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标题 投资激励视角下农产品供应链治理结构优化













    种植环节投资(例如优化种植技术、购置先进种植设备等)和销售环节投资(例如改进包装技术、购置保鲜容器等)共同决定供应链的最终产出,我们假设种植投资将影响合格农产品的产量,而销售投资将影响销售价格。参考Xie et al.[12]的研究,当种植投资为ef时,合格农产品产量为a(1+ef),其中a为基础产量,种植投入成本为12βfe2f,βf为种植成本系数;当销售投资为er时,市场销售价格为p=p(1+er),其中p为基础销售价格,销售投入成本为12βre2r,βr为销售成本系数。另外假设cf和cr分别为单位农产品的种植成本和销售成本,并且为保证种植并销售农产品有利可图,我们有k=p-cf-cr>0。





























    由于合作社在财政投入、税收减免、金融服务、项目承担、人才培养等方面享受一定的扶持政策,同时在用地、用电、运输等方面也有相应的优惠,许多公司为了套取国家的相关政策红利也在积极组建合作社。因此,这些所谓的“合作社”都是公司所挂的另一块牌子,属于 “空壳合作社”。在这些所谓的“公司+合作社+农户”型供应链中,公司依然独享利润而农户却没有得到实质性帮助,本质上还是前文分析的“公司+农户”型供应链。





    不对称纳什谈判是指考虑博弈参与双方不同的议价能力并满足个体合理性、可行性、弱帕累托最优性质等六个公理时的纳什谈判,此时决定的唯一谈判解被称为不对称纳什谈判解(Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Solution),即:

    u=arg Max(u1,u2)(u1-d1)τ(u2-d2)1-τ,τ∈[0,1]


    u=arg Max(u1,u2)τln(u1-d1)+(1-τ)ln(u2-d2),τ∈[0,1]









































    Fig.1Relationship between the farmers profit with

    the capital preservation rate






    Fig.2Relationship between the profit of the farmers and

    the enterprise with the bargaining power of the cooperative




    Fig.3Comparative analysis of farmers guarantee fund

    in two different kinds of supply chain






    [1]高阔,甘筱青.“公司+农户”模式:一个文献综述(1986-2011)[J].经济问题探索,2012,(2):109-115. [Gao Kuo, Gan Xiaoqing. The Modes of ‘Leading Firm Plus Farmer: A Literature Review(1986-2011)[J]. Inquiry into Economic Issues, 2012, (2):109-115.]

    [2]梁冬,王子辰.一斤奶缘何卖不过一瓶矿泉水:一家国内知名企业低价收奶现象调查[N/OL].新华网,(2012-04-07).[Liang Dong, Wang Zichen. Why One Pound of Milk Sold is Cheaper than A Bottle of Mineral Water:A Survey about the Phenomenon of a Wellknown Company Collecting Milk Cheaply [N/OL].Xinhua Net, (2012-04-07).]

    [3]Lowe T J, Preckel P V. Decision Technologies for Agribusiness Problems: A Brief Review of Selected Literature and a Call for Research [J].Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.2004, 6(3):201-208.

    [4]Yu X, Abler D, Peng C. Dancing with the Dragon Heads: Enforcement, Innovations and Efficiency of Contracts between Agricultural Processors and Farmers in China[R]. Courant Research Centre: Poverty, Equity and GrowthDiscussion Papers, 2011.

    [5]Hirschauer N, Musshoff O. A Gametheoretic Approach to Behavioral Food Risks: The Case of Grain Producers [J]. Food Policy,2007, (32):246-265.

    [6]Topolansky Barbe F G, Gonzalez Triay M M, Hughes N J. The Challenges of A Consolidated Supply Chain to British Dairy Farmers [J].Social Research,2011, 2(23):90-99.

    [7]Grossman S J, Hart O D. The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration [J].Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94(4):691-719.

    [8]Hart O, Moore J. Property Rights and Nature of the Firm [J].Journal of Political Economy,1990, 98(6):1119- 1158.

    [9]叶飞,林强,莫瑞君.基于B-S模型的订单农业供应链协调机制研究[J].管理科学学报,2012,15(1):66-76. [Ye Fei, Lin Qiang, Mo Ruijun. Contractfarming Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism Based on BS Model [J].Journal of Management Science in China, 2012,15(1):66-76.]

    [10]Barrett C B, Bachke M E, Bellemare M F, et al. Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries[J].World Development,2012,40(4):715-730.

    [11]罗必良,刘成香,吴小立.资产专用性、专业化生产与农户的市场风险[J].农业经济问题,2008,(7):10-15. [Luo Biliang, Liu Chengxiang, Wu Xiaoli. Assets Specificity, Specialized Production and the Market Risk of the Peasanthousehold [J].Issues in Agricultural Economy (Monthly), 2008,(7):10-15.]

    [12]Xie G, Yue W, Wang S, et al. Quality Investment and Price Decision in a Riskaverse Supply Chain[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 214(2): 403-410.

    Governance Arrangement Optimization of the Agricultural Products Supply Chain

    from the Bilateral Investment Incentive Perspective

    PU Xujin1,2FAN Wangda1

    (1. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China;2. Jiangsu Food Research Base,

    Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China)


    This study focuses on the realistic dilemma of bilateral investments deficiency in the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain and aims to analyze how to optimize governance arrangement of the agricultural products supply chain. In the framework of asymmetric Nash bargaining and Stacklberg game theory, the mathematical model is developed to capture the feasibility to increase the bilateral investments in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain. The results show that:①Compared with the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain, both the investments in the farmers production effort and the enterprise sales effort are increased in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain.②The profit level of farmers is positively correlated to the bargaining power of the cooperative. When the cooperative have a relatively strong bargaining power, the farmers can still have more profits even if the retention rate of capital requirements is high.③When the bargaining power of the cooperative is in a certain degree, the profits of both the enterprise and the farmers will achieve the Pareto improvement.④The farmers guarantee fund will become lower in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain if considering the repeated games between the enterprise and the farmers. Finally, numerical simulations are used to analyze the impact, such as bargaining power and capital retention rate of cooperative, on the enterprise and farmer profit levels and the change of farmers guarantee fund in two different kinds of supply chain. The results highlight an advantage of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain: by making the status of the farmer and the leading firm more equal, the ‘hold up risk ?will decrease when the farmer makes an investment. When the farmers willingness to invest becomes stronger, the leading firm may be encouraged to increase the investment level to make more profits. Thus, the priority should be given to the development of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain in the future based on the cooperatives growing rapidly, which not only can help to protect the safety and quality of agricultural products and also may help make the farmers equally participate in the process of modernization and share with the modern achievements.

    Key wordsagricultural products supply chain; bilateral investment; cooperative; asymmetric Nash bargaining

    [6]Topolansky Barbe F G, Gonzalez Triay M M, Hughes N J. The Challenges of A Consolidated Supply Chain to British Dairy Farmers [J].Social Research,2011, 2(23):90-99.

    [7]Grossman S J, Hart O D. The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration [J].Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94(4):691-719.

    [8]Hart O, Moore J. Property Rights and Nature of the Firm [J].Journal of Political Economy,1990, 98(6):1119- 1158.

    [9]叶飞,林强,莫瑞君.基于B-S模型的订单农业供应链协调机制研究[J].管理科学学报,2012,15(1):66-76. [Ye Fei, Lin Qiang, Mo Ruijun. Contractfarming Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism Based on BS Model [J].Journal of Management Science in China, 2012,15(1):66-76.]

    [10]Barrett C B, Bachke M E, Bellemare M F, et al. Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries[J].World Development,2012,40(4):715-730.

    [11]罗必良,刘成香,吴小立.资产专用性、专业化生产与农户的市场风险[J].农业经济问题,2008,(7):10-15. [Luo Biliang, Liu Chengxiang, Wu Xiaoli. Assets Specificity, Specialized Production and the Market Risk of the Peasanthousehold [J].Issues in Agricultural Economy (Monthly), 2008,(7):10-15.]

    [12]Xie G, Yue W, Wang S, et al. Quality Investment and Price Decision in a Riskaverse Supply Chain[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 214(2): 403-410.

    Governance Arrangement Optimization of the Agricultural Products Supply Chain

    from the Bilateral Investment Incentive Perspective

    PU Xujin1,2FAN Wangda1

    (1. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China;2. Jiangsu Food Research Base,

    Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China)


    This study focuses on the realistic dilemma of bilateral investments deficiency in the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain and aims to analyze how to optimize governance arrangement of the agricultural products supply chain. In the framework of asymmetric Nash bargaining and Stacklberg game theory, the mathematical model is developed to capture the feasibility to increase the bilateral investments in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain. The results show that:①Compared with the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain, both the investments in the farmers production effort and the enterprise sales effort are increased in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain.②The profit level of farmers is positively correlated to the bargaining power of the cooperative. When the cooperative have a relatively strong bargaining power, the farmers can still have more profits even if the retention rate of capital requirements is high.③When the bargaining power of the cooperative is in a certain degree, the profits of both the enterprise and the farmers will achieve the Pareto improvement.④The farmers guarantee fund will become lower in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain if considering the repeated games between the enterprise and the farmers. Finally, numerical simulations are used to analyze the impact, such as bargaining power and capital retention rate of cooperative, on the enterprise and farmer profit levels and the change of farmers guarantee fund in two different kinds of supply chain. The results highlight an advantage of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain: by making the status of the farmer and the leading firm more equal, the ‘hold up risk ?will decrease when the farmer makes an investment. When the farmers willingness to invest becomes stronger, the leading firm may be encouraged to increase the investment level to make more profits. Thus, the priority should be given to the development of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain in the future based on the cooperatives growing rapidly, which not only can help to protect the safety and quality of agricultural products and also may help make the farmers equally participate in the process of modernization and share with the modern achievements.

    Key wordsagricultural products supply chain; bilateral investment; cooperative; asymmetric Nash bargaining

    [6]Topolansky Barbe F G, Gonzalez Triay M M, Hughes N J. The Challenges of A Consolidated Supply Chain to British Dairy Farmers [J].Social Research,2011, 2(23):90-99.

    [7]Grossman S J, Hart O D. The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration [J].Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94(4):691-719.

    [8]Hart O, Moore J. Property Rights and Nature of the Firm [J].Journal of Political Economy,1990, 98(6):1119- 1158.

    [9]叶飞,林强,莫瑞君.基于B-S模型的订单农业供应链协调机制研究[J].管理科学学报,2012,15(1):66-76. [Ye Fei, Lin Qiang, Mo Ruijun. Contractfarming Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism Based on BS Model [J].Journal of Management Science in China, 2012,15(1):66-76.]

    [10]Barrett C B, Bachke M E, Bellemare M F, et al. Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries[J].World Development,2012,40(4):715-730.

    [11]罗必良,刘成香,吴小立.资产专用性、专业化生产与农户的市场风险[J].农业经济问题,2008,(7):10-15. [Luo Biliang, Liu Chengxiang, Wu Xiaoli. Assets Specificity, Specialized Production and the Market Risk of the Peasanthousehold [J].Issues in Agricultural Economy (Monthly), 2008,(7):10-15.]

    [12]Xie G, Yue W, Wang S, et al. Quality Investment and Price Decision in a Riskaverse Supply Chain[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 214(2): 403-410.

    Governance Arrangement Optimization of the Agricultural Products Supply Chain

    from the Bilateral Investment Incentive Perspective

    PU Xujin1,2FAN Wangda1

    (1. School of Business, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China;2. Jiangsu Food Research Base,

    Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214112, China)


    This study focuses on the realistic dilemma of bilateral investments deficiency in the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain and aims to analyze how to optimize governance arrangement of the agricultural products supply chain. In the framework of asymmetric Nash bargaining and Stacklberg game theory, the mathematical model is developed to capture the feasibility to increase the bilateral investments in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain. The results show that:①Compared with the ‘leading firm plus farmer mode supply chain, both the investments in the farmers production effort and the enterprise sales effort are increased in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain.②The profit level of farmers is positively correlated to the bargaining power of the cooperative. When the cooperative have a relatively strong bargaining power, the farmers can still have more profits even if the retention rate of capital requirements is high.③When the bargaining power of the cooperative is in a certain degree, the profits of both the enterprise and the farmers will achieve the Pareto improvement.④The farmers guarantee fund will become lower in the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain if considering the repeated games between the enterprise and the farmers. Finally, numerical simulations are used to analyze the impact, such as bargaining power and capital retention rate of cooperative, on the enterprise and farmer profit levels and the change of farmers guarantee fund in two different kinds of supply chain. The results highlight an advantage of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain: by making the status of the farmer and the leading firm more equal, the ‘hold up risk ?will decrease when the farmer makes an investment. When the farmers willingness to invest becomes stronger, the leading firm may be encouraged to increase the investment level to make more profits. Thus, the priority should be given to the development of the ‘leading firm plus cooperative plus farmer mode supply chain in the future based on the cooperatives growing rapidly, which not only can help to protect the safety and quality of agricultural products and also may help make the farmers equally participate in the process of modernization and share with the modern achievements.

    Key wordsagricultural products supply chain; bilateral investment; cooperative; asymmetric Nash bargaining





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