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标题 中国劳动力市场分割的时空演化

    韩帅帅 孙斌栋




    摘 要:地区分割会破坏统一的劳动力市场,不利于人力资源的流动和规模效应的发挥。鉴于以往研究缺乏对21世纪以来劳动力市场分割态势和空间格局差异的分析,本文利用2004—2014年19个行业在岗职工平均工资数据,采用相对价格法构造劳动力市场的分割指数,并通过面板固定效应模型探究其影响因素,结果显示:中国的劳动力市场分割经历了“在波动中趋于整合”的过程;地区间分割程度差异明显,从东部向中西部地区逐渐增强,南北从差异不明显逐渐演变为从南向北逐渐减小;从影响因素来看,以政府财政支出为代表的制度因素和外贸出口起到了推动劳动力市场整合、提高区域一体化的作用,而地区间经济发展差距、市场规模和外贸进口则在客观上加剧了劳动力市场的分割程度。研究为探究劳动力市场一体化的影响因素和制定区域经济一体化政策奠定了基础。


    中图分类号:F241 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4149(2019)02-0092-13DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4149.2019.02.008

    Spatial-temporal Evolution of Chinas Labor Market Segmentation

    HAN Shuaishuai ,3,SUN Bindong ,3

    (1. Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai? 200062, China;

    2. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;

    3. Future City Lab, East China Nornal University, Shanghai 200241, China)

    Abstract:Market segmentation will undermine the unified labor market, which is not conducive to the flow of human resources and the effects of scale economies. Based on the average wage data of employees in 19 industries from 2004 to 2014 in China, this paper constructs the labor market segmentation index by using the relative price method and analyzes the influencing factors through the fixed effect model. The results show as follows: 1) Chinas labor market segmentation has experienced a process of “volatility tends to integrate”. 2) There were obvious differences in the degree of division between regions, which gradually increased from the east to the central and western regions, and gradually decreased from the north to the south from the non-obvious differences. 3)Judging from the influencing factors, the institutional factors represented by government fiscal expenditure and the export of foreign trade have played roles in promoting integration of labor market and region. However, the gap among the regional economic level, the market size and the import of foreign trade has exacerbated regional the labor market segmentation objectively. The study lays the foundation for exploring the factors influencing the labor market integration and formulating the policy of regional economic integration.

    Keywords:labor market segmentation;relative price variance;market integration;the regional difference;fixed effects







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