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单词 execute
释义 execute verb¹ 1kill sb as an official punishment处决adverb | preposition adverb➤summarily草草处决▸➤illegally非法处决▸➤publicly公开处决▸➤wrongly错误处决◆innocent people who are wrongly executed被错误处死的无辜的人们preposition➤as作为⋯而处决◆he was executed as a martyr to his catholic faith.他因为信仰天主教而被处决成了殉道者。➤for因⋯而判处死刑◆he was executed for treason.他因叛国罪而被处死。execute verb² 2perform/carry out sth执行;开展adverb | phrases adverb➤beautifully, boldly, brilliantly, cleanly, flawlessly, neatly, perfectly, properly, skilfully/skillfully, successfully, superbly, well漂亮地执行;大胆地执行;出色地执行;干净利落地执行;完美地执行;周密地执行;稳妥地执行;熟练地执行;成功地执行;妥善地执行◆the movement was beautifully executed.这个动作完成得很漂亮。◆the second goal was superbly executed.第二个目标完成得很出色。➤carefully, meticulously小心地/谨慎地执行◆a carefully executed and well-presented study一项精心进行并给出出色汇报的研究➤faithfully (law法律, especially name) 忠诚地执行◆i swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states.我宣誓我会竭尽忠诚地行使美国总统的职责。➤badly, poorly执行得不妥当phrases➤duly executed (law法律, bre) 按时执行◆the agreement had been duly executed.这份协议已经如期执行。 execute /eksɪkjuːt/ verb 1. [transitive] to do a piece of work, perform a duty, put a plan into action, etc. 实行;履行;执行;实施◆we can execute most orders in just one week. 我们可以在短短的一个星期内执行大部分订单。◆to execute a plan/strategy/project 执行计划/策略/项目◆all trades (= in shares, etc.) are executed through a broker. 所有的(股票等的)交易都由经纪人经手完成。 2. [intransitive] to achieve a particular business goal; to be successful as a business 达到(目标);运作成功◆our success is due to our managers' ability to execute. 我们的成功归因于经理们的执行能力。◆their online travel company is executing well and showing impressive growth. 他们的在线旅游公司运作良好并展示出惊人的增长速度。3. (it 信息技术) [transitive] to make a computer perform an action 执行◆to execute a program, type the program name. 要执行程序,键入程序名。◆execute a command/an instruction/a query 执行命令/指令/查询 syn run ●execute on sthto complete a task or perform an activity properly 完成(任务);开展(活动)◆the firm now has the necessary skills and funding to execute on its business plan. 这家公司现在拥有必要的技术和资金来执行其商业计划。☞ executeexecute /eksɪkjuːt/ [transitive, usually passive] to kill sb, especially as a legal punishment(尤指依法)处决,处死◆he was executed for treason.他因叛国罪被处死了。◆the prisoners were executed by firing squad.那些犯人已经被行刑队枪决了。 ➡ see also execution → execution execute/ˈeksɪkju:t ||; ˈɛksɪˌkjut/verb[t] 1. execute sb (for sth) (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to kill sb as an official punishment 处死;处决: ◇he was executed for murder. 他犯谋杀罪被处决了。 2. (formal 正式) to perform a task, etc or to put a plan into action 执行,实行(任务或计划) ➔execution /ˌeksɪˈkju:ʃn ||; ˌɛksɪˈkjuʃən/ noun [c,u] executesee ⇨ do/not do 2 ⇨ kill 7 ex·e·cute /`ɛksɪˏkjut; ˈeksɪkjuːt/v [t] 1. to kill someone, especially as a legal punishment for a crime 依法处死[某人] 2. formal to do something that has been planned or ordered 【正式】 执行,实行[计划或命令]:◇a carefully executed plan 一项认真执行的计划




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