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单词 embody
释义 embody /ɪmbɒdi; name ɪmbɑːdi/ [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (rather formal) (especially of a person) to give a visible form to an idea, quality or feeling(尤指人)具体表现,体现,代表(观念、品质或感情)◆a politician who embodied the hopes of black youth代表黑人青年希望的政治家◆we want to build a national team that embodies competitive spirit and skill.我们想创建一支能体现竞争精神和高竞技水平的国家队。  ➡ see also embodiment → example 2 embody/ɪmˈbɒdi ||; ɪmˈbɑdɪ/verb [t] (present participle embodying third person singular present embodies;past participle past tense embodied) (formal 正式) 1. to be a very good example of sth 是…的模范;体现: ◇to me she embodies all the best qualities of a teacher. 依我看,她体现了为人师表的最高质量。 2. to include or contain sth 包括;具备: ◇this latest model embodies many new features. 这个最新款式具备了不少新特点。 ➔embodiment noun [c]:◇she is the embodiment of a caring mother. 她是慈母的化身。 em·bod·y /ɪm`bɑdɪ; ɪmˈbɒdi/v [t]to be the perfect example of an idea or quality 体现…,成为…的化身:◇mrs miller embodies everything i admire in a teacher. 米勒女士是我所崇拜的教师的完美化身。




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