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标题 近十年来中国粮食内部种植结构调整对水土资源利用的影响分析

    李天祥 朱晶

    摘要 2004-2013年中国粮食实现连续十年增产。粮食内部种植结构调整、高产作物对低产作物的种植替代,成为促进粮食持续增产不可忽视的重要因素。然而,由于不同粮食作物单位产量的耗水和耗地程度不同,在推动粮食总产增长的同时,这种结构调整也会影响我国粮食生产的水土资源消耗。本文系统测算了粮食“十连增”对我国水土资源利用的影响,并重点讨论了粮食内部种植结构调整在其中所发挥的作用。结果表明,过去十年来,结构调整共为我国粮食生产节省了10 150万亩的播种面积和310.6亿m3的水资源消耗。分区域来看,结构调整在东北、华北、华中、西南和西北地区发挥了较好的“节地又节水”作用,但在东南地区则体现为“节地但耗水”。粮食生产重心北移,北方高产但单位质量耗水量相对较低的玉米等粮食作物播种面积和比例的持续扩大,除推动全国粮食总产量增加以外,也一定程度缓解了北方地区水资源消耗的负担。但尽管如此,粮食“十连增”总体上仍进一步加剧了全国水土资源短缺的严峻形势。未来水土资源的刚性约束,使得我国粮食增产的压力持续扩大,且面临巨大的生态环境成本;而粮食生产结构调整的深入则会加剧不同粮食作物间供求不平衡的矛盾,同时也面临着国际市场贸易环境变化及国内外粮价相互传导所带来的诸多不确定性,因此,今后依靠结构调整进一步促进粮食增产且发挥节地节水作用的空间将会十分有限。综合来看,为实现中国粮食总量安全与结构平衡,一方面应当立足国内生产,提高水土资源的利用效率,挖掘低产粮食作物的单产潜力;另一方面也应考虑适度利用国际粮食市场,调剂与平衡国内农产品供需,以更好地保障国家粮食安全。

    关键词 粮食增产;结构调整;水土资源;资源消耗;粮食安全

    中图分类号 F326.1;X24 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0096-07


    1 我国水土资源的空间分布与近十年来粮食产量及生产结构变化

    1.1 我国水土资源的空间分布与近十年来粮食产量变化

    水土资源是人类赖以生产与生活的基本资料。我国是一个水土资源相对短缺的国家,人均水土资源占有量分别仅相当于世界平均水平的28%和40%[3-4]。同时,全国水土资源的空间分布不均,水土资源匹配严重错位,北方耕地面积占全国耕地面积的3/5,而水资源量仅占全国的1/ 5;土地资源集中的华北和东北地区,广义农业水资源占有量仅为5 006 m3 /hm2和4 341 m3 /hm2,远低于全国平均值[5-6]。

    尽管水土资源条件不容乐观,然而受“人努力、天帮忙”等一系列因素的影响,2004-2013年我国粮食仍然取得了“十连增”,10年共增产17 123万t,增长39.8%,年均增速高达3.4%。



    1.2 近十年来全国粮食种植结构调整及其地区差异

    粮食总产增长的同时,我国粮食生产结构也发生了较为明显的变化,粮食内部种植结构调整主要体现为玉米、稻谷对小麦、大豆及薯类等其它粮食作物的种植替代。2003-2012年全国玉米、稻谷的播种面积分别扩大了16 443和5 444万亩,占粮食总播种面积的比重各自上升了7.3和0.4个百分点;小麦的播种面积虽有所提高,但增长速度低于粮食总播种面积的平均增速,导致其在粮食总播种面积中的占比略有下降;而大豆、薯类等其它粮食作物的播种面积则逐年降低,共减少7 601万亩,占粮食总播种面积的比例降低了7.5个百分点。





    2 结构调整对我国粮食生产水土资源消耗的影响测度:思路与方法

    2.1 结构调整对粮食生产土地资源消耗的影响测度



    3 结构调整对我国粮食生产水土资源消耗的影响测度:结果与分析


    3.1 结构调整对我国粮食生产土地资源消耗的影响

    3.1.1 对全国粮食生产土地资源消耗的影响

    “十连增”期间粮食内部种植结构调整、高产作物对低产作物的种植替代,一定程度上提高了我国粮食单位面积的加权平均产量,使得与无结构调整情形相比,在获得相同产量时,结构调整发挥了较好地节约土地投入量的作用(见表1)。2003-2012年,粮食内部种植结构调整为我国相对节省了约10 150万亩的粮食播种面积,占同期全国粮食播种面积增加总量的57.4%。分年份来看,除个别年份以外,结构调整对近十年来我国各年度的粮食加权平均单产均有一定的提升作用,相对节省粮食播种面积的数量基本都在500万亩以上,节约部分占当年全国粮食播种面积实际增长量的比例均超过15%,其中2006和2012年,结构调整分别为我国节省粮食播种面积1 480和1 320万亩,各相当于当年粮食播种面积增长总量的145.2%和139.7%。结构调整在不增加额外播种面积压力的情况下,通过提高粮食加权平均单产,较好地发挥了“节地”功能。

    3.1.2 对各地区粮食生产土地资源消耗的影响


    和调整程度上存在较大的差别,导致结构调整对各地区粮食加权平均单产提升的贡献作用各异,为各区域相对节省的粮食播种面积数量也存在较大的不同(见表2)。具体而言,东北地区是全国结构调整“节地”作用最为显著的区域,2003-2012年因结构调整相对节省播种面积6 310万亩,占结构调整节约全国粮食播种面积总量的62.2%;华北和华中地区结构调整的“节地”作用也比较明显,分别节省粮食播种面积1 810和1 140万亩,占到当年结构调整节省全国粮食播种面积总量的17.8%和11.2%;而在西北、西南和东南地区,尽管结构调整也一定程度上起到了节省土地资源的作用,但节约数量相对较小,占全国整体的比重较为有限。

    3.2 结构调整对全国及分地区粮食生产水资源消耗的影响

    3.2.1 对全国粮食生产水资源消耗的影响

    持同样的产量不变,如果不存在结构调整的话,则2012年粮食生产每t需要耗水1 234.1 m3,总耗水量将达到7 276.1亿m3,比有结构调整的情形高出310.6亿m3,占到“十连增”期间全国粮食生产耗水增加总量的约20.2%(见表3)。粮食内部种植结构调整在相对节省了粮食生产的土地资源消耗的同时,也较大幅度地节约了水资源消耗。


    3.2.2 对各地区粮食生产水资源消耗的影响


    4 结论与讨论

    4.1 主要结论


    (1)从全国整体来看,“十连增”期间粮食内部种植结构调整、高产作物对低产作物的种植替代,在有利推动我国粮食增产,相对“节省”粮食生产的土地资源消耗的同时,也一定程度上起到了节约水资源消耗的作用。2003-2012年,结构调整为我国节省了约10 150万亩的播种面积和310.6亿m3的水资源消耗,分别占到了同期全国粮食播种面积和水资源消耗实际增长总量的57.4%和20.2%。



    4.2 进一步的讨论






    [1]朱晶,李天祥,林大燕,等.“九连增”后的思考:粮食内部种植结构调整的贡献及未来潜力分析[J].农业经济问题,2013,(11):36-43. [Zhu Jing, Li Tianxiang, Lin Dayan, et al. Analysis on Chinas Nineyear Consecutive Grain Production Growth: Contribution and Future Potential of Intercrop Structural Adjustment [J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2013, (11): 36-43. ]

    [2]陈劲松.2012年中国农村经济形势分析与2013年展望[J].中国农村经济,2013,(2):4-11. [Chen Jinsong. An Analysis of Chinas Rural Economic Situation in 2012 and Outlook for 2013 [J].Chinese Rural Economy, 2013, (2): 4-11.]

    [3]Cater C A, Zhong F, Zhu J. Advances in Chinese Agriculture and Its Global Implication [J]. Applied Economic Perspective and Policy, 2012, 34(1):1-36.

    [4]FAO, OECD. Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022: Highlights[R].Roman: FAO, 2013.

    [5]刘彦随,吴传钧.中国水土资源态势与可持续食物安全[J]. 自然资源学报,2002,17(3):270-275.[Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun. Situation of Landwater Resources and Analysis of Sustainable Food Security in China [J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2002, 17(3):270-275. ]

    [6]李祥妹,周龙春.基于要素成本核算的水资源管理研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(12):39-45. [Li Xiangmei, Zhou Longchun.Water Management Research Based on Factor Cost Accounting[J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012, 22(12): 39-45. ]

    [7]孙才志,张蕾.中国农产品虚拟水-耕地资源区域时空差异演变[J].资源科学,2009,31(1):84-93.[Sun Caizhi, Zhang Lei. Changes in Spatial and Temporal Differences of Agricultural Product Virtual Water Versus Cultivated land in China [J].Resource Science, 2009, 31(1):84-93.]

    [8]孙才志,刘玉玉,张蕾.中国农产品虚拟水与资源环境经济要素的时空匹配分析[J].资源科学,2010,32(3):512-519. [Sun Caizhi, Liu Yuyu, Zhang Lei. Analysis on the Spatialtemporal Matching of Crops Virtual Water Versus Resourcesenvironmenteconomy Factors in China [J].Resource Science, 2010, 32(3):512-519.]

    [9]刘宝勤.我国粮食虚拟水流动空间格局及其调控政策[J].水利发展研究,2010,(2):16-20. [Liu Baoqin. Spatial Patterns of Chinas Virtual Water Flow for Food Crops and Its Policy Implications [J].Water Resources Development Research, 2010, (2): 16-20. ]

    [10]王浩,杨贵羽,杨朝晖.水土资源约束下保障粮食安全的战略思考[J].中国科学院院刊,2013,28(3):329-336. [Wang Hao,Yang Guiyu, Yang Zhaohui. Thinking of Agricultural Development in China Based on Regional Water Resources and Land Cultivation [J]. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013, 28(3): 329-336. ]

    Abstract China has achieved a tenyear consecutive grain production growth from the year 2004 to 2013. Structural adjustment among grain crops with high yielding crops replacing lowyielding ones is an important factor contributing to the output growth. Given the fact that different crops require different amounts of water and land in their production, the structural adjustment can have significant impacts on both crop yield and the usage of production resources such as water and land. This paper has estimated systematically the impacts of Chinas tenyear consecutive grain production growth on its water and land use, with emphasized analysis on the role of intercrop structural adjustment. The results show that the intercrop structural adjustment has helped to save appropriate 101.5 million mu sown area and 31.06 billion m3 water resource for the country, compared with the scenarios with no such adjustment. From the regional perspective, the impacts of structural adjustment in the North, Northeast, Northwest, Middle and Southwest China are ‘saving land and water, while that in the Southeast China is ‘saving land but using more water. As grain production has been concentrated to the northern part of the country, the continued sown area and ratio increase in highyielding but lowwater usage grain crops, such as maize in the region, has not only helped to increase the grain production, but also alleviated the water consumption burden causing by grain output growth in northern China. However, despite of these facts, Chinas tenyear consecutive grain production growth has generally intensified the shortage of its land and water resources. Given the constraint of the worsening land and water endowments, the pressure of further grain output growth will be expanding in the future, as well as facing with great ecological environment costs. Intercrop structural adjustment may exacerbate the imbalance between supply and demand of each crop, and will be more vulnerable to the world food market volatility from trade environment change and price transmission. In the future, the potential for further such adjustment with a view to increase grain output and save land and water will be limited. Therefore, to ensure food security in China, increasing domestic grain production by improving land and water usage efficiencies, tapping yield potential of lowyielding crops will be effective measures, along with appropriate utilization of world market to balance domestic food supply and demand.

    Key words grain output growth; structural adjustment; water and land resources; resources consumption; food security

    [4]FAO, OECD. Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022: Highlights[R].Roman: FAO, 2013.

    [5]刘彦随,吴传钧.中国水土资源态势与可持续食物安全[J]. 自然资源学报,2002,17(3):270-275.[Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun. Situation of Landwater Resources and Analysis of Sustainable Food Security in China [J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2002, 17(3):270-275. ]

    [6]李祥妹,周龙春.基于要素成本核算的水资源管理研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(12):39-45. [Li Xiangmei, Zhou Longchun.Water Management Research Based on Factor Cost Accounting[J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012, 22(12): 39-45. ]

    [7]孙才志,张蕾.中国农产品虚拟水-耕地资源区域时空差异演变[J].资源科学,2009,31(1):84-93.[Sun Caizhi, Zhang Lei. Changes in Spatial and Temporal Differences of Agricultural Product Virtual Water Versus Cultivated land in China [J].Resource Science, 2009, 31(1):84-93.]

    [8]孙才志,刘玉玉,张蕾.中国农产品虚拟水与资源环境经济要素的时空匹配分析[J].资源科学,2010,32(3):512-519. [Sun Caizhi, Liu Yuyu, Zhang Lei. Analysis on the Spatialtemporal Matching of Crops Virtual Water Versus Resourcesenvironmenteconomy Factors in China [J].Resource Science, 2010, 32(3):512-519.]

    [9]刘宝勤.我国粮食虚拟水流动空间格局及其调控政策[J].水利发展研究,2010,(2):16-20. [Liu Baoqin. Spatial Patterns of Chinas Virtual Water Flow for Food Crops and Its Policy Implications [J].Water Resources Development Research, 2010, (2): 16-20. ]

    [10]王浩,杨贵羽,杨朝晖.水土资源约束下保障粮食安全的战略思考[J].中国科学院院刊,2013,28(3):329-336. [Wang Hao,Yang Guiyu, Yang Zhaohui. Thinking of Agricultural Development in China Based on Regional Water Resources and Land Cultivation [J]. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013, 28(3): 329-336. ]

    Abstract China has achieved a tenyear consecutive grain production growth from the year 2004 to 2013. Structural adjustment among grain crops with high yielding crops replacing lowyielding ones is an important factor contributing to the output growth. Given the fact that different crops require different amounts of water and land in their production, the structural adjustment can have significant impacts on both crop yield and the usage of production resources such as water and land. This paper has estimated systematically the impacts of Chinas tenyear consecutive grain production growth on its water and land use, with emphasized analysis on the role of intercrop structural adjustment. The results show that the intercrop structural adjustment has helped to save appropriate 101.5 million mu sown area and 31.06 billion m3 water resource for the country, compared with the scenarios with no such adjustment. From the regional perspective, the impacts of structural adjustment in the North, Northeast, Northwest, Middle and Southwest China are ‘saving land and water, while that in the Southeast China is ‘saving land but using more water. As grain production has been concentrated to the northern part of the country, the continued sown area and ratio increase in highyielding but lowwater usage grain crops, such as maize in the region, has not only helped to increase the grain production, but also alleviated the water consumption burden causing by grain output growth in northern China. However, despite of these facts, Chinas tenyear consecutive grain production growth has generally intensified the shortage of its land and water resources. Given the constraint of the worsening land and water endowments, the pressure of further grain output growth will be expanding in the future, as well as facing with great ecological environment costs. Intercrop structural adjustment may exacerbate the imbalance between supply and demand of each crop, and will be more vulnerable to the world food market volatility from trade environment change and price transmission. In the future, the potential for further such adjustment with a view to increase grain output and save land and water will be limited. Therefore, to ensure food security in China, increasing domestic grain production by improving land and water usage efficiencies, tapping yield potential of lowyielding crops will be effective measures, along with appropriate utilization of world market to balance domestic food supply and demand.

    Key words grain output growth; structural adjustment; water and land resources; resources consumption; food security

    [4]FAO, OECD. Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022: Highlights[R].Roman: FAO, 2013.

    [5]刘彦随,吴传钧.中国水土资源态势与可持续食物安全[J]. 自然资源学报,2002,17(3):270-275.[Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun. Situation of Landwater Resources and Analysis of Sustainable Food Security in China [J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2002, 17(3):270-275. ]

    [6]李祥妹,周龙春.基于要素成本核算的水资源管理研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(12):39-45. [Li Xiangmei, Zhou Longchun.Water Management Research Based on Factor Cost Accounting[J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012, 22(12): 39-45. ]

    [7]孙才志,张蕾.中国农产品虚拟水-耕地资源区域时空差异演变[J].资源科学,2009,31(1):84-93.[Sun Caizhi, Zhang Lei. Changes in Spatial and Temporal Differences of Agricultural Product Virtual Water Versus Cultivated land in China [J].Resource Science, 2009, 31(1):84-93.]

    [8]孙才志,刘玉玉,张蕾.中国农产品虚拟水与资源环境经济要素的时空匹配分析[J].资源科学,2010,32(3):512-519. [Sun Caizhi, Liu Yuyu, Zhang Lei. Analysis on the Spatialtemporal Matching of Crops Virtual Water Versus Resourcesenvironmenteconomy Factors in China [J].Resource Science, 2010, 32(3):512-519.]

    [9]刘宝勤.我国粮食虚拟水流动空间格局及其调控政策[J].水利发展研究,2010,(2):16-20. [Liu Baoqin. Spatial Patterns of Chinas Virtual Water Flow for Food Crops and Its Policy Implications [J].Water Resources Development Research, 2010, (2): 16-20. ]

    [10]王浩,杨贵羽,杨朝晖.水土资源约束下保障粮食安全的战略思考[J].中国科学院院刊,2013,28(3):329-336. [Wang Hao,Yang Guiyu, Yang Zhaohui. Thinking of Agricultural Development in China Based on Regional Water Resources and Land Cultivation [J]. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013, 28(3): 329-336. ]

    Abstract China has achieved a tenyear consecutive grain production growth from the year 2004 to 2013. Structural adjustment among grain crops with high yielding crops replacing lowyielding ones is an important factor contributing to the output growth. Given the fact that different crops require different amounts of water and land in their production, the structural adjustment can have significant impacts on both crop yield and the usage of production resources such as water and land. This paper has estimated systematically the impacts of Chinas tenyear consecutive grain production growth on its water and land use, with emphasized analysis on the role of intercrop structural adjustment. The results show that the intercrop structural adjustment has helped to save appropriate 101.5 million mu sown area and 31.06 billion m3 water resource for the country, compared with the scenarios with no such adjustment. From the regional perspective, the impacts of structural adjustment in the North, Northeast, Northwest, Middle and Southwest China are ‘saving land and water, while that in the Southeast China is ‘saving land but using more water. As grain production has been concentrated to the northern part of the country, the continued sown area and ratio increase in highyielding but lowwater usage grain crops, such as maize in the region, has not only helped to increase the grain production, but also alleviated the water consumption burden causing by grain output growth in northern China. However, despite of these facts, Chinas tenyear consecutive grain production growth has generally intensified the shortage of its land and water resources. Given the constraint of the worsening land and water endowments, the pressure of further grain output growth will be expanding in the future, as well as facing with great ecological environment costs. Intercrop structural adjustment may exacerbate the imbalance between supply and demand of each crop, and will be more vulnerable to the world food market volatility from trade environment change and price transmission. In the future, the potential for further such adjustment with a view to increase grain output and save land and water will be limited. Therefore, to ensure food security in China, increasing domestic grain production by improving land and water usage efficiencies, tapping yield potential of lowyielding crops will be effective measures, along with appropriate utilization of world market to balance domestic food supply and demand.

    Key words grain output growth; structural adjustment; water and land resources; resources consumption; food security





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