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单词 peer
释义 peer noun¹ 1person of the same age/status同龄人;地位相同者adjective | verb + peer | peer + noun | preposition adjective➤academic, professional学术/专业同行◆she is highly respected by her professional peers.她深受专业同行的尊敬。verb + peer➤outperform优于同行◆we have seen several women who can outperform their male peers physically.我们已经看到好几个女性在体力方面超过她们的男性同龄人。➤impress给同行留下深刻印象◆teenagers trying to impress their peers试图打动同龄人的青少年peer + noun➤group同辈群体◆she was rejected by her peer group.她不为同龄人所接纳。➤influence, pressure同辈的影响/压力◆children often take up smoking because of peer pressure.小孩子经常因为来自同龄人的压力而抽烟。➤interaction, relations, relationship同辈交往;同侪关系◆some children fail to develop normal peer relations.有些孩子未能建立正常的同伴关系。➤culture同伴文化◆children generally develop a strong peer culture.儿童通常会形成一种深厚的同伴文化。➤network朋辈网络◆an extended family and peer network大家庭和朋辈的网络➤rejection, victimization同辈排斥/欺凌➤acceptance同伴接受◆peer acceptance is particularly important for teenagers.得到同伴接受,对青少年尤其重要。➤evaluation, review同行评价/审查◆research data will be subjected to peer review.研究数据将交由同行评审。➤mediation同辈人调解➤counsellor/counselor, educator, mentor, tutor (all especially name) 同行顾问/教育家/指导者/导师preposition➤among sb's peers在某人的同辈中间◆they adopt attitudes that are more socially acceptable among their peers.他们采取了较容易被同龄人接受的态度。peer noun² 2 (in the uk) person of noble rank贵族adjective | phrases adjective➤conservative, labour, etc.保守党、工党等上议院议员➤hereditary世袭贵族➤life终身贵族◆the act made it possible for a woman to be created a life peer.这项法案使女性有可能成为终身贵族。phrases➤a peer of the realm(英)世袭贵族peer verbadverb | verb + peer | preposition adverb➤closely, intently仔细看;聚精会神地看➤anxiously, carefully, cautiously, nervously, slowly焦虑地注视;仔细端详;谨慎地注视;不安地凝视;慢慢端详➤curiously好奇地注视➤suspiciously疑惑地看➤ahead, around, back, down, in, inside, out, round, up向前/朝四周/向后/向下/向里面/向内/向外/朝四下/向上细看◆a face was peering down at him.一张脸俯下来打量着他。verb + peer➤try to试图细看preposition➤around, round (especially bre) 向四处张望◆she peered around the corner.她躲在拐角处凝望。➤at仔细看◆his pale blue eyes peered anxiously at vic.他淡蓝色的眼睛焦虑地注视着维克。➤into向⋯里面张望◆he peered into the darkness.他向黑暗处望去。➤out of往⋯的外面凝视◆she peered out of the window.她凝视窗外。➤over越过⋯凝视◆she tried to peer over her shoulder.她试图转过头来细看。➤through从⋯一端至另一端凝视◆i peered through the letter box.我凑近信箱往里看。 peer /pɪə(r); name pɪr/ noun [countable, usually plural] 1.a company or product that is similar to others 同行企业;同类产品◆the grocery chain has suffered as bigger peers have cut their prices. 这家食杂连锁店因规模更大的店家降价而受损。◆we are outperforming peer companies. 我们的业绩超过了同行公司。2.a person who is similar to you in age, social status, etc. 同等的人;同辈◆she enjoys the respect of her peers. 她受到同辈的尊重。◆ peer pressure is strong among young people (= they want to be like other people of the same age). 同辈压力在年轻人当中十分强烈。 peer-to-peer ☞ peer peer nounpeer ♦︎ equal ♦︎ matchthese are all words for a person or thing that is like another person or thing in some way.这些词均表示某方面相同的人或物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆among your peers / equals◆to be sb's equal / match■ peer [countable, usually plural] a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you同龄人;同辈;身分(或社会地位)相同的人◆she enjoys the respect of her peers.她受到同侪的尊敬。◆children are worried about failing in front of their peers.儿童都怕在同伴面前失败。◆peer pressure is strong among young people (= they want to be like other people of the same age).年轻人受到强大的同辈压力。  ➡ see also peer group → age ■ equal [countable] (rather formal) a person or thing of the same ability or quality, or with the same status or rights as another同等的人;相等物◆as a poet, he had few equals.作为诗人,没有几个人能与他相提并论。◆our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world.我们的汽车可以与世界上任何地方生产的汽车媲美。◆she treats the people who work for her as her equals.她以平等的身分对待为她工作的人。  ➡ see also equal → compare verb 2 , equal → equal adj. ■ match [singular] a person who is equal to sb else in strength, skill, intelligence, etc.敌手;旗鼓相当的人◆i was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。◆she knew she had met her match and tried to retreat.她知道这次遇到了旗鼓相当的对手,想退缩。 ➡ see also match → compare verb 2 peer [countable](in britain) a person of a high social rank who has a special title; a person who has been given the title of 'lord' or 'lady,' and the right to sit and vote in the house of lords(英国)贵族成员;贵族;女贵族◆two-thirds of the lords were hereditary peers who succeeded to their title automatically.上议院有三分之二的议员为自动继承爵位的世袭贵族。◆the former athlete and mp sebastian coe was created a life peer (= a title which cannot be passed to a son) in 2000 as baron coe of ranmore.前运动员和议员塞巴斯蒂安 • 科于 2000 年被封为终身贵族,其爵位是兰莫尔的科男爵。note 辨析 lord and peer lord and peer can both be used to refer to a person in britain who has a special title, including duke, marquess, earl, viscount or baron. some of these titles are inherited (= passed from father to son) and some are given to a person by the queen for service to the country, for example in politics or business. a peer can use the title lord or lady before their name and, until recently, they could all sit in the house of lords (= the upper house of the british parliament). since 1999 most hereditary peers (= those who inherited their titles) have lost this right, but life peers (= who were given their titles by the queen, but cannot pass them on) still have it. a peer can be either a man or a woman. when people talk about lords as a group, for example in the house of lords, this often includes both men and women. * lord 和 peer 在英国都可指有爵位的人,包括公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵。这些爵位有一些是世袭的,另一些则是因为对国家的政商等方面有贡献而由女王加封的。peer 的姓名前面可以加 lord 或 lady 作为称呼,而且以前所有的 peer 都可以担任上议院议员,但现在不是这样了。自从 1999 年起,大多数世袭贵族都失去了这种权利,而终身贵族却依然享有这种权利。peer 可以是男性或女性; lords 用于指一个群体时,例如 house of lords (上议院),常包括男女贵族在内。peer [countable, usually plural] a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you同龄人;同辈;身分(或社会地位)相同的人◆she enjoys the respect of her peers.她受到同侪的尊敬。◆children are worried about failing in front of their peers.儿童都怕在同伴面前失败。◆peer pressure is strong among young people (= they want to be like other people of the same age).年轻人受到强大的同辈压力。  ➡ see also peer group → age peer [intransitive] to look closely or carefully at sth, especially when you cannot see it clearly(尤指看不清楚时)仔细看,端详◆we peered into the shadows.我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。◆she kept peering over her shoulder.她不停地回头看。peer¹/pɪə(r) ||; pɪr/noun[c] 1. a person who is of the same age or position in society as you 年龄或地位相同的人;同侪: ◇children hate to look stupid in front of their peers. 孩子不愿意在同伴面前显得傻乎乎。 2. (brit 英) a member of the top level of society (the nobility) 贵族;有爵位的人 peer²/pɪə(r) ||; pɪr/verb [i] peer (at sb/sth) to look closely or carefully at sb/sth, for example because you cannot see very well 凝视;仔细看: ◇he peered at the photo, but it was blurred. 他盯着那张照片看,但照片变得模模糊糊了。 peersee ⇨ equal/not equal 2 ⇨ look 5☞ peer¹☞ peer²




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