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单词 bag
释义 bag nounadjective | verb + bag | bag + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤strong结实的袋子▸➤heavy沉重的包➤empty空袋子➤small小包▸➤burlap, canvas, cloth, leather, mesh, paper, plastic, polythene, string粗麻袋;帆布袋;布袋;皮包;编织袋;纸袋;塑料袋;聚乙烯袋;网线袋➤brown (especially name) 牛皮纸袋◆he brought his lunch every day in a brown bag.他每天都用牛皮纸袋自带午餐。➤carrier, grocery, shopping手提袋;食品杂货袋;购物袋➤freezer, ziploc™ (name) 冷藏保鲜袋;密保诺保鲜袋▸➤bin, dustbin, garbage, rubbish, trash (name) 废物袋;垃圾袋▸➤clutch, shoulder, tote (name) 女用小型手提包;有肩带提包;大型手提袋◆her crocodile skin shoulder bag matched her shoes.她的鳄鱼皮背带式手提包与鞋子正好相配。➤drawstring, duffel束带提包;圆筒状旅行包▸➤evening晚装包▸➤carry-on (especially name) 随身携带的包◆new airline regulations banned scissors in carry-on bags.新的航空管理条例禁止在随身行李中携带剪刀。➤overnight, travel, travelling (bre) (短途旅行用的)小旅行包;旅行手提包▸➤make-up, sponge, toilet, toiletry, wash (usually washbag) (bre) 化妆袋;盥洗用品袋▸➤changing, diaper (name) 尿片包;尿布包◆a baby changing bag妈妈包➤book, school书包▸➤beach, camera, golf, gym, sports沙滩包;照相机包;高尔夫球杆包;健身袋;运动包➤messenger (especially name) 邮差包◆a cyclist with his laptop in a messenger bag slung across his chest胸前斜挎的邮差包里装着笔记本电脑的骑车人➤kit (usually kitbag) (especially bre) (士兵的)行囊▸➤medical医护包▸➤lunch, sandwich午餐袋;三明治袋子▸➤crisp (bre) 炸薯片袋子▸➤body尸体袋◆the dead soldiers were put on the plane in body bags.阵亡士兵放在运尸袋里装上了飞机。➤barf, sick (especially bre) (= a paper bag for a person to vomit into on a plane, boat, etc.) 呕吐袋▸➤doggy (= for taking uneaten food home from a restaurant) (剩饭菜)打包袋▸➤gift, goody (= a bag given as a gift with a variety of things in it) 礼品包◆we're giving away a free goody bag with every children's meal.每份儿童餐我们免费赠送一个礼品包。➤sleeping睡袋➤bean (usually beanbag) 豆袋▸➤saddle (usually saddlebag) (自行车或摩托车后座安放的)挂包▸➤money钱袋;财权◆he could not convince those who held the money bags that his idea was viable. (figurative) 他无法让那些握有财权的人相信他的想法是可行的。➤diplomatic (= an official government container that may not be opened by customs officials) (bre) 外交邮袋▸➤mail (usually mailbag) , post (usually postbag) (bre) 邮袋verb + bag➤open, unzip打开袋子;拉开袋子拉链▸➤close, zip up合上袋子;拉上袋子拉链▸➤fill, pack装袋;打包▸➤empty, unpack倒空袋子;打开包取出物品▸➤cram sth in/into, push sth in/into, put sth in/into, shove sth in/into, slip sth in/into, stuff sth in/into把⋯挤进/推进/放进/塞进/迅速放进/装进袋子◆the camera caught him slipping a cd into his bag.摄像头拍下了他把一张激光唱盘悄悄塞进包里的镜头。➤draw sth out of, produce sth from, pull sth from/out of, take sth from/out of从袋子里拿出⋯▸➤delve into, dive into, fumble in, reach into, rummage in翻查袋子;在包里摸索◆i rummaged in my bag for a pen.我在包里翻找钢笔。➤clutch, hold紧紧抓住/拿着袋子▸➤carry, drag, haul, lug提着袋子;拉着包;拽着包;用力拖包◆i had to lug my bags up the stairs.我不得不费力地把包拖上楼去。➤heave, hoist, lift用力拎起包▸➤shoulder肩扛包◆he shouldered his bag and left.他扛上包走了。➤fling, sling, throw, toss扔掉/挎起/扔下/抛起包◆he tossed his bag onto an empty seat.他把包扔到空座位上。➤drop, dump, put down扔下/用力放下/放下包▸➤deposit, drop off, leave存放包;把包留下◆we dropped our bags off at the hotel and went straight out.我们把包放在旅馆就直接出去了。➤check, check in (bre) 办理托运行李手续◆you can check bags of up to 70 pounds for free.可以免费托运 70 磅行李。➤grab, snatch抓起包;抢夺包◆she grabbed her bag and ran out of the door.她抓起包跑出了门。◆two youths snatched her bag as she was walking home.她步行回家时被两个年轻人抢了包。➤swing摇晃包◆he was walking along swinging his school bag.他边走边晃着书包。➤load into sth, load onto sth把包装入/装上⋯◆she helped me load my bags into the car.她帮我把包装上车。➤unload把包卸下▸➤look in, search查包;搜包▸➤gather把包收拢在一起◆they were gathering their bags, preparing to leave.他们正把包收在一起,准备离开。➤retrieve取回包◆i opened the trunk of the car to retrieve my bags.我打开汽车后备箱取我的包。bag + verb➤bulge (with sth)(用⋯)把包塞得鼓鼓囊囊◆the bag bulged with papers and letters.包里鼓鼓囊囊地塞满了文件和信件。➤contain sth, hold sth包里装着⋯▸➤be crammed with sth, be full of sth, be stuffed with sth包里塞满⋯➤dangle, hang, swing包摆荡/悬挂着/荡来荡去◆she had a heavy bag swinging from each hand.她两只手各拎一只重袋子。preposition➤in a/the bag在包里◆the mushrooms are sealed in a bag for freshness.蘑菇密封在袋子里保鲜。➤inside a/the bag在袋里▸➤bag of一包⋯◆a bag of groceries一袋食品杂货phrases➤the contents of a bag包里的东西◆the customs officer asked him to empty out the contents of his bag.海关关员让他把包里的东西倒出来。➤have your bags packed把包收拾好◆you need to have your bags packed and be ready to go by six.你需要在 6 点前把包打理好,准备随时动身。➤sling your bag over your shoulder把包搭在肩上◆she stepped down off the bus with her bag slung over her shoulder.她把包搭在肩上下了公交车。 bag [countable] a container with a handle, made from fabric, plastic or leather that you carry clothes, etc. in while you are travelling手提包;旅行袋◆i got my bag down from the rack.我从行李架上取下我的旅行袋。ⓘ a bag is a small piece of luggage but the plural is often used to mean all luggage including suitcases. * bag 指小件行李,但其复数形式则常指所有行李,包括手提箱◆the porter will take your bags up to your room.行李员会把行李送到你的房间去。bag¹/bæg ||; bæg/noun1. [c] a container made of paper or thin plastic that opens at the top 包;袋;口袋: ◇she brought some sandwiches in a plastic bag. 她用塑料袋带了几块三明治。 2. [c] a strong container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc, usually with one or two handles, used to carry things in when travelling, shopping, etc (手)提包;旅行袋: ◇a shopping bag 购物袋◇have you packed your bags yet? 你的包装好了没有?◇she took her purse out of her bag (= handbag). 她从手袋中拿出钱包来。 3. [c] the amount contained in a bag 一袋子的量: ◇she's eaten a whole bag of sweets! 她吃了一整袋糖果!◇a bag of crisps/sugar/flour 一包炸薯片/糖/面粉 ☞picture at container 见 container 插图 4. bags [pl] folds of skin under the eyes, often caused by lack of sleep 下眼皮浮肿之处;眼袋: ◇i've got terrible bags under my eyes. 我有两个大眼袋。 5. bags [pl] (brit 英) (informal 非正式)bags (of sth) a lot (of sth); plenty (of sth) 很多;大量: ◇there's no hurry, we've got bags of time. 不用赶,我们时间多的是。 bag²/bæg ||; bæg/verb [t] (bagging;bagged) (informal 非正式) to try to get sth for yourself so that other people cannot have it 占据: ◇somebody's bagged the seats by the pool! 有人占了池边的座位! bag• ⇨ it's in the bag• ⇨ let the cat out of the bag• ⇨ mixed bag☞ bag¹☞ bag²




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