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单词 poignant
释义 poignant adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem, sound痛切;好像心酸;听起来惨痛▸➤become变得令人痛苦▸➤make sth使⋯令人心酸◆the presence of the rest of the family made john's absence even more poignant.其他家庭成员的在场使约翰的缺席更加令人伤心。➤find sth觉得⋯令人伤心adverb➤extremely, very极其令人痛苦;格外令人伤心▸➤deeply, especially, particularly, unbearably极其令人伤心;非常令人心酸;难以忍受的痛苦◆i found his speech deeply poignant.他的讲话令我十分感伤。➤quite十分令人痛苦➤oddly, strangely异常地辛酸◆the performances are by turns uproarious and oddly poignant.演出一会儿喧闹滑稽,一会儿又变得莫名感伤。poignant /pɔɪnjənt/ (especially written) having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way that makes you feel sad令人沉痛的;悲惨的;酸楚的◆it was the city's street children who provided some of the most poignant images.街头流浪儿童成了这个城市最悲惨的形象。◆her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time.她的容颜显示青春已逝,令人感伤。▸ poignantly adverb◆the film poignantly captures the variety and conflict of feelings that followed the war.这部影片描绘了战后的各种情感和情感冲突。poignant/ˈpɔɪnjənt ||; ˈpɔɪnjənt/adj causing sadness or pity 令人悲伤的;辛酸的: ◇a poignant memory 一段辛酸的回忆 ➔poignancy /-jənsi ||; -jənsɪ/ noun [u] ➔poignantly adv poignantsee ⇨ feel 10 poi·gnant /`pɔɪnjənt; ˈpɔɪnjənt/adjmaking you have strong feelings of sadness or sympathy 令人伤心的,令人充满同情的; 辛酸的:◇a poignant scene near the end of the film 影片将近结尾时的伤感场面




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