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单词 conventional
释义 conventional adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem传统;显得传统adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常传统▸➤highly极为传统▸➤entirely, utterly (especially name) 完全传统▸➤largely很大程度上传统➤seemingly看似传统 conventional (often disapproving) tending to follow what is done or considered acceptable by society in general and therefore not interesting or original遵照惯例的;遵循习俗的;墨守成规的◆the imagery in the poem is somewhat conventional.这首诗的意象有些墨守成规。◆they rejected what they saw as the hypocrisy of conventional society.他们排斥被他们认为伪善的传统社会。opp unconventional → unusual ▸ conventionally adverb◆she was not a conventionally beautiful girl.她不是传统意义上的漂亮女孩。 conventional [usually before noun](of an idea or method) following what is usually done and is not particularly new; (of a thing) of the kind that is usually used and is not particularly new(观念或方法)传统的,习惯的;(事物)常规的,旧式的◆it's not a hotel in the conventional sense, rather a whole village turned into a hotel.这不是一家传统意义上的旅馆,而是由整个村庄变身而成的度假村。◆you can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven.你可以用微波炉或一般的烤箱烹调它。opp alternative ⓘ alternative describes things that are different from the usual way in which sth is done. * alternative 指非传统的、另类的◆alternative comedy / lifestyles / values非传统喜剧/生活方式/价值◆alternative energy (= electricity or power that is produced using the sun, wind, water, etc.) 替代能源▸ conventionally adverb◆cooperatives perform at least as well as conventionally organized businesses.合作企业的运营绝对不比按传统方式组织的公司差。note 辨析 traditional or conventional? traditional emphasizes how old a method or idea is; conventional emphasizes how usual it is now. for example, conventional medicine is the type of medicine now used by most people, using modern, scientific methods and drugs. traditional medicine uses much older methods and medicines prepared from plants and other natural ingredients. this medicine may not have been scientifically tested but many people believe it to be effective: it is a form of alternative medicine, which is the opposite or complement of conventional medicine. * traditional 强调方法或观念由来已久,conventional 强调现在人们对其已习以为常。例如,conventional medicine 指现在为大多数人接受的医学,使用现代的科学方法和药物。traditional medicine 指使用更古老的方法和用植物和其他天然原料调制药物的传统医学,可能未经科学测试,但许多人相信有效,是一种 alternative medicine (替代医学),与 conventional medicine (常规医学)相对或为其补充。conventional/kənˈvenʃənl ||; kənˈvɛnʃənḷ/adj always behaving in a traditional or normal way 依照惯例的;传统的;保守的: ◇conventional attitudes 传统的态度◇i quite like him but he's so conventional (= boring, because of this). 我很喜欢他,但他太古板了。 [opp] unconventional 反义词为unconventional➔conventionally /-ʃənəli ||; -ʃənḷɪ/ adv☞ conventional/unconventional con·ven·tion·al /kən`vɛnʃənḷ; kənˈvenʃənəl/adj 1. thinking and behaving in the normal and traditional way [思想、行为]传统的; 保守的:◇my parents have very conventional attitudes about sex. 我父母对性的态度十分保守。→ opposite 反义词 unconventional 2. of the usual type that has been used for a long time [类型]老式的; 传统的:◇the microwave is much faster than the conventional oven. 用微波炉比用普通烤箱快得多。 3. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] conventional weapons and wars do not use nuclear power [武器、战争]常规的,非核子的 ☞ conventional




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