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单词 embryo
释义 embryo nounadjective | verb + embryo | embryo + verb | embryo + noun adjective➤developing发育中的胚胎➤fertilized受精胚胎▸➤early早期胚胎◆the cells of an early embryo早期胚胎细胞➤frog, human, etc.青蛙、人类等胚胎➤frozen冷冻胚胎◆frozen embryos stored at a fertility clinic保存在生育诊所的冷冻胚胎➤cloned克隆胚胎verb + embryo➤create, produce制造胚胎◆the couple has produced three embryos for implantation.这对夫妻培育了三个胚胎以供移植。➤implant移植胚胎◆two or three embryos are implanted into the woman's body.这个妇人体内已经移植了两三个胚胎。➤transfer移植胚胎➤donate捐赠胚胎➤clone克隆胚胎◆the current debate over cloning human embryos当前关于克隆人类胚胎的辩论➤freeze冷冻胚胎➤destroy, discard, kill毁掉/放弃/杀死胚胎◆some people believe that destroying an embryo is murder.一些人认为,杀死胚胎是谋杀。embryo + verb➤develop胚胎发育embryo + noun➤development, growth胚胎发育/生长➤cell胚胎细胞➤research胚胎研究embryo/ˈembriəʊ ||; ˈɛmbrɪˌo/noun [c] (plural embryos /-əʊz ||; -ˌoz/) a baby, an animal or a plant in the early stages of development before birth 胚;胚胎 ☞ look at foetus. 参看 foetus。 ➔embryonic /ˌembriˈɒnɪk ||; ˌɛmbrɪˈɑnɪk/ adjembryosee ⇨ baby 3 em·bry·o /`ɛmbrɪˏo; ˈembriəʊ/n [c]an animal or human that has just begun to develop inside its mother's body 胚胎→ compare 比较 foetus




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