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单词 corner
释义 corner noun¹ 1where two lines/edges meet角adjective | corner + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤bottom, top底角;顶角▸➤left, right左边的角;右边的角▸➤left-hand, right-hand左边的角;右边的角▸➤back, front后面的角;前面的角▸➤lower, upper下角;上角▸➤southern, south-western, etc.南角、西南角等▸➤outer, outside外侧的角;外角▸➤inner, inside内侧的角;内角▸➤opposite对面的角▸➤sharp尖角▸➤rounded圆角◆smooth rounded corners make cleaning easier.平滑的圆角清洁起来比较容易。➤awkward死角◆make sure the staircase is well lit, with no awkward corners.确保灯光照亮楼梯所有的地方,不留死角。➤extreme, far, very尽头的/远处的/最里面的角落◆he took a seat in the far corner of the cafe.他在咖啡馆里面靠边上的一角坐了下来。corner + noun➤booth, cupboard, office, seat, table角落里的售货亭;靠墙角的橱柜;墙角的办公室;墙角的座位;角落里的桌子◆the waiter led us to a corner table.侍者把我们带到角落里的一张桌子。➤cabinet角柜➤pocket (= on a pool table, etc.) 底袋preposition➤in a/the corner在角上◆put your address in the top right-hand corner of the page.把你的地址写在这页的右上角。phrases➤the four corners of sth⋯的四角◆the four corners of his bed他床的四角➤right in the corner就在角落里◆they chose a table right in the corner of the restaurant.他们在餐馆的一角选了张桌子。corner noun² 2of roads街道adjective | verb + corner | corner + noun | preposition adjective➤street街角◆there were a lot of young men hanging around on street corners.很多年轻人在街角闲荡。➤sharp, tight急拐弯◆it's a rather sharp corner and she took it a little too fast.这个弯相当急,她拐得有点儿太快了。➤blind(道路拐弯处驾驶者看不到的)死角◆i hate coming out of that lane because it's a blind corner.我讨厌从那条小巷出去,因为那是个死角。verb + corner➤round, take, turn拐过街角◆as they turned the corner all the bags slid to one side.他们拐过街角时,所有的包都滑到了一边。➤approach接近拐角corner + noun➤bar, shop, store (name) 街头酒吧/小店/商店◆the local corner shop / store当地的街头小店preposition➤around a/the corner, round a/the corner (especially bre) 从拐角处◆a white van came around the corner.一辆白色面包车拐过街角开了过来。➤at a/the corner在拐角处◆at the corner of west street and park street在西街和公园街的交会处◆turn right at the first corner.在第一个拐角向右转。➤on a/the corner在拐角上◆the bank on the corner of mount street蒙特街拐角的那家银行corner noun³ 3place/region地方;地区adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤empty, quiet, secluded没人的/僻静的/幽静的地方◆he found a quiet corner and got on with his work.他找到一个僻静的地方,继续工作。➤little, small, tiny小地方◆welcome to our little corner of philadelphia.欢迎光临我们在费城的这个小地方。➤distant, far, far-flung, remote遥远的地方;偏远地区◆a remote corner of afghanistan阿富汗的一个偏远地区➤picturesque风景如画的地方▸➤dark, darkened, gloomy, shadowed, shadowy黑暗的地方;幽暗的地方;阴暗的地方◆she sat in a dark corner of the room.她坐在屋子里一个黑暗的地方。➤shady, sheltered阴凉的/有遮蔽的地方◆a cool shady corner of the park公园里一个有树荫的凉快地方➤forgotten, hidden, obscure, odd, private, secret被遗忘的地方;隐蔽的地方;秘密的地方◆the box had been tucked away in an odd corner of the attic.盒子藏在阁楼上一个隐蔽的地方preposition➤in a/the corner在角落里◆she tucked herself away in a corner and read all day.她躲在一个角落里看了一整天的书。phrases➤a corner of your mind (figurative) 脑海深处◆he pushed the thought back into the darkest corner of his mind.他将这个想法藏在脑海的最深处。corner noun⁴ 4difficult situation困境adjective | verb + corner adjective➤tight困境◆he's used to talking his way out of tight corners.他习惯了靠三寸不烂之舌摆脱困境。verb + corner➤back sb into, drive sb into, force sb into置某人于困境▸➤get sb/yourself into, have sb in使某人陷入困境;让自己陷入困境◆they had her in a corner and there was nothing she could do about it.他们已经把她逼得走投无路,她再也无能为力了。corner noun⁵ 5in football (soccer), hockey, etc.足球;曲棍球adjective | verb + corner | corner + noun adjective➤penalty, short短角球verb + corner➤award (sb)判(给某人)角球◆the referee awarded a corner.裁判员判了一次角球。➤take发角球◆moore took the corner.穆尔发角球。➤force, win逼出/赢得角球◆he managed to force a corner.他设法逼出了一个角球。➤concede给对方一个角球◆james blocked the shot but conceded a corner.詹姆斯挡住了一记射门,但给了对方一个角球。➤miss角球未进▸➤clear解除角球威胁corner + noun➤kick角球corner nouncorner ♦︎ turn ♦︎ bend ♦︎ zigzag ♦︎ hairpin bend ♦︎ twistthese are all words for a curve where a road or a river changes direction.这些词均表示道路或河流的拐弯处、弯道。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆around / round / at / on a corner / bend / hairpin bend◆a left-hand / right-hand corner / turn / bend◆a left / right corner / turn◆a sharp corner / turn / bend / twist◆a tight corner / turn / bend◆a blind / dangerous corner / bend◆to negotiate a corner / turn / bend / hairpin bend◆to round / take a corner / bend / hairpin bend◆to come around / round a corner / bend / hairpin bend■ corner [countable] a place where two streets join; a sharp curve in a road街角;(道路的)急转弯◆there was a large group of youths standing on the street corner.有一大群年轻人站在那条街的拐角。◆turn right at the corner of avalon road and radnor street.在阿瓦隆路和拉德诺街的路口向右转。◆the wind hit him as he turned the corner.他在街角一拐弯,狂风就向他袭来。■ turn [countable] a change in direction in a vehicle; a curve or corner in a road(车辆的)转向,转弯;(道路的)弯道,转弯处◆make a right turn into west street.向右拐入西大街。◆the narrow lane was full of twists and turns.窄巷弯弯曲曲的。  ➡ see also turn → curve verb ■ bend [countable] a curve or turn, especially in a road or river(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯,弯道◆the two vehicles collided on a sharp bend in the road.两辆车在道路的急转弯处相撞。◆you took that bend very fast!你那个弯儿拐得太快了! ➡ see also bend → curve verb , curve → curve noun ■ zigzag /zɪgzæg/ [countable] a line or pattern that looks like a series of letter w's as it bends to the left and then to the right again锯齿形线条(或形状);之字形◆the path descended the hill in a series of zigzags.小路顺着山坡蜿蜒而下。  ➡ see also zigzag → curve verb ■ hairpin bend (bre) (name hairpin curve, hairpin turn) (also hairpin, bre , name) [countable] a very sharp bend in a road, especially a mountain road(尤指山路的)急转弯◆the road winds uphill in a series of hairpin bends.道路沿山坡而上,一连串的急转弯。■ twist [countable] a sharp bend in a road or river that makes it difficult or dangerous to travel on(道路或河流中造成困难或危险的)急转弯处,曲折处◆the car followed the twists and turns of the mountain road.汽车沿着弯弯曲曲的山路行驶。 ➡ see also twist → curve verb corner [countable] a place where two streets join; a sharp curve in a road街角;(道路的)急转弯◆there was a large group of youths standing on the street corner.有一大群年轻人站在那条街的拐角。◆turn right at the corner of avalon road and radnor street.在阿瓦隆路和拉德诺街的路口向右转。◆the wind hit him as he turned the corner.他在街角一拐弯,狂风就向他袭来。 corner [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a difficult situation, especially one which it is difficult to find a way out of(尤指难以找到出路的)困境,窘境◆she was used to talking her way out of tight corners.她惯于凭借口才摆脱困境。◆he had her backed into a corner a couple of times with new facts she didn't know.他用她所不了解的新的事实数次将她逼入困境。 corner [transitive] to gain control of the trade in a particular type of goods or services垄断(某种商品或服务)◆the firm has cornered the uk computer market.这家公司垄断了英国计算机市场。◆they've cornered the market in silver.他们垄断了白银市场。ⓘ market is by far the most frequent collocate of corner in this meaning.表达此义时,corner 最常与 market 搭配。corner¹/ˈkɔ:nə(r) ||; ˈkɔrnɚ/noun[c] 1. a place where two lines, edges, surfaces or roads meet 角;角落: ◇ put the lamp in the corner of the room. 把灯放在房间的角落里。◇write your address in the top right-hand corner. 将你的住址写在右上角。◇the shop is on the corner of wall street and long road. 该店位于华尔街和朗道的拐角。◇he went round the corner at top speed. 他以高速拐过弯去。 2. a quiet or secret place or area 隐蔽处;僻静处: ◇a remote corner of scotland 苏格兰一处遥远而偏僻的地方 3. a difficult situation from which you cannot escape 困境;困局: ◇to get yourself into a corner 使自己陷入困境 4. (used in football) a free kick from the corner of the field (指足球)角球 cut corners to do sth quickly and not as well as you should 取巧;走快捷方式 (just) round the corner very near 很近: ◇there's a phone box just round the corner. 电话亭就在附近。 corner²/ˈkɔ:nə(r) ||; ˈkɔrnɚ/verb[t] 1. to get a person or an animal into a position from which he/she/it cannot escape 使走头无路: ◇he cornered me at the party and started telling me all his problems. 他在宴会中把我叫到一边,向我诉说他的种种难题。 2. to get control in a particular area of business so that nobody else can have any success in it 垄断: ◇that company's really cornered the market in health foods. 那家公司确实垄断了健康食品的市场。 cornersee ⇨ catch 5     • • •• ⇨ around the corner• ⇨ be around the corner• ⇨ be in a tight spot/corner☞ corner¹☞ corner²




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