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单词 couch
释义 couch nounadjective | verb + couch | couch + noun | preposition adjective➤comfortable, comfy (informal) , plush, soft (especially name) 舒适的长沙发;柔软的长沙发➤leather, velvet皮沙发;天鹅绒沙发➤overstuffed (especially name) 加有厚软垫的沙发◆she settled down to read on the huge, overstuffed couch.她在软绵绵的大沙发里坐下读书。➤worn破旧的沙发◆the room contained an old worn couch.房间里有一个破旧的老沙发。➤living-room (name) 客厅沙发◆he was sprawled on the living-room couch watching tv.他四肢舒展地躺在客厅沙发上看电视。➤pull-out (name) 可拉开的沙发床◆you can sleep on the pull-out couch.你可以睡在活动沙发床上。➤psychiatrist's精神科医生的长榻◆she spends several hours a week on the psychiatrist's couch.她每周都要看几个小时的精神科医生。verb + couch➤lie (down) on, recline on, sink back on, sink into, sit (down) on, sprawl on, stretch (out) on躺在/斜倚在/向后倒在/倒在/坐到/四肢摊开躺在/四肢伸展躺在长沙发上◆they sat down on the wide couch.他们在那张很宽的长沙发上坐了下来。➤get up from, rise from, slide off, swing your legs off, swing yourself off从长沙发上起来;从长沙发上滑下来;把腿从长沙发上放下来;扭身从沙发上站起来couch + noun➤cushion, pillow (name) 沙发靠垫/靠枕▸➤potato (= sb who spends all their time sitting on a couch) 成天泡在沙发上看电视的人◆he's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.自从他付费收看体育频道之后,就真的变成了一个泡在沙发上的电视虫。preposition➤on a/the couch在长沙发上◆he slept on the couch.他在长沙发上睡觉。couch /kaʊtʃ/ [countable] (especially name) a long comfortable seat with a back and arms, for two or more people to sit on长沙发;长榻◆they sat down on the wide couch.他们坐到宽大的长沙发上。◆we didn't have any spare beds so he slept on the couch.我们没有空余的床,所以他睡在沙发上。ⓘ in informal language, the disapproving expression couch potato is used to describe sb who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television.在非正式用语中,couch potato 指老泡在电视机前的人,含贬义◆ (informal, disapproving) he's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.他订购了体育频道后,变成了十足的电视迷。couch¹/kaʊtʃ ||; kaυtʃ/noun [c] a long seat, often with a back and arms, for sitting or lying on 长沙发,躺椅(通常有靠背和扶手): ◇they were sitting on the couch in the living room. 他们坐在客厅的长沙发上。 couch²/kaʊtʃ ||; kaυtʃ/verb [t] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) (formal 正式) to express a thought, idea, etc in the way mentioned (以某种语气)表达,措辞: ◇his reply was couched in very polite terms. 他的回复措辞十分得体有礼。 ☞ couch¹☞ couch²




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