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单词 frenzy
释义 frenzy nounadjective | verb + frenzy | preposition | phrases adjective➤feeding疯狂掠食◆the smell of blood sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy.一闻到血腥味,鲨鱼开始疯狂抢食。➤media媒体的狂热➤buying疯狂购物➤mad, wild非常疯狂;狂野verb + frenzy➤drive sb/sth into, send sb/sth into, throw sb/sth into, whip sb/sth (up) into, work sb/sth into使⋯疯狂◆he was so angry that he worked himself into a frenzy.他气得简直发了疯。➤cause, create引发/造成疯狂➤feed, fuel加剧疯狂;使更加疯狂preposition➤in a/your frenzy在⋯狂乱的状态下◆she tore the letter open in a frenzy.她发狂似的撕开信。phrases➤a frenzy of activity一派忙乱的景象▸➤in a frenzy of excitement, in a frenzy of rage, in a frenzy of violence异常激动/愤怒/残暴frenzy/ˈfrenzi ||; ˈfrɛnzɪ/noun [sing] [u] a state of great emotion or activity that is not under control 狂躁;狂乱: ◇there's no need to get in a frenzy -- you've got until friday to finish your essay. 你们没有必要慌里慌张,文章星期五才要求完成。◇i could hear a frenzy of activity in the kitchen. 我听见厨房里一阵躁动。 frenzy• ⇨ in a frenzy fren·zy /`frɛnzɪ; ˈfrenzi/n 1. [singular 单数,u] when you are so anxious or excited that you are unable to control your behaviour 极度激动; 狂乱:◇in a frenzy in a frenzy, brady began kicking and punching the police officers. 布雷迪发狂地开始对警察又踢又打。 2. a frenzy of activity when people are suddenly very busy 一阵忙乱:◇the house was a frenzy of activity as we got ready for the party. 我们在为聚会作准备时,屋里一片忙乱。




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