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单词 convention
释义 convention noun¹ 1way sth is done惯例adjective | ... of conventions | verb + convention | convention + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤accepted, established, long-standing, old, traditional, well-established公认的惯例;确定的惯例;长期存在的习俗;古老的习惯;传统习俗◆it's an established convention that the part is played by a woman.由女性扮演这个角色已成惯例。➤normal, standard, usual正常惯例;标准惯例;通常准则▸➤polite (especially bre) 礼貌习俗◆her work refuses any concession to polite conventions of 'good taste'.她的作品拒绝迎合“高品位”的礼貌习俗。➤arbitrary专制传统▸➤rigid, strict僵化的/严格的习俗▸➤cultural, legal, social文化惯例;法律惯例;社会习俗◆the rigid social conventions of victorian britain英国维多利亚时期僵化的社会习俗➤artistic, cinematic, comic, dramatic, journalistic, literary, narrative, operatic, poetic艺术的/电影的/喜剧的/戏剧的/新闻的/文学的/叙述的/歌剧的/诗歌的传统手法◆the novel refuses to conform to the narrative conventions of 19th-century realism.这部小说拒绝沿用 19 世纪现实主义的叙述套路。➤orthographic, rhetorical, spelling拼写惯例;修辞的习惯用法... of conventions➤set一套惯例verb + convention➤adhere to, conform to, follow, keep to, observe坚持惯例;符合惯例;遵守习俗◆they followed the greek convention of pinning gifts of money to the bride's dress.他们遵循希腊习俗,把钱作为礼物别在新娘的礼服上。➤break, break with, buck, challenge, defy, flout, subvert打破惯例;置惯例于不顾;挑战惯例;蔑视习俗;无视习惯做法;颠覆传统做法◆she knew that she had broken an important social convention.她知道自己违反了一个重要的社会习俗。◆he challenged the conventions of painting.他挑战绘画的传统手法。◆no young politician can afford to flout convention in this way.没有哪个年轻的从政者敢于以这样的方式无视传统。convention + verb➤demand sth, dictate sth习俗要求⋯;惯例规定⋯◆convention dictated that dangerous physical action is the part of heroes, not heroines.惯例要求男主角做危险的身体动作,而不是女主角。preposition➤according to convention, by convention根据惯例◆by convention, planets are named after roman gods.根据惯例,行星是以罗马神话中诸神的名字命名的。phrases➤a break with convention打破习俗◆in a surprising break with convention, she wore a red wedding dress.她打破习俗,出人意料地穿了一件红色婚纱。➤a matter of convention惯例问题convention noun² 2conference会议adjective | verb + convention | convention + verb | convention + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤annual年会▸➤international, national, state (name) 国际会议;全国大会;州会议▸➤democratic, republican, etc.民主党、共和党等代表大会▸➤constitutional, nominating, party, political, presidential制宪会议;提名大会;党代表大会;政治会议;总统会议◆a constitutional convention was elected to try to agree on a new form of government.选举产生了制宪会议,以努力就新的政体达成一致。verb + convention➤have, hold, host开会;举行会议;主办会议▸➤arrange, organize, plan安排/组织/筹划会议▸➤attend, go to参加会议▸➤address在会议上讲话◆he addressed the annual republican convention.他在共和党年会上讲了话。convention + verb➤take place会议进行convention + noun➤centre/center, hall (name) 会议中心;会议厅➤floor (name) 大会会众席◆journalists reporting from the convention floor在会议会众席进行报道的记者➤attendee, chair, chairman, delegate, organizer, speaker与会者;大会主席;会议代表;大会组织者;大会发言人➤city, hotel会议城市/酒店◆dallas is one of the top convention cities in the united states.达拉斯是美国最顶级的会议城市之一。preposition➤at a/the convention在会议上◆she was at the democratic convention.她参加了民主党代表大会。phrases➤delegates to a convention会议的代表们convention noun³ 3international agreement国际公约adjective | verb + convention | convention + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤global, international全球/国际公约▸➤european, un, etc.欧洲、联合国等公约▸➤climate, human rights, etc.气候、人权等公约▸➤draft公约草案verb + convention➤adopt, ratify, sign通过/认可/签署公约◆over 60 countries have yet to ratify the climate convention.还有超过 60 个国家有待认可这项气候公约。➤adhere to, comply with遵守公约◆most countries have adhered to the convention.大多数国家都遵守这项公约。➤breach, violate违反公约◆this practice breaches the arms convention.这一做法违反了武器公约。convention + verb➤apply, govern sth公约适用于/规定⋯◆a convention governing the conditions under which mining is permitted规定采矿批准条件的公约➤establish sth公约规定⋯◆the convention established procedures for the transport of toxic waste.这一公约规定了运输有毒废物的程序。➤ban sth公约禁止⋯preposition➤under a/the convention根据公约◆this is forbidden under the convention on human rights.《人权公约》禁止这种行为。➤convention against反对⋯的公约◆the un convention against torture反对酷刑的联合国公约➤convention between⋯之间的公约◆the 1869 convention between turkey and persia1869 年土耳其和波斯之间的公约➤convention for为⋯的公约◆the berne convention for the conservation of european wildlife《伯尔尼保护欧洲野生动物公约》➤convention on关于⋯的公约◆the 1951 united nations convention on refugees1951 年关于难民的联合国公约phrases➤a breach of a convention对公约的违反 convention /kənvenʃn/ noun [countable] a large meeting of the members of a profession, an organization, etc. (某职业、组织机构等的成员的)大会,集会◆the industry has its annual convention in cannes. 这行业在戛纳举行年度会议。 syn conference ⨁ to arrange / have / hold / organize a convention安排/召开/举行/组织大会 ⨁ to attend / go to a convention参加大会 ⨁ a convention centre / delegate / hall会议中心/代表/厅 ☞ convention convention [countable] a formal agreement between countries or leaders(国家或首脑间的)公约,协定,协议◆this is forbidden under the european convention on human rights.这是《欧洲人权公约》所禁止的。◆over 60 countries have yet to ratify the climate convention.超过 60 个国家还有待落实气候公约。note 辨析 treaty, accord or convention?a treaty and an accord are both official agreements between countries, for example concerned with restoring peace after a conflict, or trade, military or economic cooperation. both are used in the names of particular agreements, often using the name of the place in which they were signed. * treaty 和 accord 均指国家间的正式协定、条约,例如冲突之后恢复和平,或者贸易、军事或经济合作方面的。两个词均用于具体协定名称,常以签署地命名◆the treaty of rome《罗马条约》◆the algiers accord《阿尔及尔协定》an accord can also be an official agreement between organizations, such as between a government and a trade union. a convention is an international agreement between several countries. it usually contains rules about a particular activity, for example the sale of weapons, the treatment of refugees or controlling pollution. conventions usually try to control a problem which affects many countries, and by signing the convention a country agrees to apply the rules or standards within it. * accord 亦可指组织之间签署的正式协议,如政府和工会之间。convention 是若干国家签署的国际协定,内容通常比较具体,例如武器销售、难民安置或污染控制等。convention 通常是为了控制影响多国的问题,通过签署协定,一国同意遵守其条例或标准。 convention [countable] a conference, especially for the members of a profession, political party, fan club or other association(尤指某一职业、政党、爱好者俱乐部或其他协会的)成员大会,集会◆the party's annual convention will be held on april 6.该党的年度大会将于 4 月 6 日召开。 convention [countable, uncountable] the way of doing sth that most people in a society consider to be polite or the right thing to do; a traditional method or style in literature, art or theatre习俗;常规;惯例;(文学、艺术或戏剧的)传统手法,传统风格◆the handshake is a social convention.握手是一种社会习俗。◆she is a lively young woman who enjoys flouting convention.她年轻活泼,喜欢无视传统习俗。◆the novel conforms to the conventions of nineteenth-century realism.这本小说遵循 19 世纪现实主义的传统手法。convention/kənˈvenʃn ||; kənˈvɛnʃən/noun1. [c,u] a traditional way of behaving or of doing sth 习俗;常规;惯例: ◇a speech by the bride's father is one of the conventions of a wedding. 由新娘的父亲致辞是婚礼的习俗之一。◇the film shows no respect for convention. 这部电影不落俗套。 2. [c] a large meeting of the members of a profession, political party, etc (专业、政党等举行的)大会,大型会议: ◇the democratic party convention 民主党全国代表大会 [syn] conference 同义词为conference 3. [c] a formal agreement, especially between different countries 公约;协定: ◇the geneva convention 日内瓦公约 conventionsee ⇨ meet 6 ⇨ rule/regulation 2 con·ven·tion /kən`vɛnʃən; kənˈvenʃən/n 1. [c,u] the normal and traditional way of behaving and thinking in a society 惯例; 习俗; 常规:◇she shocked her neighbours by ignoring every social convention. 她不顾一切社会习俗,使她的邻居感到震惊。 2. [c] a large formal meeting of people who belong to the same profession, organization etc 大会,会议:◇a teachers' convention 教师大会 3. [c] a formal agreement between countries [国际]公约:◇the geneva convention on human rights 日内瓦人权公约




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