargaining power of the cooperative. When the cooperative have a relatively strong bargaining power, the farmers can still have more profits even if the retention rate of capital requirements is high.③When the bargaining power of the cooperative is in a certain degree, the profits of both the enterprise and the farmers will achieve the Pareto improvement.④The farmers guarantee fund will become lower in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain if considering the repeated games between the enterprise and the farmers. Finally, numerical simulations are used to analyze the impact, such as bargaining power and capital retention rate of cooperative, on the enterprise and farmer profit levels and the change of farmers guarantee fund in two different kinds of supply chain. The results highlight an advantage of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain: by making the status of the farmer and the leading firm more equal, the ‘hold up risk ?will decrease when the farmer makes an investment. When the farmers willingness to invest becomes stronger, the leading firm may be encouraged to increase the investment level to make more profits. Thus, the priority should be given to the development of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain in the future based on the cooperatives growing rapidly, which not only can help to protect the safety and quality of agricultural products and also may help make the farmers equally participate in the process of modernization and share with the modern achievements. Key wordsagricultural products supply chain; bilateral investment; cooperative; asymmetric Nash bargaining |
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