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单词 repression
释义 repression noun¹ 1using force to control people武力控制adjective | verb + repression | preposition | phrases adjective➤extreme, harsh, massive, severe极端的/残酷的/大规模的/严厉的压制▸➤bloody, brutal, ruthless, violent血腥/残酷/无情/暴力镇压▸➤political, religious, social政治/宗教/社会压制◆her attempts to combat censorship and political repression她反抗审查制度和政治压制的努力◆the religious repression during his rule他统治期间采取的宗教压制➤government, military, police, state政府压制;军事镇压;警察镇压;国家的压制verb + repression➤suffer, suffer from遭到镇压◆the trade unions suffered brutal repression after the coup.政变后工会遭到了残酷镇压。➤subject sb/sth to使⋯遭到镇压◆reports claimed that civilians were being subjected to ruthless repression.报道声称平民正遭受无情镇压。➤escape, flee逃脱/逃避镇压◆streams of migrants are fleeing war, repression and poverty.逃离战争、镇压和贫困的移民络绎不绝。preposition➤repression against对⋯的镇压◆repression against ethnic minorities对少数民族的镇压➤repression by⋯施加的压制◆repression by the state国家的压制phrases➤a target for repression, a target of repression镇压的对象repression noun² 2controlling strong emotions/desires控制感情或欲望adjective➤emotional, sexual感情的压抑;性压抑 repression nounrepression ♦︎ dictatorship ♦︎ oppression ♦︎ persecution ♦︎ tyranny ♦︎ bullyingthese are all words for the cruel or unfair treatment of a person or group by sb with more power.这些词均表示压迫、压制。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆repression / oppression / persecution against sb◆to be / live under a dictatorship / tyranny◆brutal repression / dictatorship / persecution◆political / religious repression / dictatorship / oppression / persecution◆state / police repression / oppression / persecution◆to suffer repression / oppression / persecution / tyranny◆to face repression / oppression / persecution◆to fight / protest against repression / oppression / tyranny◆to escape persecution / tyranny◆to overthrow a dictatorship / tyranny◆a form of repression / dictatorship / oppression / tyranny / bullying◆a victim of repression / oppression / persecution / bullying■ repression /rɪpreʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the unfair use of force to control a group of people and restrict their freedom(武力)压制;镇压◆there was a campaign of repression against minorities in the north.曾发生过镇压北方少数民族的运动。 ➡ see also repress → suppress 1 ■ dictatorship /dɪkteɪtəʃɪp; name dɪktərʃɪp/ [countable, uncountable] government by a dictator (= a ruler who has complete power); a country ruled by a dictator独裁;专政;独裁国家◆they had lived for almost 50 years under a fascist dictatorship.他们已在法西斯独裁统治下生活了近 50 年。◆a military dictatorship军事独裁◆the commission will investigate the atrocities which took place during his dictatorship.委员会将调查他独裁期间发生的暴行。 ➡ see also dictator → dictator ■ oppression /əpreʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) cruel and unfair treatment of sb, especially by not giving them the same rights and freedoms as other people压迫,压制(尤指剥夺同等的权利和自由)◆he spoke out against the oppression of women.他大声疾呼反对压迫妇女。 ➡ see also oppress → suppress 1 ■ persecution /pɜːsɪkjuːʃn; name pɜːrsɪkjuːʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) cruel and unfair treatment of sb, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs(尤指针对种族、宗教或政治信仰的)迫害,压迫◆the organization helps refugees fleeing from persecution.这个组织帮助难民逃离迫害。 ➡ see also persecute → suppress 1 note 辨析 repression, oppression or persecution? repression is the use of force by those in power to control people in an unfair way, especially by restricting their freedom so that they cannot express their opinions, act as they want to, challenge those in power, etc., for example trade unions and political opposition groups. oppression is the unfair use of power to stop one group of people from having the same rights and freedoms as other people, for example women or people of a particular racial group. persecution is the unfair treatment, including harm and even death, of a group of people because they are different in a way which is considered offensive by others or by those in power, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs. * repression 指武力压制民众,特别是限制其自由,使之不能自由表达意见、做想做的事或挑战当权者等,例如针对工会和政治反对派别的镇压。oppression 指不公平地运用权力剥夺某群体应有的同等权利和自由,例如针对妇女或某种族群体的人。persecution 指采取伤害甚至杀害等手段对某群体进行迫害,因其某些方面不同而被他人或当权者视为冒犯,特别是因其种族、宗教或政治信仰。■ tyranny /tɪrəni/ [uncountable, countable] unfair and cruel use of power; the rule of a tyrant (= sb with complete power in a country); a country under this rule暴虐;暴君统治;暴君统治的国家◆the children had no protection against the tyranny of their father.孩子们受到父亲的严酷管制,得不到保护。◆any political system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny.任何不允许不同政见的政治体制都会变成专制。 ➡ see also tyrant → dictator ■ bullying /bʊliɪŋ/ [uncountable] the use of strength or power to make sb do sth; the act of frightening or hurting a weaker person恃强欺弱(行为)◆he was suspended from his position when several members accused him of bullying.几个成员指责他横行霸道,结果他被停了职。◆teenagers talk about their experiences of playground bullying.少年们谈起操场上弱者受欺负的亲身经历。repression /rɪpreʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the unfair use of force to control a group of people and restrict their freedom(武力)压制;镇压◆there was a campaign of repression against minorities in the north.曾发生过镇压北方少数民族的运动。 ➡ see also repress → suppress 1 repressionnoun [uncountable] ◆sexual repression性压抑repressionnoun [uncountable] ◆sexual repression性压抑 repression /-`prɛʃən; -ˈpreʃən/n [u]




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