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单词 beginning
释义 beginning nounadjective | verb + beginning | preposition | phrases adjective➤new新开端◆she spoke of a new beginning for the nation.她谈到了国家的新开端。➤auspicious, hopeful, promising良好的/充满希望的/大有可为的开端◆it was an auspicious beginning to his long career.这是他漫长生涯的良好开端。➤inauspicious, unpromising (especially bre) 不祥的/无希望的开端verb + beginning➤herald, mark, represent, signal, signify, spell, symbolize预示着/标志着/代表/示意/表明/意味着/象征着开始◆this invention marked the beginning of the modern age.这项发明标志着近代的开始。➤see, witness见证⋯开端◆2001 saw the beginning of a period of rapid growth.自 2001 年开始有一个快速增长期。➤trace追溯开始◆a custom that traces its beginnings to the 15th century起源可追溯到 15 世纪的一种风俗preposition➤at the beginning (of sth)在(⋯的)开端◆i'm paid at the beginning of each month.每月月初给我发工资。➤from the beginning从头◆tell me the whole story, right from the beginning.给我讲一下整件事,从头讲。➤in the beginning开始时◆in the beginning i found the course very difficult.一开始我觉得这门课程很难。phrases➤the beginning of the end结束的开始◆that day was the beginning of the end of our friendship.那天起我们的友谊结束了。➤early beginnings, first beginnings最初开始的时候◆the society had its early beginnings in discussion groups.这个协会是以讨论小组的形式发端的。➤from beginning to end从头至尾◆the play was nonsense from beginning to end.这部戏剧从头到尾都是废话。➤from humble beginnings, from modest beginnings, from small beginnings从早期的卑微/不起眼/微小◆from these small beginnings it grew into the vast company we know today.这家企业从一点一滴做起,发展成为今天我们所知的大公司。➤be just the beginning, be only the beginning才刚开始;只不过是开始◆these changes are just the beginning: much more is to come.这些变化不过是个开始:还会有更多的变化。➤the very beginning最开始◆i disliked her from the very beginning.我从一开始就不喜欢她。 beginning [countable, usually singular] the first part or early stages of sth; the point at which sth begins开头部份;初期阶段;开端;开头◆we're going to japan at the beginning of july.我们 7 月初要去日本。◆we missed the beginning of the movie.我们错过了电影的开头部份。◆let's start again from the beginning.让我们再从头开始吧。◆i've read the whole book from beginning to end.我把这本书从头到尾读了一遍。ⓘ at the beginning (of) is used for the time and place when sth begins. in the beginning means 'at first', and suggests a contrast with a later situation. * at the beginning (of) 用于表示某事开始的时间和起点。in the beginning 表示起初、起先,与后来相对。 opp end , ending → end noun  ➡ see also begin → begin verb note 辨析 start or beginning?although these words have almost the same meaning, they tend to be used in slightly different ways. an event, such as a game or meeting usually has a start; a story, book or movie usually has a beginning. in these cases, the start is usually shorter than the beginning.虽然这两个词含义几乎相同,它们的使用方式却稍有不同。start 通常表示 game、meeting 等活动的开始; beginning 通常表示 story、book 或 movie 的开始。在这些情况下,start 所持续的时间通常比 beginning 短◆we'll miss the start of the game (= the moment when it starts; the kick-off).我们将会错过比赛的开始部份。◆we missed the beginning of the movie (= the first few scenes).我们错过了电影的开头部份。note that you say from start to finish and from beginning to end and not◆from start to end or ◆from beginning to finish you usually say at the beginning of a particular month, season or decade.注意,要说 from start to finish 和 from beginning to end,不说 from start to end 或 from beginning to finish。表示特定月份、季节或十年期的开始,通常用 at the beginning of◆at the start of july/summer/the 90s with other periods of time you can use either word, although beginning is usually more frequent.对于其他时间段,则两词都可使用,尽管 beginning 通常更常用◆the beginning / start of the day / week / year / century / a new era一天/一周/一年/世纪/新时代的开始only start can mean 'the act or process of beginning sth'.只有 start 可表示开始做某事◆i want to make an early beginning. beginning/bɪˈgɪnɪŋ ||; bɪˈgɪnɪŋ/noun [c] the first part of sth; the time when or the place where sth starts 第一部份;起点: ◇i've read the article from beginning to end. 我将文章从头至尾看了一遍。◇we're going away at the beginning of the school holidays. 我们打算在学校假期开始时就离去。 beginning1 the beginning of something2 at the beginning3 done or happening at the beginning4 the time when something is first used or discovered5 from the beginning6 the first part of a story, book, film etc7 something that comes at the beginning of a book, speech etcrelated wordsoppositeend,to start happening or doing something 开始发生或做某事 start,see alsofirst,come from,1. the beginning of something 某事的开端 the beginning /ðə bɪˈgɪnɪŋ/ [singular noun] the first part of an event, period of time etc 开端,开始 the beginning of something i haven't seen her since the beginning of last year. 自去年初我就没见到过她。 it was the beginning of a long friendship. 从此开始了一段漫长的友谊。 this fall's presidential election could mean the beginning of a new era in american politics. 今秋的总统大选可能意味着美国政治史上一个新时代的开始。back to the beginning it's so long since i spoke german, i'd have to go right back to the beginning if i took a class in it now. 我很久没讲德语了,如果我现在上德语课,就得从头学起。 start /stɑːʳt/ [singular noun] the beginning of something, or the way that something begins 开端,开始 the start of something the runners are now lining up for the start of the race. 比赛就要开始了,赛跑选手在起跑线上各就各位。 tomorrow marks the start of the presidential election campaign. 明天标志着总统竞选活动的开始。 they had an exotic meal to celebrate the start of the chinese new year. 他们为庆祝中国农历新年的来临吃了顿异国风味的饭菜。a good/bad start to something a pint of vodka at eight o'clock in the morning was not a good start to the day. 早上8点就喝下一品脱伏特加来开始一天的生活可不是好习惯。get off to a good/bad start if we get off to a good start this season, i think the team has a real chance to win the championship. 如果我们本赛季开头顺当,我相信球队有很大机会能夺得冠军。 origin /ˈɒrɪdʒən, ˈɒrədʒənǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [countable noun] the origin of something is where it came from or how it first started to exist 起源,开端 aids became widespread in the 1980s, but no-one is certain of its origin. 20世纪80年代艾滋病开始广泛传播,但没有人确切地知道其起源。origin of he's writing a dictionary that explains the origin of words. 他正在编写一部解释词源的辞书。 hughes's book ‘the fatal shore’ is a study of the origins of australia as a british penal colony. 休斯的作品《致命海岸》研究了澳大利亚作为英国的罪犯流放地的起源。 advanced computer systems could trace the origin of every gun used in a violent crime. 先进的电脑系统可以追查出暴力犯罪案中使用过的每一把枪的来历。have your/its origins in something today's ceremony is a modern version of a tradition which has its origins in medieval times. 今天的仪式是一种源于中世纪的传统的现代版本。country/place of origin the magazines were organized by country of origin. 这些杂志按来源国分类。 starting point /ˈstɑːʳtɪŋ pɔɪnt/ [countable noun usually singular] the starting point of something is where it begins or develops from 起始点;基础 if you want to learn about working overseas, this book would be a good starting point. 如果你想了解在国外工作的情况,这本书是一个很好的起点。starting point for/of duffy's difficult relationship with her mother was the starting point for her fiction. 达菲与她母亲紧张的关系是她小说的基础。 the assassination of archduke ferdinand is seen as the starting point of the war. 斐迪南大公遭刺杀的事件被认为是那次战争的起因。 the onset /ði ˈɒnsetǁ-ˈɑːn-, -ˈɔːn-/ [singular noun] the time when something begins, especially something unpleasant such as an illness [尤指疾病等令人不快的事物的]开始 the onset of something make sure to check your air conditioning before the onset of hot weather. 暑天到来之前一定要检查一下空调。 the onset of the depression meant starvation and suffering for millions of people. 大萧条的开始意味着数百万人要挨饿受苦。 dipietro's research shows that an active lifestyle can delay the onset of many diseases common with aging. 迪彼得罗的研究显示积极的生活方式能够推迟许多老年常见病的出现。2. at the beginning 开始时 at the beginning/start /ət ðə bɪˈgɪnɪŋ, ˈstɑːʳt/ [adverb] at the start it looked as though italy would win, but argentina improved as the game went on. 起先似乎是意大利队会赢,但随着比赛的进行,阿根廷队越踢越好。 she was nervous at the beginning but she settled down as she got further into her speech. 演说刚开始时她很紧张,但讲着讲着她就安定下来了。at the beginning/start of we pay our rent at the beginning of the month. 我们月初付房租。 for homework tonight, start at the beginning of chapter three and read up to page 98. 今晚的家庭作业是从第三章开始读到第98页。 at the start of the century, barely 3% of the population was literate. 本世纪初,这些人口中识字的还不到3%。 at first/initially /ət ˈfɜːʳst, ɪˈnɪʃəli/ [adverb] use this to say what happened at the beginning, especially when something different happened later. initially is more formal than at first 起先,起初[initially 比at first更正式] barney was quiet at first, but gradually he became more confident. 起先巴尼不声不响的,但后来逐渐变得自信起来。 at first i didn't think nancy and i would get along. 一开始我不觉得南希和我能相处得来。 they offered her the job, initially on a temporary basis but later as a full member of the staff. 起初他们聘请她做临时工,但后来就把她转为正式员工了。 initial [adjective only before noun] my initial impression of sadie was that she was shy and a little unhappy. 萨迪最初给我的印象是害羞并有点不开心。 to start with/to begin with /tə ˈstɑːʳt wɪð, tə bɪˈgɪn wɪð/ [adverb] especially spoken use this to talk about what happens at the beginning, especially when something different may happen later 【尤口】开始时,起初 our employees receive health benefits and $28,000 a year to start with. 我们的员工入职时享有医疗福利和年薪28,000美元。 even children who are healthy to begin with wouldn't survive long in these terrible conditions. 在如此恶劣的条件下,即使是身体原本很健康的孩子也活不了多久。 originally /əˈrɪdʒɪnəli, əˈrɪdʒənəli, əˈrɪdʒənəli/ [adverb] at the beginning - use this to talk about the situation at the time in the past when something first started 最初,原先,开始时 originally, they told me i was only going to work 35 hours a week. 起初他们告诉我每周只需工作35小时。 two hundred people showed up for the wedding, about 50 more than we originally planned. 婚礼上来了200个客人,比我们原先计划的要多出约50人。 at the outset /ət ði ˈaʊtset/ [adverb] formal if something is known, believed, decided etc at the outset, it is known etc from the very earliest point in a period of time or activity 【正式】从一开始 sylvia knew at the outset what her ultimate goals were. 西尔维娅一开始就知道自己的最终目标是什么。 it had been decided at the outset that theresa would be our spokesperson. 一开始就已经决定由特雷莎来做我们的发言人。3. done or happening at the beginning 开始时做的或发生的 initial /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ [adjective only before noun] initial feelings/costs/reaction etc feelings, costs etc that exist or are experienced at the beginning of an event or process 最初的感觉/成本/反应等 simon's initial feeling when he heard about the wedding was surprise. 西蒙最初听说这次婚礼时颇感意外。 after initial delays, construction on the new library is due to start in two weeks. 经过最初的耽搁,新图书馆的建造工程预定于两周后展开。 the initial cost of the computer system is more than made up for in terms of eventual profit. 这个电脑系统最终的利润将远远大于最初在成本方面的投入。 early /ˈɜːʳli/ [adverb] close to the beginning of an event, story, period of time etc 在开始阶段,在初期,在早期 i'll be seeing him early next week. 下周初我会见到他。early in the game/story/century etc rangers scored early in the game but fell behind within ten minutes. 流浪者队在比赛初期取得入球,但10分钟后落后了。 early [adjective only before noun] we're planning to go to barcelona in early september. 我们打算9月初去巴塞罗那。 he was described as a man in his early thirties between 30 and 33 years old. 人们说他是个30岁出头的男人。 the story of her early life in india 她早年在印度生活的故事 preliminary /prɪˈlɪmɪnəri, prɪˈlɪmənəriǁ-neri/ [adjective only before noun] happening at the beginning of a process or event, especially in order to prepare for the rest of it 初步的,起始的[尤作为准备] the architect's plans are still in the preliminary stages. 建筑师的设计仍处于初步阶段。 preliminary market research has shown that most americans prefer environmentally-friendly products. 初步的市场研究显示大部分美国人愿意选用对环境无害的产品。 introductory /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri/ [adjective only before noun] introductory remark/paragraph/chapter etc something someone says or writes at the beginning of a book, speech etc to explain what it is about 开场白/导言段落/序篇等 williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks welcoming everyone, then began his speech. 威廉斯清了清嗓子,讲了几句开场白欢迎大家后就开始作演讲。 the text has been revised and a new introductory essay has been added for the second edition. 第二版的内容经过修订,并加入了一篇新的序文。 opening /ˈəʊpənɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] said or written at the beginning of a speech, book, play etc [演讲、书籍、戏剧等]开头的;起始的 in the opening chapter, ramona sits at the breakfast table thinking about the first day of school. 在开头的一章里,罗莫娜坐在早餐桌前,想着第一天上学的事。 the audience strongly objected to the opening remarks of the president's speech. 听众对总统发言的开场白极为不满。 hilary makes a brief appearance in the opening scene, but doesn't have a major part. 希拉里在开头的一幕露了一下面,但没有扮演主要角色。4. the time when something is first used or discovered 某物最初被使用或发现时 the arrival of /ði əˈraɪvəl ɒv/ [noun phrase] the time when an important new idea, method, or product is first used or discovered, especially one that will lead to important changes [重要的新思想、新方法或新产品的]出现,到来[尤指将带来重大变化者] with the arrival of the railroads after the civil war, more and more people began moving west to california. 内战结束后随着铁路的出现,越来越多的人开始向西迁移到了加州。 the arrival of convenience foods took much of the hard work out of preparing meals. 方便食品的出现大大减少了烧菜做饭的麻烦。 the coming of also the advent of formal /ðə ˈkʌmɪŋ ɒv, ði ˈædvent ɒv/ [noun phrase] the time when an important new system, idea, product, or method begins to exist or be used, causing important changes in society [重要的新体制、新思想、新产品或新方法的]来临,出现 the middle east changed dramatically with the coming of islam 600 years after christ. 公元600年伊斯兰教的出现使中东发生了巨大变化。 before the coming of the railways in the late 1860s these old roads were the only link between towns. 在19世纪60年代后期铁路出现之前,这些旧公路便是城镇间唯一的联系。 the advent of tv led to major changes in our social and family life. 电视的出现使我们的社交与家庭生活起了重大变化。 women workers tended to lose their jobs with the advent of new technology. 随着新技术的出现,女工更容易失业。 the birth of /ðə ˈbɜːʳθ ɒv/ [noun phrase] the beginning of something, for example a new political movement, that will become more and more important, and will change the way many people behave or think [指日渐重要并会改变人们行为思想的事物]产生,诞生 more than anyone else, elvis presley was responsible for the birth of rock and roll. 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利对于摇滚音乐的诞生所起的作用比任何人都大。 the birth of modern science was to fundamentally change people's attitudes towards religion. 现代科学的诞生从根本上改变了人们对宗教的态度。 the dawn of /ðə ˈdɔːn ɒv/ [noun phrase] the beginning of an important period of time in history - used especially in literature [某一重要历史时期的]开端,开始[尤用于文学作品] people have worshipped gods since the dawn of civilization. 自文明发展之初,人类便信奉神明。 ordinary life would never be the same again after the dawn of the industrial age. 工业时代来临之后,日常生活和以往再也不同了。 a small group of poets and writers ushered in the dawn of the romantic era in literature. 一小群诗人和作家开创了浪漫主义文学的新纪元。5. from the beginning 从一开始 from the beginning/start /frəm ðə bɪˈgɪnɪŋ, ˈstɑːʳt/ [adverb] tell me everything that happened, from the beginning. 把发生的事全部告诉我,从头讲起。 their marriage has been in trouble from the start. 他俩的婚姻一开始就有问题。right from the beginning/start from the very earliest time 从一开始 right from the start i could tell she didn't like me. 从一开始我就知道她不喜欢我。 mark felt very comfortable in his new job, right from the beginning. 从一开始马克就对新工作感到很满意。from start to finish from the beginning to the end 从头到尾 this project has been a complete nightmare from start to finish. 这项计划从头到尾是一场噩梦。 from the word go /frəm ðə ˌwɜːʳd ˈgəʊ/ [adverb] informal from the beginning - used especially when something has happened or existed continuously since the beginning 【非正式】从一开始[尤用于从一开始便连续发生或存在的事物] eva's been very supportive from the word go. 伊娃从一开始就大力支持。 the elfin theatre company was doomed to failure from the word go. 埃尔芬剧团从一开始就注定搞不好。 since/from day one /sɪns, frəm ˌdeɪ ˈwʌn/ [adverb] if something has been the situation or has been someone's purpose since or from day one, it has clearly been the situation or their purpose ever since the beginning 从第一天开始 from day one i knew we'd have a strong team this year. 我一开始就知道今年我们能组成一支强队。 we've opposed this amendment since day one and we'd be stupid to change our minds now. 我们一开始就反对这项修正案,现在改变主意会显得很傻的。 from the outset /frəm ði ˈaʊtset/ [adverb] from the time when a continuing activity or process began 从[某活动或过程的]一开始 the new group had, from the outset, campaigned for an improvement in childcare provision. 这个新团体从一开始就发起活动来争取改善儿童看护服务。 i was determined from the outset to make the most of going to university. 我一进大学就决心要充分利用这个学习的机会。6. the first part of a story, book, film etc 故事、书籍、电影等的第一部分 beginning /bɪˈgɪnɪŋ/ [singular noun] schoolchildren are taught that stories should have a beginning, a middle and an end. 老师教导学生故事应有开头部分、中间部分和结尾部分。the beginning of something the beginning of the movie is very violent. 这部影片的开头非常暴力。 the author tells us who the killer is at the very beginning of the novel. 这本小说的作者一开始就告诉我们谁是杀手。 the start /ðə ˈstɑːʳt/ [singular noun] the point where a film, book, story etc begins 开头,开始 i tried to read ‘tristram shandy’ but i couldn't get past the start. 我努力想读《项迪传》,但开头部分怎么也读不下去。the start of something not much happens at the start of the film -- don't worry if you're late. 影片开头没发生什么事—你迟到了也不必担心。 speakers often give an overview at the start of a lecture and a summary at the end. 演讲者经常在讲座开始时作一个概述,结尾时再作一个总结。 the first part /ðə ˈfɜːʳst ˌpɑːʳt/ [noun phrase] the first part of a piece of writing that has several parts, especially parts that can be studied separately [文章等的第一部分 children will enjoy this movie, though they may be confused during the first part. 小孩子会喜欢这部电影的,虽然他们对第一部分可能不太明白。the first part of something the first part of this textbook deals with mechanics. 这本教科书的第一部分讲述力学。 please turn to the first part of the report, which relates to safety matters. 请翻到报告的第一部分,其内容与安全事项有关。 opening /ˈəʊpənɪŋ/ [singular noun] the first words or phrases of a book or play which are very important because they tell you about the scene, the characters, and the writer's ideas [书或戏剧的]开端,开始 after a slow dream-like opening, the play explodes into life. 这出戏的开头节奏缓慢、如梦幻一般,之后却突然间变得生动有趣。the opening of the opening of charles dickens’ ‘bleak house’ describes a thick london fog. 查尔斯·狄更斯的小说《荒凉山庄》的开头部分描述了伦敦的一场浓雾。7. something that comes at the beginning of a book, speech etc 书、讲话等的开始部分 introduction also intro informal /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən, ˈɪntrəʊ/ [countable noun] a short explanation, description, or discussion at the beginning of a book, piece of music etc 介绍;序言;引言 after an introduction by the chairperson, we'll get on with the day's discussions. 由主席给大家作介绍之后,我们将进行今天的讨论。 none of us know anything about this subject, so we'd appreciate it if you give us a brief intro before you start. 大家对这门课一窍不通,所以请你在开始前给我们作一点扼要的介绍。 the drummer gave a four-bar intro before the other musicians joined in. 鼓手打了一个四小节引子,然后其他的乐手才开始加入。introduction to in the introduction to her fascinating book, o'brien explains how she first became interested in music. 奥布赖恩在她那本有趣的书的引言里介绍了她最早是如何开始对音乐感兴趣的。 preamble /priːˈæmbəlǁˈpriːæmbəl/ [countable noun] an introduction to a speech or piece of writing, especially one that is boring or too long [尤指冗长乏味的]序言,导言;开场白 there's a big difference between the document's lengthy preamble and the actual content. 该文件的长篇序文与其实际内容有很大出入。 prologue /ˈprəʊlɒgǁ-lɔːg, -lɑːg/ [countable noun] an introduction to a piece of writing, for example a play or a long poem [戏剧或长诗等文学作品的]序言,序篇 the brief prologue sets the scene for what is to follow. 这段简短的序言叙述了故事的背景。prologue to in his prologue to ‘faust’, goethe said some very interesting things about art. 歌德在《浮士德》的序篇中对艺术作了一些很有意思的论述。 preface /ˈprefɪs, ˈprefəs/ [countable noun] a part of a book that comes before the main part and explains what it is about [书籍的]序,序言,前言 this edition contains a new preface by the author. 这个版本中有作者新写的一篇序。preface to murray agreed to write the preface to baker's book, as a favor to his old friend. 默里同意为贝克的书写篇序,作为给老朋友的帮忙。 be·gin·ning /bɪ`gɪnɪŋ; bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ/n [c, usually singular 一般用单数]the start or first part of something 开端,开头:◇the beginning of the film 电影的开头 ☞ beginning




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