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单词 conventional/unconventional
释义 conventional/unconventional1 conventional2 unconventionalrelated wordssee alsonormal/ordinary,tradition,old-fashioned,crazy,strange,1. conventional 传统的 conventional /kənˈvenʃənəl/ [adjective] conventional people, behaviour, and opinions are the type that most people in society think are normal and socially acceptable, although some people think they are boring and old-fashioned 传统的 rosemary led a quiet, conventional life until she went to college. 罗丝玛丽在上大学前,过着一种平静、传统的生活。 her outrageous stage act is seen as a challenge to conventional morality. 她在舞台上的大胆表演被认为是向传统道德发出的挑战。 acupuncture may work, but i still believe in a more conventional approach to medicine. 针刺疗法可能有用,可我仍旧相信更加传统的疗法。 conventionally [adverb] she was dressed very conventionally in a dull grey suit. 她穿着非常传统的暗灰色套装。 dickinson was very spiritual but not conventionally religious. 迪金森富有灵性,但不是传统意义上的信教。 conformist /kənˈfɔːʳmɪst, kənˈfɔːʳməst/ [adjective] thinking and behaving like everyone else, because you do not want to be different 墨守成规的,因循守旧的 your problem is that you are too conformist in your thinking. 你的问题在于你的思维方式太墨守成规了。 our children's creativity is being beaten down by the conformist educational system. 我们孩子的创造性正受到守旧的教育体系的压制。 conformist [countable noun] he'd never dream of trying something like that - he's too much of a conformist. 他从没有想过尝试那样的事——他太墨守成规了。 conformity [uncountable noun] the system seems to value conformity over originality. 这种体系似乎重视循规蹈矩,而不是独创性。 straight /streɪt/ [adjective not usually before noun] informal conventional and often fairly boring 【非正式】正统保守的;规矩的 paul's quite nice but he's awfully straight. 保罗为人挺好的,但太保守了。 i can't stand it when your friends come to visit - they're so straight. 我不能忍受你朋友的来访—他们太一本正经了。 conservative /kənˈsɜːʳvətɪv/ [adjective] a conservative person is fairly old-fashioned in their attitudes, beliefs, styles of clothes etc, and does not like change or new ideas. old-fashioned attitudes, beliefs, styles etc can also be called conservative 保守的,守旧的 june's parents were very conservative and wouldn't allow her to date till she was 18. 琼的父母很保守,要等到她18岁才允许她谈恋爱。 middle-aged men in conservative business suits 穿着保守西服的中年男子 conservatively [adverb] she was in her mid-thirties, attractive, and conservatively dressed. 她35岁上下,长相漂亮,穿着保守。 suburban /səˈbɜːʳbən/ [adjective] especially british typical of the attitudes and way of life of people who are conventional and ordinary, and who disapprove of anyone who does not live or behave like them 【尤英】乏味的;古板的 she hated her parents’ suburban attitudes. 她很讨厌她父母的古板态度。 despite her suburban clothes and appearance she was popular at college. 尽管她衣着古板、外表拘束,但她在大学里还是很有人缘。 traditional /trəˈdɪʃənəl/ [adjective] doing things in a way that have existed for a long time, and not interested in anything new or different 传统的;守旧的 many traditional teachers still think of computers as useless toys. 许多守旧的教师仍认为电脑是无用的玩具。 his critics objected to the way he broke many of the traditional rules of art. 对他持批评态度的人不赞成他打破许多传统艺术常规。2. unconventional 非传统的 unconventional /ˌʌnkənˈvenʃənəl◂/ [adjective] very different from the way people usually behave, think, dress etc 非传统的,不落俗套的,标新立异的 his business methods were unconventional but successful. 他的生意经不落俗套,但成效卓著。 her unconventional opinions finally cost her her job. 她的新奇观点最终使她失去了工作。 the two never lived in the same house, but their unconventional marriage lasted over 30 years. 他们两人从来不住同一间屋,但他们不寻常的婚姻维持了三十多年。 alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːʳnətɪv/ [adjective only before noun] alternative methods, ideas, ways of living etc are completely different from the ones that most people think are normal, and are based on different principles [方法、思想、生活方式等]非传统的,另类的 alternative medicine/lifestyle/music etc alternative medicine can cure many problems but not diseases like cancer. 替代医药能够医治许多疾病,但无法医治像癌症那样的疾病。 san francisco has a long history of accepting the city's many alternative lifestyles. 旧金山市接纳城市中许多另类生活方式有着悠久的历史。 unorthodox /ʌnˈɔːʳθədɒksǁ-dɑːks/ [adjective] ideas, behaviour, or methods that are unorthodox are original and different from what is usual or the accepted principles of a profession, religion etc [思想、行为或方法]非正统的 there was no tolerance of unorthodox political views. 异端政见决不能容忍。 treating the disease with a diet rather than with medicine is an unorthodox approach that few doctors recommend. 针对这种疾病不用药疗而采用食疗,是一种非传统疗法,很少有医生会推荐这么做。 nonconformist /ˌnɒnkənˈfɔːʳmɪst◂, ˌnɒnkənˈfɔːʳməst◂ǁˌnɑːn-/ [adjective] not wanting to think or behave in the same way as most ordinary people, or to follow accepted ways of doing things 不守常规的;不落俗套的 as a writer he remained nonconformist all his life, always searching for new means of expression. 身为作家,他一生特立独行,总在探索新的表达方式。 nonconformist [countable noun] she prided herself on being a nonconformist, on getting results by breaking the rules. 她以特立独行、打破常规取得成绩而自豪。 drop out /ˌdrɒp ˈaʊtǁˌdrɑːp-/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to decide not to work or take part in normal society because you want to be different and live life your own way 抵制社会习俗;遁世 he advised young people to ‘turn on, tune in, and drop out’. 他劝导年轻人“觉醒,齐物我,解脱”。drop out of she decided to drop out of the rat race because she couldn't stand working 60 hours a week. 她受不了每周工作60小时,决定退出这无休止的激烈竞争。 dropout/drop-out /ˈdrɒpaʊtǁˈdrɑːp-/ [countable noun] he was a dropout and a hippy back in the '60s. 20世纪60年代时他是一个遁世者和嬉皮士。




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