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单词 expectant
释义 expectant (especially written) hoping for sth, especially sth good and exciting期待的;预期的;期望的◆a sudden roar came from the expectant crowd.期待的人群突然欢声雷动。◆an expectant hush came over the room.房间内一片安静,人们屏息以待。ⓘ expectant is mainly used to talk about a crowd, people's faces, a look or the hush or silence of people waiting for sth exciting to happen. people are usually expectant about sth that they think is going to happen soon, rather than later in the future. * expectant 主要用以描述 crowd、face、look ;或修饰 hush 或 silence,指人们静静地等待令人兴奋的事情发生。expectant 通常指人期待某事即将发生而非在较远的将来才发生。  ➡ see also expectancy → hope noun 1 ▸ expectantly adverb◆she looked at him expectantly.她满怀期望地看着他。expectant/ɪkˈspektənt ||; ɪkˈspɛktənt/adj1. thinking that sth good will happen; hopeful 期待的;充满希望的: ◇an expectant audience 翘首以待的观众◇expectant faces 殷切的面孔 2. pregnant 怀孕的: ◇expectant mothers need a lot of rest. 孕妇需要充分休息。 ➔expectantly adv expectantsee ⇨ wait 6 ex·pec·tant /ɪk`spɛktənt; ɪkˈspektənt/adj 1. hopeful that something good or exciting will happen 期待的,期望的:◇an expectant crowd gathered at the movie premiere. 该影片首映礼上聚集了一群满怀期望的观众。 2. expectant mother a pregnant woman 孕妇




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