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标题 在线固相萃取高效液相色谱联用测定动物源食品中的维生素A、E
范文 谢云峰 王浩 刘彤 任丹丹 杨永坛
摘要[SS]采用固相萃取与双梯度高效液相色谱联用技术,建立了一种在线固相萃取高效液相色谱同时测定动物源食品中维生素A、E的分析方法。样品于80 ℃下皂化反应30 min,经离心沉淀后引入一维C8固相萃取柱,采用60% (V/V)甲醇溶液对目标物进行在线富集净化,然后通过阀切换将其转移至二维液相分析系统进行分离检测。考察了萃取填料、上样溶剂及洗脱条件对猪肝、鸡蛋和配方乳粉的维生素A、E富集和基质净化效果。结果表明,在优化条件下,方法线性范围为0.02~20 mg/L,线性相关系数R2≥0.9998,对维生素A、E的检出限(S/N=3)为3.0~30.0 μg/L,实际样品加标回收率为87.3%~115.0%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.8%~.6%。本方法操作简便,灵敏度高,可用于动物源食品中维生素A、E的快速测定。
关键词[SS]在线固相萃取;双梯度高效液相色谱;动物源食品;维生素A; 维生素E
Ultimate 3000双三元液相色谱系统(hermo Scientific公司),配备双三元梯度泵、自动进样器、柱温箱含六通阀、二极管阵列检测器、变色龙色谱管理软件;MilliQ超纯水机(Millipore公司);台式高速冷冻离心机(hermo Scientific公司)。
维生素A(视黄醇)、α维生素E、β维生素E、γ维生素E和δ维生素E标准品(Sigma公司);KO、抗坏血酸(分析纯,国药集团北京化学试剂有限公司);无水乙醇、甲醇(色谱级,isher 公司);其它试剂均为分析纯;无水乙醇经脱醛处理后使用;猪肝、鸡蛋和婴幼儿配方乳粉购自本地超市。
分析柱:Zorbax ExtendC18(150 mm × .6 mm,5 μm);固相萃取柱:Zorbax SBC8(12.5 mm × .6 mm,5 μm);进样量:100 μL;柱温:30 ℃;在线净化流动相:甲醇水溶液(60∶0,V/V),洗脱条件:使用p 7.5 甲醇水溶液,以1 mL/min流速上样并清洗萃取小柱5 min,再使用p 3.5甲醇水溶液清洗萃取小柱5 min,分析测定。流动相:甲醇水溶液(98∶2, V/V),流速:1.7 mL/min;紫外检测波长设为325和300 nm。
准确称取维生素A标准品10.0 mg,α维生素E、β维生素E、γ维生素E和δ维生素E各50.0 mg,用脱醛乙醇溶解并定容于100 mL 棕色容量瓶中,配制成浓度分别为100 mg/L 维生素A和500 mg/L α, β, γ和δ维生素E标准储备液,于
Symbolm@@ 20 ℃保存。测定前用紫外分光光度法标定标准储备液准确浓度,再用脱醛乙醇稀释标准储备液,配制成浓度分别为0.2, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0和20.0 mg/L维生素A, E混合标准溶液。
准确称取2.0~5.0 g(精确至0.01 g)样品于50 mL离心管中,加入15 mL脱醛乙醇,5 mL 10%抗坏血酸水溶液和5 mL 50% KO溶液,充氮,摇匀。避光80 ℃水浴中加热30 min,不时摇匀,使皂化完全。皂化后立即放入冰水浴中冷却,加入5 mL乙酸调p至中性,转移至50 mL容量瓶中定容。移取其中30 mL皂化液至离心管中,以10000 r/min离心10 min,取上清液,经0.5 μm滤膜过滤后进样分析。
动物源性食品中的脂溶性维生素大多以酯类形式存在,对样品进行皂化可游离出维生素A、E,并排除共存类脂化合物的干扰\[16\]。对样品皂化条件进行了考察,比较了质量浓度为30%、50%和70% KO溶液对猪肝、鸡蛋和配方乳粉中维生素A、E的转化效率,发现50%KO溶液可以满足皂化需要。选择50, 80和100 ℃考察了温度对皂化的影响,发现高温有利于皂化反应正向进行。比较了抗坏血酸和焦性没食子酸的抗氧化效果,发现抗坏血酸对维生素A的保护作用优于焦性没食子酸。考虑到不同样品要求不同的皂化条件,最后选用50% KO溶液作为皂化剂,在80 ℃下皂化反应30 min,以保证样品皂化完全。此外,皂化后, 维生素A、E转化为不稳定的醇类,对光照和氧气敏感,皂化过程应全程避光,氮气保护,以减少误差。
基于双梯度泵液相色谱系统构建的在线固相萃取流路如图1所示:首先,来自萃取流路输液泵(右泵)的流动相将样品从自动进样器引入固相萃取小柱,通过选择合适的洗脱条件清洗去除样液中的无机盐、蛋白质、量脂肪酸和其它不皂化物等基质成分, 并将待测的维生素A、E保留和富集在小柱上,待杂质洗脱完毕后, 通过阀切换将固相萃取小柱与分析柱串联,来自分析流路输液泵(左泵)的流动相将维生素A、E从小柱转移至分析柱,进行分离,最后通过紫外检测器进行分析。整个过程主要包括上样、转移、分析和平衡四步,实现了样品净化、浓缩、分离、检测的全自动化。
参照文献\[17,18\]的色谱条件,选择甲醇水(98∶2,V/V)为流动相,维生素A和维生素E最大吸收波长325和300 nm为紫外检测波长,以1.7 mL/min流速在25 cm的C18色谱柱上进行维生素A、E的分析,整个过程需要5 min。本研究由于采用在线固相萃取方法净化样品,基本消除了基质的干扰,使用15 cm色谱柱在20 min内即可完成组脂溶性维生素组分(维生素A,α维生素E,(β+γ)维生素E和δ维生素E)的分析,色谱柱分离度和检测灵敏度均能满足实际样品测定需要。
在优化条件下,进行方法学考察。分别取适量经过浓度校准的维生素A、E标准储备液在棕色容量瓶中混合、稀释、定容配制成系列混合标准溶液,每种浓度进样100 μL,以峰面积对浓度作图绘制标准曲线,以3倍信噪比(S/N)计算检出限(LOD), 结果见表1。各组分在线性范围内峰面积与浓度呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数大于0.9998。
取10 mg/L维生素A、E混合标准溶液连续进样6次,测得维生素保留时间的相对标准偏差(RSD)≤0.1%,峰面积的相对标准偏差(RSD)≤2.6%,表明方法精密度良好。
分别称取猪肝、配方乳粉和鸡蛋 3种动物源食品样品各6份,其中3份用于本底值测定,另外3份加入一定浓度的维生素A、E混合标准溶液,经相同条件提取、在线固相萃取净化后测定维生素A、E总量。计算得到猪肝、配方乳粉和鸡蛋中维生素A、E的平均回收率在85.5%~11.1%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.8%~.6%。实际样品色谱图见图,测定结果见表2。所建方法各项性能参数符合检测要求。
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15ZANG Yanai, ZU XiaoYan, CAO GuoZhou, YANG XinLei, ZANG LiJuan, JIN Yan. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2013, 1(5): 771-775
张艳海, 朱晓艳, 曹国洲, 杨新磊, 张丽娟, 金 燕. 分析化学, 2013, 1(5): 771-775
16Rizzolo A. J. Chromatogr., 1992, 62: 103-152
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18DONG AiJun, CUI Yanua, YANG Xin. Chinese J. Instrum. Anal., 2011, 30(8): 887-891
董爱军, 崔艳华, 杨 鑫. 分析测试学报, 2011, 30(8): 887-891
AbstractAn automated analytical method for simultaneous determination of vitamin A and E in livers, fortified infant formulae and eggs has been developed based on online solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled with a dual gradient high performance liquid chromatography system with columnswitching. irstly, food samples were centrifuged after saponified in mixture solution of anhydrous alcohol, potassium hydroxide and ascorbic acid at 80 ℃ for 30 min. Secondly, the saponified sample was loaded and washed on the first dimension extraction column using methanolwater (60∶0, V/V). Afterwards, the targeted analytes were trapped and enriched on the SPE column. inally, the trapped analytes were transferred to the second dimension analysis column by valveswitching technique for the following separation and determination. Several key factors such as the type of SPE columns, elution buffer as well as p of washing solution were optimized. he results showed that the calibration curves of vitamin A and E were linear in the range of 0.02-20 mg/L with correlation coefficient (R2) more than 0.9998. In addition, the limits of detection (S/N=3) were found in the range of 3.0-30.0 μg/L. he spiked recoveries of the vitamin A and E from livers, eggs and fortified infant formulae ranged from 87.3% to 115.0% with the relative standard deviations (RSDs) of 1.8%-.6%. he developed method is simple, sensitive and rapid to determine vitamins A and E in animal derived food.
KeywordsOnline solidphase extraction (SPE); Dual gradient high performance liquid chromatography; Animal derived food; Vitamin A; Vitamin E
13Niu Y M, Zhang J, Wu Y N, Shao B. J. Agric. ood. Chem., 2012, 60(2): 6116-6122
1CEN Jing, LIU ZhaoJin, AN BaoChao, XU Qun, ZANG XiangMin. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2013, 1(6): 931-935
陈 静, 刘召金, 安宝超, 许 群, 张祥民. 分析化学, 2013, 1(6): 931-935
15ZANG Yanai, ZU XiaoYan, CAO GuoZhou, YANG XinLei, ZANG LiJuan, JIN Yan. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2013, 1(5): 771-775
张艳海, 朱晓艳, 曹国洲, 杨新磊, 张丽娟, 金 燕. 分析化学, 2013, 1(5): 771-775
16Rizzolo A. J. Chromatogr., 1992, 62: 103-152
17PinheiroSant′Ana M, Guinazia M, Oliveirab D S, Luciaa C M D, Reisa B L, Brando S C C. J. Chromatogr. A, 2011, 1218(7): 896- 8502
18DONG AiJun, CUI Yanua, YANG Xin. Chinese J. Instrum. Anal., 2011, 30(8): 887-891
董爱军, 崔艳华, 杨 鑫. 分析测试学报, 2011, 30(8): 887-891
AbstractAn automated analytical method for simultaneous determination of vitamin A and E in livers, fortified infant formulae and eggs has been developed based on online solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled with a dual gradient high performance liquid chromatography system with columnswitching. irstly, food samples were centrifuged after saponified in mixture solution of anhydrous alcohol, potassium hydroxide and ascorbic acid at 80 ℃ for 30 min. Secondly, the saponified sample was loaded and washed on the first dimension extraction column using methanolwater (60∶0, V/V). Afterwards, the targeted analytes were trapped and enriched on the SPE column. inally, the trapped analytes were transferred to the second dimension analysis column by valveswitching technique for the following separation and determination. Several key factors such as the type of SPE columns, elution buffer as well as p of washing solution were optimized. he results showed that the calibration curves of vitamin A and E were linear in the range of 0.02-20 mg/L with correlation coefficient (R2) more than 0.9998. In addition, the limits of detection (S/N=3) were found in the range of 3.0-30.0 μg/L. he spiked recoveries of the vitamin A and E from livers, eggs and fortified infant formulae ranged from 87.3% to 115.0% with the relative standard deviations (RSDs) of 1.8%-.6%. he developed method is simple, sensitive and rapid to determine vitamins A and E in animal derived food.
KeywordsOnline solidphase extraction (SPE); Dual gradient high performance liquid chromatography; Animal derived food; Vitamin A; Vitamin E
13Niu Y M, Zhang J, Wu Y N, Shao B. J. Agric. ood. Chem., 2012, 60(2): 6116-6122
1CEN Jing, LIU ZhaoJin, AN BaoChao, XU Qun, ZANG XiangMin. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2013, 1(6): 931-935
陈 静, 刘召金, 安宝超, 许 群, 张祥民. 分析化学, 2013, 1(6): 931-935
15ZANG Yanai, ZU XiaoYan, CAO GuoZhou, YANG XinLei, ZANG LiJuan, JIN Yan. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2013, 1(5): 771-775
张艳海, 朱晓艳, 曹国洲, 杨新磊, 张丽娟, 金 燕. 分析化学, 2013, 1(5): 771-775
16Rizzolo A. J. Chromatogr., 1992, 62: 103-152
17PinheiroSant′Ana M, Guinazia M, Oliveirab D S, Luciaa C M D, Reisa B L, Brando S C C. J. Chromatogr. A, 2011, 1218(7): 896- 8502
18DONG AiJun, CUI Yanua, YANG Xin. Chinese J. Instrum. Anal., 2011, 30(8): 887-891
董爱军, 崔艳华, 杨 鑫. 分析测试学报, 2011, 30(8): 887-891
AbstractAn automated analytical method for simultaneous determination of vitamin A and E in livers, fortified infant formulae and eggs has been developed based on online solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled with a dual gradient high performance liquid chromatography system with columnswitching. irstly, food samples were centrifuged after saponified in mixture solution of anhydrous alcohol, potassium hydroxide and ascorbic acid at 80 ℃ for 30 min. Secondly, the saponified sample was loaded and washed on the first dimension extraction column using methanolwater (60∶0, V/V). Afterwards, the targeted analytes were trapped and enriched on the SPE column. inally, the trapped analytes were transferred to the second dimension analysis column by valveswitching technique for the following separation and determination. Several key factors such as the type of SPE columns, elution buffer as well as p of washing solution were optimized. he results showed that the calibration curves of vitamin A and E were linear in the range of 0.02-20 mg/L with correlation coefficient (R2) more than 0.9998. In addition, the limits of detection (S/N=3) were found in the range of 3.0-30.0 μg/L. he spiked recoveries of the vitamin A and E from livers, eggs and fortified infant formulae ranged from 87.3% to 115.0% with the relative standard deviations (RSDs) of 1.8%-.6%. he developed method is simple, sensitive and rapid to determine vitamins A and E in animal derived food.
KeywordsOnline solidphase extraction (SPE); Dual gradient high performance liquid chromatography; Animal derived food; Vitamin A; Vitamin E




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