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单词 chaos
释义 chaos nounadjective | verb + chaos | chaos + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤absolute, complete, pure, total, utter完全混乱;大乱▸➤general, mass普遍混乱➤controlled, organized控制的/有组织的混乱◆he liked to work in organized chaos.他喜欢在有秩序的混乱中工作。➤ensuing, resulting随之发生的/因而产生的混乱◆in the ensuing chaos, many works of art were destroyed.在随之而来的混乱中,许多艺术品被毁。◆i lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.我在随后的混乱中丢了包。➤administrative, domestic, economic, financial, political, social, traffic管理/国内/经济/财政/政治/社会/交通混乱verb + chaos➤bring, cause, create, lead to引起/造成/产生/导致混乱◆a serious road accident caused traffic chaos yesterday.昨天一起严重的道路事故导致了交通混乱。➤end in, result in以混乱结束;结果是一塌糊涂◆the game ended in chaos.这场比赛以混乱而告终。➤be plunged into, be thrown into陷入混乱▸➤descend into, slide into陷入混乱◆the country is sliding into economic chaos.该国正逐渐陷入经济混乱状态。➤face面对混乱▸➤avert, avoid阻止/避免混乱➤control控制混乱chaos + verb➤break out, ensue, erupt突发混乱;混乱继而发生◆chaos broke out when the fire started.起火时发生了混乱。➤reign, rule一片混乱◆the government collapsed and chaos reigned.政府垮台,到处一片混乱。➤surround sth混乱笼罩⋯◆the confusion and chaos surrounding the bombing raids在轰炸袭击周围出现的混乱preposition➤in chaos一片混乱◆the airport was in chaos during the strike.罢工期间机场一片混乱。phrases➤on the brink of chaos, to the brink of chaos濒临无秩序状态◆we are on the brink of chaos, economically speaking.从经济上讲,我们濒临无秩序状态。◆the country was brought to the brink of chaos.国家到了混乱的边缘。➤order out of chaos混乱中的秩序◆his brave leadership has created order out of chaos.他无畏的领导使混乱中再现秩序。➤a scene of chaos混乱的场面◆doctors worked day and night amid scenes of utter chaos.医生们在极为混乱的现场夜以继日地工作。➤a state of chaos混乱的状态 chaos noun  ➡ see also the entry for mess 2另见 mess 条第 2 义chaos ♦︎ confusion ♦︎ mess ♦︎ commotion ♦︎ mayhem ♦︎ havoc ♦︎ shambles ♦︎ pandemonium ♦︎ uproarthese are all words for a state of confusion and lack of order.这些词均表示混乱无序。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆in chaos / (the) confusion / a mess / the commotion / the mayhem / a shambles / pandemonium / (an) uproar◆(a) complete / total chaos / confusion / mess / mayhem / shambles / pandemonium◆general chaos / confusion / commotion / mayhem / pandemonium◆(a) great confusion / commotion / uproar◆to cause chaos / confusion / a mess / a commotion / mayhem / havoc / pandemonium / (an) uproar◆to create chaos / confusion / a mess / mayhem / havoc◆to bring chaos / mayhem / havoc◆to sort out the chaos / mess / shambles◆chaos / a commotion / mayhem / pandemonium / uproar breaks out◆chaos / confusion / pandemonium reigns◆there is / was chaos / confusion / a commotion / mayhem / pandemonium / uproar.◆it is / was chaos / a mess / mayhem / a shambles / pandemonium.■ chaos /keɪɒs; name keɪɑːs/ [uncountable] a situation in which things are happening in a confused way and there is no order or control at all混乱;杂乱;紊乱◆heavy flooding is causing total chaos across the country.严重的洪涝正导致全国陷入混乱。◆the house was in chaos after the party.聚会后,房子里一片狼藉。◆people started shouting and the meeting descended into chaos.人们叫喊起来,会议陷入混乱。opp order → efficiency ▸ chaotic /keɪɒtɪk; name keɪɑːtɪk/ adjective◆it's a bit chaotic around here at the moment.眼下这儿有点混乱。◆amid chaotic scenes in court, the long-awaited verdict was announced.在一片混乱中,法庭宣布了等待很久的判决。■ confusion [uncountable] a situation in which a lot of things are happening at the same time and people do not know what action to take(让人不知所措的)混乱局面,乱成一团◆the protesters set off smoke bombs to create confusion and panic.抗议者点燃烟幕弹,制造混乱和恐慌。◆the local council has been thrown into total confusion by her resignation.她辞职后,地方议会完全陷入混乱状态。note 辨析 chaos or confusion? chaos generally describes a total lack of order in a system or situation; confusion is mainly used about a group of people who suddenly don't know what to do. * chaos 一般指系统或局面完全失控,confusion 主要指一群人突然不知所措。■ mess [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a situation that is full of problems because of a lack of organization or because people have made mistakes(组织欠佳或人为导致的)麻烦,困境,混乱◆the economy is in a mess.经济陷入了困境。◆the whole situation is a mess.整件事就是一团糟。◆i feel i've made a terrible mess of things.我觉得我把事情弄糟了。◆a new managing director has been appointed to clear up the financial mess.新任命了一位常务董事来收拾财务的残局。◆who got us into this mess in the first place?首先,究竟是谁让我们惹上这样的麻烦?▸ messy adjective◆the divorce was painful and messy.那次离婚既痛苦又纠葛不清。■ commotion /kəməʊʃn; name kəmmoʊʃn/ [countable, usually singular, uncountable] sudden noisy confusion or excitement(突然发生的)喧闹,骚乱,骚动◆i heard a commotion upstairs and went to see what was happening.我听到楼上一阵喧闹,便去看看发生了什么事情。◆she waited until the commotion died down.她一直等着,直到骚乱渐渐平息。■ mayhem /meɪhem/ [uncountable] (rather formal) confusion and fear, sometimes involving violence or injury, usually caused by some sudden shocking event(由突发的恐惧导致的)骚乱,慌乱◆the gales caused mayhem across much of the country.狂风在该国大部份地区造成了混乱。◆the terrorists brought mayhem to the crowded shopping area.恐怖分子在人流密集的商业区制造骚乱。■ havoc /hævək/ [uncountable] a situation in which there are a lot of problems and confusion because of the bad effect of sth灾害;祸患;混乱◆this new virus has created havoc for computer users.这种新病毒已经给计算机用户造成灾难。◆the fog is playing havoc with flight schedules.大雾严重打乱航班时刻表。◆continuing strikes are beginning to wreak havoc on the economy.持续的罢工开始严重破坏经济。■ shambles [singular] (rather informal) a situation that is completely unsuccessful because of a lack of organization or because people have made mistakes(组织欠佳或人为导致的)混乱局面,无序场面,一片狼藉◆the economy was in a shambles last year.去年的经济一片混乱。◆our defending was a complete shambles.我们的防守完全是一团糟。◆what a shambles!好乱哪!note 辨析 mess or shambles? shambles is a stronger word than mess and suggests a situation in which organization has broken down completely. * shambles 比 mess 语气更强烈,指秩序完全瘫痪的局面。■ pandemonium /pændəməʊniəm; name pændəmoʊniəm/ [uncountable] (rather formal) a situation in which there is a lot of noise, activity and confusion, especially because people are feeling angry or frightened(尤指因人群愤怒或恐慌而造成的)骚动,喧嚣◆pandemonium broke out when the news was announced.这消息一公布,立即乱成一片。◆it was absolute pandemonium in there.那里完全是一片大混乱。■ uproar [uncountable, singular] a situation in which people shout and make a lot of noise because they are angry or upset about sth吵闹;喧嚣;叫喊◆the trial ended in uproar.审判在吵闹中结束。◆her comments provoked an uproar from the audience.她的评论激起了听众的鼓噪。 chaos /keɪɒs; name keɪɑːs/ [uncountable] a situation in which things are happening in a confused way and there is no order or control at all混乱;杂乱;紊乱◆heavy flooding is causing total chaos across the country.严重的洪涝正导致全国陷入混乱。◆the house was in chaos after the party.聚会后,房子里一片狼藉。◆people started shouting and the meeting descended into chaos.人们叫喊起来,会议陷入混乱。opp order → efficiency ▸ chaotic /keɪɒtɪk; name keɪɑːtɪk/ adjective◆it's a bit chaotic around here at the moment.眼下这儿有点混乱。◆amid chaotic scenes in court, the long-awaited verdict was announced.在一片混乱中,法庭宣布了等待很久的判决。chaos/ˈkeɪɒs ||; ˈkeɑs/noun [u] a state of great disorder; confusion 混乱: ◇the country was in chaos after the war. 这个国家战后一片混乱。◇the heavy snow has caused chaos on the roads. 大雪致使道路陷入混乱。 chaossee ⇨ organize 4 ⇨ untidy 4 cha·os /`keɑs; ˈkeɪ-ɒs/n [u]a state of complete disorganization and confusion 大混乱:◇in chaos the game ended in chaos with fans invading the field. 球迷们冲进赛场,比赛在混乱中结束。




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