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单词 drop
释义 drop noun¹ 1reduction减少adjective | verb + drop | preposition adjective➤big, considerable, huge, large, massive大减;锐减➤marked, noticeable, significant, substantial显著下降▸➤dramatic, drastic, precipitous, rapid, severe, sharp, sudden显著/猛烈/陡然/快速/急剧/剧烈/突然下降▸➤slight, small略微下降;小幅下降▸➤steady稳步下降➤pressure, price, temperature压力/价格/温度下降◆a sudden temperature drop could lead to a new ice age.温度骤降可能导致冰河时代再度到来。verb + drop➤experience, suffer经历/遭遇下降◆the restaurant has suffered a big drop in trade.这家餐馆生意骤减。➤cause, lead to导致下降preposition➤drop in⋯的下降◆the glut of coffee led to a sharp drop in prices.咖啡供过于求导致价格急剧下降。drop noun² 2vertical distance down from a place下落距离adjective➤precipitous, sheer, steep, vertical垂直距离◆the cliff plunged in a sheer drop down to the beach.悬崖陡峭,直下海滩。➤long大落差drop noun³ 3small round mass of liquid滴adjective | verb + drop | drop + verb | preposition adjective➤single一滴◆we mustn't waste a single drop.我们不应该浪费一滴水。➤tiny小滴◆tiny drops of sweat appeared on her forehead.她的前额冒出了一滴滴汗珠。➤tear (usually teardrop) 泪滴➤dew, rain (usually dewdrop, raindrop) 露珠;雨滴verb + drop➤wipe, wipe off擦掉水滴◆she wiped a drop of water from her chin.她擦掉了下巴上的一滴水。drop + verb➤fall液体滴落◆great drops of rain started to fall.大滴大滴的雨开始落下来。➤roll down sth液体沿⋯滚落preposition➤drop of⋯的液滴◆large drops of sweat rolled down her face.大颗大颗的汗珠从她脸上滚落下来。drop verb¹ 1allow sth to fall使落下adverb | preposition adverb➤accidentally意外掉落➤carelessly, casually不小心/不经意地掉落◆he casually drops the latest buzzwords into the conversation.他在谈话中无意间用上了最新的时髦词语。➤almost, nearly几乎掉落▸➤instantly, promptly当即扔下◆he saw emma and promptly dropped his tray of drinks.他看见埃玛,饮料托盘当即脱手掉在地上。preposition➤in, into, on, onto掉进;掉到⋯上◆i accidentally dropped my glasses into the water.我意外地把眼镜掉进了水里。drop verb² 2jump/move downwards向下移动adverb | verb + drop | preposition | phrases adverb➤heavily重重地降落▸➤gently, lightly轻柔地降落;轻轻降落▸➤immediately, instantly, quickly立即/瞬间/很快降落➤slowly缓慢地降落◆he slowly dropped to the floor.他缓慢地倒在地板上。➤limply无力地落下◆his arms dropped limply to his sides.他的双臂无力地垂到了身体两侧。➤down, open放下;下降并张开◆her mouth dropped open in disbelief.她张着嘴,满脸怀疑。verb + drop➤let sth让⋯下落◆she smiled and let her eyes drop again.她微笑着,眼睛又垂了下去。➤be ready to累得要倒下◆i'm ready to drop (= because i am so tired).我累得要倒下了。preposition➤into, onto, to落到里面;落到上面;降落到⋯◆the cheese drops onto a conveyor underneath.奶酪掉落到下面的传送带上。phrases➤drop like a stone (figurative) 像石头一样落下◆her heart dropped like a stone at this news.听到这个消息她心头一沉。drop verb³ 3become lower降低adverb | verb + drop | preposition adverb➤considerably, dramatically, drastically, significantly, substantially大幅降低;急剧下降;骤降;显著下降;大大下降◆the price of oil has dropped significantly.油价大幅下降。➤fast, rapidly快速下降➤abruptly, precipitously, sharply, suddenly突然/陡然/猛烈/忽然下降▸➤steadily稳步下降▸➤slightly稍微降低▸➤further进一步下降verb + drop➤be likely to, be unlikely to很可能/不大可能降低◆sales are likely to drop further.销售量可能进一步下降preposition➤below降到⋯以下◆the temperature rarely drops below 40°f.温度很少降到 40 华氏度以下。➤by降低⋯◆the price has dropped by 15%.价格已经下降 15%。➤from, to从⋯下降;降至⋯◆the number of children in the class has dropped from 25 to 18.班里的孩子数量已从 25 人降至 18 人。drop verb⁴ 4slope downwards向下倾斜adverb | preposition adverb➤sharply, steeply急剧倾斜而下▸➤away变陡峭preposition➤into, to, towards/toward倾斜落至⋯◆the land dropped steeply away into a small valley.地势陡降,变成一个小山谷。drop verb⁵ 5no longer include sb in sth除名adverb | preposition adverb➤quietly悄悄地将某人拿掉➤unceremoniously粗暴地除名◆she was unceremoniously dropped by her record label.她被唱片公司无情地抛弃了。preposition➤from从⋯中除名◆he has been quietly dropped from the england team.他被英格兰队悄然除名。➤in favour/favor of赞成由⋯替换drop verb⁶ 6stop doing sth/be stopped停止adverb | verb + drop | preposition adverb➤quietly悄悄停止◆the subject was quietly dropped.这一话题被悄悄搁置起来。➤immediately, quickly, suddenly立即/迅速/突然停止◆he suddenly dropped his habitual banter.他突然不再像往常一样开玩笑。➤eventually, finally最终停止;终于停止▸➤altogether完全停止◆when nobody volunteered, the idea was finally dropped altogether.在没有人主动的情况下,这个构思就被完全放弃了。verb + drop➤let sth不再做⋯◆can't we just let the matter drop?难道我们就不能放下这件事吗?➤agree to, decide to赞成不再做;决定不再做◆both countries have agreed to drop border controls.两国都同意停止边境管制。preposition➤in favour/favor of取消后代之以⋯◆the formal grade of geologist was dropped in favour / favor of scientific officer.正式级别由地质学家改为科技官员。 drop /drɒp; name drɑːp/ verb (-pp-) 1. [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth weaker, lower or less (使)减弱,降低,减少◆the price of the shares dropped by 14¢. 股价下跌了 14 分。◆the shares dropped in price by 14¢. 股价下跌了 14 分。◆inflation dropped 0.5 per cent in november. 通货膨胀率 11 月份下降了 0.5%。◆he had to drop his price by $300. 他不得不降价 300 元。⨁ to drop dramatically / sharply / slightly / steeply暴/猛/微/骤跌 2. [transitive] to not continue with sth; to stop using sb/sth 停止;终止;放弃◆they have dropped their plans to build a new factory. 他们终止了建设新工厂的计划。◆dropping that supplier was a good decision. 放弃那位供货商是个明智的决定。 3. [transitive] to lose money 亏本;损失钱◆i dropped $3 000 in salary when i changed jobs. 我换工作时工资少挣了 3000 元。 4. [transitive] to place text, a file, etc. in a particular place on a computer screen by using the mouse button 放(用鼠标将文本、文件等放到电脑屏幕上的特定地方)◆drag the file and drop it in the recycling bin. 将这个文件拖放入回收筒。  ➡  drag verb (1) ●drop the ball (on sth) (name) (informal) to be responsible for sth going wrong or for doing sth badly; to stop taking responsibility for sth 犯错误;失职◆i want to know who dropped the ball on this project. 我想知道谁把这个项目搞砸了。  ➡  idiom at bottom ●drop away= drop off ●drop back (to sth)to return to a lower level or amount 回落◆the price of gold dropped back to $978 an ounce. 黄金价格回落到了每盎司 978 美元。●drop off (bre) (also drop away, name, bre ) to decrease in level or amount, especially after being high for a long time 下降◆consumer spending dropped off sharply in february. 消费开支二月份急剧下降。  ➡  drop-off ●drop out (of sth)to no longer take part in or be part of sth 不再参加;退出◆some investors want to drop out of the deal. 某些投资者想退出这笔交易。 drop /drɒp; name drɑːp/ noun [countable, usually singular] a fall or reduction in the amount, level or number of sth 下降;下跌;减少◆the airline has seen a steep drop in ticket sales. 这家航空公司的机票销售量急剧减少。◆manufacturing activity showed a drop of 1.2% in july. 生产活动七月份减少了 1.2%。◆a 15% drop in profits 15% 的利润下降⨁ a big / dramatic / large / sharp / slight / steep drop大跌;急剧/大幅度/急剧/轻微/突然下降 ⨁ to expect / forecast / report / suffer a drop (in sth)预计/预测/报告/遭受(某方面的)下跌 leaflet drop ☞ drop☞ drop☞ increases and decreases drop noundrop ♦︎ bead ♦︎ splash ♦︎ globule ♦︎ blob ♦︎ dripthese are all words for a small amount of a liquid.这些词均表示液体的点或滴。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a drop / bead / splash of blood◆a drop / bead of moisture / perspiration / sweat◆a drop / splash of water◆a splash / blob of paint■ drop [countable] a very small amount of liquid that forms a round shape滴;水珠◆a few drops of rain fell.天上落下几滴雨点。◆mix a few drops of milk into the cake mixture.在蛋糕粉中加入几滴牛奶。◆he drained the last few drops from his glass.他把杯子里剩下的几滴饮料都喝干了。 ➡ see also drip → trickle verb ■ bead /biːd/ [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a small drop of a liquid, especially sweat(液体的)小滴;(尤指)汗珠◆there were beads of sweat on his forehead.他的额头上挂满了汗珠。■ splash [countable] a small amount of liquid that falls onto sth; the mark that this makes溅上的液体;溅洒后留下的污渍◆there were dark splashes of mud on her skirt.她的裙子上有溅上的黑泥点。 ➡ see also splash → spray verb ■ globule /glɒbjuːl; name glɑːbjuːl/ [countable] a small drop or ball of a liquid or of a solid that has been melted(液体或固体融化的)小滴,小球体◆the milk's small fat globules make it easy to digest.这种牛奶中细小的脂肪球使牛奶更容易消化。■ blob [countable] (informal) a small amount or drop of liquid, especially a liquid which is stiff or sticky(尤指黏稠或黏性液体的)一点,一滴◆a blob of ketchup was rolling down his chin.一滴番茄酱正从他下巴滑落下来。■ drip a small drop of liquid that falls from sth水滴;滴液◆we put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips.我们在屋顶漏洞的下方放了一个桶来接水滴。  ➡ see also drip → leak verb , drip → trickle verb note 辨析 splash or drip?a splash is bigger than a drip and falls once or a few times by accident; drips fall regularly or continuously, especially because of a leak (= hole or crack) in sth. with splash the emphasis is on what the splashes fall on; with drip the emphasis is on where the drips fall from. * splash 的液量比 drip 大,而且是偶然一次或几次落下的水滴; drip 则尤指因漏洞或裂缝而持续滴漏的水滴。使用 splash 时强调的是液体溅在了什么东西上面;使用 drip 时强调的是水滴从哪里落下来。drop(-pp-) [intransitive] (informal, especially spoken) to fall down or be no longer able to stand because you are extremely tired累倒;累垮◆i feel ready to drop.我感到快累垮了。◆she expects everyone to work till they drop.她巴不得人人都干到累垮为止。drop [countable] a very small amount of liquid that forms a round shape滴;水珠◆a few drops of rain fell.天上落下几滴雨点。◆mix a few drops of milk into the cake mixture.在蛋糕粉中加入几滴牛奶。◆he drained the last few drops from his glass.他把杯子里剩下的几滴饮料都喝干了。 ➡ see also drip → trickle verb drop(-pp-) [transitive] to no longer include sb in a team or group(从队伍或小组中)除去◆she's been dropped from the team because of injury.她因伤离队了。drop(-pp-) [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to become lower or less in level, number or strength(数量)减少;(水平)下降;(强度)减小◆the dutch team have dropped to fifth place.荷兰队已降至第五名。◆at last the wind dropped.风势终于减弱了。opp rise , climb → rise  ➡ see also drop → reduction noun note 辨析 fall, decline or drop?in many cases you can use any of these words.这些词在很多情况下可以通用◆sales have fallen / declined / dropped by 20%.销售额下降了 20%。they can all be used to talk about numbers, levels, rates, prices, profits and sales. to talk about a loss of economic strength in a particular place or industry, use decline.这些词均可描述数量、水平、比率、价格、利润和销售额。描述特定地方或行业的经济实力衰退用 decline◆the area / city / industry / market / sector has declined (in importance).该地区/城市/行业/市场/领域(的重要性)降低了。you can also use decline to talk about support for or interest in sth, or a person's health. a person's voice can fall or drop. temperatures fall or drop. the wind can only drop. things can fall or decline over a period of time, but drop cannot be used in the progressive tenses. * decline 还可表示对事物的支持减少、兴趣下降或人的健康状况恶化。人的声音变小或温度下降用 fall 或 drop 均可。风势减弱只能用 drop。fall 和 decline 均可指在一段时间内减少、下降,而 drop 不能用于进行时◆sales have been falling / declining.销售额一直在下降。◆falling / declining sales下降的销售额◆sales have been dropping. ◆dropping sales drop(-pp-) [intransitive] to fall by accident; to fall or sit down, especially because you are no longer able to stand(意外地)落下,掉下;(尤指因无法再站立而)倒下,坐下◆the climber slipped and dropped to his death.那个攀登者一失足掉下去摔死了。◆he staggered in and dropped into a chair.他摇摇晃晃地走了进来,一屁股坐在椅子上。drop [countable, usually singular] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) a reduction that happens in the size, number, rate or level of sth(尺寸)减小;(数量)减少;(比率或水平)降低◆if you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary.如果你想干这份工作,就必须对薪水减少做好思想准备。◆the restaurant has suffered a 10% drop in trade.餐厅的生意下降了 10%。opp rise → increase noun  ➡ see also drop → fall verb 1 note 辨析 decline, fall or drop?these words all describe a process that happens, rather than a deliberate action by sb. decline tends to emphasize the process, whether this is fast or slow.这些词均指自然发生的情况,而不是某人有意所为。decline 往往强调衰落的过程,不论快慢◆a steady / sharp decline in profits利润稳步/急剧下降◆a civilization in terminal decline处于衰亡期的文明 fall and drop tend to emphasize the result of the process. * fall 和 drop 往往强调这一过程的结果◆a fall / drop of 30%30% 的下降a fall, like a decline, can happen over time, but a drop cannot. * fall 和 decline 一样可指持续递减,但 drop 不能◆a gradual decline / fall逐步下降◆a gradual drop drop [countable, usually singular] (especially spoken) a small quantity of a liquid少量,微量,一点点(液体)◆can i have a drop more milk in my coffee, please?请给我的咖啡多加点牛奶好吗?drop [countable, usually singular] a place where the land or a surface suddenly goes from a high level to a low level陡坡;峭壁◆there was a twenty-foot drop onto the stones beneath.距下面的石头有 20 英尺的落差。◆we were inches away from a sheer drop to the crashing waves below.当时我们与峭壁边缘近在咫尺,下面就是汹涌的波涛。drop(-pp-) [intransitive](of land or a road or path) to slope steeply downwards(土地、道路或小径)急剧倾斜而下◆in front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road.在他们面前,山谷从路旁急剧倾斜而下。drop(-pp-) [transitive] (rather informal, especially spoken) to stop doing or discussing sth; to not continue with sth停止;终止(讨论);放弃◆i dropped german (= stopped studying it) when i was 14.我 14 岁后就没再学德语。◆drop everything and come at once.放下所有事情赶快来。◆look, can we just drop it (= stop talking about it)?喂,这事能不能就谈到这儿?◆i think we'd better drop the subject.我认为我们最好不要再谈这个话题。◆the police decided to drop the charges against her.警方决定撤回对她的指控。drop¹/drɒp ||; drɑp/verb (dropping;dropped) 1. [t] to let sth fall 使落下: ◇that vase was very expensive. whatever you do, don't drop it! 那个花瓶贵着呢,千万别摔破! 2. [i] to fall 落下;降落: ◇the parachutist dropped safely to the ground. 跳伞员安然着陆。◇at the end of the race she dropped to her knees exhausted. 跑到终点的时候,她筋疲力竭,跪倒在地。 3. [i,t] to become lower; to make sth lower (使)减低,降低: ◇the temperature will drop to minus 3 overnight. 夜里气温要降至零下3度。◇they ought to drop their prices. 他们该把价钱减一减。 [t] ◇to drop your voice (= speak more quietly) 说话低声点儿 4. [t] drop sb/sth (off) to stop your car, etc so that sb can get out, or in order to take sth out 停车让某人下去或卸下货物: ◇drop me off at the traffic lights, please. 劳驾,让我在红绿灯那儿下车。◇i'll drop the parcel at your house. 我会把包裹卸在你家门口。 5. [t] drop sb/sth (from sth) to no longer include sb/sth in sth 剔除: ◇joe has been dropped from the team. 乔被开除出队。 6. [t] to stop doing sth 不再做某事: ◇i'm going to drop geography next term (= stop studying it). 下学期我不修地理课了。 drop dead(informal 非正式) to die suddenly 猝死 drop sb a line(informal 非正式) to write a letter to sb 给某人写信: ◇do drop me a line when you've time. 有空的时候一定要给我写信。 drop back; drop behind (sb) to move into a position behind sb else, because you are moving more slowly 落后: ◇towards the end of the race she dropped behind the other runners. 快到终点的时候,她落在其他赛跑选手后面了。 drop by; drop in (on sb) to go to sb's house on an informal visit or without having told him/her you were coming 顺道探访;突然拜访: ◇we were in the area so we thought we'd drop in and see you. 我们刚好到这附近来,所以顺便到你家看望你。 drop off(informal 非正式) to fall into a light sleep 打盹: ◇i dropped off in front of the television. 我在电视前打了个盹。 drop out (of sth) to leave or stop doing sth before you have finished 中途退出: ◇his injury forced him to drop out of the competition. 他受了伤,不得不退出比赛。 drop²/drɒp ||; drɑp/noun1. [c] a very small amount of liquid that forms a round shape 滴: ◇a drop of blood/rain 一滴血╱雨 ☞picture at blob 见blob插图 2. [c] [usu.sing] a small amount of liquid 少量液体: ◇i just have a drop of milk in my coffee. 我在咖啡里只放一点儿牛奶。 3. [sing] a fall to a smaller amount or level 减少;降低: ◇the job is much more interesting but it will mean a drop in salary. 这工作有趣得多,不过工资将会减少。◇a drop in prices/temperature 价格╱温度降低 4. [sing] a distance down from a high point to a lower point 垂直距离;落差: ◇a sheer drop of 40 metres to the sea 离海面足足有40米 5. drops [pl] liquid medicine that you put into your eyes, ears or nose 滴剂: ◇the doctor prescribed me drops to take twice a day. 医生开给我一些滴剂,一天使用两次。 a drop in the ocean (us 美) ;a drop in the bucket an amount of sth that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference to a situation 沧海一粟;无关紧要的量: ◇the money we made was a drop in the ocean compared to the amount we need. 跟我们所需要的数目相比,我们挣的钱真是少得可怜。 at the drop of a hat immediately; without having to stop and think about it 马上;毫不迟疑地 dropsee ⇨ down 2,6 ⇨ fall 4,7 ⇨ hold 9 ⇨ include/not include 6 ⇨ liquid 2 ⇨ little 3 ⇨ stop 3,4 ⇨ take part/be involved 10     • • •• ⇨ a drop in the ocean• ⇨ fall/drop☞ drop¹☞ drop²




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