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单词 chapel
释义 chapel noun¹ 1part of a church; room/building used as a church教堂adjective | chapel + verb | preposition adjective➤little, small(附属于大教堂的)小礼拜堂,小教堂▸➤side附属的小教堂◆the funeral was conducted in one of the smaller side chapels.葬礼是在其中一个附属小教堂里举行的。➤family, memorial, private, royal家庭礼拜堂;纪念小教堂;私人祈祷室;皇家小教堂➤college, school, university学院/学校/大学小教堂➤hospital, prison医院/监狱小教堂➤funerary, wedding葬礼/婚礼小教堂◆they were married in a wedding chapel in las vegas.他们是在拉斯维加斯的一个婚礼小教堂结的婚。chapel + verb➤be dedicated to sb小教堂为纪念某人◆the chapel is dedicated to st michael.这个小教堂是纪念圣米迦勒的。preposition➤in a/the chapel在小教堂里chapel noun² 2 (especially bre) church for some protestant groups某些新教教堂adjective | verb + chapel | preposition adjective➤baptist, methodist, etc.浸礼会、循道宗等的教堂verb + chapel➤attend, go to参加教堂礼拜;去教堂◆he goes to chapel every sunday.他每星期日去教堂。preposition➤at chapel在教堂礼拜◆they are still at chapel (= at a service).他们还在做礼拜。➤at a/the chapel在教堂◆they agreed to meet at the chapel after the service.他们约好礼拜结束后在教堂见面。 chapel /tʃæpl/ [countable] a small building or room used for christian worship in a school, prison or large private house; a separate part of a church or cathedral with its own altar, used for some services and private prayer; a small church; a small building or room used for funeral services, especially at a cemetery or crematorium(学校、监狱、私人宅院等基督教徒礼拜用的)小教堂;(教堂内的)分堂;私人祈祷室;(尤指墓地或火葬场的)殡仪礼堂◆the school / college chapel学校/学院的小教堂◆evening prayer will be held in the lady chapel.晚祷将在圣母堂进行。◆a tiny chapel in the mountains群山中的一座小教堂◆a chapel of rest安息小堂ⓘ in british english chapel [countable, uncountable] is also the word used for a church in some christian denominations, for example nonconformists.在英式英语中,chapel 亦指基督教某些教派(如英国的非国教派教徒)做礼拜的教堂◆a methodist / mormon chapel卫理公会/摩门教教堂◆she always went to chapel on sundays.她总是在星期天去教堂做礼拜。chapel/ˈtʃæpl ||; ˈtʃæpḷ/noun [c,u] a small building or room that is used by some christians as a church or for prayer 小教堂;礼拜堂: ◇a methodist chapel 循道宗教堂 chap·el /`tʃæpḷ; ˈtʃæpəl/n [c]a small christian church [基督教的]小教堂




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