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单词 unscrupulous
释义 unscrupulous adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem不道德;似乎不道德▸➤become变得不道德adverb➤completely, quite, thoroughly (especially bre) 完全不讲道德;肆无忌惮◆in his desire for power, he has become completely unscrupulous.在追求权力的过程中,他变得不择手段。➤pretty (especially bre) 颇不道德 unscrupulous /ʌnskruːpjələs/ adjectivewithout moral principles; not honest or fair 不择手段的;无所不为的;肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的◆unsrupulous companies/dealers/lenders 不择手段的公司/交易商/贷款人◆unscrupulous practices/methods/tactics 不择手段的做法/方法/策略 ▸ unscrupulously adverb ▸ unscrupulousness noun [uncountable]☞ unscrupulousunscrupulous /ʌnskruːpjələs/ (rather formal, disapproving) (of people) willing to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage; (of behaviour) dishonest or immoral(人)贪污的,受贿的,腐败的;(行为)不诚实的,不道德的◆the new law will give unscrupulous landlords an easy way of getting rid of people.新法律将使得无良的房东很容易撵人。 opp scrupulous → good 5  ➡ see also scruple → doubt noun 2 note 辨析 corrupt or unscrupulous? corrupt is often used to talk about the authorities or a system and people who work for them. typical collocates are regime, system and official. common collocations of unscrupulous are mainly connected with people and their work, especially those who manage their own businesses: dealer, employer, landlord, lender, operator, people, politican, dealings and practices. * corrupt 常用于形容官方机构或体制,以及里面的人员,常与 regime、system 和 official 搭配。unscrupulous 的常见搭配主要与人和他们的工作相关,尤其是自营生意者,搭配词有 dealer、employer、landlord、lender、operator、people、politican、dealings 和 practices。unscrupulous/ʌnˈskru:pjələs ||; ʌnˈskrupjələs/adj being dishonest, cruel or unfair in order to get what you want 肆无忌惮的;不择手段的;无耻的 [opp] scrupulous 反义词为scrupulousunscrupuloussee ⇨ dishonest 1 un·scru·pu·lous /ʌn`skrupjələs; ʌnˈskruːpjləs/adjan unscrupulous person behaves in an unfair or dishonest way in order to get what they want 不择手段的,不讲道德的:◇unscrupulous employers 无耻的雇主




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