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单词 point at
释义 point atto point at someone or something, to show which one you meanrelated wordssee alsoshow,1. to point at someone or something, to show which one you mean 指给人看某人或某物 point /pɔɪnt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to use your finger to show which person or thing you mean 指,指着,指向 children are taught that it's rude to point. 小孩子受到教育,用手指着别人是粗鲁的行为。point at ‘look,’ she said, pointing at a vase in a shop window. “瞧。”她指着橱窗里的一个花瓶说道。 the teacher pointed at marcus and told him to come to the front of the class. 老师指指马库斯,叫他站到全班同学面前。point to/ towards ‘that's margo's bouquet, on the table.’ mother pointed to a massive bunch of spring flowers. “马戈的花束在桌子上。”母亲指着一大束春天的鲜花说道。point your finger at don't point your finger at me. 不要用你的手指指着我。 indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt, ˈɪndəkeɪt/ [transitive verb] to show someone the person or thing you mean in a more polite way than pointing, for example by looking at them or moving your head slightly [用眼神或扭动头部]指出,示意 ‘shall we go in here?’ calvin indicated the cafe. “我们进去好吗?”卡尔文示意了一下咖啡馆。 ‘i'd like you to meet todd,’ he said, indicating a tall man standing next to him. “我要你见见托德。”他边说边指着站在他身边的一个高个子男人。 gesture at/towards /ˈdʒestʃər æt, təˌwɔːʳdz/ [verb phrase] to point towards a person or thing by holding out your hand towards them [用手势]示意 ‘i'm not going out in this weather,’ said lydia, gesturing at the heavy rain outside. “我不打算在这种天气外出。”莉迪娅指着屋外的大雨说道。 ‘do you see all these people here?’ she gestured towards the hospital corridor. “你看见这些人了吗?”她示意了一下医院走廊。 point out /ˌpɔɪnt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to show someone a person or thing, especially one that they are interested to know about, by pointing 指出[尤指别人有兴趣了解的人或物] point out somebody/something john pointed out the building where he worked. 约翰把他上班的那幢大楼指了出来。point somebody/something out she wanted to know which was my house, so i pointed it out to her as we drove past. 她想知道哪幢房子是我家,所以开车经过时我指给她看。point out somebody/something to somebody i asked him to point out the new headteacher to me at the party. 晚会上,我请他把新校长指给我看。




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