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单词 gamble
释义 gamble nounadjective | verb + gamble | gamble + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, enormous, great, huge, major, massive大赌;豪赌;巨大的冒险▸➤calculated有计划的冒险➤high-risk, risky (especially name) 高风险的/冒险的赌博➤dangerous, reckless危险的/鲁莽的赌博▸➤desperate孤注一掷◆it was time for a last desperate gamble.是最后拼死赌一把的时候了。➤bold大胆的赌博▸➤financial, political金融/政治投机verb + gamble➤take冒险➤lose投机失败gamble + verb➤pay off冒险投机达到目的◆i took a calculated gamble and it paid off.我精心计划,赌了一把,结果成功了。➤fail冒险投机失败preposition➤gamble on在⋯上的冒险◆backpackers with a heavy load should resist taking a gamble on the weather.背着沉重背包的徒步旅行者不应冒险在不确定的天气里出行。phrases➤a bit of a gamble, something of a gamble冒一点儿风险;带点儿冒险的事◆trying to find the right pension can be a bit of a gamble.想找到合适的膳宿公寓是一件碰运气的事。 gamble /gæmbl/ verb [intransitive, transitive] take a risk with sth, hoping that you will be successful 冒风险;以…为赌注◆he's gambling his reputation on the deal. 他以自己的声誉作为这笔交易的赌注。◆we gambled that consumers would pay more for an online service. 我们冒险假设消费者会将更多的钱用于在线服务。 risk money on a card game, horse race, etc. (牌戏、赛马等中的)打赌,赌博◆he gambled all his money on the race. 他把所有的钱都押在了这场赛马上。 ▸ gambler /gæmblə(r)/ noun [countable] ●gamble sth awayto lose sth such as money, possessions, etc. by gambling 赌掉;输光◆they found their funds had been gambled away on the stock market. 他们发现自己在股市上的资金输得精光。 gamble /gæmbl/ noun [countable, usually singular] an action that you take when you know there is a risk but when you hope that the result will be a success 赌博;打赌;冒险◆they took a gamble on the yen going up in value. 他们打赌日元将会升值。◆entering the sports car market was a huge gamble for us, but it paid off (= was successful). 我们进入跑车市场冒了巨大的风险,但这一冒险获得了成功。☞ gamble☞ gamblegamble [intransitive, transitive] to risk money on a game or sport, such as a card game or horse race(牌戏、赛马等中)赌博;用⋯打赌◆he doesn't drink or gamble any more.他不再酗酒和赌博了。◆he had gambled all their money away (= lost all their money by gambling).他把他们的钱都输光了。gamble [singular] something that you do even though you know it could be unsuccessful or have a bad result, but when you hope the result will be a success赌博;打赌;冒险◆it was the biggest gamble of his political career.这是他政治生涯中最大的赌博。◆she knew she was taking a gamble but decided it was worth it.她知道自己是在冒险,但她认为值得一博。opp safe bet → option ▸ gamble verb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he gambled his reputation on this deal.他在以自己的声誉为这笔交易作赌注。◆it was wrong to gamble with our children's future.拿孩子们的未来冒险是错误的。gambleverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he gambled his reputation on this deal.他在以自己的声誉为这笔交易作赌注。◆it was wrong to gamble with our children's future.拿孩子们的未来冒险是错误的。gambleverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he gambled his reputation on this deal.他在以自己的声誉为这笔交易作赌注。◆it was wrong to gamble with our children's future.拿孩子们的未来冒险是错误的。gamble¹/ˈgæmbl ||; ˈgæmbḷ/verb [i,t] gamble (sth) (on sth) to bet money on the result of a card game, horse race, etc 赌博;赌(钱) [i] ◇to gamble on horses 赌赛马◇she gambled all her money on the last race. 她把所有的钱都押在最后一场赛马上。 [syn] bet 同义词为 bet➔gambler noun [c]:◇he's a compulsive gambler. 他是个嗜赌成癖的赌徒。 ➔gambling noun [u] gamble on sth/on doing sth to act in the hope that sth will happen although it may not (虽然没有把握,可是仍)指望某事会发生;碰运气: ◇i wouldn't gamble on the weather staying fine. 我可不指望天气一直放晴。 gamble²/ˈgæmbl ||; ˈgæmbḷ/noun [c] something you do that is a risk 赌博;冒险: ◇setting up this business was a bit of a gamble, but it paid off (= was successful) in the end. 当初搞这个企业确实冒了一些风险,但最后还是成功了。 gamblesee ⇨ gambling 1     • • •• ⇨ a gamble☞ gamble¹☞ gamble²




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