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单词 point
释义 point noun¹ 1thing said as part of a discussion观点adjective | verb + point | phrases adjective➤excellent, good, interesting, valid极好的/令人信服的/有趣的/有根据的论点▸➤important重要的论点▸➤minor次要论点▸➤subtle微妙的论点▸➤moot有争议的论点▸➤central, critical, crucial, key, major, salient中心/决定性/核心/关键/重要/突出的论点▸➤controversial争议点➤sore痛处◆this was a sore point for hemingway.这是海明威的一个痛处。➤action(会议上达成的)行动方案◆the committee recommended a number of action points to avoid such problems in the future.委员会建议了几项行动计划以便将来避免这类问题。➤talking话题◆the possibility of an interest rate cut is a major talking point in the city. (bre) 降息的可能性成了伦敦金融界讨论的主要话题。◆senate democrats issued these talking points. (name) 参议院民主党发表了这些议题。➤final最后一点◆i do agree with her final point.我的确同意她的最后一个观点。verb + point➤have有道理◆she has a point.她说得有道理。➤see, take理解/接受论点◆i see your point.我明白你的意思。◆point taken.你说的是。➤concede承认论点▸➤address, cover, make, raise阐明/涉及/阐述/提出论点◆he covers the key points in his introduction.他在介绍中谈到了几个关键论点。◆she made some interesting points.她提出了一些有趣的论点。➤argue, discuss争论/讨论想法◆they argued the point for hours.这一点他们争论了好几个小时了。➤illustrate阐述论点▸➤get across, make, prove传达意思;证明论点◆he had trouble getting his point across.他难以说清自己的想法。◆that proves my point.那证实了我的论点。➤clarify澄清论点▸➤belabour/belabor, drive home, emphasize, hammer home, highlight, labour/labor, press, reinforce, reiterate, stress, underline, underscore (name) 反复解释论点;阐明观点;重申论点;强调论点◆she banged on the table to emphasize her point.她啪地拍了一下桌子以强调自己的观点。◆i understand what you're saying-there's no need to labour / labor the point.我明白你所说的 - 没有必要啰嗦。phrases➤a case in point (= an example relevant to the matter being discussed) 恰当的例证▸➤the point at issue争论点▸➤a point of agreement, a point of disagreement一致/分歧之处▸➤a point of law关系到法律的事  ➡ topic at meeting point noun² 2the point essential aspect of sth要点adjective | verb + the point | preposition | phrases adjective➤basic根本问题◆the basic point is that...根本问题是⋯verb + the point➤come to, get to谈到正题◆hurry up and get to the point!快进入正题吧!➤get明白中心意思◆it took me a few minutes to get the point.我过了几分钟才明白中心意思。➤miss没理解要点▸➤wander from, wander off (both especially bre) 离题preposition➤beside the point (= not relevant) 不相干◆that's beside the point.那不相关。➤to the point切题◆his remarks were brief and to the point.他的话简明扼要。phrases➤more to the point (= what is more important) 更重要的是◆more to the point, did they get away?更重要的是,他们逃走了吗?point noun³ 3meaning/reason/purpose of sth意思;理由;目的adjective | verb + point | preposition adjective➤whole全部意义◆that's the whole point.这就是全部意义。verb + point➤have有意义◆it doesn't have any point to it.这没有任何意义。➤see明白意义◆i don't see the point in arguing.我不明白争论有什么意思。➤get, understand明白意思◆i didn't get the point of the story.我不明白这个故事想要说明什么。preposition➤point in, point of⋯的用途◆there's absolutely no point in complaining now.现在抱怨已完全没有用了。◆what's the point of worrying?担忧有什么用呢?point noun⁴ 4item/detail/feature事项;细节;特点adjective | phrases adjective➤finer, good, strong细节;特点;优点◆we discussed the finer points of growing roses.我们讨论了种植玫瑰的细节问题。➤bad, weak缺点;弱点▸➤salient显著特质➤selling卖点◆the major selling point of the line该品种的主要卖点phrases➤a point of difference差异之处◆there is only one point of difference between the two models.这两个型号只有一点不同。➤a point of interest有利害关系之处point noun⁵ 5particular time/moment特定时间adjective | verb + point | point + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤high, low最高峰;最低点◆he had reached the high point of his career.他已经达到了事业的最高峰。➤halfway中间点◆by the time the movie has reached its halfway point电影演到一半的时候➤breaking, bursting, saturation断裂点;爆裂点;饱和点◆to fill a bag to bursting point几乎将袋子撑破➤jumping-off起点;出发点◆jumping-off points for further research进一步研究的出发点➤break-even盈亏平衡点◆well below its financial break-even point远低于其财务盈亏平衡点➤plot情节点◆from one improbable plot point to another一个接一个不可能的情节➤boiling, freezing, melting沸点;冰点;熔点➤critical临界点◆this is definitely a critical point in my life right now.现在绝对是我一生中决定性的时刻。➤➤choke, sticking障碍;症结◆the choke point was overcoming the social issues.难办的是要克服社会问题。◆a sticking point in the potential deal潜在交易的症结➤flash(愤怒的)爆发点◆their anger finally reached the flash point.他们的愤怒终于达到爆发点。verb + point➤get to, reach达到某一点◆i've reached the point (= in a book, etc.) where his father is dying.我读到他父亲临终的部份了。point + verb➤come某一时刻到来◆there comes a point in most people's lives when they want to settle down.大多数人在一生中的某个阶段都会想安定下来。preposition➤at a/the point在某时刻◆at one point he looked like winning.他一度接近胜利。➤on the point of在⋯之时◆on the point of departure在启程之时➤to the point of到达⋯的时刻◆we worked all night to the point of collapse.我们干了一个通宵,都快崩溃了。➤up to a point在某种程度上◆i agree with you up to a point.我在某种程度上与你意见一致。phrases➤a point in time某时刻◆at this point we can't give you a final answer.此刻我们不能给你最终的回答。➤the point of no return (= after which it is impossible to go back/undo what you have done) 欲罢不能的状态;已无退路point noun⁶ 6particular place/position特定位置adjective | verb + point | phrases adjective➤central, focal焦点◆the focal point of his life他生活的焦点➤fixed固定点▸➤beginning, starting起点◆this website is an excellent beginning point for any pianist.这个网站对任何弹钢琴的人都是一个非常好的入门。➤ending, stopping终端;停止点◆the starting and ending point for most safaris大多数远征队的起点和终点◆one stopping point on their tour of the shrines他们圣地之旅的一个停靠点➤halfway, midway中途点◆a convenient midway point between memphis and st. louis孟菲斯和圣路易斯之间一个方便的中途点➤access, entry切入点;进入点◆an excellent access point into glacier national park去冰川国家公园的一个极好的入口处➤assembly, rallying集会地;会议地点➤meeting, rendezvous会见/约会地点➤crossing交叉点◆baja california is the crossing point for most illegal immigrants to the us.大多数非法移民到美国的人把下加利福尼亚作为一个过境点。➤vantage有利地位▸➤reference参照标准▸➤pivotal, turning关键点;转折点◆this proved to be the turning point of the game.最终证明这是比赛的转折点。➤tipping拐点◆the technology has reached a tipping point.该技术已经达到了一个转折点。➤cut-off截止点▸➤vanishing灭点➤price (business商业) 价格点◆the product sold at about a $100 price point.该产品售出的价格点大约是 100 美元。➤acupuncture, pressure穴位;压觉点◆acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system.穴位被认为能刺激中枢神经系统。◆pressures points on the foot足部压觉点verb + point➤arrive at, reach到达⋯处➤provide提供一个点◆the book provides a focal point for such discussions.本书为这类讨论提供了一个焦点。phrases➤a point of contact接触点▸➤a point of reference参照标准point noun⁷ 7punctuation标点adjective➤decimal小数点➤exclamation (name) 惊叹号➤bullet(列举的各项前的)方形符号◆break up your text with bullet points.用方形符号把你的文本分成几个部份。point noun⁸ 8in a game/sports competition比赛adjective | ... of point | verb + point | phrases adjective➤match, set赛点;盘点◆it's set point to nadal.这是纳达尔的盘点。➤bonus加分◆name the film and, for a bonus point, name the actress.说出电影名字,说出女演员的名字还有奖励分。... of point➤tally得分点◆a personal tally of 28 points28 点的个人得分verb + point➤accumulate, earn, gain, get, notch, notch up, rack up, score, tally, win积分;得分;记分◆after players accumulate enough points, they may exchange them for a wide variety of merchandise.有了足够的积分,玩家可用以换取多种商品。➤average计算平均得分◆she's averaged 19 points per game in her last seven games.在她最后七场比赛中,她平均每场得 19 分。➤lose失分➤award授予得分◆points are awarded to the winner of each round.每一轮的优胜者都得到奖励分。➤deduct扣分◆i'm deducting a point from the total score.我正从总分中扣除一分。phrases➤beat sb on points, win on points以点数取胜point noun⁹ 9measurement计量adjective | verb + point | phrases adjective➤basis, percentage基点/百分点◆the ten-year treasury yield declined 9 basis points to 4.0%.10 年期国库券收益率下降 9 个基点至 4.0 %。◆interest rates fell by one percentage point.利率下降了一个百分点。verb + point (all these verbs may be followed by by, from or to plus point. sometimes the word by is left out.下列几组搭配中的动词后面都可以接 by、from 或 to,再加上 point。有时 by 可以省略。) ➤be up, go up, improve, increase, jump, rise, shoot up, soar上升⋯个点;提高⋯个点;增长⋯个点;飙升⋯个点◆the nikkei index rose 710 points to 14894.日经指数上升了 710 点,升至 14894 点。◆his popularity rose by 18 points in public opinion polls.民意调查显示他的支持率上升了 18 个点。➤be down, come down, decline, decrease, drop, fall, go down, plunge下降⋯个点;下跌⋯个点;狂跌⋯个点◆the cac-40 index is down 67 points at 4413.法国巴黎证倦交易所 40 种股票指数下跌了 67 点,降至 4413 点。phrases➤about five, ten, etc. points, around five, ten, etc. points大约 5 点、10 点等➤only five, ten, etc. points只有 5 点、10 点等◆the index was down only 4.6 points at the close.收盘时指数只下降了 4.6 点。➤over five, ten, etc. points超过 5 点、10 点等➤up to five, ten, etc. points达到 5 点、10 点等▸➤an improvement of five, ten, etc. points, an increase of five, ten, etc. points, a jump of five, ten, etc. points, a rise of five, ten, etc. points上升 5 点、10 点等◆the target is for an average rise of two points a year from 2010 to 2020.目标是从 2010 年到 2020 年平均每年上升 2 点。➤a drop of five, ten, etc. points, a fall of five, ten, etc. points, a reduction of five, ten, etc. points下降 5 点、10 点等point verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤accusingly指责性地指着◆lee pointed accusingly at tyler.李谴责地指着泰勒。➤downwards/downward, upwards/upward向下指;向上指➤ahead向前指preposition➤at, in the direction of指向◆he pointed in the direction of the beach.他朝着海边方向指去。➤to, towards/toward指着◆the toddler pointed to the toy he wanted.蹒跚学步的孩子指着想要的玩具。➤with用⋯指◆she pointed with her finger at the map.她用手指指着地图。phrases➤point straight at sb/sth对准⋯◆the gun was pointing straight at me.枪直对着我。➤point the way指路◆'you must cross that field,' she said, pointing the way.“你必须从那块田里穿过去”,她指着路说。point verb ●point sth outadverb➤correctly, rightly正确地指出◆as you so rightly pointed out, our funds are not unlimited.你所言极是,我们的资金并不是没有限度的。➤helpfully有帮助地指出➤repeatedly反复指出◆as repeatedly pointed out by president bush如布什总统多次指出的那样verb + point out➤must, should必须指明;应该指出◆i should point out that not one of these paintings is original.我必须指出,这些画没有一幅是真迹。➤try to尽力指明➤hasten to赶紧指出◆let me hasten to point out that this is not a marketing book.我要赶紧指出,这不是一本市场营销的书。➤fail to没有指出➤hesitate to犹豫地指出◆they would not hesitate to point out anything they found objectionable.他们会毫不犹豫地指出他们觉得反感的一切。➤be at pains to, be keen to, be quick to煞费苦心地指明;热心指出;迅速指出◆she was at pains to point out that she was no newcomer to the area.她努力想说明她对此地并不陌生。➤be right to指出⋯是正确的◆you were right to point out that this is only one of the difficulties we face.你说得对,这只是我们面临的困难之一。➤be important to指出⋯是重要的preposition➤to向⋯指出◆she tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of the situation.她竭力向他表明情况是多么不公平,但只是徒然。●point to sthadverb➤clearly清楚地表明◆fragments of woven cloth at the site clearly point to the production of textiles.现场的碎布清楚地表明这儿曾生产过纺织品。➤directly直接表明◆the symptoms point directly to appendicitis.这些症状直接表明是阑尾炎。verb + point to➤seem to似乎表明◆the evidence all seems to point to one conclusion.所有证据似乎都指向一个结论。 point /pɔɪnt/ noun1. [countable] a thing that sb says or writes giving their opinion or stating a fact 论点;观点;见解◆she made several interesting points at the meeting. 她在会上提出了几个有趣的观点。◆i take your point (= understand and accept what you are saying). 我接受你的观点。⨁ to make / raise a point表明/提出观点 ⨁ to discuss / get across / prove a point讨论/清楚地表达/证明观点 2. (usually the point) [singular] the main or most important idea in sth that is said or done 重点;要点;核心问题◆the point is that unless we reduce costs we'll go bankrupt. 关键是除非我们降低成本,否则就会破产。◆i'll come straight to the point: we need more money. 我就开门见山吧:我们需要更多的钱。⨁ to come to / get to the point说正题 ⨁ to get / miss the point听懂;没听懂 3. [uncountable; singular] the purpose or aim of sth 意图;目的;理由◆what's the point of this memo? 备忘录的用途是甚么?◆there's no point in throwing good money after bad. 没有理由赔了夫人又折兵。4. [countable] a particular detail or fact 具体细节(或事实)◆the main points of the meeting were summarized in the minutes. 会议的要点已在会议记录中作了撮要。◆a six-point survival guide for new managers 给新任经理的六点生存指南⨁ the main / finer points (of sth)(某事的)要点/细节 5. [countable] a particular quality or feature that sb/sth has 特点;特性;特征◆he has some good points. 他有一些长处。◆one of the project's plus points is that it is very cheap. 这个项目的另一大好处就是它非常便宜。⨁ good / plus / strong points长处;好处;优点 6. [countable] a particular time, stage or level 时刻;关头;阶段◆ at one point, the dollar fell to 128¢ to the euro. 美元曾一度跌至 1 欧元兑 128 美分。◆the negotiations have reached a critical point. 谈判已到了紧急关头。⨁ a high / low point最佳/最糟时刻 ⨁ to get to / reach a point到某一时期 (finance 金融) [countable] a mark or unit on a scale of measurement, especially a financial index (尤指金融指数的)点,度量单位◆blue-chip stocks were up 87 points. 蓝筹股上涨了 87 点。◆the ftse index closed down 144.51 points. 《金融时报》指数收盘时下跌 144.51 点。◆denmark's central bank cut its rates by half a point. 丹麦的中央银行削减利率 0.5 个点。⨁ to drop / fall / increase / jump / rise (by) …points下跌/下降/增长/突涨/上涨…个点 8. [countable] a unit used to measure the quality of sb/sth (衡量某人或某事的品质或质量的单位)点,分◆lending decisions are made on a points system. 贷款决策实行点数制。9. [countable] a particular place or area 某地方;地点◆i'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall. 我会在入境大厅的迎候点等你。◆hamburg remains the focal point (= the centre) of our work. 汉堡仍然是我们工作的中心。10. [countable] a small dot that separates a whole number from the part that comes after it 小数点;点◆a decimal point 小数点◆2.6 (said: ‘two point six’) 2.6 (读作“二点六”) ●point of contacta place where you go or a person that you speak to when you are dealing with an organization 联络点;联络人◆the receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the company. 多数人与公司接触的第一个人是前台接待。●a point of departure1.a place where a journey starts 出发点 idea, a theory or an event that is used to start a discussion, an activity, etc. 起点;抛砖引玉的事物 action point ◇ assembly point ◇ basis point ◇ break-even point ◇ breaking point ◇ bullet point ◇ gross rating point ◇ half point ◇ inflection point ◇ order point ◇ price point ◇ quarter point ◇ ratings point ◇ reorder point ◇ selling point ◇ strategic inflection point ◇ talking point ◇ trigger point ◇ unique selling point point /pɔɪnt/ verb [intransitive, transitive] to lead to or suggest a particular development or a logical way to continue an argument 暗示;引导;指引◆the evidence seems to point in that direction. 证据似乎指向那个方向。☞ point☞ point point nounpoint ♦︎ core ♦︎ heart ♦︎ body ♦︎ crux ♦︎ nucleusthese are all words for the most important idea or part of sth.这些词均表示重点或核心。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆at the core / heart / crux of sth◆the main point / core / body of sth◆the very core / heart / crux of sth◆to form the core / heart / body / nucleus of sth◆to make up the core / body of sth◆to get to the point / core / heart / crux (of sth)◆to lie at / go to the core / heart of sth◆the heart / crux of the matter■ point [singular] the main or most important idea in sth that is said or done重点;要点;核心问题◆the point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor.关键是看病不应等那么长时间。◆i'll come straight to the point: we need more money.我就直说吧:我们还需要钱。◆do you see my point (= understand)?你明白我的意思吗?◆i think i missed the point (= did not understand).我想我没有听懂。◆you have a point (= your idea is right) -it would be better to wait till this evening.你说的有道理 - 还是等到今晚比较好。◆'there won't be anywhere to park.' 'oh, that's a (good) point.'(= i had not thought of that) “会找不到停车的地方。”“嗯,还真是。”◆it just isn't true. that's the whole point (= the only important fact).最重要的是,那根本不是事实。◆i know it won't cost very much but that's not the point.我知道不会花多少钱,但那并不重要。 ➡ see also to the point → relevant ■ core [singular] the most important part of a problem, activity or set of ideas(问题、活动或观点的)核心,要点,精髓◆this report goes to the core of the argument.这篇报道直指争论的核心。◆maths, english and science are the core subjects (= subjects that all the students have to do).数学、英语和自然科学是核心科目。◆what are the core activities of the job?这项工作主要做什么?■ heart [singular] the most important part of a problem(问题的)核心,重点◆cost is at the heart of the matter for the government.对政府而言,核心问题是费用。◆the committee's report went to the heart of the government's dilemma.委员会的报告直指政府窘境的实质。 ➡ see also heart → focus noun note 辨析 core or heart? heart is used to talk about the most important part of a problem, especially when morality or emotions are involved; it is used especially in the phrase the heart of the matter/problem. core is used when the problem is seen in more logical or intellectual terms; core is also used to talk about the most important subjects or activities in education or business, and can be used like an adjective before another noun. * heart 指问题的核心,尤指道德或情感问题的核心,尤用于构成短语 the heart of the matter/problem (事实/问题的核心)。core 用于以较理性和明智的方式看待的问题,还指教育方面最重要的科目,或商务领域最核心的活动。还可以像形容词一样用于另一名词前◆the core subjects / curriculum / activities / business核心科目/课程/活动/业务◆the heart subjects/curriculum/activities/business ■ body [singular] the main part of sth, especially a building, vehicle or book or article(尤指建筑、车辆、书或文章的)主体,主要部份◆the body of the plane (= the central part where the seats are) 飞机机身◆there are some references in the main body of the text.课文正文中有几处谈到这一问题。■ crux [singular] the most important point about a situation(情形的)症结,关键◆now we come to the crux of the matter.现在我们来谈事情的症结。■ nucleus /njuːkliəs; name nuːkliəs/ [singular] the central part of sth around which other parts are situated or collected核心;中心◆these paintings will form the nucleus of a new collection.这些画将成为一批新藏品的核心。◆it was this cluster of houses which formed the nucleus of the village.这些挤在一起的房子构成村子的中心。ⓘ nucleus is most often used to talk about the most important part of a place or exhibition, or the most important people within a group. * nucleus 最常指某地或某展览最重要的部份,或某群体中的核心人物。point [transitive] to aim sth at sb/sth, especially by holding it up in front of you(尤指把某物举到眼前)对准,瞄准◆he pointed the gun at her head.他举枪对准了她的头。◆a hundred camera lenses were being pointed at her.一百架相机镜头对着她。point [countable] a fact that sb puts forward as part of an argument论点;观点◆she made several interesting points in the article.她在文章中提出了几个有趣的观点。◆how long it will last is a moot point (= sth which is uncertain or not agreed).那会持续多久还未有定论。ⓘ sb's point can be their opinion or argument, rather than a simple fact. * sb's point 有时可以指某人的见解或论点,而非单纯的事实。  ➡ see also point → view 1point [countable, usually plural] a particular quality or feature that sb/sth has特点;特征;特性◆tact is not one of her strong points.她不善于圆通处事。◆living in scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them.在苏格兰生活有诸多优点,但天气不好。◆one of the hotel's plus points is that it is very central.这家旅馆的一大优点是交通方便。ⓘ points is often used when you are considering the good and bad qualities of sth.考虑事物的优缺点时常用 points。point [countable] a particular detail or fact具体细节(或事实)◆here are the main points of the news.以下是新闻摘要。◆could you explain that point again?你能再解释一下那一点吗?◆there are one or two points that aren't yet clear.有一两点还不清楚。point [countable] a particular place within an area, where sth happens or is supposed to happen(事情发生或应该发生的)地方,地点◆i'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我将在抵港大厅的集合点等你。◆the point at which the river divides河流分叉点◆no parking beyond this point.请勿越此界停车。point [singular] the main or most important idea in sth that is said or done重点;要点;核心问题◆the point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor.关键是看病不应等那么长时间。◆i'll come straight to the point: we need more money.我就直说吧:我们还需要钱。◆do you see my point (= understand)?你明白我的意思吗?◆i think i missed the point (= did not understand).我想我没有听懂。◆you have a point (= your idea is right) -it would be better to wait till this evening.你说的有道理 - 还是等到今晚比较好。◆'there won't be anywhere to park.' 'oh, that's a (good) point.'(= i had not thought of that) “会找不到停车的地方。”“嗯,还真是。”◆it just isn't true. that's the whole point (= the only important fact).最重要的是,那根本不是事实。◆i know it won't cost very much but that's not the point.我知道不会花多少钱,但那并不重要。 ➡ see also to the point → relevant point [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to stretch out your finger or sth held in your hand towards sb/sth in order to help sb see where a person or thing is(用手指或物体)指,指向◆it's rude to point!用手指人很不礼貌啊!◆he pointed to the spot where the house used to stand.他指着那房子原本所在的地方。◆'what's your name?' he asked, pointing at the child with his pen.“你叫什么名字?”他用钢笔指着那孩子问。◆she pointed in my direction.她指向我这边。◆she pointed her finger in my direction.她手指指向我这边。ⓘ point can also be used with an adverb or preposition to mean 'to show sb which way to go'. * point 还可以与副词或介词连用,意为“给某人指路”◆could you point me in the right direction for the bus station?请问公共汽车站是哪个方向?◆a series of yellow arrows pointed the way to the reception desk.一系列黄色箭头指往接待处。point [uncountable, singular] (rather informal, usually disapproving) the purpose or aim of sth意图;目的;理由◆what's the point of all this violence?这一切的暴力行为有什么意义?◆there's no point in getting angry.发火是没有用的。◆i don't see the point of doing it all again.我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。point [countable] an individual unit that adds to a score in a game or sports competition(游戏或体育比赛的)得分,点◆to win / lose a point赢一分;输一分◆australia finished 20 points ahead.澳大利亚队终局领先 20 分。◆they won on points (= by scoring more points rather than by completely defeating their opponents).他们以点数取胜。point [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to show that sth is possible or likely; to lead to or suggest a particular development or logical argument预示;(意思上)指向,导向◆all the signs point to a successful year ahead.所有迹象都预示着来年将一帆风顺。◆the evidence seems to point in that direction.证据似乎指向那个方向。◆the fans are looking to the new players to point the way to victory.球迷们都在指望新球员能打出胜利之路。point [countable] a particular time or stage of development时刻;关头;瞬间;阶段◆the climber was at the point of death when they found him.那个登山者被人发现的时候已奄奄一息了。◆we were on the point of giving up.我们当时几乎要放弃了。◆many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives.许多人在人生的某个阶段都会有精神疾患。◆we had reached the point when there was no money left.我们曾落到身无分文的地步。◆at this point in time (= now) we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。ⓘ point forms part of a lot of compounds that mean a particular time or stage in an event or process. * point 可构成许多复合词,指事件或过程中的某一时刻或阶段◆the high point / low point of the trip这次行程中最精彩/最无趣的时刻◆to reach boiling / freezing / melting / saturation point达到沸点/冰点/熔点/饱和点◆this could be the sticking point in the negotiations.这可能是谈判的难点所在。  ➡ see also the entry for turning point另见 turning point 条point [countable] the sharp thin end of sth尖端;尖头◆she pressed so hard that the point of the pencil made a hole in the paper.她太使劲了,铅笔尖儿把纸都戳破了。▸ pointed adjective◆the pointed arches used in medieval buildings中世纪建筑的尖拱point [countable] a thing that sb says or writes giving their opinion or argument for sth论点;观点;见解◆i take your point (= i understand and accept what you are saying).我赞同你的看法。◆he's just saying that to prove a point (= to show his idea is right).他那样说只是为了证明他的看法。◆ok, you've made your point!好了,你已经把话说清楚了!ⓘ points can be facts as well as opinions or arguments. * points 不仅可指观点或论点,也可指事实。  ➡ see also point → factor point¹/pɔɪnt ||; pɔɪnt/noun1. [c] a particular fact, idea or opinion that sb expresses 事实;构想;观点: ◇you make some interesting pointsin your essay. 你在文章中提出了几点很有意思的看法。◇i see your point but i don't agree with you. 我明白你的意思,但我不同意。 we can bring up, raise, make, argue, emphasize and illustrate a point. 我们可以提出(bring up/ raise/ make)、讨论(argue)、强调(emphasize)和说明(illustrate)一个论点(a point)。 2. the point [sing] the most important part of what is being said; the main piece of information 重点;主旨: ◇it makes no difference how much it costs -- the point is we don't have any money! 要花多少钱无关紧要─问题是我们没有钱!◇she always talks and talks and takes ages to get to the point. 她老是说个没完,说了老半天才说到点子上。 3. [c] an important idea or thought that needs to be considered (须要考虑的)要点,核心问题: ◇‘have you checked what time the last bus back is?’ ‘that's a point -- no i haven't.’ “你有没有查过最后一班回程的公共汽车是在什么时候?”“那倒是个大问题─我没有查过。” 4. [c] a detail, characteristic or quality of sb/sth 细节;特点;特征: ◇make a list of your strong points and your weak points(= good and bad qualities). 列举一下你的长处和短处。 5. [sing] the point (of/in sth/doing sth) the meaning, reason or purpose of sth 意义;理由;目的: ◇she's said no, so what's the point of telephoning her again? 她已经说了不行,因此再打电话给她有什么用呢?◇ there's no point in talking to my parents -- they never listen. 与我父母谈毫无意义─他们从来就不会听。 6. [c] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a particular place, position or moment 地点;位置;时刻: ◇the library is a good starting point for that sort of information. 要找那类资料的话,该先从图书馆下手。◇he has reached the high point of his career. 他的事业已经达到了高峰。◇the boiling/freezing point of water 水的沸点╱冰点◇he waved to the crowd and it was at that point that the shot was fired. 正当他向群众挥手的时候,有人开了枪。◇ at one point i thought i was going to laugh. 我一度以为我会笑出来。 7. [c] the thin sharp end of sth (某物的)尖,尖端: ◇the point of a pin/needle/pencil 大头针╱缝衣针╱铅笔的尖儿 8. [c] a small round mark used when writing parts of numbers 点;小数点: ◇she ran the race in 11.2 (eleven point two) seconds. 她在这次赛跑中跑出了11.2秒的成绩。 9. [c] a single mark in some games, sports, etc that you add to others to get the score (某些游戏、体育比赛等的)一次得分,点: ◇to score a point 取得一分◇rios needs two more points to win the match. 里奥斯要再取得两分就能赢这场比赛。 10. [c] a unit of measurement for certain things (作计量用的单位)点,分: ◇the value of the dollar has fallen by a few points. 美元的币值跌了几点。 be on the point of doing sth just going to do sth 正要做某事之际;就要做某事之时: ◇i was on the point of going out when the phone rang. 我正要出门的时候,电话铃响了。 beside the point→besidehave your, etc (good) points to have some good qualities 有某些优点: ◇bill has his good points, but he's very unreliable. 比尔固然有他的优点,但是他为人不很可靠。 make a point of doing sth to make sure you do sth because it is important or necessary 确保做某事(因为重要或有必要): ◇ i made a point of locking all the doors and windows before leaving the house. 我离家以前总是注意锁好所有门窗。 point of view a way of looking at a situation; an opinion 观点;看法;意见: ◇from my point of view it would be better to wait a little longer. 依我看,最好是多等一会儿。 [syn] viewpoint or standpoint 同义词为viewpoint或standpointe4@@do not confuse from my point of view with in my opinion. the first means ‘from my position in life’ (= as a woman, business person, teacher, etc). the second means ‘i think’ from an advertiser's point of view, television is a wonderful medium. in my opinion people watch too much television. 不要把from my point of view与in my opinion混淆。前者的意思是“从我的立场、身分来看”(即身为一个女人、商人、教师等);后者的意思是“我认为”:from an advertiser's point of view, television is a wonderful medium.从广告人的角度来看,电视是个很了不起的媒介。·in my opinion people watch too much television.我认为人们看电视看得太多了。 prove your/the case/point→provea sore point→sore¹sb's strong point→strongtake sb's point to understand and accept what sb is saying 明白并接受某人的论点 to the point connected with what is being discussed; relevant 切题;中肯: ◇his speech was short and to the point. 他的演说简短而切题。 up to a point partly 部份: ◇i agree with you up to a point. 我同意你的部份见解。 point²/pɔɪnt ||; pɔɪnt/verb1. [i] point (at/to sb/sth) to show where sth is or to draw attention to sth using your finger, a stick, etc (用手指、木棒等)指,指出: ◇‘i'll have that one,’ she said, pointing to a chocolate cake. “我想要那个。”她指着一块巧克力蛋糕说。 2. [i,t] point (sth) (at/towards sb/sth) to aim (sth) in the direction of sb/sth 指向;对准;瞄准: ◇she pointed the gun at the target and fired. 她把枪瞄准目标,然后开火。 3. [i] to face in a particular direction or to show that sth is in a particular direction 面向;朝向;指向: ◇the sign pointed towards the motorway. 路标指向高速公路。◇turn round until you're pointing north. 转过身来,转到面朝北的位置。 4. [i] point to sth to show that sth is likely to exist, happen or be true 显示,表明,证明(某事物很可能存在、发生或是正确的): ◇research points to a connection between diet and cancer. 有研究显示饮食与癌症有关。 point sth out (to sb) to make sb look at sth; to make sth clear to sb 使注意某事物;向某人指明某事物: ◇the guide pointed out all the places of interest to us on the way. 途中导游给我们指出各个名胜。◇i'd like to point out that we haven't got much time left. 我想指出,我们所剩的时间不多了。 pointsee ⇨ detail 1 ⇨ end 4 ⇨ level 1 ⇨ meaning 2 ⇨ place 2 ⇨ point at 1 ⇨ purpose 1 ⇨ say 11 ⇨ score 3 ⇨ sport/game 9 ⇨ subject 2     • • •• ⇨ at one point• ⇨ at that point• ⇨ at what point• ⇨ be a case in point• ⇨ drive the point home/drive home the point• ⇨ get/come to the point• ⇨ good points/bad points• ⇨ labour/belabour the point• ⇨ make a point of• ⇨ miss the point• ⇨ moment/point• ⇨ moot point• ⇨ starting point• ⇨ stick to the point• ⇨ that's beside the point• ⇨ the high point• ⇨ the main/key points• ⇨ there's no point/what's the point• ⇨ to some extent/to a certain extent/up to a point• ⇨ to the point☞ point¹☞ point²




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