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单词 tool
释义 tool noun¹ 1instrument for making/repairing things制造或修理用具adjective | ... of tools | verb + tool adjective➤general-purpose, multi-purpose通用型/多功能工具▸➤basic, primitive, simple, standard, traditional基本/原始/简单/标准/传统工具◆craftsmen using traditional tools使用传统工具的工匠➤sophisticated, special精密/特殊工具➤right合适的工具◆do you have the right tools for the job?你有合适的工具做这活儿吗?➤sharp锐利的工具▸➤rusty生锈的工具▸➤cutting, drawing, measuring刀具;绘图工具;量具▸➤cordless, hand, machine, power无塞绳式工具;手动工具;机床;电动工具▸➤agricultural, engineering, farm, farming, garden, gardening, industrial, woodworking农具;工程工具;园林工具;工业工具;木工工具... of tools➤set一套工具verb + tool➤use使用工具▸➤sharpen使工具锋利▸➤down tools (bre) 停工◆workers downed tools (= stopped work) in protest at poor safety standards in the works.工人们停工抗议工厂恶劣的安全标准。tool noun² 2sth that helps you do/achieve sth助人做事或实现目标之物adjective | verb + tool | phrases adjective➤new新工具▸➤effective, essential, handy, important, indispensable, invaluable, key, major, necessary, powerful, primary, useful, valuable, vital有效的/必不可少的/得心应手的/重要的/不可或缺的/非常宝贵的/关键的/主要的/必需的/强大的/首要的/有用的/宝贵的/至关重要的工具▸➤blunt钝的工具▸➤educational, learning, pedagogical, teaching教育工具;学习工具;教学工具;教具➤reference, research参考/研究工具◆this dictionary is an invaluable reference tool for advanced learners.本词典是高级学习者不可多得的参考工具。➤analysis, analytical, conceptual, diagnostic, investigative, practical分析工具;概念工具;诊断工具;调查工具;实用工具◆a valuable diagnostic tool for physicians宝贵的医生诊断工具➤legal, negotiating, political, propaganda法律/谈判/政治/宣传工具◆we must ensure that education is not used as a political tool.我们必须确保教育不被用作政治工具。➤communication, management, marketing交流/管理/营销工具▸➤design, development, drawing, multimedia, presentation设计/开发/绘图/多媒体/演示工具➤blogging, desktop, digital, online, programming, software博客/桌面/数字/在线/编程/软件工具verb + tool➤become成为工具◆the internet has become a vital tool for many artists.因特网已经成为许多艺术家的重要工具。➤develop, provide开发/提供工具phrases➤the tools of the/sb's trade某行当的工具◆sympathy and compassion are the tools of his trade.同情和怜悯是他那一行的手段。tool /tuːl/ noun [countable] instrument that you hold in your hand and use for making things, repairing things, etc. 工具◆a cutting tool 切削工具◆a tool kit (= a set of tools in a box or bag) 工具箱◆power tools (= using electricity) 电动工具2.a thing that helps you to do a job or to achieve sth 用具;器具;手段;方法◆research tools such as questionnaires 问卷调查之类的研究方法◆the internet has become a powerful business tool. 互联网已成为强大的商业工具。⨁ business / decision-making / management / marketing / sales tools商业/决策/管理/营销/销售工具 ⨁ an essential / a key / powerful / practical / usefultool基本/关键的/强大的/实用的/有用的工具 3.a computer program that performs a particular function (计算机)程序,工具◆the program comes with standard tools such as dictionary, spellchecker and thesaurus. 这一程序配有词典、拼写检查和词库之类的常规工具。⨁ design / desktop publishing / interactive / online / web-based tools设计/桌面出版/交互/在线/网上工具 ●the tools of your tradethe things that you need to do your job 吃饭家当;工作所需要的东西  ➡  idiom at down verb machine tool tool /tuːl/ verb ●tool up ●tool sb/sth upto get or provide sb/sth with the equipment that is necessary to do or produce sth 获得(或提供)必要的设备;给…配置必要的装备◆they have invested heavily, tooling up to make the new model. 他们为增添生产新型产品的设备投入巨资。☞ tool☞ tool tool nountool ♦︎ device ♦︎ aid ♦︎ instrument ♦︎ gadget ♦︎ implement ♦︎ utensilthese are all words for a thing that helps you to do your job or to achieve sth.这些词均表示工具、用具、器具。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a useful tool / device / aid / gadget◆a little / special tool / device / instrument / gadget◆a basic tool / device / aid◆a simple / crude tool / device / instrument◆a sharp / metal tool / instrument / implement◆a mechanical / hi-tech device / aid / gadget◆an electrical / electronic device / gadget◆a teaching / training / research tool / device / aid◆a measuring / navigation / navigational tool / device / instrument◆a drawing / writing tool / aid / instrument / implement◆a medical / surgical device / instrument / implement◆a kitchen / household gadget / implement / utensil■ tool [countable] a thing such as a hammer, screwdriver, saw, etc. that you hold in your hand and use for making things or repairing things; a thing that helps you to do your job or to achieve sth工具;用具;器具◆first prize is this beautiful set of garden tools.一等奖的奖品是这套漂亮的园艺工具。◆you will need a good-quality, sharp cutting tool.你要有一个高质量的锋利的切削工具。◆always select the right tool for the job.一定要选对干活的工具。◆a tool kit (= a set of tools in a box or bag) 一套工具◆we make use of various research tools such as questionnaires.我们使用问卷等不同的调研手段。■ device [countable] (rather formal) an object or piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job装置;仪器;器具;设备◆this device enables pilots to navigate with pinpoint accuracy.这个装置能使飞行员精准导航。◆the twentieth century saw the introduction of labour-saving devices around the home.20 世纪出现了节省劳力的家用电器。ⓘ a device is usually a small piece of electrical equipment. * device 通常指小型电器。■ aid [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) an object, machine or tool that you use to help you do sth辅助设备◆you may need a hearing aid.你可能需要一个助听器。◆photographs make useful teaching aids.照片是有用的教具。ⓘ an aid can be a small piece of equipment such as a hearing aid, or any type of object used in teaching. * aid 可指小的辅助设备,如 hearing aid,或任何类型的教具◆a classroom / teaching / visual aid课堂辅助用具;教具;直观教具■ instrument [countable] a tool or device used for a particular task, especially for delicate or scientific work(尤指精密或科学工作用的)器械,仪器,器具◆surgical instruments外科器械◆this pen is the ideal precision instrument for all your graphic needs.这支笔是理想的精密器具,可满足您所有画图需要。◆medieval instruments of torture中世纪刑具■ gadget /gædʒɪt/ [countable] a small tool or device that does sth useful小器具;小装置◆modern gadgets like these make a huge difference to home life.像这样的现代小装置使家庭生活大变样。ⓘ gadget is usually used to talk about sth modern, especially sth electronic. * gadget 通常指现代的东西,尤其是电子产品。■ implement /ɪmplɪmənt/ [countable] (rather formal) a tool or instrument, often one that is quite simple and that is used outdoors工具,器具(常指简单的户外用具)◆various local crafts and agricultural implements are represented in the exhibition.当地的各种工艺品和农具都在展览中展出了。■ utensil /juːtensl/ [countable] (rather formal) a tool that is used in the house(家庭)用具,器皿◆wash your hands and all cooking utensils after preparing raw meat.处理过生肉后要洗手并清洁所有的炊具。ⓘ utensil is generally used to talk about sth used in the kitchen, especially those that can be held in the hand. * utensil 一般指厨具,尤其是可以手持的。tool [countable] a thing such as a hammer, screwdriver, saw, etc. that you hold in your hand and use for making things or repairing things; a thing that helps you to do your job or to achieve sth工具;用具;器具◆first prize is this beautiful set of garden tools.一等奖的奖品是这套漂亮的园艺工具。◆you will need a good-quality, sharp cutting tool.你要有一个高质量的锋利的切削工具。◆always select the right tool for the job.一定要选对干活的工具。◆a tool kit (= a set of tools in a box or bag) 一套工具◆we make use of various research tools such as questionnaires.我们使用问卷等不同的调研手段。tool/tu:l ||; tul/noun [c] a piece of equipment such as a hammer, that you hold in your hand(s) and use to do a particular job 工具: ◇hammers, screwdrivers and saws are all carpenter's tools. 锤子、起子和锯子都是木匠的工具。◇garden tools 园艺工具◇a tool kit (= a set of tools in a box or a bag) 工具箱╱袋 ☞a tool is usually something you can hold in your hand, for example a spanner or hammer. an implement is often used outside, for example for farming or gardening. a machine has moving parts and works by electricity, with an engine, etc. an instrument is often used for technical or delicate work a dentist's instruments. a device is a more general word for a piece of equipment that you consider to be useful and that is designed to do one particular task the machine has a safety device which switches the power off if there is a fault. tool通常指可拿在手里的工具,如扳子或锤子。implement通常在户外使用,如农具或园艺工具。machine指有活动部件,用电力、发动机等推动的机器。instrument常指用于技术性或精细工作的工具:a dentist's instruments牙医用具。device泛指用于执行某特定任务的有用工具或装置:the machine has a safety device which switches the power off if there is a fault.这台机器有安全装置,一有故障就会关掉电源。 toola toolrelated wordssee alsoequipment,machine,thing,1. a tool 工具 tool /tuːl/ [countable noun] a thing that you hold in your hand and use to repair, cut, or make something 工具,器具,用具 he couldn't finish repairing the engine because he didn't have the right tools. 他无法修好引擎,因为他没有合适的工具。tool for a tool for cutting metal 切割金属的工具gardening/kitchen/mining tools all my gardening tools had been stolen from the shed. 我所有的园艺工具都被人从棚屋偷走了。tool box a strong box that tools are kept in 工具箱 he took a spanner from his tool box and tightened up the bolts on the gate. 他从工具箱里拿了把扳手把大门上的螺栓拧紧。tool kit a set of tools that are kept together 一套工具 a good tool kit should contain pliers, screwdrivers, and wire-cutters. 一套合用的工具应该包括手钳、螺丝刀和钢丝钳。 instrument /ˈɪnstrɑmənt/ [countable noun] a small tool or device used especially by doctors and scientists, for doing careful or delicate work 器具,器械[尤指医生或科学家使用的小巧的器具] i sat in the dentist's chair and looked at the row of instruments beside me. 我坐在牙医诊所的椅子上,看着在我旁边的一排器械。 the microscope is perhaps the most widely used scientific instrument. 显微镜也许是使用最广的科学仪器。 the company specializes in the manufacture of high quality writing instruments. 这家公司专门生产高质量的书写工具。 gadget /ˈgædʒɪt, ˈgædʒət/ [countable noun] a small tool that has been cleverly designed to help you do something more easily 小巧的器具;设计精巧的装置 he showed her several electronic gadgets, such as a watch that you can use as a phone. 他给她看了几种电子小装置,例如可以当电话用的手表。 it's a clever little gadget which you can use to cut vegetables into attractive shapes. 那是一种设计得很精巧的小器具,可以用来把蔬菜切成漂亮的形状。 a sales assistant was demonstrating several kitchen gadgets to a crowd of shoppers. 一名销售员正向一群顾客展示几种厨房小器具。 device /dɪˈvaɪs/ [countable noun] a piece of equipment that has been cleverly designed to do a particular job, for example one that makes measurements, records sounds, or controls the operation of a machine [设计巧妙的]装置,器具 an eeg is a device that records electrical activity in the brain. 脑电图仪是记录大脑电流活动的仪器。device for doing something a thermostatic device for controlling temperature 一种用来控制温度的恒温装置 the farmers there still use the ‘archimedes screw’, an ancient device for raising water from a lake or well. 那里的农民仍在使用“阿基米德螺旋管”,那是古时一种从湖里或井里打水的装置。 implement /ˈɪmplɪmənt, ˈɪmpləmənt/ [countable noun] formal a tool or simple machine used for a particular job, especially when working in the garden or on a farm 【正式】[尤指在花园里或农场上干活时用的]工具,器具,用具 the native women grind the wheat with heavy stone implements. 本地妇女用沉重的石器来碾小麦。 it is best to cut weeds off at the roots with an implement such as a hoe. 最好用锄头之类的农具把杂草连根割除。farming/cooking/writing etc implements some children find it difficult to hold their writing implements. 有些小孩觉得很难握住他们的书写工具。 utensil /juːˈtensəl/ [countable noun] a piece of equipment, especially one used in the kitchen to prepare food [尤指在厨房里用的]器皿,用具 peter found the potato peeler in a drawer full of utensils. 彼得在一个放满了厨房用具的抽屉里找到了马铃薯削皮器。 we packed a few essential cooking utensils such as pots and a can opener for our camping trip. 我们为野营旅行准备了锅、开罐刀等几种必须的烹调用具。 you will find a wide range of kitchen utensils in our cookshop on the second floor. 二楼的炊具部有各种各样的厨具。 tool /tul; tuːl/n [c] 1. something such as a hammer or a screwdriver which you use to make or repair things 工具:◇a tool kit (=a set of tools) 一套工具 2. something that can be used for a particular purpose 为某个目的所用之物:◇home computers can be used as a tool for learning. 家用电脑可被用作学习工具。 ☞ tool




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