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单词 time
释义 time noun¹ 1what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.时间time + verb | preposition | phrases time + verb➤elapse, go by, pass时间流逝◆as time went by we saw less and less of each other.光阴荏苒,我们见面越来越少。◆the changing seasons mark the passing of time.变化的四季标志着时间的流逝。➤fly时光飞逝◆how time flies!光阴似箭!➤go时间流逝◆where does the time go?时间去哪儿了?➤drag时间过得很慢◆time drags in this job.这项工作让人感觉时间过得很慢。➤heal sth时间治愈⋯◆time heals all wounds.时间能医好一切创伤。preposition➤in time在时间上◆the play takes us back in time to the 1940s.这出剧把我们带回到 20 世纪 40 年代。➤over time随时间◆perceptions change over time.认识随时间而变。➤through time穿越时间◆travel through time穿越时间的旅行phrases➤a matter of time时间的问题◆it was only a matter of time before someone tried to kill him.肯定会有人试图杀死他,这只是一个时间问题。➤the mists of time时间的迷雾◆the origins of this custom are lost in the mists of time.这个习俗的起源湮没在时间的迷雾中。time noun² 2time shown on a clock钟表显示的时间adjective | verb + time | time + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤good, perfect准时;非常准时◆my watch keeps good time.我的手表走得很准。➤local当地时间◆the attacks were launched at 9 p.m. local time.攻击在当地时间晚上 9 点发起。➤daylight saving夏令时▸➤british summer, eastern standard, greenwich mean, etc.英国夏令时间、东部标准时间、格林尼治平时等verb + time➤tell认时间◆can he tell the time yet? (bre) 他会认时间了吗?◆can he tell time yet? (name) 他会认时间了吗?➤have知道时间◆do you have the time?你知道几点了吗?◆what time do you have? (name) 你知道几点了吗?➤make看时间◆what time do you make it? (bre) 你的表几点了?➤look at看时间◆look at the time! we'll be late.看看几点了!我们要迟到了。➤check查看时间◆let me just check the time.让我查看一下时间。➤keep走时准确time + noun➤zone时区preposition➤ahead of... time, behind... time提前;晚◆10 hours behind pacific standard time比太平洋标准时间晚 10 个小时phrases➤at... time in the morning/afternoon/evening, at... time of day, at... time of the morning/afternoon/evening/night上午/下午/晚上⋯时候;白天/一上午/一下午/一晚上/一夜⋯时候◆there's less traffic at this time of day.白天这个时段车辆较少。◆what are you doing out of bed at this time of night?深更半夜你下床干什么?➤time of year, time of the year一年中的⋯时候◆the leaves start to turn red at this time of (the) year.树叶在一年中的这个时候开始变红。➤this time tomorrow, etc.明天这个时候等◆this time tomorrow i'll be in canada.明天这个时候我就在加拿大了。time noun³ 3time when sth happens/should happen发生或应该发生的时间adjective | verb + time | time + verb | preposition adjective➤peak峰值时间◆there are extra buses at peak times.高峰时间公交车有加车。➤prime黄金时间▸➤closing, opening关门/开门时间▸➤arrival, departure抵达/启程时间verb + time➤fix, set安排/确定时间◆we need to set a time for the next meeting.我们得为下次会议定个时间。➤change变更时间time + verb➤come时间到来◆you'll feel differently about it when the time comes.到时候你对它会有不同的感觉。preposition➤ahead of time提前◆we had everything worked out ahead of time.我们提前把一切都搞定了。➤behind time (bre) 晚◆the plane took off an hour behind time.飞机晚点一个小时才起飞。➤by the time到⋯的时候◆by the time you get there the meeting will be over.等你赶到,会议都结束了。➤in time及时◆we got home in time to see the end of the game.我们到家刚好赶上看比赛的结尾。➤on time准时◆the trains are rarely on time.火车很少准时。➤time for做⋯的时间◆it's time for dinner.晚餐时间到了。time noun⁴ 4amount of time时间量adjective | ... of time | verb + time | time + verb | time + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, long大量时间;长时间▸➤little, short少量时间;短时间▸➤limited有限的时间◆it is a special price for a limited time.这是限时特价。➤total总时间▸➤reasonable合理的时间▸➤precious宝贵的时间◆we're wasting precious time.我们在浪费宝贵的时间。➤idle闲散时间▸➤free, leisure, spare空闲时间;闲暇;业余时间▸➤quality(增进感情、尤其是亲情的)珍贵时光▸➤journey, travel, travelling/traveling旅行时间➤running放映时间;运行时间◆the movie's two-hour running time电影两个小时的放映时间➤playing, screen(运动员的)上场时间;(电影等的)放映时间;(电视节目的)播放时间◆the coach plans to give younger players more playing time.教练计划给年轻球员更多上场时间。◆de niro makes the most of limited screen time.德尼罗充分利用了有限的出镜时间。➤lead, waiting前置期;等待时间◆there is a long lead time between order and delivery of the product.该产品在订货和交货之间有很长一段备货时间。... of time➤amount, length, period一段时间◆have you lived overseas for any length of time?你有没有在国外住过一段时间?➤great deal大量时间◆a great deal of time has been spent on developing this software.开发这款软件已花费了大量的时间。verb + time➤have有时间◆do you have time for a chat?你有时间聊会儿吗?◆i had no time to think.我没有时间思考。➤need需要时间◆do you need more time?你需要再多点儿时间吗?➤give sb/sth给⋯时间◆i can certainly do the job if you give me time.只要你给我时间,我肯定能完成那项工作。➤take (sb)花费(某人)时间◆it takes time to make changes in the law.修改法律需要时间。◆it took her a long time to read the report.她读这份报告花了很长时间。◆take your time (= take as much time as you like).慢慢来。➤spend花时间◆she spends much of her time reading.她大部份时间都在阅读。◆i hope to spend more time with my family.我希望有更多时间陪陪家人。➤kill, pass, while away消磨时间;打发时间◆it helps to pass the time.它有助于消磨时间。➤fritter away, idle away浪费时间;虚度时光▸➤devote, put, use投入时间;利用时间◆she devotes all her spare time to gardening.她把闲暇都用在园艺上。◆he put all his time into the show.他把时间都花在这个节目上了。➤allow, leave给出/留出时间◆they didn't allow much time for discussion.他们没有留出多少时间讨论。◆this doesn't leave much time for us to get ready.这没给我们留出多少时间做准备。➤find, make找时间;抽出时间◆i can never find time to write letters.我总是抽不出时间写信。◆i can probably make the time to see them.我大概可以挤出时间见见他们。➤wait等一段时间◆we had to wait some time before the bus arrived.我们等了一段时间公交车才到。➤gain, save赢得/节省时间◆you would save time with a dishwasher.用洗碗机可以节省时间。➤reduce缩短时间◆measures to reduce waiting times缩短等候时间的措施➤waste浪费时间▸➤lose, run out of失去/用完时间◆we have no time to lose (= we must hurry).我们得抓紧时间。◆i didn't finish the test-i ran out of time.我没做完试卷 - 没时间了。➤be pressed for, be short of时间紧迫/不够▸➤be out of不是时候▸➤play for(以拖延的手段)争取时间◆not knowing what to do, she played for time by going to the bathroom.她不知道该怎么办,于是就借口去卫生间以拖延时间。time + verb➤be up, run out时间用尽/用完◆sorry, your time is up.对不起,你的时间到了。time + noun➤frame, interval, period, scale, span时间范围;时间间隔;时间段;时标;时间跨度▸➤limit时限▸➤lag时滞preposition➤at a time一次◆he surfs the internet for hours at a time.他一次在网上待好几个小时。➤for a time一段时间◆i lived there for a time.我在那儿住过一段时间。➤in time最终◆you'll get used to the work in time.你迟早会适应这份工作的。➤over time, with time随着时间◆her skills improved with time.她的技艺随着时间的推移而不断提高。phrases➤all in good time (= sth will happen when the time is right) 还没到时候◆be patient, emily! all in good time.耐心点儿,埃米莉!还没到时候。➤all the time一直◆the letter was in my pocket all the time (= while i was looking for it).那封信一直在我口袋里。◆she leaves the lights on all the time (= always / repeatedly).她总是让灯开着。➤the entire time, the whole time整个时间➤for quite some time颇长一段时间◆he'd been thinking about quitting his job for quite some time.相当一段时间以来他一直在考虑辞职。➤if time permits如果时间允许的话◆we will discuss this matter later, if time permits.如果时间允许的话,我们待会儿讨论这件事。➤in the fullness of time (= when the time is right, usually after a long period) 在时机成熟的时候➤in good time, in plenty of time及早;尽早◆get to the airport in good time (= plenty of time before the plane leaves).早早到机场。➤in next to no time, in no time at all立即➤in ten minutes', three hours', etc. time (especially bre) * 10 分钟后、3 小时后等◆i'll be back in ten minutes' time.我 10 分钟后回来。➤in your own good time, in your own time (= taking as long as you want/need) 不急不忙地➤most of the time大部份时间➤a race against time与时间赛跑◆finishing the book was a race against time.完成这本书是在与时间赛跑。➤a long time ago, some time ago很久以前;前一段时间◆her parents died a long time ago.她父母很久以前就去世了。➤a waste of time浪费时间◆what a waste of time!真是浪费时间!time noun⁵ 5(often times) period in the past/present过去或现在的一个时期adjective | time + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤good, great, happy好日子;快乐时光▸➤bad, difficult, hard, rough, sad, tough, troubled, unhappy糟糕的时期;艰难时期;悲伤的日子;坎坷的岁月◆times are hard for the unemployed.失业者的日子很难熬。➤ancient, early, former, old古时候;早期;以前;过去◆in ancient times在古代➤modern, recent现代;近代▸➤medieval, prehistoric, etc.中世纪、史前等时期time + verb➤change时代变化◆times have changed since grandma was young.时代变了,与奶奶年轻那会儿已经不一样了。preposition➤at a/the time在⋯时期◆he lived at the time of the civil war.他生活在内战时期。◆at one time mary was my best friend.玛丽一度是我最好的朋友。➤before sb's time在某人出生以前◆the beatles were before my time.披头士乐队风靡的时候我还没有出生。➤in sb's time在某人经历的那段时间◆mr curtis was the manager in my time (= when i was working there).我在那会儿柯蒂斯先生是经理。➤in times在⋯时期◆in times of trouble在困难时期phrases➤from time immemorial, since time immemorial (= for a very long time) 自远古以来▸➤of all time古往今来◆the greatest hockey player of all time有史以来最优秀的曲棍球运动员➤a sign of the times时代的标志◆it's a sign of the times when sports stars earn more than movie stars.体育明星收入超过电影明星,这是时代的标志。➤time was when曾经◆time was when (= there was a time when) we never needed to lock our house at night.以前我们晚上从来不需要锁门。time noun⁶ 6occasion次;时机adjective | ... of times | verb + time | time + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤that, this那次;这次◆i'm determined to pass this time.这次我决心通过。➤final, last最后一次;上次◆when was the last time you saw her?你上次见她是什么时候?➤another, next再一次;下一次◆next time you're here let's have lunch together.下次你来这儿时我们一起吃午饭吧。➤one一次▸➤each, every每次◆every time i hear that song i feel happy.每次我听到那首歌都感到高兴。➤only唯一一次▸➤same同时▸➤appropriate, good, suitable恰当的时机;好时机;合适的时机◆is this an appropriate time to discuss my salary?这是讨论我薪水的适当时机吗?➤appointed, right约定的/正确的时间▸➤bad, wrong不当的/错误的时机◆this would be a bad time to tell her.这不是告诉她的合适时机。➤first, second, etc.第一次、第二次等◆for the first time in history, more than half of us now live in cities.有史以来第一次半数以上的人口生活在城市。➤umpteenth无数次▸➤countless, many无数次;许多次◆i've told you countless times.我已经告诉你无数遍了。➤several数次... of times➤couple几次➤number数次verb + time➤remember记得某次◆i can remember the first time i met her.我记得第一次见到她时的情形。➤bide等待时机◆we'll have to bide our time until the rain stops.我们得等到雨停。time + verb➤come时机到来◆your time will come.你的机会会来的。➤be ripe时机成熟◆the time is ripe for revolution.革命时机已经成熟。preposition➤at a/the time一次;在⋯时候◆the chairlift can take four people at a time.索道吊椅一次可载 4 人。◆at the time of writing, a ceasefire is under discussion.写稿时停火问题仍在磋商中。◆hot water is available at all times.随时都有热水。◆he can be rather moody at times.他有时候相当情绪化。➤by the time到⋯的时候◆she'll have gone by the time we get there.等我们到那儿时她应该已经走了。➤for the... time第⋯次◆i told her not to do it for the umpteenth time.我无数次告诉她不要做那件事。phrases➤at the present time目前▸➤for the time being (= temporarily) 暂时▸➤a number of times数次▸➤x times out of x⋯次中有⋯次◆three times out of ten10 次中有 3 次time noun⁷ 7when you experience sth in a particular way以特定方式体验的时候adjective | verb + time adjective➤enjoyable, fun, good, grand, great, marvellous/marvelous, pleasant, splendid, wonderful愉快的经历;美妙的经历◆it was a fun time for us girls.我们女孩子过得很愉快。➤awful, dreadful, horrible, miserable, sad, terrible可怕的经历;悲惨的经历;伤心的经历➤difficult, hard困难时期;艰难时光verb + time➤have度过⋯时光◆did you have a good time in spain?你在西班牙玩得愉快吗?◆we had a great time at the party.我们在聚会上玩得非常开心。➤enjoy享受时光time noun⁸ 8time taken in a race, etc.比赛用时adjective | verb + time | time + noun adjective➤fast用时短▸➤record破纪录的时间◆he completed the course in record time.他以创纪录的用时完成比赛。verb + time➤clock up, record达到⋯时间◆she clocked up one of the fastest times of the year.她创造了当年最短用时之一。time + noun➤trial计时赛time noun⁹ 9musical rhythm音乐节奏adjective | verb + time | time + noun | preposition adjective➤waltz华尔兹节拍▸➤double, quick两拍;快拍verb + time➤beat, keep打拍子;合着拍子◆the conductor beat time with a baton.指挥用指挥棒打着拍子。time + noun➤signature节拍记号preposition➤in time, in time to, in time with, out of time with合着拍子;合着⋯的拍子;不合着⋯的拍子◆kelly played guitar and everyone clapped their hands in time.凯利弹着吉他,大家都用手打拍子。◆they were clapping in time to the music.他们随着音乐的节奏拍着手。time verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤conveniently, well时间安排得方便/很好◆this campaign is well timed.这次活动的时间安排得很好。➤beautifully, perfectly, to perfection时间安排得极好/尽善尽美/分秒不差◆a beautifully timed entrance时间掌握得恰到好处的入场◆we had timed our arrival to perfection.我们把我们到达的时间安排得分秒不差。➤badly, poorly不合时宜▸➤carefully仔细安排时间◆the schedule must be carefully timed.日程必须仔细安排。➤precisely精确地安排时间preposition➤for时间安排在⋯◆the meeting is timed for 3 o'clock.会议时间安排在 3 点。phrases➤be timed to coincide with sth与⋯的时间安排在一起◆the show is timed to coincide with the launch of her new book.节目与她的新书发布会特意安排在同一时间。 time /taɪm/ noun1. [uncountable] what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc. (以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间◆revenue will increase over time (= as time passes). 收入将随时间的推移而增加。2. [uncountable] the time shown on a clock (钟表所显示的)时间◆the time is now half past ten. 现在是十点半。◆look at the time! i didn't know it was so late. 看几点了!我没想到这么晚了。3. [uncountable] the time in a particular part of the world (某一地区的)时,时间◆greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间◆we land at 6 o'clock local time. 我们在当地时间 6 点着陆。4. [uncountable, countable] the time when sth happens or when sth should happen (某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候◆can we change the time of the meeting to 14.30? 我们能不能将会议时间改在 14:30?5. [uncountable] an amount of time; the amount of time available to work, rest, etc. (可用于工作、休息等的)时间◆i don't have much free/spare time. 我没有多少空余时间。◆she always makes time to meet new employees. 她总是腾出时间会见新雇员。◆it takes time (= needs a long time) to make changes. 修改要花很长时间。◆what a waste of time! 太浪费时间了!  ➡  time off a time [singular] a period of time, either long or short, during which you do sth or sth happens (一段)时间◆it would take a long time to redesign the layout. 重新设计布局需要很长时间。7. [countable] an occasion when you do sth or sth happens 次;回◆how many times have you visited the factory? 你来过这家工厂多少次了?◆this is the first time that i've been to london. 这是我第一次来伦敦。 ●against timeif you do sth against time, you do it as fast as you can because you do not have much time 争分夺秒;抢时间◆we're working against time to get the project finished. 我们为完成项目正在加紧工作。●ahead of/behind timeearlier/later than was expected 提前;拖后◆we finished three months ahead of time. 我们提前三个月完成。●all the time ●the whole time1.during the whole of a particular period of time (在某段时间内)一直,始终◆we are working on new products all the time. 我们一直在研发新产品。2.very often; repeatedly 经常;老是;总是◆the photocopier breaks down all the time. 这台复印机总是出毛病。●at all timesalways 总是;永远;随时◆a hard hat must be worn at all times on site. 在现场必须始终戴着安全帽。●at a timeseparately or in groups of a particular number on each occasion 每次;逐一;依次◆we process the photographs in batches of several hundred at a time. 我们一次加工数百张照片。●in good timeearly; with enough time so you are not in a hurry 及早;有足够的时间◆i made sure i arrived in good time for the interview. 我确保自己准时赶上了面试。●in time (for sth/to do sth)not late; with enough time to be able to do sth 来得及;及时◆will we be in time for the six o'clock train? 我们来得及赶上六点钟的火车吗?◆the division was sold just in time to save the company from bankruptcy. 这个部门被及时出售,挽救了濒临破产的公司。●keep up/move with the timesto change and develop your ideas, way of working, etc. so that you do what is modern and what is expected 跟上时代;与时俱进●make up for lost timeto do sth quickly because you wish you had started it earlier or had worked more quickly 补回失去的时间;弥补耽误的时间◆the new company is so creative it will soon make up for lost time. 这家新公司很有创造力,它很快就会把耽误的时间补回来。●nine times out of ten ●ninety-nine times out of a hundredused to say that sth is usually true or almost always happens 十有八九;几乎总是●on timeat the correct time 准时◆nearly 90% of flights arrived on time. 将近 90% 的航班准时到达了。◆we have a good record for on-time delivery. 我们有准时交货的良好记录。●time is moneytime is valuable, and should not be wasted 时间就是金钱●the whole time= all the time  ➡  idiom at mark verb, push verb, run verb, stand verb, take verb closing time ◇ comp time ◇ cycle time ◇ dead time ◇ double time ◇ drive time ◇ dwell time ◇ face time ◇ idle time ◇ just-in-time ◇ lead time ◇ lost time ◇ prime time ◇ real time ◇ response time ◇ run-time ◇ short time ◇ standard time time /taɪm/ verb [transitive] to arrange to do sth or arrange for sth to happen at a particular time 为…安排时间;选择…的时机◆‘i hope we're not too early.’ ‘you couldn't have timed it better!’ “我希望我们到得不算太早。”“你们来的时间再合适不过了!”◆publication of the report was timed to coincide with the annual conference. 这份报告特意安排在年度会议召开时出版。  ➡  timing ☞ time☞ timetime noun 1➤it's time for lunch.午餐时间到了。➤a long time ago很久以前time ♦︎ moment ♦︎ point ♦︎ occasion ♦︎ hour ♦︎ date ♦︎ instantthese are all words for a particular point in time, especially a time when sth happens or when a stage of development is reached.这些词均表示时候、时刻、瞬间。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a time / a moment / the point / sb's hour of sth◆at the time / the moment / that point / that instant◆on that occasion / date◆from / until that time / moment / point / date◆for the time / moment / occasion◆at / on (any) given / one time / moment / point / occasion / instant◆the very / precise time / moment / hour / instant◆a / an memorable / emotional time / moment / occasion◆to choose / pick a / your time / moment◆the time / moment / hour comes / arrives■ time [uncountable, countable] a particular point in time, especially a time when sth happens or when sth should happen(某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候◆what time do you finish work?你什么时候下班?◆it's time for lunch.午餐时间到了。◆i think it's time to go to bed.我想该睡觉了。◆it's time the kids were in bed.孩子们该上床睡觉了。◆by the time you get there the meeting will be over.等你到那儿的时候,会议都该结束了。◆you'll feel differently about it when the time comes (= when it happens).到时候你就会有不同的感受了。◆the train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time).火车正点到达。◆a computer screen shows arrival and departure times.电脑屏幕显示到达和离开的时间。◆i want to fix a time for a meeting next month.我想确定下月开会的时间。◆have i called at a bad time?是不是我电话打得不是时候?◆every time i hear that song i feel happy.每次听到那首歌我都感到很愉快。◆next time you're here let's have lunch together.下次你来这儿时,我们一起吃午饭吧。◆he failed the test three times.他考了三次都没通过。◆he's determined to pass this time.这一回他决心要考及格。◆when was the last time you saw her?你上次是什么时候见到她的?◆ (name) i remember one time (= once) we had to abandon our car in the snow.我记得有一次我们迫于无奈把汽车丢弃在雪地里。■ moment [singular] an exact point in time(确切的)时刻,时候◆we're busy at the moment (= now).我们这会儿很忙。◆at that very moment, the phone rang.就在那时,电话铃响了。◆i agreed in a moment of weakness.我一时心软就答应了。◆from that moment on, she never felt really well again.从那时起,她就再没真正好受过。ⓘ a moment [countable] can also be a time when you have a particular feeling, or that is good or bad for doing a particular thing.可数名词形式的 moment 亦可指怀有某种感受的一段时光或做某事的时机◆that was one of the happiest moments of my life.那是我一生中最快乐的一段时光。◆have i caught you at a bad moment?我是不是来得不是时候?■ point [countable] a particular time or stage of development时刻;关头;瞬间;阶段◆the climber was at the point of death when they found him.那个登山者被人发现的时候已奄奄一息了。◆we were on the point of giving up.我们当时几乎要放弃了。◆many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives.许多人在人生的某个阶段都会有精神疾患。◆we had reached the point when there was no money left.我们曾落到身无分文的地步。◆at this point in time (= now) we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。ⓘ point forms part of a lot of compounds that mean a particular time or stage in an event or process. * point 可构成许多复合词,指事件或过程中的某一时刻或阶段◆the high point / low point of the trip这次行程中最精彩/最无趣的时刻◆to reach boiling / freezing / melting / saturation point达到沸点/冰点/熔点/饱和点◆this could be the sticking point in the negotiations.这可能是谈判的难点所在。  ➡ see also the entry for turning point另见 turning point 条■ occasion [countable] a particular time when sth happens某次;⋯的时候◆they have been seen together on two separate occasions.他们有两次被人看见在一起。◆he used the occasion to announce further tax cuts.他利用这个机会宣布再次减税。◆he has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion (= only a few times).甚至有几次,有人看见他自个儿去逛街。 ➡ see also occasion → opportunity ■ hour [singular] a particular point in time; the time when sth important happens某个时间;重要时刻◆you can't turn him away at this hour of the night.天这么晚了,你不能把他赶走。◆she thought her last hour had come.她以为她生命的最后时刻到了。◆don't desert me in my hour of need.不要在我困难的时候离开我。■ date [singular, uncountable] a point in time in the past or future that is not a particular day(过去或将来的)时候;年代;时期◆the details can be added at a later date.细节可过些时候再补充进去。◆the coins are all of late roman date.这些硬币都属于罗马时代后期。■ instant [singular] an exact point in time(确切的)时刻,时候◆at that (very) instant, the door opened.就在那时,门开了。◆i recognized her the instant (that)(= as soon as) i saw her.我一眼就认出她了。◆come here this instant (= immediately)!马上过来!time noun 2➤it's time for lunch.午餐时间到了。➤a long time ago很久以前time ♦︎ period ♦︎ season ♦︎ while ♦︎ term ♦︎ run ♦︎ spell ♦︎ interval ♦︎ stint ♦︎ span ♦︎ patchthese are all words for a length of time during which sth lasts, happens or is done.这些词均表示一段时间、时期。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a time / a period / a season / a term / a run / a spell / an interval / a stint / a span / a patch of sth◆a time / period / season / term / spell / stint as sth◆for a time / a period / a season / a while / a term / a spell / an interval / a stint / a span◆duringa time / a period / a season / a term / a run / a spell / an interval / a stint / a span / a ... patch◆after a time / a period / a season / a while / a term / a run / a spell / an interval / a stint / a ... patch◆a long time / period / season / while / term / run / spell / interval / stint / span◆a short time / period / season / while / term / spell / interval / stint / span◆a brief time / period / season / while / spell / interval / stint / span◆a bad time / period / season / run / spell / patch◆a difficult / lean time / period / season / spell / patch◆a successful time / period / season / term / run / stint◆to have a ... time / period / season / run / spell / patch◆to enjoy a time / period / season / run / spell◆to go through a ... time / period / season / spell / patch◆to do a term / spell / stint■ time [countable] a period of time, either long or short, during which you do sth or sth happens(或长或短的)一段时间◆i lived in egypt for a time.我在埃及住了一阵子。◆his injuries will take a long time to heal.他的伤需要很长一段时间才能好。◆her parents died a long time ago.她的父母很久以前就去世了。◆at one time (= at a period of time in the past) emily was my best friend.埃米莉一度是我最好的朋友。◆mr curtis was the manager in my time (= when i was working there).我在那里工作时,柯蒂斯先生是经理。◆the early morning is the best time of day.清晨是一天最好的时光。◆there were times-sometimes whole weeks-when i thought it wasn't worth trying to complete the project.有时候 - 有时是整个星期 - 我都觉得努力完成这个项目是不值得的。  ➡ see also time → period ■ period [countable] a length of time during which sth lasts, happens or is done(某事持续、发生或完成的)一段时间,时期◆there was a long period of uncertainty before we knew the final decision.我们知道最终决定前,有很长时间事态并不明朗。◆the factory will be closed down over a period of two years.这家工厂将在两年内关闭。◆this compares with a 4% increase for the same period last year.这和去年同期 4% 的升幅相若。◆the project will run for a six-month trial period.这个项目将试运行六个月。 ➡ see also period → period note 辨析 time or period? time places more emphasis on the feeling of time passing and things happening during the period; period places more emphasis on the amount of time that passed or has passed, and the things that did happen or have happened. * time 更强调时间流逝的感觉和在期间发生的事情; period 更强调这段时间有多长,以及期间确实发生过的事◆i lived in egypt for a period. ◆the factory will be closed down over a time of two years. when you are talking about things that happen regularly, you can use either word, but period is slightly more formal.当谈论的事情是定期、有规律地发生时,这两个词可以通用,但 period 稍正式些◆there are extra buses at peak times / periods.繁忙时段公交车会增开班次。■ season [countable] a period during a year when a particular activity happens or is done, or when a particular style of clothes, hair, etc. is popular and fashionable(一年中开展某项活动的)季节,旺季;(一年中时装、发型等的)流行期◆the cricket / hunting / shooting season板球赛季;狩猎季节◆the breeding / mating / growing / planting season繁殖/交配/生长/栽种季节◆she scored her first goal of the season on saturday.她在星期六的比赛中打进了她在本赛季的第一个球。◆the hotels are always full during the peak season (= the period when most people are on holiday).在旺季,这些旅馆总是客满。◆ (bre) the holiday season度假旺季◆ (name) the tourist season旅游旺季◆ (bre) best wishes for the festive season (= christmas).祝圣诞节节期愉快。◆ (name) the holiday season (= the time of thanksgiving, hanukkah, christmas and new year).节假日期间(包括感恩节、修殿节、圣诞节和新年)◆it's much cheaper to buy a season ticket (= a single ticket that lasts a whole season).购买季票要便宜得多。◆this season's look is soft and romantic.这段时间的流行风格是柔和、浪漫。ⓘ season also means a period of time during which a play is shown in one place, or a series of plays, films or television programmes. * season 还指一部戏剧在某地的演出期,或一系列戏剧、电影或电视节目的集中上映、荟萃◆the play opens for a second season in london next week.下周这部剧将在伦敦开始第二轮演出。◆a season of films by alfred hitchcock阿尔弗雷德 • 希区柯克电影作品展■ while [singular] a period of time一段时间◆they chatted for a while.他们聊了一会儿。◆i'll be back in a little while (= a short time).我一会儿就回来。◆i haven't seen him for quite a while (= a fairly long time).我有一阵子没见到他了。ⓘ while is used especially to talk about the fairly long or fairly short time that sb spends doing sth or waiting for sth to happen, or how long sth takes. * while 尤指要么很长,要么很短的时间,如花在做某事或等候的时间,或指做某事要花的时间。■ term [countable] a period during which sth lasts; a fixed or limited period of time期;期限;任期◆during the president's first term of / in office在总统的首届任期内◆he faces a maximum prison / jail term of 25 years.他面临 25 年的最高刑期。◆the term of agreement can be for either two or three years.该协议的期限可为两年或三年。■ run [countable] a period during which sth good or bad lasts or is repeated; a series of performances of a play or film一段(幸运或倒霉的)时光;连续上演(或放映)◆a run of good / bad luck一连串好运/厄运◆liverpool lost to leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games.利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续 18 场不败的纪录。◆the show is enjoying a record-breaking run at the shaftesbury theatre.这场表演在沙夫茨伯里剧院连续上演,打破了纪录。■ spell [countable] a short period during which sth lasts, especially weather; a short period that you spend working somewhere or doing sth(持续的)一段时间(尤指天气);(在某处工作或干某事的)短期时间◆we had a spell of warm weather in april.4 月份我们度过了一段温暖的日子。◆a cold / hot / wet / bright spell一段寒冷/炎热/多雨/晴朗的日子◆she went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells.她去找医生看病,说自己一阵阵地眩晕。◆i spent a brief spell on the washington post.我曾在《华盛顿邮报》工作过一小段时间。■ interval [countable, usually plural] a short period during which sth different happens from what is happening the rest of the time(其他事情)穿插出现的间隙◆she's delirious most of the time, but has lucid intervals.她大部份时间神志昏乱,但有时清醒。◆she ruled for ten years, except for a brief interval.除了短暂间歇之外,她统治了十年。■ stint [countable] a period that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity从事某项工作(或活动)的时间◆she did a stint abroad early in her career.她刚参加工作时在国外干过一段时间。◆he hated his two-year stint in the navy.他憎恨在海军服役的那两年。■ span [countable] the length of time that sth lasts or is able to continue持续时间◆i worked with him several times over a span of six years.六年之中我和他共事过几次。◆this textbook covers the entire span of arab history.这本教科书涵盖了整个阿拉伯的历史。◆the project must be completed within a specific time span.这项工程必须在规定期限内完成。◆small children have a short attention span.幼儿注意力持续时间短。■ patch [countable] (especially bre, informal) a period of the type mentioned, usually a difficult or unhappy one一段(艰难)岁月;一段(痛苦)日子◆the team has been through a rough patch recently.团队近来经历了一段艰难时期。time [uncountable, plural] a period of time that is connected with particular events or experiences in people's lives时期;时代;年代◆the movie is set at the time of the russian revolution.这部影片以俄罗斯革命时期为背景。◆the industrial revolution took place in victorian times.工业革命发生在维多利亚时代。◆the violence of our times (= the present period of history) is nothing new.在我们这个时代,暴力并非什么新鲜事。◆times are hard for the unemployed.对于失业者来说,世道艰难。◆times have changed since grandma was young.时过境迁,现在已不是祖母年轻时那会儿了。 ➡ see also time → time 2 time [uncountable] the correct speed and rhythm of a piece of music; the number of beats in a bar of music(乐曲正确的)速度,节奏;拍子;节拍◆try and dance in time to the music (= with the same speed and rhythm).要跟上音乐的节奏跳舞。◆clap your hands to keep time (= sing or play with the correct speed and rhythm).用手打拍子,跟准节奏。◆she always plays in / out of time.她总是演奏得合/不合节奏。◆the conductor beat time with a baton.指挥家用指挥棒打拍子。time [transitive, often passive] to choose a particular time to do sth or for sth to happen选定,安排(时间)◆she timed her arrival for shortly after 3.她定在 3 点刚过时到达。◆publication of the book was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations.那本书特别安排在他 70 寿诞庆典时出版。◆the request was badly timed (= it was not a good time to make it).那个要求提出的时机不对。time [uncountable, countable] a particular point in time, especially a time when sth happens or when sth should happen(某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候◆what time do you finish work?你什么时候下班?◆it's time for lunch.午餐时间到了。◆i think it's time to go to bed.我想该睡觉了。◆it's time the kids were in bed.孩子们该上床睡觉了。◆by the time you get there the meeting will be over.等你到那儿的时候,会议都该结束了。◆you'll feel differently about it when the time comes (= when it happens).到时候你就会有不同的感受了。◆the train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time).火车正点到达。◆a computer screen shows arrival and departure times.电脑屏幕显示到达和离开的时间。◆i want to fix a time for a meeting next month.我想确定下月开会的时间。◆have i called at a bad time?是不是我电话打得不是时候?◆every time i hear that song i feel happy.每次听到那首歌我都感到很愉快。◆next time you're here let's have lunch together.下次你来这儿时,我们一起吃午饭吧。◆he failed the test three times.他考了三次都没通过。◆he's determined to pass this time.这一回他决心要考及格。◆when was the last time you saw her?你上次是什么时候见到她的?◆ (name) i remember one time (= once) we had to abandon our car in the snow.我记得有一次我们迫于无奈把汽车丢弃在雪地里。time [countable] a period of time, either long or short, during which you do sth or sth happens(或长或短的)一段时间◆i lived in egypt for a time.我在埃及住了一阵子。◆his injuries will take a long time to heal.他的伤需要很长一段时间才能好。◆her parents died a long time ago.她的父母很久以前就去世了。◆at one time (= at a period of time in the past) emily was my best friend.埃米莉一度是我最好的朋友。◆mr curtis was the manager in my time (= when i was working there).我在那里工作时,柯蒂斯先生是经理。◆the early morning is the best time of day.清晨是一天最好的时光。◆there were times-sometimes whole weeks-when i thought it wasn't worth trying to complete the project.有时候 - 有时是整个星期 - 我都觉得努力完成这个项目是不值得的。  ➡ see also time → period time¹/taɪm ||; taɪm/noun1. [u] [sing] a period of minutes, hours, days, etc 时间;时光: ◇as time passed and there was still no news, we got more worried. 时间渐渐过去,仍然没有消息,我们更加担心了。◇you're wasting time -- get on with your work! 你在浪费时间。继续工作吧!◇i'll go by car to save time. 为了节省时间,我会开车去。◇free/spare time 空闲时间;闲暇◇we haven't got time to stop now. 我们现在没有时间停下来。 ·[sing] ◇i've been waiting a long time. 我已经等了很久了。◇learning a language takes time. 学会一种语言要花时间。 2. [u] [c] time (to do sth);time (for sth) the time in hours and minutes shown on a clock; the moment when sth happens or should happen 钟点;(某事发生的)具体时间: ◇what's the time?/what time is it? 现在几点钟?◇can you tell me the times of trains to bristol, please? 请问什么时候有火车开往布里斯托尔?◇it's time to go home. 是回家的时候了。◇ by the time i get home, alex will have cooked the dinner. 我回到家时,亚历克斯应该已经做好晚餐了。◇ this time tomorrow i'll be on the plane. 明天这个时候我将在飞机上。◇it's time for lunch. 吃午饭时间到了。 3. [u] [sing] a system for measuring time in a particular part of the world (世界某地区的)计时法: ◇eleven o'clock local time 当地时间十一点钟 4. [c] an occasion when you do sth or when sth happens 次: ◇i phoned them three times. 我给他们打了三次电话。◇i'll do it better next time. 下次我会做得好一点。◇ last time i saw him, he looked ill. 上次我见到他的时候,他好像有病。◇ how many times have i told you not to touch that? 我多少次告诉你不要碰那东西? 5. [c] an event or an occasion that you experience in a certain way 以某种方式经历的事件或场合: ◇ have a good time tonight. 今晚玩得开心点。◇we had a terrible time at the hospital. 我们在医院里吃了很多苦头。 6. [c] a period in the past; a part of history 过去的一段时间;时代: ◇in shakespeare's times, few people could read. 在莎士比亚的时代,很少人识字。◇the 19th century was a time of great industrial change. 19世纪是产业大变革的时代。 7. [c,u] the number of minutes, etc, taken to complete a race or an event (速度比赛或竞赛项目的)所需时间: ◇what was his time in the hundred metres? 他一百米跑了多少时间? (and) about time (too); (and) not before time(spoken 口语) used to say that sth should already have happened (用于表示某事应该已经发生) ahead of your time→aheadall the time/the whole time during the period that sb was doing sth or that sth was happening 一直: ◇i searched everywhere for my keys and they were in the door all the time. 我到处找我的钥匙,没想到钥匙一直插在门上。 at the same time→sameat a time on each occasion 每次: ◇the lift can hold six people at a time. 电梯每次可以载六个人。◇she ran down the stairs two at a time. 她跑下楼梯,一步跨两级。 at one time in the past; previously 以前;从前;一度 at the time at a particular moment or period in the past; then 那时;当时: ◇i agreed at the time but later changed my mind. 我当时同意了,但后来改变了主意。 at times sometimes; occasionally 有时;偶尔: ◇at times i wish we'd never moved house. 有时我真希望我们没有搬家。 before your time before you were born 在出世之前 behind the times not modern or fashionable 落伍;过时 bide your time→bidebuy time→buy¹for the time being just for the present; not for long 目前;暂时 from time to time sometimes; not often 有时;偶尔 give sb a hard time→hard¹have a hard time doing sth→hard¹have no time for sb/sth to not like sb/sth 不喜欢(某人或某事物): ◇i have no time for lazy people. 我不喜欢懒惰的人。 have the time of your life to enjoy yourself very much 尽情欢乐 in the course of time→coursein good time early; at the right time 及早;适时 in the nick of time→nick¹in time (for sth/to do sth) not late; with enough time to be able to do sth 来得及;及时: ◇don't worry. we'll get to the station in time for your train. 别担心。我们会来得及到达车站,赶上你要搭的火车。 it's about/high time(spoken 口语) used to say that you think sb should do sth very soon (用于表示某人应该及早做某事): ◇it's about time you told him what's going on. 现在你该告诉他是怎么回事。 kill time, an hour, etc→kill¹once upon a time→onceon time not too late or too early; punctual 准时: ◇the train left the station on time. 列车准时驶离车站。 one at a time→one¹take your time to do sth without hurrying 慢慢做;慢慢来 tell the time→telltime after time;time and (time) again again and again; repeatedly 一再;屡次time²/taɪm ||; taɪm/verb[t] 1. (often passive 常用于被动语态) to arrange to do sth or arrange for sth to happen at a particular time 安排时间: ◇their request was badly timed (= it came at the wrong time). 他们的要求提得不是时候。◇she timed her arrival for shortly after three. 她把到达的时间安排在三点刚过。 2. to measure how long sb/sth takes 计算所需的时间: ◇try timing yourself when you write your essay. 写文章时要计算一下所需的时间。 timewhat time is it?1 when you ask what time it is2 ways of saying what time it istime when something happens3 a time when something happens4 what hour, day etc something happens5 a list of times of trains, classes, or activities6 to arrange a time for something to happenhow long7 how long something continues8 the period of time that something lasts or takesshort time/long time9 a short time10 a long time11 a fairly long timeperiod of time12 a period of time13 a period of time in historyright time/wrong time14 the right time or a good time to do something15 the wrong time or a bad time for somethingsame time16 at the same time17 while something else is happening18 to happen or do things at the same timeto have enough time19 to have enough time to do something20 to have very little time to do something21 to not have enough time to do somethingtime passes22 when a period of time passes23 time passes quickly24 time passes slowlyrelated wordsto continue for a period of time 持续一段时间 last,to spend time doing something 花时间做某事 spend money or time,free time 空余时间 time,to happen or arrive on time 准时发生或到达 on time,see alsofuture,past,now,free,temporary,1. when you ask what time it is 问时间的说法 ask (somebody) the time/ask (somebody) what time it is /ˌɑːsk somebody ðə ˈtaɪm, ˌɑːsk somebody wɒt ˈtaɪm ɪt ɪzǁˌæsk-/ [verb phrase] to ask someone to tell you the time [向某人]询问时间/[向某人]询问现在几点 she was walking home near colbayns school when a man approached her and asked her the time. 她正在步行回家走到科尔贝因斯学校附近时,一名男子上前问她几点了。 she was distracted for a moment by someone asking the time. 有人问时间使她分心了一下。 go and ask dad what time it is. 去问爸爸几点了。 if you've got a watch, why are you asking what time it is? 若你自己有手表还问时间干什么? what time is it? also what's the time? british /wɒt ˈtaɪm ɪz ɪt, ˌwɒts ðə ˈtaɪm/ spoken say this to ask someone you are with to tell you the time 【口】现在几点? ‘what time is it?’ ‘just after four o'clock.’ “现在几点?”“刚过4点。” what's the time? is it after 10? 现在几点?过10点了吗? have you got the time? british /do you have the time? american /ˌhæv juː gɒt ðə ˈtaɪmǁ-gɑːt-, duː juː ˌhæv ðə ˈtaɪm/ spoken say this to ask someone the time, when you do not know whether they have a watch 【口】你知道几点了吗?[用于不确定对方是否有表时] sorry to trouble you, but do you have the time? 对不起打扰一下,请问你知道几点了吗?have the right time does anyone have the right time here? 这里谁知道准确时间?have the time on you british excuse me! have you got the time on you please? 很抱歉!请问几点了? what time do you make it? british /what time do you have? american /wɒt ˈtaɪm duː juː ˌmeɪk ɪt, wɒt ˈtaɪm duː juː ˌhæv/ spoken say this when you are asking someone who has a watch, especially because you think your own watch may be wrong 【口】你的手表几点了?[尤因认为自己的手表可能不准] what time do you make it, emma? my watch has stopped. 埃玛,你的表几点了?我的表停了。 what time do you have, dave? i don't want to miss my plane. 戴夫,你的手表几点了?我不想误了飞机。2. ways of saying what time it is 现在是几点的说法 o'clock /əˈklɒkǁəˈklɑːk/ [adverb] use this when the time is exactly a particular hour 点钟[表示整点] it's 5 o'clock. 现在5点钟。 it's exactly 10 o'clock. 现在正好10点钟。 just before/after also just gone british /ˈdʒʌst bɪfɔːʳ, ɑːftəʳǁ-æf-, ˈdʒʌst gɒnǁ-gɔːn/ [preposition] use this when the time is a little before or after a particular hour 差一点/刚过 it's just before 6. 现在6点不到。 it's just after 10 o'clock. 现在刚过10点。 it's just gone midnight. just after 时间刚过子夜。 to also of american /tuː, ɒv/ [preposition] use this to say that the time is a particular number of minutes before a particular hour 差…分到…点 it's ten to six. 现在是差10分到6点。 it doesn't get dark until about twenty to ten. 要到大约9点40分天才会黑。 it's a quarter of eleven. 现在是差一刻11点。 joe, by the ten of eight you're going upstairs and that's only about a half hour from now. 乔,到7点50分你要上楼去了,从现在算起只有半小时左右。 past also after american /pɑːstǁpæst, ˈɑːftəʳǁˈæf-/ use this to say that the time is a particular number of minutes after a particular hour 过,零[过了整点之后的若干分钟] it's quarter past four. 时间是4点一刻。 it's ten after five. 现在是5点10分。 it's quarter after eight, and laurie's showing up at nine. 现在是8点一刻,劳里要9点到。 it's half past two. 现在两点半。 it's getting on for /ɪts ˌgetɪŋ ˈɒn fɔːʳ/ british use this to say that it is almost a particular time, especially when you are guessing what time it might be 【英】现在差不多已经是[某一点钟,尤用于估计时间] it's getting on for five o'clock. 现在差不多5点钟了。 i should think it's getting on for ten by now. 我想现在应该差不多10点钟了。 bang/dead on /ˈbæŋ, ˈded ɒn/ [adverb] british informal use this to say that it is exactly a particular time 【英,非正式】整,正好[是某一点钟] ‘what time is it?’ ‘bang on midnight.’ “现在什么时候?”“正好是午夜。” i make it dead on half past by my watch. 我的表是半点钟整。 we finished bang on eight, and we were back home by nine. 我们8点整结束,9点回到家。3. a time when something happens 发生某事的时间 time /taɪm/ [countable noun] a time when someone does something or something happens -- use this especially to talk about something that happens more than once 次,回[尤指发生过不止一次的事情] do you remember that time tim got really drunk at sarah's party? 你还记得那次蒂姆在萨拉的聚会上烂醉如泥的事吗? play it really loud this time. 这次要奏得非常响。the only/same/last etc time the last time we ate meat was at thanksgiving. 我们最近一次吃肉是在感恩节的时候。 the only time i've seen him with a girl was that party at mike's place. 我唯一一次看到过他和女孩在一起,是在迈克家的聚会上。 give us a call next time you're in town. 下次到城里来时给我们打个电话。 that was around the same time that i met linda. 那差不多就是我遇到琳达的同一时间。the first/second/third etc time is this the first time you've played pool? 你是第一次玩台球吗? sandra, that's the third time i've asked you to keep quiet. 桑德拉,这已经是我第三次叫你保持安静了。 alex won the 100 metres for the fifth time in a row he won five times, and no one else won the race in between. 亚历克斯连续五次在100米比赛中获胜。four/six/several etc times this is my favourite film - i've seen it five times. 这部电影我非常喜欢,我已经看过五遍了。 it's silly -- i've met him several times, but i can never remember his name. 我真傻。我见过他好几次了,但就是记不住他的名字。a number of times formal use this to say something happened several times 【正式】好几次 she's been to greece a number of times. 她去过希腊好几次了。 i've heard jessie play a number of times, and i think he's great. 杰西的演奏我听过几次,我觉得他很出色。every/each time every time i met her, she asked me about the children. 我每次见到她,她都会向我打听孩子们的情况。time when do you remember the time when dad lost the car keys? 你还记得那次爸爸丢了车钥匙的事吗? occasion /əˈkeɪʒən/ [countable noun] formal a time when something happens 【正式】[某事发生的]时刻,时候 on one/that etc occasion the witness said that on both occasions he noticed davis because of his heavily tattooed arms. 证人说他两次都注意到了戴维斯,因为他手臂上刺有很多文身。 on one occasion, anna fainted while out shopping with friends. 有一次安娜和朋友出去购物时晕倒了。 she had met zahid on a previous occasion. 她上次遇到了扎希德。on numerous/several occasions use this to emphasize that something happened many times 无数次/几次[用于强调] i've suggested that she should move on numerous occasions, but she never takes any notice. 我曾无数次提出她应该搬家,可是她从来不肯听。 i remember michael sleeping in your room on several occasions and mom not knowing about it. 我记得迈克尔好几次在你房间里睡,妈妈却不知道这件事。 moment/point /ˈməʊmənt, pɔɪnt/ [countable noun] an exact time when something happens, during a longer process or series of events [某事发生的]某一时刻,时候 the play went well, apart from one embarrassing moment when i dropped a cup. 这部戏演得很顺利,除了有一刻发生了尴尬的情况—我把杯子掉了。 at several points during the meeting, adler threatened to walk out. 会上阿德勒好几次威胁说要离开会场。 my most special moment with dad was when i was announced as the winner of junior beauty contest. 我和爸爸在一起最难忘的一刻,是当我被宣布为青少年选美冠军的时候。moment/point in time at that precise moment in time, binh walked in. 恰好就在那个时候,宾走了进来。4. what hour, day etc something happens 某事发生的时刻、日子等 time /taɪm/ [countable noun] the particular minute or hour of the day when something is planned to happen, or the particular minute or hour that it happened in the past [某事发生的]时候,时间 the time of something could i have the times of the trains to birmingham please? 请告诉我去伯明翰各班列车的时间好吗? this leaflet lists the dates and times of all the concerts. 这张传单上列出了各场音乐会的演出日期和时间。 the police are still trying to establish the exact time of her death. 警方仍在设法确定她死亡的确切时间。what time? what time did you see the man leave the bus station? 你是什么时候看到那个人离开公共汽车站的? what time do you usually start in the mornings? 你通常上午什么时候开始? what time is the news on? 什么时候播出新闻?departure/arrival time the time when a train, plane, etc leaves or arrives [火车、飞机等的]出发/抵达时间 the departure times are posted on our website. 开车时间已经张贴在我们的网站上。 the plane's estimated arrival time is 19:45. 这班飞机的预定抵达时间是19:45。opening/closing time the time when a shop, office etc opens or closes [商店、办公室等的]开门/关门时间 we went into a cafe and sat there until closing time. 我们走进一家咖啡馆,在那里一直坐到关门。 i've got to get this to the video store by closing time. 录像店关门前我得把这个送到店里。opening times the normal times when a shop is open 开放[营业]时间 check with the museum for opening times at 点击 查询这家博物馆的开放时间。lunchtime/dinnertime etc the time when you have a meal 午餐/晚餐时间等 robbie! it's suppertime! 罗比,晚饭时间到了!time of year/day etc the winds are pretty strong at this time of year. 一年中的这个时候风挺大的。 there won't be much traffic on the roads at this time of night. 晚上这个时候路上不会有多少车辆。by that time after a particular hour of the day or night has passed 到那时 well, most people had gone to bed by that time of night. 嗯,大多数人在晚上的这个时候已经上床睡觉了。 she apologized for being late, but by that time i was really annoyed with her. 她为迟到表示抱歉,可那时候我对她已经很生气了。 date /deɪt/ [countable noun] the day, month, or year when something is planned to happen, or happened 日期,日子 do you know the date when the house was built? 你知不知道这幢房子的建造日期? we still haven't received notification of the exam date. 我们还没有接到考试日期的通知。the date(s) of something give me the dates of the american war of independence. 告诉我美国独立战争的日期。 june 9th is the date of the european elections. 6月9日是欧洲大选的日子。date for we need to arrange a date for the next meeting. 我们要为下一次会议安排日期。 a date for his release has not yet been agreed. 他的释放日期还没有定案。set a date (for something) choose a particular date [为某事]确定日期 have they set a date for the wedding yet? 他们婚礼的日子定下来了吗?birth date/date of birth the date on which someone was born 生日/出生日期 it helps if you provide your birth date and social security number. 如果你能够提供你的出生日期和社会保障号码会有帮助的。 could i have your name and your date of birth please? 请告诉我你的姓名和出生日期好吗?start date the date when something begins, especially a job 开始[上班的]日期 i later received confirmation of my new job in a letter indicating the start date. 后来我收到一封我新工作的确认信,信中写明了我开始上班的日期。closing date the date when a competition, offer etc ends 截止日期 the closing date for entries is 3 march 2001. 参赛的截止日期为2001年3月3日。expiry date british /expiration date american the date on which something can no longer be used 到期日 key in your credit card details, including the expiration date of the card. 键入你信用卡的详细资料,包括有效期限。 are you sure these yoghurts are ok? have you checked the expiry date? 你肯定这些酸奶没问题吗?有没有查看过保质期?launch/release date the date when a new product, film, etc is shown to people 发行/上映日期 ‘snow white’ had a december release date to capture the christmas market. 《白雪公主》一片的上映日期选在12月份以抢占圣诞节市场。 hours /aʊəʳz/ [plural noun] a fixed period of time in the day when a particular activity, business etc happens [某项活动、商店营业等的]时间,时候 i'd like to return something to your store - what are your hours? 我到你店里来退些东西,你们的营业时间是几点?office/opening/business hours when an office, shop etc is open 办公/营业时间 our telephone hotline is open during regular business hours. 我们的热线电话在正常的办公时间内为大家服务。visiting hours when you can visit someone in the hospital 探病时间 visiting hours are from 2 to 5 every day. 探访病人的时间是每天下午2点到5点。after hours after an office, shop etc is closed 办公[营业]时间之后 after hours callers can leave a voicemail message. 办公时间之后来电者可以留下语音信息。out of hours british before or after the usual business hours 【英】办公时间以外 what was tom doing in the office out of hours? 汤姆下班后在办公室里干什么? hour /aʊəʳ/ [countable noun] a particular period or point of time during the day or night 时候,时刻 at this hour very late at night or early in the morning 这个时候[指深夜或清晨时分] sir, i'm sorry to bother you at this hour. 先生,我很抱歉在这个时候打扰您。at some ungodly hour informal very late or very early 【非正式】很晚;一大早 we had to get up at some ungodly hour to catch our train. 我们得一大早就起来去赶火车。at all hours there's something happening on our street at all hours of the day and night. 我们街上任何时候都有事情发生。lunch/dinner hour i hate telemarketers who call during the dinner hour. 我很讨厌电话推销员在晚饭时打电话来。 timing /ˈtaɪmɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] a word meaning the time, day, or date that something is planned to happen, used especially when you are considering how suitable this is 时间的选择;时间安排;时机的掌握 timing of the voter survey is crucial to the timing of the election. 进行选民民意调查对大选的时间安排是很重要的。 at /ət, strong æt/ [preposition] use this with hours and minutes of the day, special holidays, or the beginning or end of a period of time 在[与小时、分钟、特别假日或一段时间的开始或结束连用] at six o'clock/half-past four/midnight/lunchtime etc he starts work at 10, and finishes at 6:30. 他10点开始工作,6点半下班。 would you like to go to the sandwich bar at lunchtime? 午饭时你想去那家三明治小吃店吗? i have a hospital appointment at 9.00 am. 我预约上午9点看医生。at christmas/easter/new year we get a week's holiday at easter. 我们在复活节有一周假期。 what are you doing at christmas? 你圣诞节打算干什么?at the end/beginning/start (of something) frank joined the navy at the beginning of the war. 弗兰克在战争开始时参加了海军。 we get paid at the end of the week. 我们在一周的最后一天发工资。 the students all do a short test at the start of term. 学期开始时所有学生都要参加一个小测验。 on /ɒnǁɑːn, ɔːn/ [preposition] use this with particular days 在[某一天] the team holds a meeting on the first monday of every month. 每个月的第一个星期一小组都要开会。 i tried to catch him on the last day of term, but he'd already left. 学期的最后一天我尝试抓住他谈谈,可是他已经走了。on monday/tuesday night/friday evening etc we're going out for dinner on friday. 我们星期五会出去吃晚饭。 are you doing anything special on saturday night? 星期六晚上你有什么特别安排吗?on august 12th/march 2nd etc she was born on may 12, 1913. 她出生于1913年5月12日。 the course starts on 14 october. 这门课程于10月14日开始。on my birthday/their wedding day/valentine's day etc did you call dad on father's day? 父亲节那天你给爸爸打电话了吗? aren't you coming here on christmas day? 圣诞节你不来了吗?on thursdays/fridays etc also on a thursday/friday etc british every thursday, friday etc 每周四/每周五等 her husband takes her shopping on a saturday to asda. 她丈夫每周六带她去阿斯达超级市场购物。 we always go to the pub on fridays. 星期五我们总是去小酒馆。 in /ɪn/ [preposition] use this with parts of the day, particular years, or particular months, and seasons of the year 在[与一天的某段时间、某年或某月、季节等连用] in the morning/afternoon/evening i'm usually too tired to cook a meal in the evening. 到了晚上我常常是累得做一顿晚饭的力气都没有了。 we didn't get to bed until 3 o'clock in the morning. 我们直到凌晨3点才上床睡觉。first thing in the morning very early in the morning 一大早 i want to be ready to leave first thing in the morning. 我要准备好明天一大早就离开。in 1892/2001 etc in 2004, the olympic games will be held in athens. 2008年,奥运会将在北京举行。in the fifties/sixties/1990s etc from 1950 to 1959, 1960 to 1969 etc 在20世纪50年代/60年代/90年代等 he did a lot of abstract art in the sixties, but he's moved on since then. 60年代他画了许多抽象画,但后来他改变了画风。in january/february/the autumn etc i came to england in the summer of 1995. 1995年的夏天我来到英格兰。 the series returns in the autumn. 这套系列片将于秋季继续播映。 ‘how old is philip now?’ ‘he's four in december’. “菲利普现在几岁了?”“到12月份他就4岁了。” ago /əˈgəʊ/ [adverb] use this to say how far back in the past something happened 之前 5 minutes/an hour/100 years etc ago michael left the office 20 minutes ago. 迈克尔20分钟前离开了办公室。 ‘when did you hurt your back?’ ‘about a fortnight ago.’ “你什么时候伤了背的?”“大约两周前。” my daughter was married just over a year ago. 我女儿一年多前刚结婚。a long time ago i met your father once, a long time ago. 我很久以前见过你父亲一次。a short time ago/a little while ago did you see that program about genetics that was on a little while ago? 你看刚刚播出的那个有关遗传学的节目了吗?a minute/moment ago i had my keys a minute ago, and now i can't find them. 我的钥匙刚才还在,现在却找不到了。not so long ago used to say that something was quite a short time ago 不久前 we went down to see a show in london not so long ago. 不久前我们到伦敦看演出去了。how long ago? used to ask how far back in the past something happened 多久以前? how long ago was that, dad? 爸爸,那是多久以前发生的? how long ago did you buy the computer? 这台电脑你是多久以前买的? on/at the stroke of /ɒn, ət ðə ˈstrəʊk ɒv/ [preposition] at exactly a particular time and not any earlier or later 整[不早也不晚] on the stroke of midnight, the british flag was lowered for the last time over delhi. 午夜12点整,英国国旗最后一次在德里降下。 the judge entered the courtroom at the stroke of nine. 9点整法官进入法庭。5. a list of times of trains, classes, or activities 火车、课堂或活动的时间表 timetable british /schedule american /ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl, ˈʃedjuːlǁˈskedʒʊl, -dʒəl/ [countable noun] a list that shows the times when something will happen, for example when planes or buses leave, or when classes at school take place 时刻表,时间表 teachers will be giving out copies of the new timetable in the first class today. 今天的第一节课上老师会分发新的课程表。 train services shown in this timetable are subject to alteration or cancellation at short notice. 这张时间表上的火车发车时间会临时变动或被取消。 after i'd found my room, i sat down to look carefully at my schedule. 我找到自己的房间后,就坐下来仔细看我的时间表。bus/train etc timetable the train schedules are all on the website now. 各火车时刻表现已上载至网站上。[tv/radio schedule the events have been arranged to match tv schedules. 赛事的安排与电视时间表相配合。timetable of i'd like a schedule of flights from boston to new york. 我要一张波士顿到纽约的航班时刻表。 schedule /ˈʃedjuːlǁˈskedʒʊl, -dʒəl/ [countable noun] a detailed plan of activities that have been organized, showing for example the times when someone will do something, or the times when activities will start and finish 日程表;日程安排:进度表 the president's schedule includes a two-day visit to st petersburg. 总统的日程安排包括到圣彼得斯堡进行两天的访问。 the flight was cancelled, and that really messed our schedule up. 航班被取消了,那样一来就把我们的日程安排全打乱了。schedule for do you have a schedule for the tour? 你有这次旅行的日程安排吗? what's the schedule for today's meeting? 今天的会议是怎么安排的?according to schedule the director was given a budget of $10 million and so far the film seems to be going according to schedule. 导演得到1,000万美元的预算;到目前为止影片似乎是按预定的进度在拍摄。ahead of/behind schedule earlier/later than the time that was planned 先于/迟于预定时间 i know, we're a week behind schedule already. 我知道我们已经比原定计划晚了一周。on schedule at the time that was planned 按时,如期 the building should be completed on schedule. 这幢建筑应该能按时建成。stick/keep to a schedule it's important that everyone on the project keeps to the schedule. 参与这项计划的每一个人都按照预定的进度工作,这是很重要的。work/training etc schedule do you have a work schedule for this week, doreen? 多琳,你有没有本周的工作进度表? various minor ailments can interfere with your training schedule. 各种各样的小毛病会影响你的训练安排。busy schedule when there is a lot to do 繁忙的日程安排 she took time out of a busy schedule to talk to us. 她从繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间和我们谈话。tight schedule when there is not very much time to do things 紧迫的时间表 with this new project in the offing, i'm going to be working to a very tight schedule. 随着这个新项目即将上马,我就要按非常紧迫的时间表工作了。 timetable /ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl/ [countable noun usually singular] a plan that shows when parts of an important and long process, especially a political one, will happen [尤指政治活动的]日程表,时间表 party leaders met to discuss a new constitution and an electoral timetable. 政党领袖聚在一起讨论新宪法及大选时间表。timetable for their purpose would be to set a timetable for the conversion of british cars to low-octane fuel. 他们的目的是制定出一个时间表,把英国的汽车改成使用低辛烷值燃料的汽车。 he gave no indication of a timetable for the approval of the changes. 他没有给出批准这些变革的时间表。6. to arrange a time for something to happen 安排某事发生的时间 schedule /ˈʃedjuːlǁˈskedʒʊl, -dʒəl/ [transitive verb] to arrange for an activity or event to happen at a particular time 安排,为[某活动或事件]安排时间 monday's performance of st matthew's passion is scheduled to start at 7.30 pm. 星期一《马太受难曲》的演出安排在晚上7点半开始。 if you schedule your practice routine to include one exercise a week, you should learn the musical scale pretty quickly. 如果你在日常练习中每周安排一次音阶练习,你很快就能学会音阶。schedule something for tomorrow/next week/dec 4 etc i've scheduled a meeting for tomorrow. i hope everyone can attend. 明天我安排了一次会议,希望每个人都能够出席。 the first game is provisionally scheduled for january 26. 首场比赛暂定于1月26日举行。 time /taɪm/ [transitive verb] to arrange for an activity or event to happen at a particular time, especially because this is the most suitable or convenient time 给…安排时间[尤指最适合或最方便的时间] the meditation class will be timed so that it does not coincide with the noisier exercise classes. 会给冥想班安排一个合适的时间,避免与吵声较大的健身班碰在一起。 the release of the document was shrewdly timed. 这份文件的公布很合时。time something for 12 noon/12.45 etc stephen timed his arrival for exactly six o'clock. 斯蒂芬定在6点整到达。 the first track race is timed for 11.15. 第一项径赛安排在11点15分举行。 pencil in /ˌpensəl ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to arrange a time for something to happen, especially when you may want to change this later 暂记下,暂定[尤指以后可能有改变] pencil in something political commentators are pencilling in july 30th, august 6th or august 13th as possible election dates. 政治评论员暂时记下7月30日、8月6日或8月13日为可能的选举日。pencil something in we'll pencil may 15 in as a reserve date. 我们暂定5月15日为备选的日子。pencil something in for dec 4/next week etc greg's pencilled the sale in for december 15 . 格雷格把出售日期暂定于12月15日。 the band are pencilled in for a show in the king's hall on january 18. 该乐队暂定于1月18日在国王音乐厅演出。7. how long something continues 某事持续的时间 how long /haʊ ˈlɒŋǁ-ˈlɔːŋ/ use this to ask about or talk about how many minutes, hours, days, or years something continues for 多长时间,多久 how long have you been waiting? 你等了多久了? i don't know how long the repair will last, but it should get you home. 我不知道要修理多长时间,但它应该能让你开了回家。 how long are you going to be in the bathroom? 你打算在浴室里待多长时间呢? how long have you two known each other? 你们两个认识多久了? so how long did you live on long island? 那么你在长岛住了多久? for /fəʳ, strong fɔːʳ/ [preposition] use this to say how long something continues 有,达,计 for an hour/two days/a long time etc ‘how long did you live in spain?’ ‘oh, for about three years.’ “你在西班牙住了多久?”“噢,大概有三年了。” we seem to have been waiting for ages. 我们好像已经等了很久了。 we talked for a while. 我们谈了一会儿。 omar's been learning english for two years now. 奥马尔学英语已有两年了。 i only worked there for three months. 我只在那里干了三个月。 since /sɪns/ [] all the time from a time or event in the past until now 从…以来,自…起 i've had this car since 1992. 从1992年起我就开这辆车了。 i've been smoking since i was 14. 我14岁起就开始吸烟。 graham's become a lot more confident since he finished his training. 格雷厄姆自从完成培训后变得自信多了。 i saw her this morning, but i haven't seen her since. 我今早见到她,但此后就没见过她了。ever since jack has had a fascination with cars ever since he was four. 杰克自四岁起就对汽车着迷。 they bought the caravan last summer, and they've had trouble with it ever since. 去年夏天他们买了这辆房车,此后它就一直出毛病。 until also till especially spoken /ʌnˈtɪl, tɪl/ [preposition/conjunction] if something happens until or till a time or event, it continues and then stops at that time or event 直到 david worked as a teacher until 1989. 戴维当教师一直干到1989年。 i'll be at home until 5:30 if you want to phone me. 如果你要打电话给我,我5点半之前一直在家。 she polished the car until it shone. 她把汽车擦得铮亮。 i didn't learn to drive until i was 31. 我到31岁才学会开车。 the library's only open till five on saturdays. 逢星期六图书馆只开到5点钟。 just wait till i've finished my coffee. 等我喝完咖啡再说吧。 from ... until also from ... till ... especially spoken /frəm ... ʌnˈtɪl, frəm ... tɪl/ [preposition/conjunction] use this to say that something starts happening at one time or event and continues until another time or event 从…直到… i have a class monday from five o'clock till eight o'clock at night. 星期一我有一节课,从5点一直上到晚上8点。 i lived there from the age of 14 until i went to college. 我从14岁起一直住在那里,直至上大学。 max edited the paper from 1950 until he retired in 1989. 马克斯从1950年开始做这份报纸的编辑,直到1989年退休。 from ... to ... /frəm ... tə .../ [preposition] use this to say that something starts at a particular time and stops at a later time 从….到… from may to september/from 9 am to 5 pm etc eisenhower was president from 1952 to 1956. 艾森豪威尔于1952至1956年间任总统。 i'm going to use the computer lab from eight to ten friday morning. 星期五上午8点到10点我要用电脑实验室。 my plan is to train seriously from january to july. 我的计划是从1月到7月认真训练。 through /θruː/ [preposition] american may through september/monday through friday etc starting in may and continuing until september, starting on monday and continuing until and including friday, etc 【美】5月到9月/星期一至星期五等 the store is open monday through saturday. 本商店从星期一至星期六营业。 ‘when will you be away?’ ‘the 17th through the 19th.’ “你什么时候不在?”“17号到19号。” monday-friday/6:00-8:00 /ˌmʌndi tə ˈfraɪdi, ˌsɪks tʊ ˈeɪt/ written starting on monday and continuing until and including friday, starting at 6 o'clock and continuing until 8 o'clock etc - used on signs and notices 【书面】星期一到星期五/6点到8点[用于告示和通知] visit the exhibition of modern art, open every day, 9:30-6:00. 请参观现代艺术展览,每天9:30-6:00开放。 a special fishing licence is required for the season (may-september). 这个季节[5月到9月]要申领特别钓鱼许可证。8. the period of time that something lasts or takes 某事持续或所需的时间 length of time /ˌleŋθ əv ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] a considerable/reasonable length of time the noise went on for a considerable length of time. 那噪音持续了一段相当长的时间。 make sure that the speakers only talk for a reasonable length of time, so that everyone gets a chance to take part. 每位演讲者的发言时间一定要适中;让每个人都有机会参与。length of time (that) dress the wound quickly, to reduce the length of time it is exposed to infection. 赶快包扎伤口,以缩短其暴露于外以致受感染的时间。the length of time it takes to do something typically, the length of time it takes an adult to fall asleep is 10 to 15 minutes. 成年人入睡所需的时间通常为10到15分钟。 duration /djʊˈreɪʃənǁdʊ-/ [uncountable noun] formal the length of time that something lasts for 【正式】持续时间 zoe's temper tantrums had increased both in volume and duration. 佐伊的脾气发作起来不仅程度更严重,而且时间也持续得更久了。two years’/a month's etc duration after a long voyage of two years’ duration, he arrived in canton in 1669. 经过两年的漫长航行,他于1669年抵达了广州。 these workshops, usually of one or two days’ duration, bring teachers and industrial managers together. 这些通常为期一两天的讲习班让教师和企业经理聚首一堂。duration of the doctor will ask you about the duration and frequency of your headaches. 医生会问你头痛的持续时间和发作次数。 he refused to comment on his salary or the duration of his contract. 他拒绝透露自己的工资或者合同期限。for the duration (of something) it was decided that we would stay with my cousins for the duration of the war. 当时决定了战争期间我们就暂住在堂兄妹的家里。 time scale /ˈtaɪm skeɪl/ [countable noun] the period of time during which something develops or exists, especially as compared with another period that is much longer or shorter 时标,时段[尤用于与另一更长或更短的时期作比较] compared to how long it took for the universe to evolve, our human time scale is tiny. 与宇宙演化所需的时间相比较,我们人类的年代太微不足道了。 carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by a number of processes that operate on different time scales. 二氧化碳经过一系列的过程从大气层中被除去,这些过程所需要的时间段各有不同。 in today's computer industry, the whole time scale of new product development is far shorter than it was 10 years ago. 在当今的电脑工业中,新产品开发的整个时间段比十年前短得多了。9. a short time 一段短时间 a minute/moment /ə ˈmɪnə̇t, ˈməʊmənt/ [singular noun] a very short time 一会儿 can i show you something? it'll only take a minute. 我给你看样东西好吗?只需一分钟。 luke thought for a moment and then said: ‘would you like to come too?’ 卢克想了一想然后说:“你也愿意来吗?” can you turn that off a minute for a minute ? 你能把它关掉一会儿吗?in a minute/moment yes, i'm coming in a moment. 好,我马上就来。a minute/moment ago helen was here a minute ago. you've just missed her. 海伦刚才还在这里,你恰好和她错过了。for a minute/moment if you'd been quiet for a minute, i'd explain what happened. 如果你能静一静,我就来解释一下发生了什么事。 a second also a sec informal /ə ˈsekənd, ə ˈsek/ [singular noun] spoken a very short time - use this especially when asking someone to wait for a short time 【口】一会儿[尤用于叫别人等一会儿] just a second - i think it's on the desk upstairs. 等一下,我想它在楼上的书桌上。for a second/sec for a second there, i forgot what it was called. 在那里我有一会想不起它叫什么了。in a second/sec hang on, i'll be with you in a sec. 等一下,我马上就和你一起去。 not long /nɒt ˈlɒŋǁ-ˈlɔːŋ/ [noun phrase] a short time 不久,很快 ‘how long will it take?’ ‘oh, not long - just a couple of hours.’ “那要多长时间?”“噢,不用多久,就几个小时。” i saw her not long ago. 不久前我见过她。not long before/after his book was published not long after he died. 他去世后不久,他的书就出版了。 it wasn't long before gemma lost all interest in the new puppy. 杰玛不久就对那只新来的小狗失去了兴趣。not long to go used to say that something will happen in a short time 不久 ‘when's the baby due?’ ‘three weeks, so there's not long to go.’ “宝宝什么时候出生?”“还有三个星期,所以没多久了。”won't be long use this to say that someone or something will come or return soon 马上回来;马上就准备好 i'm popping to the shop, i won't be long. 我去一下商店,马上就回来。 supper won't be long. 晚饭很快就好了。 a bit /ə ˈbɪt/ [singular noun] especially british, spoken a short time 【尤英,口】一会儿 wait a bit, i've nearly finished. 稍等一下,我差不多做完了。 i sat down, and after a bit, the phone rang. 我坐了下来,过了一会电话铃响了。 do you mind looking after the kids for a bit while i go out? 我出去时你能照看一下孩子吗? a little/short while /ə ˌlɪtl, ˌʃɔːʳt ˈwaɪl/ [singular noun] a short period of time, during or after which something happens 一段短时间 bob's only worked here for a short while, about six months i think. 鲍勃只在这里工作过很短的时间,我想大约六个月。 it always takes a little while to get used to the climate. 适应这种气候总要一点点时间。a little/short while ago he was on the telly a short while ago. 他刚才上了电视。 a short/brief space of time /ə ˌʃɔːʳt, ˌbriːf speɪs əv ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] a short period of time during which a lot of things happen [一段]短时间[指期间有许多事情发生] in/within a short space of time it's amazing how much you can learn in such a short space of time. 你在这么短的时间内能学会那么多东西,真了不起。 in the brief space of time since the war ended, citizens have managed to rebuild over half the city. 自战争结束后短短的一段时间里,市民已经重建了多半个城市。 she had gained an awful lot of journalistic experience within a short space of time. 她在很短的时间内就积累了相当丰富的新闻工作经验。10. a long time 长时间 a long time /ə ˌlɒŋ ˈtaɪmǁ-ˌlɔːŋ-/ they've been married for 30 years - that's a long time. 他俩结婚已有30年,时间可不短了。 it takes me a long time to really trust people. 我需要很长时间才能真正信任别人。for a long time the house has been empty for a long time. 这幢房子已经空了很长的一段时间。 have you been waiting here for a long time? 你在这儿等很久了吗?in a long time it's the worst cold i've had in a long time. 这是我这么久以来最严重的一次感冒。 i haven't worn this dress in such a long time. 我很久没有穿这件衣服了。a long time ago he died a long time ago. 他很久以前就去世了。 the accident happened such a long time ago that i can't remember much about it. 这件意外事故过去了那么久,许多细节我都忘了。a very long time/a long, long time i've had those books for a long, long time. 那些书我已经收藏很久很久了。 it's very well built and should last a very long time. 它建得很好,应该可以用很长时间。 long /lɒŋǁlɔːŋ/ [adverb] it has long been recognized that a high-fat diet can cause heart problems. 人们长久以来就认识到高脂饮食会导致心脏病。 she's convinced that grandmother is not going to live long. 她相信祖母活不久了。 the journey took longer than i thought it would. 这次旅程所费的时间比我原先所想的要长。long before/after a long time before/after 很久以前/很久以后 long after the war, the wreckage of his plane was discovered. 战争结束后很久,他的飞机残骸才被找到。 she was wearing fake fur long before it became fashionable. 在假毛皮成为时尚之前,她早就开始穿了。for long for a long time 很长时间 have you been working here for long? 你在这儿工作很久了吗? the phone rang for so long, i hung up in the end. 电话铃声响了很久,最后我把电话挂了。long ago i guess it didn't happen very long ago. 我猜这事发生了没多久。take (somebody) so long why is it taking so long? 为什么要那么长时间? i bet it doesn't take your mom so long to make an apple pie. 我敢打赌你妈妈不用花多久就能做个苹果馅饼。 all day/night/year/week /ɔːl ˈdeɪ, ˈnaɪt, ˈjɪəʳ, ˈwiːk/ [] continuing for the whole day, night, year etc -- use this especially to emphasize that it is a long time 整天/整夜/整年/整个星期[尤用于强调时间长] it's going to take us all night to finish marking these papers! 给这些考卷打分数要花去我们一整夜的时间![ he's in london all week, and only comes home at the weekends. 他整个星期都在伦敦,只是在周末才回家。all day/week etc long i've been working all day long. 我整天在工作。 susie, you must have been on the phone all night long! 苏茜,你肯定一整个晚上都在打电话! hours/weeks/years /aʊəʳz, wiːks, jɪəʳz/ many hours, weeks, or years -- use this to emphasize the length of time, or to say that it is much longer than you think it should be 好几个小时/好几个星期/好几年[用于强调,或指比所想的时间长许多] it's years since i rode a bike. 我有很多年没骑自行车了。 my wife had to wait months for a hospital appointment. 我妻子等医院的预约要等上好几个月。for years/hours etc i lived there for years. 我在那里住了很多年。in years/hours etc that's one of the best films i've seen in years. 那是我多年来看到过的最好的影片之一。 ages /ˈeɪdʒɪz, ˈeɪdʒəz/ [plural noun] especially british, spoken a very long time 【尤英,口】很久,很长时间 it seems like ages since we had a holiday. 我们好像很久没去度假了。take (somebody) ages this software takes ages to load. 安装这个软件需要很长时间。 it took him ages to guess who it was in the photo. 他费了很长时间才猜出照片里的人是谁。for ages i've been waiting here for ages. 我在这里等了很久了。ages ago ‘when did you last see barbara?’ ‘oh, ages ago.’ “你最后一次看到芭芭拉是什么时候?”“噢,很久以前了。”ages and ages use this to emphasize how long something takes or lasts 很久很久[用于强调] it's the first time for ages and ages he's taken me out. 很久很久了,这是他第一次带我出去。 donkey's years/ages /ˈdɒŋkiz jiəʳzǁˈdɑːŋ-, ˈeɪdʒə̇z/ [noun phrase] british informal a long time, use this especially to say that something happened a very long time ago 【英,非正式】[尤指事情发生了]很久,多年 for donkey's years/ages some of these medicines have been in the stockroom for donkey's years. 这些药物有部分在仓库里已经放了很久了。 that's been going on for donkey's ages -- didn't you know? 那件事已经进行了好久了,你难道不知道?donkey's years/ages ago we used to play golf together, but that was donkey's years ago. 我们曾经常在一起打高尔夫球,可那是很多年以前的事了。 the longest time /ðə ˌlɒŋgə̇st ˈtaɪmǁ-ˌlɔːŋ-/ [adverb] american a very long time 【美】很长时间,很久 it took me the longest time to figure out how to work the sunroof in this car. 我费了很长时间才弄懂怎样开关这辆车的活动车顶。 for the longest time, i thought nathan was asian. 我长久以来都以为内森是亚洲人。11. a fairly long time 较长的一段时间 a while also some time formal /ə ˈwaɪl, sʌm ˈtaɪm/ a fairly long time 一段时间 he was furious, and it took him a while to calm down. 他暴跳如雷,过了好一会才平静下来。 it may be some time before the company starts to make a profit. 公司可能要过一段时候才开始赢利。for a while/for some time we hadn't seen him for a while, and he'd completely changed. 我们有一段时间没看见他,他已经完全变了。 i've known paul for some time, and i'm sure he wouldn't have said that. 我认识保罗有好一段时间了,我敢肯定他不会说那样的话。after a while/after some time after a while, i realized what he meant. 过了一会我明白了他的意思。 not a single vehicle passed, but after some time they heard the roar of planes taking off at the airfield. 没有一辆车经过,但过了一会儿他们听到飞机从机场起飞的轰鸣声。quite a while/quite some time when she left school, it was quite a while before she found a job. 她离开学校后过了相当长的一段时间才找到工作。 i stayed in the stage coach inn, but it's been quite some time ago. 我曾经住过驿站马车旅馆,不过那是好些时候之前的事了。a while since/some time since it's been a while since we last heard from jo. 我们已经有好些时候没有乔的消息了。 the team has spent some time since their last defeat on new tactics. 自上次失利以来,该队花了不少时间来练习新战术。a while ago/some time ago the cafe was taken over a while ago. 这家咖啡馆不久前被人接手了。 we arranged the meeting some time ago -- were you not informed? 我们前些时候安排了这次会议,你没接到通知吗?12. a period of time 一段时间 period /ˈpɪəriəd/ [countable noun] especially written a particular length of time with a beginning and an end 【尤书面】[有开始和结束的]一段时间;时期 period of these accounts are drawn up for a period of 52 weeks. 这些是为期52个星期的账目。 after a brief period of independence, belorussia came under soviet rule. 白俄罗斯在独立了很短一段时期后受到了苏联的领导。for a period you shouldn't sit in front of a computer screen for long periods without a break. 你不该坐在电脑屏幕前长时间不休息。 anne had difficulty holding down a job for any period of time. 安妮无法把一份工作保住一段时间。period of time the work had to be completed within a limited period of time. 这项工作要在有限的时间内完成。long/short period the company expects a growth in profitability over a longer period. 这家公司期望在较长的时期内获得利润增长。 then, within a short period, his mother, father, and brother all died. 接着,在短时间内他父母和哥哥都相继去世了。a ten-day/three-year etc period the money can be paid back over a five-year period. 这笔钱可以在五年内偿还。 the researchers observed mothers and their new infants for a three-day period. 研究人员对母亲和新生婴儿进行了为期三天的观察。over a period the restoration of the ceiling was completed over a period of two years. 天花板的修复在两年内完成。during a period during this period, tanya was making very little money. 这段时期塔妮娅挣钱很少。 black immigration into britain during the post-war period 战后时期进入英国的黑人移民 time /taɪm/ [singular noun] a period of time - use this especially to talk about a period in the past, or when you are not saying whether the period was long or short 一段时间,时期[尤用于指过去的时间或不谈时间的长短] bill had lost his job, and it was a difficult time for him. 比尔丢了饭碗,对他来说那是一段困难的时期。 i really enjoyed my time at university. 我的大学时光过得很开心。at one time at a period of time in the past, but not now 曾经有一个时期,一度 at one time, hakami was ranked 32nd in the world. 哈卡美曾一度排名世界第32位。 martin had been at one time a student at leiden university in the netherlands. 马丁曾经是荷兰莱顿大学的学生。for the time being for a short period of time, starting now [现在]暂时 you can stay in the spare room for the time being, until you find a place. 你可以暂时住在客房里,直到你找到地方。 entrance fees to the exhibit have been reduced for the time being. 展览会的入场费暂时调低了。during that/this time he played for barcelona for four years, and during that time they won two major competitions. 他效力巴塞罗那队四年,在这段期间他们曾赢过两次大赛。for a time he chatted to us for a time, then left. 他和我们聊了一会后就离开了。 for a time, the 1,600 seater hall was home to a saturday night film show, before being converted to a night club. 这座可容纳1,600人的大厅在改建成夜总会之前,曾经是放映周六晚电影的地方。after a time after a time, i began to feel more relaxed. 过了一会,我开始感觉放松些了。 all systems settle down after a time. 所有系统都要经过一段时间才会稳定。 term /tɜːʳm/ [countable noun] a length of time that is officially fixed for someone's period of responsibility or power, for someone's period in prison, or for a business contract 期,期限 mr toplak had just started his term as vice-president of the company. 托普拉克先生刚上任公司副总裁。 the socialists are hoping to secure another term in government. 社会党人希望能争取再执政一届。 the bank says that they can extend the term of our mortgage. 银行说可以延长我们的抵押借款年期。first/second etc term general herrera was elected to a third term of office as president. 赫雷拉将军第三度当选总统。 he hopes to visit china during his second term in office. 他希望在第二届任期内访问中国。7-year/2-month etc term he recently completed a two-year term as chairman. 最近他刚结束为期两年的主席任期。term of imprisonment formal 【正式】 political dissidents are sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. 持不同政见者被处以长期监禁。prison/jail term she had her jail term cut for good behaviour. 她因表现良好获得减刑。term of/in office term for holding an official position 任期 he is halfway into his term of office. 他的任期过了一半。 the democrats are hoping to deny him a third term in office. 民主党希望能阻止他第三度连任。fixed term when the term of a business or employment contract is set to a particular length 固定期限 the managers were all hired for a fixed term. 所有经理都以固定的年期聘用。serve a term malik is now serving a three-year term in prison. 马利克现正在监狱服三年徒刑。 elected members of the house of assembly serve a six-year term. 选出的议会成员任期六年。 season /ˈsiːzən/ [countable noun] a period of several weeks or months, at the same time every year, during which a particular activity takes place [每年某项活动进行的]季节,季 the bulls would consider re-signing him next season. 公牛队将考虑下个赛季和他续签。the 2001/2001-02 etc season smith should own the record outright by the third or fourth game of the 2001 season. 到2001年赛季的第三或第四场比赛时,史密斯应该能够彻底拥有该项纪录。breeding/hunting/fishing/baseball etc season when does the baseball season start? 棒球赛季什么时候开始? foxes become very noisy at the height of the mating season. 狐狸在交配季节的高峰期会变得很吵闹。 the latest challenge is to promote the lso's winter concert season. 最近的挑战是为伦敦交响乐团的冬季音乐会演出做宣传。 stretch /stretʃ/ [countable noun] a period of time between other periods, especially one during which there is not much activity or no interruptions [尤指没有多少活动或不被打断的]连续的一段时间 during their worst stretch of 1996, the padres lost 19 of their 23 games. 教士队在1996年最糟的一段时间里,23场比赛中输了19场。 he spent several brief stretches in jail for minor offences. 他因轻罪在牢里服过几次短刑。 this is the last game in a four-day stretch here at the forum. 这是在古罗马广场为期四天的赛事中最后一场比赛。stretch of time sometimes between battles, there were long stretches of time when nothing happened. 有时候两战之间会有长期风平浪静的日子。 stint /stɪnt/ [countable noun] informal a period of time doing a particular job or course, often quite a short period 【非正式】[从事某项工作的]时间[常指一段很短的时间] after a stint in the army, bill worked in sales. 服了一段时间的兵役后,比尔从事销售行业。 krem began his career with the victoria symphony, followed by stints with orchestras in winnipeg and quebec. 克雷姆在维多利亚交响乐团开始了自己的职业生涯,后来又与温尼伯和魁北克的管弦乐队合作过。stint of dimascio was promoted after serving a stint of five years as a sergeant pilot. 迪马西奥在当了五年中士飞行员之后得到了提升。a five-year/six-day etc stint he has changed his schedule to a three-day stint, which starts friday. 他把日程安排改为三天时间,从星期五开始。short/brief stint rick was fired in august after a brief stint with a portland courier service. 里克在波特兰的一家快递服务公司干了不多久,8月份被解雇了。do/serve a stint she served a two-year stint as an aide to congressman jim mcnulty. 她为国会议员吉姆·麦克纳尔蒂当了两年的助理。 we should thank mary for the long stint she's done as party treasurer. 我们要感谢玛丽长期以来为党做司库工作。 spell /spel/ [countable noun] a period of a particular type of activity, weather etc, usually a short period [活动、天气等的]一段时间[通常为短时间] after a brief spell in the army, i returned to teaching. 在军队服役了一段短时间后,我又回去教书了。spell of he's had a spell of bad luck recently. 他最近有段时间运气不大好。a cold/wet/dry etc spell we had another cold spell last week. 上周我们又有一段寒冷的日子了。 a bad patch /ə ˈbæd ˌpætʃ/ [noun phrase] british a short period of trouble, difficulty, or unhappiness, experienced by someone who is usually happy, successful etc 【英】一段困难时期,一段不愉快的时候 go through a bad patch experience a period of trouble etc 经历一段困难时期 he went through a bad patch after his wife died, but now he seems to be back to normal. 妻子死后他经历了一段难过的日子,不过现在好像恢复正常了。hit a bad patch start to experience a period of trouble etc 开始经历一段困难时期 the team aren't doing so well at the moment are they? they seem to have hit a bad patch. 该队目前表现不佳,是不是?他们好像正处于一段困难时期。13. a period of time in history 历史上的一段时期 period /ˈpɪəriəd/ [countable noun] a particular period of time in history, especially a period that is studied as a historical subject [尤作为历史研究对象的一段]时期;阶段;时代 which period of history are you studying at the moment? 你目前在研究哪一个历史时期? we will be examining some original documents from the period. 我们将会研究一些该时期的原始文件。the roman/tudor etc period many of britain's roads were built originally in the roman period. 英国的许多道路最初都建于古罗马人统治时期。 this chapter will focus primarily on the neolithic period in europe. 这一章将主要叙述欧洲的新石器时代。 era /ˈɪərə/ [countable noun] a period of time in history that is remembered because of important political, religious, or artistic events and achievements, that make it different from other periods [因有重要政治、宗教或艺术事件或成就而被人记住的]时代,年代 era in/of an exciting era in technological sophistication 令人振奋的高技术时代 we live in an era of breathtaking change. 我们生活在一个巨变的时代。end of an era when charles de gaulle died, it seemed like the end of an era. 夏尔·戴高乐的去世似乎标志着一个时代的终结。a new era the treaty marks the dawn of a new era in east--west relations. 这条约标志着东西方关系开始了一个新时代。the roman/christian/stalin/mccarthy etc era archaeological remains dating from the late roman era 追溯到古罗马后期的考古遗迹 during the mccarthy era, hundreds of innocent us citizens were persecuted for their beliefs. 在麦卡锡年代,数以百计的无辜美国公民因信仰遭到了迫害。 age /eɪdʒ/ [countable noun] a period of time in history that represents a particular stage in the development of civilization or machines and tools 时代,年代[文明或器具发展的某个时期] age of newton lived in an age of exploration and discovery. 牛顿生活在一个探索和发现的年代。 in this age of the internet, finding a job can be much easier. 在这个互联网时代,找工作是方便多了。stone age/nuclear age etc these simple tools were used for hunting in the stone age. 这些简陋的工具是石器时代狩猎用的。 the architecture of the industrial age 工业时代的建筑golden age the period considered to be the best, the most successful etc 黄金时代 many consider the ‘30s and ’40s to be the golden age of hollywood movies. 许多人认为三四十年代是好莱坞电影的黄金年代。14. the right time or a good time to do something 做某事的合适时候或理想的时间 the right time /ðə ˌraɪt ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] the best time to do something, when you are most likely to get the result that you want 合适的时间,恰当的时候 yes, i'm going to ask him - i'm just waiting for the right time. 是的,我是打算去问他,只是在等合适的时候。the right time to do something it seemed like the right time to start planning something new. 似乎该是开始计划新东西的合适时候了。 i don't think it's the right time to tell jeff. 我认为现在还不是告诉杰夫的适当时候。the right time of day/year if you get here at the right time of day, you might get to see the birds feeding. 如果你来的时候正合适,就可能看到鸟进食。 this really isn't the right time of the year to start working on the house. 一年里的这个时候装修房子可真是不合适。 a good time /ə ˌgʊd ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] a suitable or convenient time 适当的时候;好时机 i'd like to come on saturday - would that be a good time? 我想周六来,不知时间是否合适?a good time for 11 o'clock would be quite a good time for me, if you can make it. 对我来说11点很合适,如果你没问题的话。a good time to do something now is a good time to start applying for jobs. 现在是求职的好时机。 right after the easter break is a good time to visit florida. 复活节假期一过就是游览佛罗里达的好时候。 i'll be here all day friday, so when would be a good time to meet? 周五我一整天都在这里,那么几点见面合适? come at the right time/come at a good time /kʌm ət ðə ˌraɪt ˈtaɪm, kʌm ət ə ˌgʊd ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] if something comes at the right time or comes at a good time, it happens when you need or want it to happen 来得及时,来得正好 i lost my job last month, so this offer has come at just the right time. 我上个月失去了工作,因此这个工作机会来得正是时候。 well, you're news comes at a good time, helen. 啊,海伦,你的消息来得正是时候。 be the time /biː ðə ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] an expression meaning to be the right time to do something important, use this especially when you are advising someone what they should do 是[做重要的事的]时候[尤用于建议某人应该做什么时] be the time to do something if you're going to buy a house, now's the time to do it. 如果你打算买房子,现在就该出手了。be the time for the reason i'm saying ‘no’ is because right now is not the time for making a mess in here. 我说“不”的原因是现在不是把这里弄得一团糟的时候。 timing /ˈtaɪmɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the ability to choose the right time to do something, especially when this is a skill you have learned or practised 掌握时机的能力[尤指这种能力是你通过学习或练习得来的] when you're a comedian, timing is very important. 当喜剧演员,懂得掌握时机是非常重要的。 he eventually played in another 28 games, but his timing and rhythm never returned. 后来他又打了28场比赛,但他把握时机的能力和节奏感已不复当年了。good/perfect etc timing ‘well, life's just full of surprises,’ she retorted, with a comic's perfect timing. “啊,生活就是这样充满了惊喜。”她回答道,如喜剧演员般把时机拿捏得恰到好处。 you guys have good timing, we just started to eat. 你们这些家伙来得正是时候,我们刚开始吃呢。sense of timing the ability to choose the right time to do something, especially when this is a natural ability that you have [尤指天生的]把握时机的能力 even at the end, george burns never lost his impeccable sense of timing. 即使到了最后,乔治·伯恩斯也从未丧失他那完美无瑕的把握时机的能力。 timely /ˈtaɪmli/ [adjective] actions, decisions etc that are timely happen at the right time, especially with the result that they prevent something bad from happening 及时的,适时的[尤指防止了某件坏事发生] the government's intervention was timely and may have prevented economic disaster. 政府及时的干预可能阻止了经济灾难的发生。 the database will provide timely and accurate information on the current status of the business. 这个资料库将就公司现况提供及时而准确的信息。 the fighting in the ardennes came as a timely reminder that the west still needed the russian army. 阿登高原的战事及时起到提醒作用,即西方仍需要苏联军队。 well-timed /ˌwel ˈtaɪmd◂/ [adjective] done at the right time so that it is likely to have a successful result 适时的,不早不晚的,及时的 she took a sip of water during a well-timed pause, and waited for my reply. 她适时地停下来呷了一小口水,等待我的回答。 wallace made a well-timed run through the midfield, collected the pass and scored with a low shot. 华莱士及时跑过中场,接过传球,一脚低射得分。 the conference is well timed since most companies will have their third-quarter profits in by now. 这次会议的时机选得很好,因为大部分公司第三季度的利润此时就要进账了。 an opportune moment/time /ən ˌɒpətjuːn ˈməʊmənt, ˈtaɪmǁ-ˌɑːpərtuːn-/ [noun phrase] formal a time when you are most likely to be successful, or a time which is convenient 【正式】适当的时机;方便的时间 for those who are waiting for the most opportune time to invest in a home, this is an excellent time to do that. 对那些在等待最适当的时机投资房产的人来说,这是个极佳的机会。 this seemed like an opportune moment to ask the government to mount a tree-planting program. 这似乎是要求政府推出植树计划的良机。15. the wrong time or a bad time for something 做某事的不合适的时候 the wrong time /ðə ˌrɒŋ ˈtaɪmǁ-ˌrɔːŋ-/ [noun phrase] a time when you should not do something, because you will probably not be successful 不合适的时候 it's a case of the right idea at the wrong time. 这正是好主意提出得不是时候的例子。the wrong time to do something i think this is the wrong time to ask for a pay increase. 我觉得现在要求加薪不是时候。 it seemed like the wrong time in my life to risk making yet another major change. 那似乎是我一生中又一次在错误的时候冒险作出重大改变。 a bad time/not a good time /ə ˌbæd ˈtaɪm, nɒt ə ˌgʊd ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] a time when something is not convenient or likely to be successful or that will cause problems 不合适的时候,不好的时机 i really would like to come, but i'm afraid this is a bad time. 我非常想来,但是恐怕现在不是合适的时候。to do something if it's not a good time to talk, i can call back. 如果现在谈话不是时候,我可以再打过来。 come at a bad time/come at the wrong time/not come at a good time /kʌm ət ə ˌbæd ˈtaɪm, kʌm ət ðə ˌrɒŋ ˈtaɪmǁ-ˌrɔːŋ-, nɒt kʌm ət ə ˌgʊd ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] to happen at a time when something it not likely to be successful or that will cause problems 发生得不是时候 these economic problems have come at the wrong time for the republican party. 对共和党来说,这些经济问题出现得不是时候。 the widening trade gap is coming at a bad time for the president. 日益扩大的贸易逆差对总统来说出现得不是时候。 the coe's resignation has not come at a good time for the company. 行政总裁的辞职对公司来说很不是时候。 be no time/not be the time /biː ˌnəʊ ˈtaɪm, ˌnɒt biː ðə ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] an expression meaning to be the wrong time to do something, use this especially when you are telling someone what they should do or how they should behave 不是做某事的时候[尤用于告诉某人应该做什么或应该如何表现] be no time/not be the time for this is no time for that kind of talk. if you can't be decent, keep your mouth shut. 现在不应该说那种话。如果你不能守规矩就把嘴闭上。 it's not the time for politeness and etiquette when there are lives at stake. 人命攸关时可不是讲礼貌守礼仪的时候。be no time/not be the time to do something this was not the time to get angry, but jodie couldn't help herself. 那可不是生气的时候,但乔迪控制不了自己。 badly timed/ill-timed /ˌbædli ˈtaɪmd, ˌɪl ˈtaɪmd◂/ [adjective] done at the wrong time so that it is likely to have an unsuccessful result 不适时的,不合时宜的 wilkins’ outburst could not have been more ill-timed. 威尔金斯脾气发作得实在太不是时候了。 resentment over the chairman's badly timed remarks is growing. 对主席那番不适时的话产生的不满情绪越来越强烈了。 the gesture was sincere, but ill-timed. 这举动是真心诚意的,只是时机不合适。 an inopportune moment/time /ən ɪnˌɒpətjuːn ˈməʊmənt, ˈtaɪmǁ-ˌɪnɑːpərtuːn-/ [noun phrase] formal a bad time, especially because it is inconvenient 【正式】不合适的时机/时间 he had wanted to visit the troops over christmas, but the general said it would be an inopportune time. 他想在圣诞节时去访问军队,但将军说这时间不太合适。 he always seems to say exactly the wrong thing at the most inopportune moment. 他好像总是在最不恰当的时候说完全不合时宜的话。16. at the same time 同时 at the same time /ət ðə ˌseɪm ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] charlie and i arrived at the same time. 查利和我同时到达。 are you supposed to press these two buttons at the same time? 这两个按钮是否应该同时按下? we've launched an appeal, and at the same time we are sending out supplies, shelters, and blankets. 我们已经发出呼吁,同时我们正在分发必需品、帐篷和毯子。at the same time as his wife had a baby at the same time as elaine. 他妻子和伊莱恩同时生了孩子。 you must have been at harvard at the same time as i was. 你想必是与我同期在哈佛念书的。all at the same time when you do several things at the same time 全部在同一时间 so you want to talk to them, identify that they are a candidate, and then give them the test all at the same time? 那么你是想和他们谈谈,确认他们是候选人,然后对他们同时进行测试? together /təˈgeðəʳ/ [adverb] if two or more people or things do the same thing together, they do it at the same time and usually in the same place 一齐,同时[指两个或以上的人或物在同一时间和地点一起做某事] the baltimore and boston trains came in together. 巴尔的摩和波士顿的火车同时到达。 three runners crossed the line together. 三名赛跑选手同时冲过终点线。 at once /ət ˈwʌns/ [adverb] if two or more things happen at once, they happen at the same time and this is annoying or causes problems 同时,一起[指两件或以上的事同时发生,令人不快或引起麻烦] i can't understand what you're saying when you both talk at once. 你们两个同时讲,我根本听不懂你们在讲什么。 you're trying to do too many things at once. 你同时做的事情太多了。 anyone know the answer? don't all shout at once, put your hand up. 谁知道答案?别一起喊叫,要举手。all at once you can't have three weeks’ holiday all at once, you'll have to take them separately. 你不能一下子休三周假,你得分开休。 at one time /ət ˌwʌn ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] if someone does two or more things at one time, they do them at the same time, especially if this is difficult or impressive 同时[做两样或以上的事情,尤指这样做是很困难或令人佩服的] this word processor allows you to work with two documents at one time. 这部文字处理器让你可以同时处理两份文件。 there aren't many places around here where you can cater for fifty or so people at one time. 这里没有多少地方可以同时为50个人左右提供餐饮服务。 you feel like you are going in twelve different directions at one time. 你感觉就像同时往12个不同的方向走。all at one time see, i can lock the doors all at one time. 瞧,我可以同时把所有的门都锁上。 simultaneously /ˌsɪməlˈteɪniəsliǁˌsaɪ-/ [adverb] if two or more things happen simultaneously, they happen at exactly the same time 同时地 the system can simultaneously search up to 16 databases. 这个系统可以同时搜索多达16个数据库。 people can't write and listen simultaneously. 人无法同时听和写。 video-conferencing enables us to address audiences all over the nation simultaneously. 电视会议使我们能够同时向全国的观众发表演讲。17. while something else is happening 当另一件事发生时 while also whilst british /waɪl, waɪlst/ [conjunction] during the same period of time that something is happening 当…的时候,和…同时,在…时 i bought a magazine while i was waiting for the train. 等火车时我买了一本杂志。 did you get a lot of work done whilst the kids were out? 孩子们不在时你完成了许多事吗? i'll just make a phone call while you finish the dishes. 趁你吃饭的时候我去打个电话。 he was afraid he'd have another fit whilst he was driving. 他担心自己在开车时病情会再次发作。 meanwhile /ˈmiːnwaɪl/ [adverb] while something else is happening 与此同时 leave the vegetables to simmer, and meanwhile bring a large pot of water to a boil. 让蔬菜慢慢煨着,与此同时烧一大锅开水。 three helicopters scanned the area; the soldiers meanwhile were looking into back gardens, dustbins, and under hedgerows. 三架直升机在该地区进行搜索,与此同时士兵对后院、垃圾桶及灌木树篱进行搜查。 as /əz, strong æz/ [conjunction] if something happens as something else is happening, it happens at the same time 当…的时候,和…同时,在…时 as we were leaving, carole and her friends arrived. 我们正要离开时,卡萝尔和她朋友来了。 there was a shocked silence as he spoke. 他说话时周围一片错愕的缄默。 the sensor uses an infrared beam to ‘read’ a vehicle's exhaust emissions as it drives past. 感应器使用红外线光束对驶过车辆排出的废气进行“审读”。just as at exactly the same time as 正当…时 he ran into the road just as a car was coming. 他跑到马路上,这时一辆汽车正好驶来。 the phone rang just as he stepped out of the shower. 正当他从浴室出来时,电话铃响了。as soon as as soon as i pulled in, the engine went dead. 我刚把车开到路边停下,引擎就熄火了。 i fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 我头一靠上枕头就睡着了。18. to happen or do things at the same time 同时发生或同时做几件事 coincide /ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd, ˌkəʊənˈsaɪd/ [intransitive verb] if something coincides with something else, or if two things coincide, they happen at the same time as each other, usually by chance [碰巧]同时发生 when our vacations coincided, we often holidayed together. 我们的假期碰巧在同一时间的话,我们常常一起去度假。coincide with his speech coincided with the release of a report on the new england economy. 他的演说正好和一份有关新英格兰经济状况的报告同一时间发表。 i had to cancel our lunch date, as it coincided with my hospital appointment. 我得取消我们的午餐约会,因为它和我预约的看病时间碰在一起了。timed/arranged to coincide arranged so that something coincides 被安排与…同时进行 the exhibition was timed to coincide with the anniversary celebrations. 这个展览被安排与周年庆典同时举行。 they have arranged the launch to coincide with the start of the college term. 他们把发行的日期定于大学开学期间。 clash /klæʃ/ [intransitive verb] if one event clashes with another, or if two events clash, they are arranged to happen at the same time, and this usually causes problems or is inconvenient [两件事情]在时间上相冲突,撞期 we can go to both classes if they don't clash. 如果两门课时间不冲突的话,我们可以都去上。clash with we've rescheduled the next meeting -- it clashed with a conference that most of us will be attending. 我们重新安排了下次会议的时间,因为它和我们大部分人都要参加的一次大会撞期了。 ‘are you watching family fortunes tonight?’ ‘no, it clashes with the tina turner interview on channel 3.’ “今晚你打算看《家庭财富》节目吗?”“不看了,它和第三频道的蒂娜·特纳访谈节目撞期了。” tie in with /ˌtaɪˈɪn wɪð something/ [transitive phrasal verb] to arrange an event so that it happens at the same time as something else, because this helps you in some way 使…同时发生 his publishers have tied the release in with his new television series. 他的出版商把出版时间和他的新电视连续剧播出时间安排在一起。 aids education can be tied in with existing health education programs. 艾滋病教育可以和现有的健康教育课程同时进行。 juggle /ˈdʒʌgəl/ [transitive verb] to try to do two or more things at the same time, even though this is difficult and you are very busy 同时应付,尝试应付[两件或更多的事情] the film is about a maintenance man who juggles three jobs to provide for his family. 这部影片讲的是一名维修技工为了养家糊口而同时打三份工的故事。 suburban working mothers who juggle careers, families, and after-school sports 忙于应付事业、家庭和课外体育活动的郊区上班族母亲juggle something and something i don't think any man can ever understand the difficulties of juggling motherhood and politics. 我想没有一个男人能够理解既要做母亲又要从政的难处。juggle something with something with school starting, anna will have to juggle her love of swimming with her homework. 学校开学后,安娜将要兼顾她在游泳方面的兴趣和她的学业。19. to have enough time to do something 有足够的时间做某事 have time/have the time /ˌhæv ˈtaɪm, ˌhæv ðə ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if you have time, i could show you around the rest of the house. 如果你有时间的话,我可以带你看看房子的其他地方。 do you think we have the time? 你看我们时间够吗?have time/have the time to do something few agencies have the time or the staff to train new employees. 很少有服务机构有时间或人力来培训新员工。 she put the phone down before i had time to reply. 我还没来得及回答她就挂了电话。 just leave it on my desk till i have time to deal with it. 把它放在我的书桌上,我有时间再来处理。have time/have the time for do you have time for a quick drink? 你有时间喝杯快酒吗? perhaps next year i'll have more time for gardening. 也许明年我会有更多的时间搞园艺。 there is time /ðeər ɪz ˈtaɪm/ use this to say there is enough time for someone to do something 有时间[做某事] we thought we'd go to the museum, and maybe have some lunch too, if there's time. 我们打算到博物馆去,如果有时间的话可能也吃个午饭。 if you hurry there should be time for a little shopping. 如果你赶紧的话,应该还有时间买点东西。 i guess there's time for a bedtime story, lauren. 我想还有时间讲个睡前故事,劳伦。there is time for somebody to do something there's still time for you to change your mind, you know. 要知道,你要改变主意还来得及。 is there time for me to wash my hair before we leave? 出发前,我还有时间洗头发吗?there is time to do something i don't think there's time to paint the whole wall today. 今天要把整道墙壁粉刷完,我想是来不及了。 when you have a moment/minute /ˌwen juː hæv ə ˈməʊmənt, ˈmɪnə̇t/ [adverb] use this to mean ‘when you have a small amount of spare time during a period when you are very busy’, especially when you are asking someone to do something 在你空一点的时候[尤用于请某人做某事] when you have a minute, josie, i'd like to talk to you. 乔西,你空一点的时候我想跟你谈谈。 do you have a minute? i have a couple of questions to ask. 你有空吗?我有几个问题想问。 these letters are ready for you to sign when you have a moment. 这些信准备好了,等你空一点的时候签名。have a spare moment/minute if you have a spare moment, could you read through my essay? 如果你有空的话,能不能读一下我的文章? it's quite rare that i have a spare minute these days. 这两天我有点空,真是少有。 it's not too late /ɪts ˌnɒt tuː ˈleɪt/ use this to say that there is still enough time for someone to do something [现在]还不太晚,不太迟 it's not too late to do something if you haven't got roses in your garden, it's not too late to plant now. 如果你的花园里没有玫瑰花,现在种下去还不晚。 it's still not too late to get a flu vaccine. 现在接种流感疫苗还不迟。it's not too late for somebody to do something he insists it's not too late for united to win the cup, though he admits it will be an uphill struggle. 他坚持认为联队还有机会赢得奖杯,不过他承认这会是场艰苦的比赛。20. to have very little time to do something 没有多少时间做某事 have (very) little time/not have much time /hæv (ˌveri) lɪtl ˈtaɪm, nɒt hæv ˌmʌtʃ ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase not in progressive] have (very) little time/not have much time for i don't have much time for visiting, parties and so on. 我没有多少时间去走客访友、参加聚会等等。have (very) little time/not have much time to do something we had very little time to train for the big game. 我们只有一点点时间为这次大赛进行训练。 i'm afraid i have had very little time to entertain you or introduce you to anyone. 恐怕我没有多少时间来招待你或把你介绍给别人。 ‘have you decided yet?’ ‘i've not had much time to think about it.’ “你决定了吗?”“我没有很多时间去考虑这件事。” be short of time /biː ˌʃɔːʳt əv ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] to have very little time to do something, especially because you have a lot of things to do 时间不够[尤因有很多事情要做] if you're short of time, i recommend seeing at least the museum and the cathedral. 如果你时间不够,我建议你至少要去参观博物馆和大教堂。 she was puzzled, but too short of time to argue with him. 她给搞糊涂了,但没空去和他争辩。run short of time as we're running short of time, let me end with just one example of what i mean. 我们时间不多了,让我仅举一个例子说明一下我的意思,并就此结束。 be pressed/pushed for time /biː ˌprest, ˌpʊʃt fəʳ ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] to have very little time to do something, especially with the result that you have to do it very quickly 时间很紧[因此得加紧做某事] i was pressed for time in my few days in sydney, and did not have the opportunity to explore the city. 我在悉尼的几天时间很紧,没机会去考察这个城市。 it's probably best to avoid the main roads unless you're really pushed for time. 除非你时间真的很紧迫,否则避开大路可能是最好的。21. to not have enough time to do something 没有足够的时间做某事 not have (the) time/have no time /nɒt hæv (ðə) ˈtaɪm, hæv ˌnəʊ ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase not in progressive] i'll look at it later. i haven't got time at the moment. 我稍后再看,现在我没有时间。 harold was supposed to organize the trip, but he just didn't have the time. 应该由哈罗德来组织这次旅行,但他就是没有时间。not have (the) time/have no time to do something i didn't have time to take a shower this morning. 今天早上我来不及冲澡。 i haven't had time to write those letters yet. 我还没时间写那些信呢。 we won't have time to practice tonight. 今晚我们没时间练习了。not have (the) time/have no time for i don't have time for lunch. 我没时间吃午饭。 she says she has no time for relaxation. 她说她没时间休息。 there is no time /ðeər ɪz ˌnəʊ ˈtaɪm/ use this to say that there is not enough time for someone to do something 没有时间,来不及[做某事] there is no time to do something the train was about to leave, and there was no time to buy a ticket. 火车快要启动,来不及买车票了。 there's no time to go through all these applications this morning. 今天早上没时间审阅所有这些申请表。there is no time for look, there's no time for that now. we have to get moving. 喂,现在来不及了。我们得走了。 run out of time /ˌrʌn aʊt əv ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] to be unable to finish doing something within the time that you have to do it in 时间来不及,没时间 i'm sorry, we seem to have run out of time. thanks to everyone who took part. 很抱歉,我们时间好像不够了。谢谢各位来参加。 i have to finish this by tomorrow, and i'm running out of time. 明天前我必须把这完成,可我时间来不及了。22. when a period of time passes 一段时间过去 pass/go by /pɑːsǁpæs, ˌgəʊ ˈbaɪ/ [intransitive verb/intransitive phrasal verb] three weeks passed, and max had still not found a job. 三个星期过去了,马克斯还没找到工作。 years passed before she could bring herself to call me ‘frank’ without the ‘mister’. 许多年后她才肯不加“先生”两个字而称我“弗兰克”。 hardly a week goes by when i do not think of you. 我几乎每个礼拜都在想你。time passes/goes by the side effects tend to subside as time passes. 副作用会随着时间而减退。 i was trying to calculate how much time had gone by since i heard the scream. 我在努力计算从我听到尖叫声后过了多少时间。 elapse /ɪˈlæps/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] formal if a period of time elapses, it passes, especially between two events 【正式】[时间]过去,流逝[尤在两件事之间] elapse before/since/between nine years elapsed before he produced his eighth symphony. 九年过去了,他才创作出了第八交响曲。 it seems remarkable that nearly thirty years has elapsed since there was a major museum exhibition in the city. 市里举办大型博物馆展览后差不多30年过去了,这好像很让人吃惊。 a surprisingly long time had elapsed between the discovery of the body and the arrival of the police. 从发现尸体到警察到场,这中间过去了很长一段时间。 the passage/passing of time /ðə ˌpæsɪdʒ, ˌpɑːsɪŋ əv ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] the process of time passing over a long period, especially when people or things change during this time - used especially in stories or descriptions 时间的流逝[尤用于表示人或物转变了,用于故事或描写] two children, a successful marriage, and the passage of time had helped maisie to forget her unhappy childhood. 两个子女、一段成功的婚姻,加上时间的流逝帮助梅茜淡忘了自己那不愉快的童年。 the early recordings have hardly stood up well to the passage of time. 那些早期的录音经不起时间的考验。 the passing of time did little to lessen his grief. 时间的流逝并未减轻他的悲伤。with the passage of time behaviour and social attitudes change with the passing of time. 随着时间的流逝,人的行为和社会态度会发生改变。 these ancient settlements have perished with the passage of time. 这些古村落随着时间的流逝已经消亡了。23. time passes quickly 时间飞快地流逝 go fast/quickly /ˌgəʊ ˈfɑːst, ˈkwɪkliǁ-ˈfæst/ [verb phrase] the rest of the weekend went too quickly -- he wanted it to last forever. 周末余下的时间过得太快了,他真希望这段时间能永远延续下去。 today can't go fast enough for me. 对我来说,今天的时间过得很慢。 the summer seems to have come and gone so quickly. 这个夏天来而复去,实在太快了。make something go faster/more quickly to make work, a journey etc seem to take less time than it really does 使某事过得更快 reading on the train makes the journey go more quickly. 在火车上看书可以使旅程过得更快。 it's great having you to talk to. it makes the time go faster. 能有你谈谈话真好,这样使时间过得更快了。 fly by /ˈflaɪ baɪ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a period of time flies by, it seems to pass very quickly, especially when you have been very busy or enjoying yourself [时间]飞快过去,飞逝[尤指十分忙碌或过得愉快] the afternoon flew by as they went through the next scene together. 他们在一起排练下一个场景时,下午就不知不觉地很快过去了。 hours can fly by as i write, and i don't even notice. 我写作的时候时间过得飞快,我甚至都没有察觉到。 time is flying by quickly now and it seems impossible that there are only three months left. 现在时间飞逝,只剩下三个月了,真不可思议。 time flies /ˌtaɪm ˈflaɪz/ use this when you are surprised at how quickly the time has passed, especially when you have been enjoying yourself 时间过得真快,时间飞逝[尤指过得愉快] is richard eight already? doesn't time fly? 理查德已经八岁了吗?时间过得真快! ‘hasn't the afternoon passed quickly?’ said carol. ‘time flies when you're having fun.’ “下午过得真快,不是吗?”卡罗尔说,“人若开心时间就过得快。” tick away /ˌtɪk əˈweɪ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if the minutes, the hours, time etc tick away, it passes, especially when you must do something before a particular time or when you are frightened or nervous [时间]一分一秒地过去[尤指时间紧迫或感到害怕或焦虑不安] he had to watch the minutes tick away while the emergency services tried to locate him. 当紧急救援队在设法搜索他的位置时,他只得看着时间一分一秒地过去。 aware of how the minutes were ticking away, julia desperately scribbled down the last few answers. 朱莉娅意识到时间在一分一秒地过去,就拼命地草草写下最后几个答案。24. time passes slowly 时间过得缓慢 go slowly /ˌgəʊ ˈsləʊli/ [verb phrase] the rest of the day went very slowly for anne. 那天余下的时间对安妮来说过得很慢。 the lesson lasted all morning, and seemed to go even more slowly than usual. 那节课上了一整个上午,似乎比平时过得还要慢。 drag /dræg/ [intransitive verb] if time drags, it seems to pass very slowly, especially because you are bored [时间]过得慢[尤因为感到无聊] why do physics lessons always seem to drag? 为什么上物理课总是好像过得那么慢?drag by/on the day dragged on, and there was still no sign of jake. 那天的时间在慢慢过去,仍然没有杰克的踪影。 as time dragged on, i gradually got worse. 时间慢慢地过去,我的状况越来越糟了。 as the months drag by, you find out who your real friends are. 随着年久月深,你会知道谁是你真正的朋友。☞ time¹☞ time²




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