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单词 feat
释义 feat nounadjective | verb + feat | preposition adjective➤amazing, astonishing, brilliant, extraordinary, impressive, incredible, remarkable, spectacular惊人的/令人惊讶的/辉煌的/出众的/给人印象深刻的/难以置信的/非凡的/引人注目的业绩▸➤considerable, great重要的业绩;伟大的功绩▸➤major主要业绩➤heroic, superhuman英雄壮举;超人的业绩◆superhuman feats of strength超人的力量➤difficult, no mean, no small很难取得的/了不起的/非凡的成绩◆dragging the fully laden boat across the sand was no mean feat.将满载货物的船拖过沙丘是一件了不起的事。➤rare少有的成绩➤unprecedented前所未有的成绩◆an unprecedented feat in the history of the industry工业史上一项前所未有的业绩➤easy容易取得的成绩➤impossible不可能的成就▸➤acrobatic, athletic, intellectual, physical杂技技艺;运动成就;学术成就;身体技艺◆physical feats of strength and skill力量与技巧的惊人本领➤engineering, technical, technological伟大工程;技术成就◆the tunnel was one of the greatest engineering feats of the 19th century.这条隧道是 19 世纪最伟大的工程之一。verb + feat➤accomplish, achieve, do, manage, perform, pull off取得/实现/做成/设法完成/做出/完成功绩◆people doing unbelievable feats取得令人难以置信的业绩的人◆he has pulled off an extraordinary feat in completing the voyage single-handedly.他完成了独自驾船航行的非凡壮举。➤be capable of有⋯技艺◆she was capable of remarkable feats of endurance.她有超乎常人的忍耐力。➤duplicate, repeat再创功绩➤match与⋯业绩相媲美▸➤emulate (especially bre) 赶上⋯的成绩◆he emulated the feat of the legendary athlete jesse owens.他追平了传奇运动员杰西・欧文斯的成绩。➤attempt尝试作出⋯业绩preposition➤feat of⋯的业绩◆a remarkable feat of strength惊人的力量feat [countable] (approving) an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage技艺;武艺;英勇事迹;(需要技能、力量或勇气的)杰作◆the tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering.这条隧道是工程方面的光辉杰作。◆dragging the fully laden boat across the sand dunes was no mean feat.将一条满载的船拖过沙丘可不是件容易事。feat/fi:t ||; fit/noun [c] something you do that shows great strength, skill or courage 功绩;伟绩;伟业: ◇that new bridge is a remarkable feat of engineering. 那座新桥梁称得上是工程学上的壮举。◇persuading helen to give you a pay rise was no mean feat (= difficult to do). 要说服海伦给你加工资不是那么容易的。 featsee ⇨ do/not do 7 feat /fit; fiːt/n [c]something that someone does that shows a lot of strength or skill 业绩,功绩; 技艺:◇an amazing feat of engineering 了不起的工程壮举◇be no mean feat (=be difficult to do) 很难做到,不是容易的事: getting a doctorate is no mean feat! 获得博士学位可不是容易的事!




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