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单词 consideration
释义 consideration noun¹ 1careful thought about sth仔细考虑adjective | verb + consideration | preposition adjective➤careful, detailed, full, serious仔细/详细/全面/认真考虑◆after careful consideration, i have decided to resign.经过仔细考虑,我决定辞职。◆what is needed is a full consideration of the dilemma.需要的是对这个左右为难的困境进行全面考虑。➤adequate, due, proper, sufficient (especially bre) 充分考虑;恰当考虑;适当考虑➤further进一步考虑◆his argument deserves further consideration.他的论点值得进一步考虑。➤thoughtful深思熟虑◆both options require thoughtful consideration of the costs.两种选择都需要深入考虑成本问题。➤critical批判性的考虑◆the final issue was devoted to critical considerations of individual writers.最后一个议题是作者个人的批判性思考。➤special, urgent (especially bre) 特别/紧急考虑▸➤active积极考虑verb + consideration➤give sth, take sth into对⋯加以考虑;把⋯纳入考虑范围◆we will give your proposals serious consideration.我们将认真考虑你的建议。◆you must take the size of the room into consideration.你必须考虑到房间的大小。➤deserve, merit, warrant值得考虑;需要考虑◆several limitations of this study merit consideration.这项研究的几点局限值得考虑。➤need, require需要考虑;有考虑的必要▸➤receive得到考虑preposition➤after consideration经过考虑◆after due consideration, it was decided not to offer her the job.经过适当考虑,雇佣方决定不给她这份工作。➤for sb's consideration供某人参考◆i enclose the report for your consideration.附上报告以供参考。➤in consideration of (= as payment for sth) (formal) , on consideration作为对⋯的酬报;经考虑◆on consideration, we have decided not to come.经过考虑,我们决定不来了。➤under consideration在考虑中◆proposals under active consideration在积极考虑中的建议consideration noun² 2thinking about other people's wishes and feelings体谅;体恤verb + consideration | preposition verb + consideration➤have顾及◆you have no consideration for me, nor for anyone else.你没有顾及我,也没有顾及其他任何人。➤show sb, treat sb with顾及/体谅某人◆she showed little consideration for the beginners.她不怎么关照初学者。preposition➤out of consideration出于体恤◆he did it out of consideration for his daughter.他做这件事是出于对女儿的体恤。➤consideration for对⋯的体恤consideration noun³ 3sth you think about when deciding sth考虑因素adjective | verb + consideration | phrases adjective➤important, key, main, major重要的/关键的/主要的/重大的考虑因素◆pricing and product availability are key consideration to users.定价和产品供应情况是用户考虑的关键因素。➤overriding, paramount, primary, prime凌驾一切的/最重要的/首要的/主要的考虑因素◆hawtrey had argued that there were two primary considerations for monetary policy.霍特里曾经提出,货币政策的制订要考虑两个首要因素。➤minor, secondary次要的考虑因素◆health concerns were a secondary consideration to the reformers.医疗卫生问题对于改革者来说是次要的考虑因素。➤additional额外的考虑因素◆here are a few additional considerations that may help in making the correct decision.还有几点需要额外考虑的因素,或许会对作出正确决策有帮助。➤aesthetic, commercial, cost, economic, environmental, ethical, financial, health, legal, moral, personal, political, practical, pragmatic, safety, security, strategic, theoretical审美上的/商业上的/出于成本的/经济上的/环境方面的/伦理上的/财政上的/健康上的/法律上的/道德上的/基于个人的/政治上的/出于实际情况的/务实的/安全上的/安全方面的/战略上的/理论上的考虑◆cost considerations are normally secondary to such issues as how effective each method will be.相对于各个方法的有效性等因素,成本因素通常是次要的。◆based on both theoretical considerations and experimental data基于理论考虑和实验数据◆the project was driven by the most pragmatic considerations.该工程是从最务实的角度考虑推动实施的。verb + consideration➤be是考虑因素◆taxes are a major consideration when thinking about selling or buying a house.想要卖房或买房时,税金是一个主要考虑因素。➤take account of, take into account考虑到⋯◆there are several important safety considerations that must be taken into account.有几个重要的安全因素必须考虑。phrases➤to be worth consideration值得考虑◆the new software offers some features worth consideration.这款新软件具备一些值得考虑的特性。 consideration nounconsideration ♦︎ thought ♦︎ look ♦︎ deliberation ♦︎ reflection ♦︎ meditation ♦︎ contemplationthese are all words for the act of thinking carefully about sth.这些词均表示仔细考虑、斟酌。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆after (some, etc.) consideration / thought / deliberation / reflection / contemplation◆on consideration / reflection◆to be for (sb's) consideration / deliberation / contemplation◆(a) serious consideration / thought / look / deliberation / reflection / contemplation◆(a) careful consideration / thought / look / deliberation / reflection◆quiet consideration / thought / deliberation / reflection / meditation / contemplation◆deep consideration / thought / reflection / meditation / contemplation◆to give sth some consideration / some thought / a look◆to be deep / lost in thought / meditation / contemplation◆a moment's consideration / thought / reflection■ consideration /kənsɪdəreɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] (rather formal) an act of thinking carefully about sth, especially in order to make a decision about it(尤指作决定前的)仔细考虑,深思,斟酌◆careful consideration should be given to matters of health and safety.应该认真考虑健康与安全问题。◆don't forget to take the cost of insurance into consideration.别忘了要考虑保险成本。◆the plan is currently under consideration (= being considered).这个计划目前正在审议中。◆there needs to be a consideration of the legal issues involved.需要对有关法律问题加以考虑。■ thought [uncountable] the power or process of thinking; the act of thinking seriously and carefully about sth思考能力;思维过程;思考;深思◆a good teacher always encourages independent thought.好的教师总是鼓励独立思考。◆she was lost in thought (=thinking very hard about sth and not paying attention to anything else).她陷入沉思。◆i've been giving the matter careful thought.我一直在认真考虑这个问题。◆not enough thought has gone into this assignment.这份作业做得不够用心。■ look [countable, usually singular] an act of considering sth思考;考虑◆we'll be taking a close look at the proposals.我们会认真考虑这些提议。◆we need to take a long hard look at all the facts.我们需要仔细研究所有事实。■ deliberation /dɪlɪbəreɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable, usually plural] (formal) the process of carefully considering or discussing sth in order to make a decision about it(作决定前的)细想,考虑,商议◆after much deliberation, we have decided to award the title to springfield college.经过再三考虑,我们决定将此称号授予春田学院。◆the jury's deliberations lasted over five days.陪审团进行了超过五天的认真商议。■ reflection [uncountable] (rather formal) careful thought about sth, sometimes over a long period of time沉思;深思;审慎的思考◆she decided, on reflection, not to take the job.她经过深思熟虑,决定不接受这份工作。◆a period of calm reflection is now needed.现在需要静思一段时间。■ meditation /medɪteɪʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the practice of thinking deeply in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm冥想,沉思(尤指出于宗教原因或使心绪平和)◆he was deep in meditation and didn't see me come.他正在沉思,没有看到我来。◆more and more people practise meditation on a regular basis.越来越多的人养成定期静思冥想的习惯。■ contemplation /kɒntəmpleɪʃn; name kɑːntəmpleɪʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the act of thinking deeply and quietly about sth深思;沉思;静思◆he sat by the window, deep in contemplation.他坐在窗边,陷入沉思。◆the monks dedicate themselves to a life of prayer and contemplation.僧侣过着祈祷和冥思的生活。 consideration /kənsɪdəreɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] (rather formal) an act of thinking carefully about sth, especially in order to make a decision about it(尤指作决定前的)仔细考虑,深思,斟酌◆careful consideration should be given to matters of health and safety.应该认真考虑健康与安全问题。◆don't forget to take the cost of insurance into consideration.别忘了要考虑保险成本。◆the plan is currently under consideration (= being considered).这个计划目前正在审议中。◆there needs to be a consideration of the legal issues involved.需要对有关法律问题加以考虑。 consideration /kənsɪdəreɪʃn/ [countable] something that must be thought about when you are planning or deciding sth(作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事(或因素、原因)◆financial considerations will obviously play a big part.财务因素显然是考虑的重点。 ➡ see also concern → issue considerationnoun [uncountable] ◆you should show a little more consideration towards other people.你应该多体谅一下别人。considerationnoun [uncountable] ◆you should show a little more consideration towards other people.你应该多体谅一下别人。consideration/kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃn ||; kənˌsɪdəˈreʃən/noun1. [u] (formal 正式) an act of thinking about sth carefully or for a long time 考虑;深思熟虑: ◇i have given some consideration to the idea but i don't think it would work. 我考虑过这个想法,但我认为不可行。 2. [c] something that you think about when you are making a decision 考虑的因素: ◇if he changes his job, the salary will be an important consideration. 如果他换工作,薪金将是一项重要的考虑因素。 3. [u] consideration (for sb/sth) the quality of thinking about what other people need or feel 为(他人)设想;顾及(他人);体贴: ◇most drivers show little consideration for cyclists. 多数汽车司机不大为骑自行车的人着想。 take sth into consideration to think about sth when you are forming an opinion or making a decision 考虑到,顾及到(某事物) consideration• ⇨ be under consideration con·sid·e·ra·tion /kənˏsɪdə`reʃən; kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/n 1. [c] a fact or detail that you need to think about when deciding something 要考虑的事:◇financial considerations have to be taken into account. 必须考虑到经济的因素。 2. [u] attention to other people's feelings and needs 体谅; 体贴 3. [u] careful thought and attention 考虑,斟酌:◇after further consideration, he decided not to take the job. 进一步考虑之后,他决定不接受那份工作。◇under consideration (=being discussed and thought about) 在考虑中 4. take sth into consideration to remember a particular fact or detail when making a decision 考虑到某事:◇we'll take into consideration the fact that you were ill. 我们会考虑到你生病的情况。




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