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单词 chaotic
释义 chaotic adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤appear, be, look, seem显得乱七八糟;混乱;看上去一片杂乱;似乎混乱不堪◆things often appear chaotic to the outsider.在外人看来事情常常显得一片混乱。➤become, get变得乱七八糟◆things have been getting chaotic in the office recently.最近办公室的情况变得一团糟。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常混乱◆it was really chaotic just before the show started.演出开始前真是一片混乱。➤increasingly越来越混乱▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些混乱◆things can be a little chaotic in our house.我们家里有时会有点儿乱。chaotic /keɪɒtɪk; name keɪɑːtɪk/ adjective◆it's a bit chaotic around here at the moment.眼下这儿有点混乱。◆amid chaotic scenes in court, the long-awaited verdict was announced.在一片混乱中,法庭宣布了等待很久的判决。chaotic /keɪɒtɪk; name keɪɑːtɪk/ adjective◆it's a bit chaotic around here at the moment.眼下这儿有点混乱。◆amid chaotic scenes in court, the long-awaited verdict was announced.在一片混乱中,法庭宣布了等待很久的判决。chaotic/keɪˈɒtɪk ||; keˈɑtɪk/adj in a state of chaos 乱七八糟的;混乱的: ◇with no one in charge the situation became chaotic. 没有人主持大局,情况混乱起来。 chaoticsee ⇨ organize 3 cha·ot·ic /ke`ɑtɪk; keɪˈɒtɪk/adja situation that is chaotic is very disorganized and seems very confusing 混乱的:◇the classroom was chaotic, with kids shouting and throwing things. 教室里乱糟糟的,孩子们叫嚷着把东西扔来扔去。




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