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单词 pointer
释义 pointer noun¹ 1advice/indications建议;提示adjective | verb + pointer | preposition | phrases adjective➤good, important好点子;重要的线索▸➤clear, obvious明显的提示▸➤practical, useful实用的建议;有用的主意verb + pointer➤give (sb), offer (sb), provide (sb with)(给某人)出点子◆he offered a few pointers on starting your own business.关于自主创业,他出了几个点子。➤get得到建议◆i was trying to get some pointers on what i should do.我在设法得到一些我该做什么的建议。preposition➤pointer for针对⋯的建议◆the examiner's comments include pointers for future study.考官的评论包括对以后学习的建议。➤pointer on关于⋯的建议◆here are a few pointers on designing such facilities.这里是关于设计这些设施的几点建议。➤pointer to⋯的暗示◆his symptoms gave no obvious pointer to a possible diagnosis.对他的症状无法作出明确的诊断。➤pointer towards/toward⋯的建议◆pointers towards / toward a new political agenda对新政治议程的建议phrases➤a pointer to the future预示将来的标记pointer noun² 2sth used for pointing指针adjective➤mouse鼠标光标◆move the mouse pointer to the menu bar.将鼠标光标移到菜单栏。➤laser激光笔◆she used a laser pointer during her presentation.她在做演示时使用了激光笔。 pointer /pɔɪntə(r)/ noun [countable] 1.a sign that sth exists; a sign that shows how sth may develop in the future 标志;迹象;兆头◆the index is seen as a pointer to the future performance of the economy. 该指数被视为未来经济运行的标志。◆results from the retail sector are key pointers to progress. 零售业的效益是增长的关键标志。2. (informal) a piece of advice 建议;提示◆ask more experienced colleagues to give you a few pointers. 请经验丰富的同事给你指点一二。 syn tip 3.a stick used to point to things on a map or picture on a wall, etc. (指东西的)棍子4.a small symbol, for example an arrow, that marks a point on a computer screen 光标  ➡  cursor ☞ pointerpointer [countable] a sign that sth exists; a sign that shows how sth may develop in the future标志;迹象;兆头◆the surge in car sales is an encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy.汽车销售量的激增是一个令人鼓舞的经济回升标志。note 辨析 hint or pointer? pointer is usually found in more technical contexts than hint. hint is followed by of or that. pointer is usually followed by to.与 hint 相比,pointer 通常用于较专业的语境中。hint 后面接 of 或 that,pointer 后面通常接 to。pointer/ˈpɔɪntə(r) ||; ˈpɔɪntɚ/noun[c] 1. a piece of helpful advice or information (有用的)指点,信息: ◇could you give me some pointerson how best to tackle the problem? 这个问题最好怎样处理,你可以给我指点一下吗? 2. a small arrow on a computer screen that you move by moving the mouse (计算机屏幕上随鼠标移动的)指针,指示字 ☞picture on page s3 见s3页插图 3. a stick that is used to point to things on a map, etc (作指示用的)棍,棒;教鞭 point·er /`pɔɪntə; ˈpɔɪntə/n [c] 1. a thin arrow that points to something on a piece of equipment such as a computer etc 箭头,指针[电脑等设备上的指示物] 2. a helpful piece of advice; tip 建议,忠告,点子:◇i can give you some pointers on how to improve your game. 我可以给你提些建议,帮你改进一下比赛技巧。 3. a long stick used for pointing at things on a map, board etc 指物棒,教鞭




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