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单词 deadline
释义 deadline nounadjective | verb + deadline | deadline + verb | preposition adjective➤strict, tight严格的/紧迫的期限verb + deadline➤face, have, work to面临最后期限;有截止日期;按规定的期限◆we're working to a very tight deadline.我们正在按照紧迫的期限赶工。➤impose, set设定/确定期限◆the deadline set by the court is monday.法院确定的最后期限是星期一。➤extend延长期限◆we're asking them to extend the deadline.我们打算请他们延长期限。➤make, meet按期限完成◆it will be a struggle to meet the deadline.要按期完成需要争分夺秒。➤miss未按期限完成。deadline + verb➤approach, loom, near截止日期临近◆she began to panic as the deadline approached.期限临近,她开始惶恐不安起来。➤expire, pass超过截止日期◆the wednesday deadline passed without any communication from the rebel leader.星期三的最后期限已经过了,叛乱分子的头目尚未出面联络。preposition➤before a/the deadline, by a/the deadline在截止日之前;到截止日期◆i must get this report finished by tomorrow's deadline.我必须在明天最后期限之前完成这份报告。➤deadline for⋯的截止日期◆the deadline for entries is noon thursday.报名参赛的截止期限是星期四中午。deadline /dedlaɪn/ noun [countable] a time or date by which sth must be done or completed 最后期限;截止日期◆the deadline for applications is next friday. 递交申请书的截止日期是下周五。◆she gave herself a two-year deadline to reverse the group's decline. 她给自己两年的期限来扭转这集团的衰落局面。◆it is critical that we meet the 30 april deadline. 我们要在 4 月 30 日最后期限前完成工作是至关重要的。◆the people here work under tight deadlines and intense pressure. 在这里工作的人时间紧、压力大。◆you must be able to work to deadlines. 你必须有能力按期完工。⨁ to extend / impose / set a deadline延长/施加/规定最后期限 ⨁ to hit / make / meet / miss a deadline达到/确定最后期限;按/未能按最后期限完成 ⨁ strict / tight deadlines明确的/时间紧的截止日期 ⨁ a deadline approaches / looms / nears / passes截止日期逼近/过去 ☞ deadlinedeadline/ˈdedlaɪn ||; ˈdɛdˌlaɪn/noun [c] a time or date before which sth must be done or finished 截止时间;截止日期;限期: ◇i usually set myself a deadlinewhen i have a project to do. 我要做一件事的时候,通常给自己规定期限。◇a journalist is used to having to meet deadlines. 新闻记者习惯必须在限期内完成工作。 deadline• ⇨ meet a deadline dead·line /`dɛdˏlaɪn; ˈdedlaɪn/n [c]a date or time by which you must finish something 截止期,最后限期:◇friday's deadline is going to be very difficult to meet. 星期五是最后期限,看来很难赶得上了。




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