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单词 tense
释义 tense nounadjective | verb + tense | tense + noun | preposition adjective➤future, past, present将来时;过去时;现在时▸➤verb动词时态verb + tense➤use使用时态▸➤form构成时态◆the '-ed' ending is used to form the past tense of regular verbs.词尾 -ed 用于构成规则动词的过去时。tense + noun➤marker时态标志◆the present tense marker 's'现在时的标志 spreposition➤in the... tense以⋯时态◆in the sentence 'i fed the cat', 'fed' is in the past tense.在句子 i fed the cat 中,fed 是过去时。tense adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, sound焦虑;感到紧张;看起来不安;好像紧张;听起来焦虑▸➤become, get, grow变得紧张;变得越来越令人不安◆the situation grew increasingly tense.形势越来越紧张。➤remain一直紧张adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常紧张▸➤incredibly, particularly异乎寻常地/特别紧张▸➤increasingly越来越紧张▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些紧张◆i was feeling a little tense and restless.我感到有点儿紧张不安。➤visibly明显紧张◆relations between the two leaders are visibly tense.两位领导人的关系明显紧张。preposition➤about因⋯紧张◆there's no point in getting tense about the situation.对形势没必要紧张。tensein which people have strong feelings of worry or anger that often cannot be expressed openly令人焦虑的;令人紧张的;令人愤懑的◆i spent a few tense weeks waiting for the results of the tests.等候测试结果的几个星期我寝食难安。◆the atmosphere in the meeting was getting more and more tense.会议的气氛越来越紧张。  ➡ see also tense → tense , tension → pressure 1 , tension → tension tensenervous or worried and unable to relax神经紧张的;担心的;无法放松的◆try to relax. are you always this tense?尽量放轻松。你总是这样紧张吗?ⓘ you can be tense as a result of the situation you are in or because it is part of your personality and you are always that way. * tense 可以是所处情况使人紧张,或是某人个性使然,向来如此◆she sounded tense and angry.她的声音听起来又气又急。◆he's a very tense person.他是个神经非常紧张的人。  ➡ see also tense → stressful adj. , tense → tighten verb , tension → pressure 1 tense /tens/ [intransitive, transitive] to make your muscles tight and stiff, especially because you are not relaxed(尤指因紧张)绷紧(肌肉);(肌肉)拉紧◆she tensed, hearing the strange noise again.再次听到那个奇怪的声音时,她紧张起来。◆he tensed himself, listening to see if anyone had followed him.他绷紧神经,仔细听是否有人跟踪自己。◆expecting a blow, she tensed every muscle in her body.她绷紧了全身肌肉,准备接受打击。 opp relax → relax 2  ➡ see also tense → tense adj. tense¹/tens ||; tɛns/adj1. (used about a person) not able to relax because you are worried or nervous (指人)紧张的,焦虑的: ◇she looked pale and tense. 她看来又苍白又紧张。 2. (used about a muscle or a part of the body) tight; not relaxed (指人的肌肉或某部位)紧绷的 3. (used about an atmosphere or a situation) in which people feel worried and not relaxed (指气氛或处境)紧张的,担心的 tense³/tens ||; tɛns/noun [c,u] (grammar语法) a form of a verb that shows if sth happens in the past, present or future (动词的)时态,时 ☞for more information about verb tenses, look at the quick grammar reference section at the back of this dictionary. 有关时态的详细用法,参看本词典末“语法便览”部份。 tense²/tens ||; tɛns/verb [i,t] tense (up) to have muscles that have become hard and not relaxed (肌肉)紧张,绷紧 tensesee ⇨ nervous 1,5 ⇨ worried/worrying 5☞ tense¹☞ tense²☞ tense³




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