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单词 sarcastic
释义 sarcastic adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be讽刺▸➤become, get变得带有嘲讽意味➤sound听起来有讽刺意味adverb➤extremely, rather, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常尖酸刻薄▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略带讽刺意味◆the speaker's tone was slightly sarcastic.说话人的语气略带嘲讽。preposition➤about讽刺⋯◆he was very sarcastic about my attempts at telling jokes.他对我试图讲笑话大加讥讽。sarcastic /sɑːkæstɪk; name sɑːrkampːstɪk/ (usually disapproving) using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to sb or to make fun of them讽刺的;挖苦的;嘲讽的◆her tone was faintly sarcastic.她的语调略带嘲讽。◆there's no need to be sarcastic.没必要挖苦人。▸ sarcasm /sɑːkæzəm; name sɑːrkæzəm/ noun [uncountable] ◆her voice was heavy with sarcasm.她的话里满是挖苦。sarcasticsee ⇨ make fun of 2 sar·cas·tic /sɑr`kæstɪk; sɑːˈkæstɪk/adjusing sarcasm 讽刺的,挖苦的,嘲笑的:◇do you have to be so sarcastic? 你一定要这样挖苦人吗?




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