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标题 中国工业碳减排潜力估算

    摘要 工业是大多数国家碳排放最重要的领域,也是减排潜力最大、持续时间最长的领域。研究工业领域碳减排潜力对于理解中国碳排放峰值及参加国际气候变化谈判具有重大现实意义。本文采用经济核算的方法对2010-2050年我国工业碳减排潜力进行了估算。结果显示:在2030年工业碳排放达峰前,2010-2030年工业累积减排潜力为83-8亿t,其中,结构减排31-2亿t,强度减排52-6亿t;在2030年达峰之后,工业将继续为碳减排发挥积极贡献,2030-2050年累积减排潜力65-9亿t,其中,结构减排24-77亿t,强度减排41-15亿t。如果在这个过程中,工业内部结构和能源结构能得以进一步优化,则工业减排潜力更大,相应工业碳排放峰值将在原有预计基础上再下降8%左右,工业碳排放峰值也将提前至2025年前后出现。在估算中国工业碳减排潜力之前,考察了发达国家工业碳排放变化路径,发现工业可通过结构减排和强度减排“两个轮子”来为全国减排做出贡献,即使发达国家工业碳排放已越过峰值也是如此。文章的结论和对策建议是:①从工业碳排放达峰推断,中国不宜承诺于2030年之前实现总量达峰,并坚持绝对减排应在2035年之后;②我国工业部门持续碳减排潜力巨大,这为日后我国气候谈判增加了底气,“强度减排”主张可作为我国参加气候谈判的一个重要策略选项;③坚持市场在资源配置中的决定性作用改革取向,完善国内相关制度设计,将工业技术减排潜力充分发挥出来;④促进地区协调发展,充分发挥产业结构调整产生的减排效应,警惕由产业转移带来的产业结构逆向调整问题;⑤进一步加强国际合作,大力促进包括CCUS技术在内的工业碳减排技术的应用和发展。

    关键词 工业碳减排;结构减排;强度减排;排放峰值

    中图分类号 F423;X321 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0013-08


    1 发达国家的工业碳减排潜力与贡献


    1-1 工业碳减排力度对发达国家实现《京都议定书》承诺减排目标具有决定性的影响 表1是《京都议定书》附件B国家(包括后来退出《京都议定书》的国家)1990-2011年工业领域碳排放增长情况、以及与其《京都议定书》所确定的减排承诺的对比情况。从表1可以看出,工业领域未出现绝对减排的国家几乎都没有实现减排承诺(摩纳哥除外),而工业领域出现绝对减排的国家大多数实现了减排承诺(爱尔兰、意大利、列支敦士登、卢森堡、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚除外)。如果把欧盟诸国当作一个整体的话,则所有工业领域未出现绝对减排的国家都没有实现减排承诺,所有工业领域出现绝对减排的国家都实现了减排承诺。进一步观察发现:在完成《京都议定书》减排承诺的国家中,工业领域碳减排力度几乎都高于其整体承诺水平(只有瑞典和摩纳哥是例外)。反过来,在未达到《京都议定书》所确定减排承诺的国家中,多数国家工业领域碳减排力度也没有达到其整体减排承诺的水平(只有意大利、列支敦士登、卢森堡、斯洛文尼亚是例外)。将欧盟诸国当作一个整体,则实现《京都议定书》减排承诺的国家中工业领域碳减排力度都高于其国家整体承诺水平,未实现减排承诺的国家中工业领域碳减排力度都低于其国家整体承诺水平。

    1-2 多数国家工业碳排放强度持续下降,制造业碳排放强度普遍下降30%-40%,单位工业碳排放强度下降幅度大约是制造业的一半 表2和表3显示,1990年以来,主要发达国家的工业尤其是制造业碳排放强度出现持续下降,只有加拿大是例外(可能还包括下降趋势不明显的澳大利亚)。事实上,因工业领域减排不利,加拿大于2011年12月正式宣布退出了《京都议定书》。从发达国家内部来看,澳大利亚、美国、加拿大工业碳排放强度高,日本和欧洲国家工业碳排放强度低。与1990年相比,2010年多数国家单位制造业增加值碳排放强度下降30%或40%以上。但是,包含能源工业在内的工业碳排放强度却不甚理想,多数国家工业碳排放强度下降速度只有制造业碳排放强度下降速度的一半。其中,1990-2010年英国、德国、法国工业碳排放强度分别下降28%,25%和30%,而这三个国家是近年来非化石能源发展较好的国家,比如英国和德国的风能和生物质能、法国的核能。这反映出传统能源工业碳减排难度较大,能源结构的根本调整才能促使能源工业大幅度减排。1-3 发达国家工业比重普遍下降5-10个百分点,因工业比重下降而产生的结构减排贡献率在30%左右



    2 中国工业碳减排潜力估算


    2-1 估算方法与参数假设






    3 进一步讨论



    二是绿色能源和新能源的发展为能源工业碳减排发挥重要作用。因能源结构问题,中国能源碳排放系数几乎是全世界最高的,2012年达到3-367 t CO2/toe,是澳大利亚的1-08倍,美国、英国、德国的1-3倍,意大利的1-35倍,加拿大的1-8倍,法国的2-16倍。如果中国能未来因新能源和可再生能源的发展使能源结构低碳化,则因能源结构变动效应可使工业碳排放峰值再提前2-3年到来,并使工业碳排放峰值进一步降低。事实上,1990-2012年中国非化石能源总量翻了三番,年均增长超过9%。中国非化石能源消费量占比已从1990年的4%上升到2012年的9%,所占比重上升了5个百分点。并且,今后一段时期是中国风能、水能、太阳能增长的黄金时期。如果在工业碳排放达峰时,中国能源碳排放系数在现有基础上下降5%,则达峰时工业碳排放相应降低5%。


    4 结论与建议


    4-1 从工业碳排放达峰推断,中国不宜承诺于2030年之前实现总量达峰,并坚持绝对减排应在2035年之后 前面的分析表明,中国工业领域最早将在2025年前后达峰,发达国家的经历表明,在工业达峰后一般要经历一个较长的时间才能出现总量达峰的情况,即使中国工业化呈现“压缩型”特征,可以大大缩短这个进程,但至少也需要5-10年的时间,并且需要在峰值阶段维持一段时间。在承诺总量达峰谈判中,中国不宜承诺于2030年之前达峰。如中国被迫接受于2030年实现总量达峰,也要坚持在2035年之后才能开始绝对减排。

    4-2 我国工业部门持续碳减排潜力巨大,这为日后我国气候谈判增加了底气,“强度减排”主张可作为我国参加气候谈判的一个重要策略选项 和发达国家相比,今后一个相当长的时间内,我国结构减排和强度减排都具有巨大空间和优势地位。在以后的气候谈判中,我国应高举“强度减排”的旗帜,提出不同时间段的具体强度减排目标,并要求其他国家参照中国的目标制定减排承诺目标,这一方面可为我赢得排放空间,还可以获得广大的发展中国家的支持,同时,也可向发达国家施压,要求发达国家加大减排力度,特别是在2020年前增强减排力度。相比坚持“人均累积排放”等揪住历史责任不放的主张,坚持“强度减排”主张是一个面向未来的减排主张,更具有优势,可使我国占据“道德制高点”[2]。

    4-3 坚持市场在资源配置中的决定性作用改革取向,完善国内相关制度设计,将工业技术减排潜力充分发挥出来 IPCC第五次评估报告(送审稿)中援引McKinsey (2012)的研究指出,亚洲是工业减排成本最低的区域,其中,51%的减排潜力是负成本的,另有13%的减排潜力是低成本的(低于20欧元/tCO2。中国显然属于减排成本最低区域之一。要把工业减排潜力充分挖掘出来,需要有好的制度设计,其中,最关键的是要发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,比如,大力推进碳排放权交易和合同能源管理,有利于将大量低成本和负成本的减排方案充分挖掘出来,以较低的成本实现减排。当前各地正在进行的碳排放权交易试点,属于新生事物,在开始阶段肯定存在许多不完善的问题,但应该坚持这一试点方向,通过“干中学”,不断完善制度设计和能力建设,推进我国利用市场手段实现碳减排的进程[8-9]。

    4-4 促进地区协调发展,充分发挥产业结构调整产生的减排效应,警惕由产业转移带来的产业结构逆向调整问题 在过去很长一段时间里,我国产业结构变动并没有给碳减排产生正的贡献率,实际上,2000-2008年我国产业结构呈现高碳化趋势。这种情况在2008年以来有所改变,未来我国产业结构变动效应有望对碳减排产生正的贡献率。当前由于地区成本、环境管制等差异我国正在进行大规模的产业转移,近年来我国经济增长尤其是工业增长呈现“西快东慢”的特征,但不可否认的是,我国东中西部地区碳生产力存在巨大的差异,中西部碳生产力低于东部,因此,在现阶段要特别防止东部落后产能转移至中西部地区,导致产业结构高碳化。采取的主要措施有:实行全国统一的环境标准,防止落后产能异地搬迁;对东部地区淘汰落后产能实行产业援助政策;改革政府官员绩效考核制度,改变“唯GDP论”的畸形政绩观,将节能减排、环境保护等纳入官员绩效考核目标体系之中,并加大其权重;大力实施主体功能区规划,推进生态补偿政策等。

    4-5 进一步加强国际合作,大力促进包括CCUS技术在内的工业碳减排技术的应用和发展 当前,很多工业碳减排技术、新能源技术我国并不掌握,因此,要推进我国工业大力减排,非谋求国际合作不可。但是,发达国家的企业并不愿无偿转让这些具有全球公益的技术,我国要在与发达国家气候谈判中争取实现这些技术转移,一方面,我国要加大力量收集整理技术目录清单,在气候谈判中提出明确的技术转让要求;另一方面,要争取使公约内气候变化基金如全球环境基金(GEF)、气候变化特别基金(SCCF)、适应基金(AF)等用于我国获取发达国家先进能源技术和减排技术,甚至争取公约外的气候变化基金如气候投资基金(CIF)等用于技术转让[8]。在制定技术转让目录清单中,应该包括CCUS技术,因为我国以煤炭为主体的能源结构很难在2050年之前发生实质性的变化,如果其他各种工业减排手段都使用但仍未实现预定减排目标的情况下,我们不得不更多使用CCUS技术[9-10]。(编辑:李 琪)


    [1] 郭朝先,胡文龙,刘芳-发达国家工业部门碳排放情况及对我国的启示[J]-中国能源,2013,(10): 16-20-[Guo Chaoxian,Hu Wenlong,Liu Fang- Changes of Carbon Emissions in Industrial Sector of Developed Countries and Its Inspiration for China[J]- Energy for China,2013,35(10):16-20-]

    [2]中国21 世纪议程管理中心,中国社会科学院工业经济研究所-主要国家和我国温室气体排放路径分析、峰值研究及减排成本效益分析[R]-2011-[The Administrative Center for Chinas Agenda 21, the Institute of Industrial Economics,CASS- China and Some Main Countries Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Pathway,Peak and CostBenefit Analysis[R]-2011-]

    [3]何建坤-CO2排放峰值分析:中国的减排目标与对策[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(12):1-9- [He Jiankun- Analysis of CO2 Emissions Peak: Chinas Objective and Strategy[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(12):1-9-]

    [4]魏一鸣-中国能源报告(2008):碳排放研究[M]-北京:科学出版社,2008-[Wei Yiming-China Energy Report(2008):CO2 Emissions Research[M]-Beijing: Science Press,2008-]

    [5]郭朝先- 产业结构变动对中国碳排放的影响[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(7):15-20- [Guo Chaoxian- Effect of Industrial Structure Change on Carbon Emission in China[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2012,22(7):15-20-]

    [6]郭朝先-中国碳排放因素分解:基于LMDI分解技术[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20 (12):4-9- [Guo Chaoxian- Decomposition of Chinas Carbon Emissions: Based on LMDI Method[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2010,20( 12):4-9-]

    [7]郭朝先-中国二氧化碳排放增长因素分析:基于SDA分解技术[J]-中国工业经济,2010,(12):47-56- [Guo Chaoxian- An Analysis of the Increase of CO2 Emission in China:Based on SDA Technique[J]- China Industrial Economics- 2010,(12):47-56-]

    [8]王伟光,郑国光- 应对气候变化报告(2013):聚焦低碳城镇化[M]- 北京:社会科学文献出版社,2013- [Wang Weiguang,Zheng Guoguang- Annual Report on Actions to Address Climate Change(2013):Focus on Low Carbon Urbanization- Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013-]

    [9]戴彦德,胡秀莲- 中国二氧化碳减排技术潜力和成本研究[M]- 北京:中国环境科学出版社,2013-[Dai Yande,Hu Xiulian- Potential and Cost Study on Chinas Carbon Mitigation Technologies- Beijing:China Environmental Sciences Press,2013-]

    [10]编委会- 第二次气候变化国家评估报告[M]- 北京:科学出版社,2011- [The Editorial Board- The Second National Assessment Report on the Climate Change[M]- Beijing:Science Press,2011-]

    Abstract Industry is the most important carbon emission field in the most countries,and it is also the field of the greatest reduction potential and can last a very long time for emission reduction- Studying on industrial carbon emission reduction potential has a great significance for understanding Chinas emissions peak and participating in international climate change negotiations-This paper estimates 2010-2050 Chinas industrial carbon reduction potential by economic accounting method- The estimation outcomes are: the cumulative industrial emission reduction potential is 8-38 billion t before the year 2030 in which industrial carbon emission reaches the peak,including 3-12 billion t structural emission reduction and 5-26 billion t intensity emission reduction- Industry will continue to play a positive contribution for carbon reduction after 2030,and the cumulative emission reduction potential is 6-59 billion t during 2030-2050,including 2-477 billion t structural emission reduction and 4-115 billion t intensity emission reduction- In fact,industry has greater potential to reduce emissions if the internal industrial structure and the energy structure can be optimizated at the same time,and the corresponding industrial carbon emission peak is expected to appear around 2025,and the peak value is expected to decline 8% than the original estimated value- Before estimating Chinas industrial carbon reduction potential,the paper analyzed the industrial carbon emissions changed paths in developed countries,and found that industrial carbon emission reduction can contribute the whole national emission reduction by “two wheels”,structural emission reduction and intensity emission reduction,even if developed countries have crossed the industrial emission peak as well- The conclusions and suggestions are: ①Inferred from the industrial carbon emission peak,China should not be committed to reach carbon emission peak before 2030,and insist on absolute reduction after 2035. ②Chinas industrial sector has great carbon emission potentials,which backbone our climate negotiations in the future,and ‘intensity emission reduction can be put forward as an important policy option in the climate negotiations. ③Insist on the marketoriented reform that market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources,and improve the relevant domestic institutional design to realize the technology emission reduction potentials. ④Promote regional coordination development,make structural emission reduction play greater important role,and keep a wary eye on the problem of the reverse structure adjustment by the industrial regional transfer. ⑤Further strengthen the international cooperation,and vigorously promote industrial carbon emission technologies application and development,including the CCUS technology application and development-

    Key words industrial carbon emission reduction; structural emission reduction; intensity emission reduction; emission peak


    [1] 郭朝先,胡文龙,刘芳-发达国家工业部门碳排放情况及对我国的启示[J]-中国能源,2013,(10): 16-20-[Guo Chaoxian,Hu Wenlong,Liu Fang- Changes of Carbon Emissions in Industrial Sector of Developed Countries and Its Inspiration for China[J]- Energy for China,2013,35(10):16-20-]

    [2]中国21 世纪议程管理中心,中国社会科学院工业经济研究所-主要国家和我国温室气体排放路径分析、峰值研究及减排成本效益分析[R]-2011-[The Administrative Center for Chinas Agenda 21, the Institute of Industrial Economics,CASS- China and Some Main Countries Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Pathway,Peak and CostBenefit Analysis[R]-2011-]

    [3]何建坤-CO2排放峰值分析:中国的减排目标与对策[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(12):1-9- [He Jiankun- Analysis of CO2 Emissions Peak: Chinas Objective and Strategy[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(12):1-9-]

    [4]魏一鸣-中国能源报告(2008):碳排放研究[M]-北京:科学出版社,2008-[Wei Yiming-China Energy Report(2008):CO2 Emissions Research[M]-Beijing: Science Press,2008-]

    [5]郭朝先- 产业结构变动对中国碳排放的影响[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(7):15-20- [Guo Chaoxian- Effect of Industrial Structure Change on Carbon Emission in China[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2012,22(7):15-20-]

    [6]郭朝先-中国碳排放因素分解:基于LMDI分解技术[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20 (12):4-9- [Guo Chaoxian- Decomposition of Chinas Carbon Emissions: Based on LMDI Method[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2010,20( 12):4-9-]

    [7]郭朝先-中国二氧化碳排放增长因素分析:基于SDA分解技术[J]-中国工业经济,2010,(12):47-56- [Guo Chaoxian- An Analysis of the Increase of CO2 Emission in China:Based on SDA Technique[J]- China Industrial Economics- 2010,(12):47-56-]

    [8]王伟光,郑国光- 应对气候变化报告(2013):聚焦低碳城镇化[M]- 北京:社会科学文献出版社,2013- [Wang Weiguang,Zheng Guoguang- Annual Report on Actions to Address Climate Change(2013):Focus on Low Carbon Urbanization- Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013-]

    [9]戴彦德,胡秀莲- 中国二氧化碳减排技术潜力和成本研究[M]- 北京:中国环境科学出版社,2013-[Dai Yande,Hu Xiulian- Potential and Cost Study on Chinas Carbon Mitigation Technologies- Beijing:China Environmental Sciences Press,2013-]

    [10]编委会- 第二次气候变化国家评估报告[M]- 北京:科学出版社,2011- [The Editorial Board- The Second National Assessment Report on the Climate Change[M]- Beijing:Science Press,2011-]

    Abstract Industry is the most important carbon emission field in the most countries,and it is also the field of the greatest reduction potential and can last a very long time for emission reduction- Studying on industrial carbon emission reduction potential has a great significance for understanding Chinas emissions peak and participating in international climate change negotiations-This paper estimates 2010-2050 Chinas industrial carbon reduction potential by economic accounting method- The estimation outcomes are: the cumulative industrial emission reduction potential is 8-38 billion t before the year 2030 in which industrial carbon emission reaches the peak,including 3-12 billion t structural emission reduction and 5-26 billion t intensity emission reduction- Industry will continue to play a positive contribution for carbon reduction after 2030,and the cumulative emission reduction potential is 6-59 billion t during 2030-2050,including 2-477 billion t structural emission reduction and 4-115 billion t intensity emission reduction- In fact,industry has greater potential to reduce emissions if the internal industrial structure and the energy structure can be optimizated at the same time,and the corresponding industrial carbon emission peak is expected to appear around 2025,and the peak value is expected to decline 8% than the original estimated value- Before estimating Chinas industrial carbon reduction potential,the paper analyzed the industrial carbon emissions changed paths in developed countries,and found that industrial carbon emission reduction can contribute the whole national emission reduction by “two wheels”,structural emission reduction and intensity emission reduction,even if developed countries have crossed the industrial emission peak as well- The conclusions and suggestions are: ①Inferred from the industrial carbon emission peak,China should not be committed to reach carbon emission peak before 2030,and insist on absolute reduction after 2035. ②Chinas industrial sector has great carbon emission potentials,which backbone our climate negotiations in the future,and ‘intensity emission reduction can be put forward as an important policy option in the climate negotiations. ③Insist on the marketoriented reform that market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources,and improve the relevant domestic institutional design to realize the technology emission reduction potentials. ④Promote regional coordination development,make structural emission reduction play greater important role,and keep a wary eye on the problem of the reverse structure adjustment by the industrial regional transfer. ⑤Further strengthen the international cooperation,and vigorously promote industrial carbon emission technologies application and development,including the CCUS technology application and development-

    Key words industrial carbon emission reduction; structural emission reduction; intensity emission reduction; emission peak


    [1] 郭朝先,胡文龙,刘芳-发达国家工业部门碳排放情况及对我国的启示[J]-中国能源,2013,(10): 16-20-[Guo Chaoxian,Hu Wenlong,Liu Fang- Changes of Carbon Emissions in Industrial Sector of Developed Countries and Its Inspiration for China[J]- Energy for China,2013,35(10):16-20-]

    [2]中国21 世纪议程管理中心,中国社会科学院工业经济研究所-主要国家和我国温室气体排放路径分析、峰值研究及减排成本效益分析[R]-2011-[The Administrative Center for Chinas Agenda 21, the Institute of Industrial Economics,CASS- China and Some Main Countries Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Pathway,Peak and CostBenefit Analysis[R]-2011-]

    [3]何建坤-CO2排放峰值分析:中国的减排目标与对策[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(12):1-9- [He Jiankun- Analysis of CO2 Emissions Peak: Chinas Objective and Strategy[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(12):1-9-]

    [4]魏一鸣-中国能源报告(2008):碳排放研究[M]-北京:科学出版社,2008-[Wei Yiming-China Energy Report(2008):CO2 Emissions Research[M]-Beijing: Science Press,2008-]

    [5]郭朝先- 产业结构变动对中国碳排放的影响[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(7):15-20- [Guo Chaoxian- Effect of Industrial Structure Change on Carbon Emission in China[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2012,22(7):15-20-]

    [6]郭朝先-中国碳排放因素分解:基于LMDI分解技术[J]- 中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20 (12):4-9- [Guo Chaoxian- Decomposition of Chinas Carbon Emissions: Based on LMDI Method[J]- China Population,Resources and Environment,2010,20( 12):4-9-]

    [7]郭朝先-中国二氧化碳排放增长因素分析:基于SDA分解技术[J]-中国工业经济,2010,(12):47-56- [Guo Chaoxian- An Analysis of the Increase of CO2 Emission in China:Based on SDA Technique[J]- China Industrial Economics- 2010,(12):47-56-]

    [8]王伟光,郑国光- 应对气候变化报告(2013):聚焦低碳城镇化[M]- 北京:社会科学文献出版社,2013- [Wang Weiguang,Zheng Guoguang- Annual Report on Actions to Address Climate Change(2013):Focus on Low Carbon Urbanization- Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013-]

    [9]戴彦德,胡秀莲- 中国二氧化碳减排技术潜力和成本研究[M]- 北京:中国环境科学出版社,2013-[Dai Yande,Hu Xiulian- Potential and Cost Study on Chinas Carbon Mitigation Technologies- Beijing:China Environmental Sciences Press,2013-]

    [10]编委会- 第二次气候变化国家评估报告[M]- 北京:科学出版社,2011- [The Editorial Board- The Second National Assessment Report on the Climate Change[M]- Beijing:Science Press,2011-]

    Abstract Industry is the most important carbon emission field in the most countries,and it is also the field of the greatest reduction potential and can last a very long time for emission reduction- Studying on industrial carbon emission reduction potential has a great significance for understanding Chinas emissions peak and participating in international climate change negotiations-This paper estimates 2010-2050 Chinas industrial carbon reduction potential by economic accounting method- The estimation outcomes are: the cumulative industrial emission reduction potential is 8-38 billion t before the year 2030 in which industrial carbon emission reaches the peak,including 3-12 billion t structural emission reduction and 5-26 billion t intensity emission reduction- Industry will continue to play a positive contribution for carbon reduction after 2030,and the cumulative emission reduction potential is 6-59 billion t during 2030-2050,including 2-477 billion t structural emission reduction and 4-115 billion t intensity emission reduction- In fact,industry has greater potential to reduce emissions if the internal industrial structure and the energy structure can be optimizated at the same time,and the corresponding industrial carbon emission peak is expected to appear around 2025,and the peak value is expected to decline 8% than the original estimated value- Before estimating Chinas industrial carbon reduction potential,the paper analyzed the industrial carbon emissions changed paths in developed countries,and found that industrial carbon emission reduction can contribute the whole national emission reduction by “two wheels”,structural emission reduction and intensity emission reduction,even if developed countries have crossed the industrial emission peak as well- The conclusions and suggestions are: ①Inferred from the industrial carbon emission peak,China should not be committed to reach carbon emission peak before 2030,and insist on absolute reduction after 2035. ②Chinas industrial sector has great carbon emission potentials,which backbone our climate negotiations in the future,and ‘intensity emission reduction can be put forward as an important policy option in the climate negotiations. ③Insist on the marketoriented reform that market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources,and improve the relevant domestic institutional design to realize the technology emission reduction potentials. ④Promote regional coordination development,make structural emission reduction play greater important role,and keep a wary eye on the problem of the reverse structure adjustment by the industrial regional transfer. ⑤Further strengthen the international cooperation,and vigorously promote industrial carbon emission technologies application and development,including the CCUS technology application and development-

    Key words industrial carbon emission reduction; structural emission reduction; intensity emission reduction; emission peak





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