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单词 kind
释义 kind nounadjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤different, same, similar不同的种类;同类;相似的种类◆she does the same kind of work as me.她和我干同样的工作。➤all, another, any, some, various所有种类;另一种;任何一种;某一种;不同种类◆you need some kind of cover over it to protect it from the rain.这东西要加上遮盖物以防雨淋。◆we stock various kinds of lawnmower.我们备有各种割草机。➤each, every每一种▸➤certain, distinct, exact, particular, special, specific某种种类;独特的种类;确切的种类;特定的种类;特别的种类◆certain kinds of food are unsuitable for small children.某些种类的食品幼童不宜食用。➤best, good最好的/很好的一种▸➤bad, worst糟糕的/最差的一种▸➤right, wrong合适的/不合适的一种◆be sure to eat enough of the right kind of food.要确保吃足够量的合适食物。◆this is the exact kind of thing i want.这正是我想要的那种东西。➤common, normal, typical, usual常见的/正常的/典型的/寻常的种类◆i'm a fairly normal kind of guy.我是比较正常的那种人。◆prostate cancer is the most common kind of cancer in men.前列腺癌是男性中最常见的癌症。➤new新种类◆the need for a new kind of leadership对新型领导的需要➤favourite/favorite钟爱的种类◆musicals were her favourite / favorite kind of movie.音乐剧是她所钟爱的电影类型。➤funny, odd, peculiar, strange, weird可笑的/奇异的/奇特的/奇怪的/怪异的种类➤rare, unique稀有的/独一无二的种类◆they played a truly unique kind of punk rock.他们演奏了一种真正独一无二的朋克摇滚。preposition➤in kind在种类方面◆the regions differ in size, but not in kind.这些地区大小不同,但类型相同。➤of a kind未如理想;同一类的◆you're making progress of a kind (= some progress, but not very much, or not of the best type).你也算是有点儿进步。◆they're two of a kind (= very like each other) -both workaholics!他们俩是同一种人 - 都是工作狂!➤of... kind⋯种类的◆books of every kind各种各样的书◆music of different kinds不同种类的音乐➤of its kind同类中◆the new school was the first of its kind.这所新学校是同类型中最好的。➤kind of某种⋯◆a special kind of oil一种特殊的油phrases➤a/the kind of thing一种/这种事物◆do you know the kind of thing i mean?你知道我指的那种东西吗?◆they sell all kinds of things.他们卖各种各样的东西。➤a... kind of way一种⋯方式◆i missed him, in a funny kind of way.我莫名其妙地想念他。➤nothing of the kind绝对不是这样◆'i was terrible!' 'you were nothing of the kind!'“我太差劲了!”“你才不呢!”➤nothing of that kind, something of that kind, something of the kind完全不是那么回事;大体是那么回事◆'he's resigning.' 'i'd suspected something of the kind.'“他要辞职了。”“我已猜到几分了。”kind adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be仁慈◆she was endlessly kind and sympathetic.她无比仁慈,富有同情心。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常善良▸➤especially, genuinely, most, particularly非常仁慈;十分和蔼;极其体贴;特别善良preposition➤of⋯令人感激◆it really was most kind of you to help.承蒙相助,我不胜感激。➤to对⋯友好◆my boss has been extremely kind to me.老板对我非常好。 kind /kaɪnd/ noun ●in kind(about a payment) consisting of goods or services, not money 以实物或劳务支付◆as well as his salary, he gets benefits in kind. 除了工资以外,他还以实物方式获得福利。☞ kind kind noun  ➡ see also the entry for category另见 category 条kind ♦︎ sort ♦︎ type ♦︎ form ♦︎ version ♦︎ variety ♦︎ style ♦︎ genre ♦︎ nature ♦︎ brandthese are all words for a group of people or things that are the same in some way.这些词均表示种类、类型。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / genre / brand of sth◆of a / the ... kind / sort / type / form / variety / style / nature◆in kind / type / form / style / nature◆different kinds / sorts / types / forms / versions / varieties / styles / genres◆various kinds / sorts / types / forms / versions / styles / genres◆a different kind / sort / type / form / version / style / nature / brand◆another kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / brand◆the same kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / genre / nature / brand◆all kinds / sorts / types / forms / varieties / styles / brands (of sth)◆every / any kind / sort / type / form / variety / style / nature◆some kind / sort / type / form / variety / nature (of sth)◆a particular kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / genre / nature / brand◆the best / worst kind / sort / type / form◆a / the / that kind / sort / type of thing◆of this / that kind / sort / type◆of every kind / sort / type / form / variety / style / nature■ kind [countable, uncountable] a group of people or things that are similar in a particular way同类的人(或事物);种类◆they play music of all kinds.他们演奏各种类型的音乐。◆the school is the first of its kind in the uk.这是英国同类学校中最早的一所。◆she does the same kind of work as me.她和我做同一种工作。◆she isn't that kind of person.她不是那种人。◆i miss him, in a funny kind of way.我对他有一种莫名其妙的思念。◆they sell all kinds of things.他们出售各种各样的东西。◆you're going to need some kind of cover to protect it from the rain.你得拿什么东西把它盖上以防止雨淋。◆'i was terrible!' 'you were nothing of the kind!'“我那时糟透了!”“你才不哩。”■ sort [countable] (especially bre) a group of people or things that are similar in a particular way同类的人(或事物);种类◆'what sort of music do you like?' 'oh, all sorts.'“你喜欢哪一类音乐?”“噢,哪一类都喜欢。”◆this sort of problem is quite common.这类问题相当普遍。◆he's the sort of person who only cares about money.他这种人一心只想着钱。◆most people went on training courses of one sort or another.多数人都上过这样那样的培训班。◆ (spoken) what sort of price are you willing to pay (= approximately what price)?你愿意出什么样的价? ➡ see also sort → classify verb ■ type [countable] a class or group of people or things that share particular qualities or features or are part of a larger group类型;种类◆he mixes with all types of people.他和各种类型的人打交道。◆what type of car do you drive?你开的是哪种类型的汽车?◆how much do you charge for this type of work?这种活你收多少钱?◆this is the oldest existing shrine of its type.这是现存的同类神社中历史最悠久的一座。◆you can divide his novels into three main types.他的小说可以分成三大类。◆she has a very rare blood type.她的血型非常罕见。◆this is a new formula for all skin types.这是一种适合各种肤质的新配方。note 辨析 kind, sort or type? kind is the most frequent of these words in this meaning. sort is also frequent but is slightly more informal than kind and is used more in spoken english than in written english, and more in british english than in american english. type is slightly more formal than the other two words and tends to be used more to talk about things that can be divided into classes or groups in a fairly objective way, for example in official, scientific or academic contexts.这几个词中 kind 的使用频率最高,sort 的使用频率也较高,但稍不如 kind 正式。sort 多用于口语而非书面语,多用于英式英语而非美式英语。type 比另外两个词稍正式些,往往指可以很客观地去分类的事物,例如官方、科学或学术语境中的事物。■ form [countable] one type of a thing that exists in a number of different types, especially when these have different physical characteristics(尤指根据物理特性界定的)类型,种类◆we need to look for an alternative form of energy.我们需要寻找一种替代型能源。◆this is one of the most common forms of cancer.这是其中一种最常见的癌症。◆will we ever discover intelligent life forms on other planets?我们会在其他星球上发现高智能的生命形态吗?◆music is not like other art forms.音乐不同于其他艺术形式。ⓘ different forms of a thing are usually different in their physical characteristics, in a way that different types of a thing need not be.一种事物的不同 form 通常具有不同的物理特性,而一种事物的不同 type 则不一定这样◆he mixes with all forms of people. ◆are there intelligent life types on other planets?  ➡ see also form → form 1 ■ version [countable] a copy of sth, especially a product, that is slightly different from the original thing(尤指产品的)版本,型式◆the latest version of the volkswagen golf大众高尔夫车系的最新车型◆the de luxe / luxury version豪华型◆the english version of the novel is due for publication next year.这部小说的英译本预定明年出版。■ variety [countable] a type of a thing, for example a plant or language, that is different from the others in the same general group(植物、语言等的)变种,变体;品种◆apples come in a great many varieties.苹果品种繁多。◆the variety of english that they speak is closer to american than british.他们所讲的那种英语更接近于美式英语而非英式英语。◆they stock over 200 varieties of cheese.他们备有 200 多种奶酪。■ style [countable, uncountable] the features of a book, painting, building, etc. that make it typical of a particular author, artist, historical period, etc.(文学作品、绘画、建筑等的)风格,体◆this is a fine example of the gothic style.这是哥特风格的一个佳例。◆the city contains many different styles of architecture.这座城市拥有多种不同的建筑风格。◆they were told to write the passage in the style of hemingway.他们被要求模仿海明威的风格写短文。■ genre /ʒɒ̃rə, ʒɒnrə; name ʒɑːnrə/ [countable, uncountable] (formal) a particular style or type of literature, art, music or film that can be recognized because of its special features(文学、艺术、音乐或电影的)体裁,类型◆crime fiction is a genre which seems likely to stay with us for many years.看来犯罪小说这种文学样式在很长一段时间内不会消亡。◆his essay discusses theories of style and genre.他的文章探讨了风格与体裁方面的理论。■ nature /neɪtʃə(r)/ [singular] (rather formal) a particular type of sth种类;类型◆his books were mainly of a scientific nature.他的书主要是科学类的。◆don't worry about things of that nature.不用担心那类事情。◆decisions of this nature often take a long time.作这类决定常常要花很长时间。ⓘ in this meaning nature is usually used in the phrase of a ... nature. * nature 表达此义时通常用于短语 of a ... nature。■ brand [countable] a particular type of sth, especially sb's particular way of doing or thinking about sth类型(尤指某人独特的行为或思维方式)◆she has her own unique brand of humour.她有自己别具一格的幽默。 kind adjective  ➡ see also the entry for nice 2另见 nice 条第 2 义kind ♦︎ good ♦︎ generous ♦︎ benign ♦︎ benevolent ♦︎ considerate ♦︎ sweet ♦︎ thoughtfulthese words all describe a person who cares about other people, is willing to help them, and considers their needs and feelings.这些词均表示体贴的、助人为乐的、为别人着想的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆kind / good / generous / benevolent / considerate to / towards / toward sb◆to be kind / good / generous / considerate / sweet / thoughtful of sb (to do sth)◆a kind / generous / benevolent / considerate / sweet / thoughtful man / woman / person◆a kind / generous / considerate / thoughtful gesture◆very kind / good / generous / considerate / sweet / thoughtful◆extremely kind / good / generous / considerate■ kind (of a person) caring about others and willing to help them; gentle and friendly; (of an action or expression) showing these feelings(人、行为或措辞)体贴的,慈爱的,和善的◆they were taught to be kind to animals.他们受过教导要爱护动物。◆it was really kind of you to help me.你帮我的忙,我太感激了。◆she may seem quite stern at times, but she has a kind heart.她有时看上去可能很严厉,但却有一颗仁慈的心。◆thanks for your card-it was a very kind thought.谢谢你的贺卡,你真有心。opp cruel → cruel , unkind → mean adj. 1  ➡ see also caring → loving ▸ kindly adverb◆she kindly agreed to give me a ride home.她爽快地答应载我回家。▸ kindness noun [uncountable] ◆she wanted to thank him for his kindness.她想谢谢他的好意。■ good [not usually before noun] (rather informal, especially spoken) willing to help; showing kindness to other people助人为乐;心地善良;好心◆he was very good to me when i was ill.我生病时他对我关怀备至。◆it was good of you to come.你能来真是太好了。◆i had a lot of time off work, but my boss was very good about it.那时候我经常请假,可我老板对此非常谅解。ⓘ good is the most frequent of these words in spoken english. in this meaning it is not usually used before a noun: a good man/woman is a slightly more formal expression and has the more general meaning of sb who has good principles and lives a good, moral life; being kind to people is only part of the meaning. * good 是本组词中最常用于口语的词,表达此义时通常不作定语。a good man/woman 是一种稍较正式的表达方式,含义较广,指坚持原则且遵守道德的好人,而心地善良仅为其含义之一。  ➡ see also good → good 5 ■ generous kind in the way you treat people; willing to see what is good about sb/sth宽厚的;仁慈的;宽宏大量的◆her generous spirit shone through in everything she did.她所做的每件事都体现出宽宏大量的精神。◆he wrote a very generous assessment of my work.他给我写的工作评价不吝赞誉之词。 opp mean → mean adj. 1 ■ benign /bɪnaɪn/ (formal) kind and gentle; not causing any harm善良的;和善的;慈祥的◆her face was gentle and benign.她一脸和蔼慈祥。◆the presence of women and children had a benign influence on the soldiers.受到在场的妇女和儿童的影响,士兵们变得和善起来。▸ benignly adverb◆she smiled benignly as the students entered the room.学生走进房间时她露出了和蔼的笑容。■ benevolent /bənevələnt/ (formal) (especially of sb in authority) kind, helpful and generous(尤指当权者)仁慈的,体恤照顾的,慷慨的◆the colonel was benevolent, but not stupid.上校很仁慈,但并不愚蠢。◆she took a benevolent interest in her nieces' education.她十分关怀几名侄女的学业。■ considerate /kənsɪdərət/ thinking of other people's feelings and wishes; careful not to hurt or upset others考虑周到的;替人着想的;体贴的◆try to be a bit more considerate.请再多一点替人着想。◆louis was a kind, caring and considerate young man.路易斯是一个和善、亲切而又体贴的年轻人。opp inconsiderate → insensitive ▸ consideration noun [uncountable] ◆you should show a little more consideration towards other people.你应该多体谅一下别人。■ sweet (rather informal, especially spoken) having or showing a kind character善良的;和蔼的;温柔的◆it was sweet of them to offer to help.他们主动提出帮忙,真是好心人。◆she gave him her sweetest smile.她向他投以极其温柔的一笑。■ thoughtful showing that you are thinking about and care about other people体贴的;关心别人的;关切的◆it was very thoughtful of you to send the flowers.你送来了花,想得真周到。opp thoughtless → insensitive note 辨析 considerate or thoughtful? thoughtful is more often used when sb does a particular thing for sb else without being asked to. considerate is used more about sb's general character and their attitude towards people. * thoughtful 常指主动为别人做了一件体贴的事; considerate 常指某人的性格及待人的态度。kind [countable, uncountable] a group of people or things that are similar in a particular way同类的人(或事物);种类◆they play music of all kinds.他们演奏各种类型的音乐。◆the school is the first of its kind in the uk.这是英国同类学校中最早的一所。◆she does the same kind of work as me.她和我做同一种工作。◆she isn't that kind of person.她不是那种人。◆i miss him, in a funny kind of way.我对他有一种莫名其妙的思念。◆they sell all kinds of things.他们出售各种各样的东西。◆you're going to need some kind of cover to protect it from the rain.你得拿什么东西把它盖上以防止雨淋。◆'i was terrible!' 'you were nothing of the kind!'“我那时糟透了!”“你才不哩。”kind(of a person) caring about others and willing to help them; gentle and friendly; (of an action or expression) showing these feelings(人、行为或措辞)体贴的,慈爱的,和善的◆they were taught to be kind to animals.他们受过教导要爱护动物。◆it was really kind of you to help me.你帮我的忙,我太感激了。◆she may seem quite stern at times, but she has a kind heart.她有时看上去可能很严厉,但却有一颗仁慈的心。◆thanks for your card-it was a very kind thought.谢谢你的贺卡,你真有心。opp cruel → cruel , unkind → mean adj. 1  ➡ see also caring → loving ▸ kindly adverb◆she kindly agreed to give me a ride home.她爽快地答应载我回家。▸ kindness noun [uncountable] ◆she wanted to thank him for his kindness.她想谢谢他的好意。kind¹/kaɪnd ||; kaɪnd/noun [c] a group whose members all have the same qualities 种类: ◇the concert attracted people of all kinds. 音乐会吸引了各种各样的听众。◇the concert attracted all kinds of people. 音乐会吸引了各种各样的听众。◇ what kind of car have you got? 你那辆车是什么类型的?◇many kinds of plant and animal are being lost every year. 每年都有很多种动植物从世界上消失。◇in the evenings i listen to music, write letters, that kind of thing. 晚上,我听音乐、写信,做诸如此类的事。 [syn] sort or type 同义词为sort或typeremember that kind is countable, so you cannot say those kind of dogs are really dangerousor i like all kind of should say that kind of dog is really dangerous./those kinds of dogs are really dangerous.and i like all kinds of music. kinds of may be followed by a singular noun or a plural noun there are so many kinds of camera/cameras on the market that it's hard to know which is best. kind是可数名词,所以不能说those kind of dogs are really dangerous或i like all kind of music,应当说that kind of dog is really dangerous./those kinds of dogs are really dangerous和i like all kinds of music。kinds of 后面可以用单数名词,也可以用复数名词:there are so many kinds of camera/cameras on the market that it's hard to know which is best.市面上的相机种类繁多,很难知道哪一种才是最好的。 a kind of(informal 非正式) used for describing sth in a way that is not very clear (用于描述不大确定的事物): ◇i had a kind of feeling that something would go wrong. 我觉得有什么地方会出毛病。◇there's a funny kind of smell in here. 这儿有一种古怪的气味。 kind of(informal 非正式) slightly; a little bit 稍稍;有点儿: ◇i'm kind of worried about the interview. 我有点担心这次面试。 of a kind 1. the same 相同;同一类: ◇the friends were two of a kind -- very similar in so many ways. 这对朋友是同一类型的人,在很多方面都相似。 2. not as good as it should be 不如应该的那么好;蹩脚: ◇you're making progress of a kind. 你有点进步,但不令人满意。 kind²/kaɪnd ||; kaɪnd/adj kind (to sb);kind (of sb) (to do sth) caring about others; friendly and generous 仁慈;体贴: ◇everyone's been so kind to us since we came here! 我们来这儿以后,人人都对我们那么好!◇it was kind of you to offer, but i don't need any help. 谢谢你的好意,可是我不需要帮忙。 [opp] unkind 反义词为unkindkind1 kind2 kind to people who have problems or difficulties3 to treat someone very kindly or too kindlyrelated wordsa kind of person or thing 一种人或物 type,kind and generous 友好慷慨的 generous/not generous,be kind to someone to make them feel better 对某人友好使其感到好受些 comfort/make sb feel better,see alsonice,friendly,selfish/not selfish,1. kind 善良友好的 kind /kaɪnd/ [adjective] someone who is kind tries to help people and make them happy or comfortable, and shows that they care about them 体贴的;友好的;亲切的 everyone loved mary. she was the kindest, most generous person in the world. 人人都喜欢玛丽。她是世界上最善良、最慷慨的人。kind to he's a good brother. he's always been kind to me. 他是个好哥哥,一直对我很好。it is kind of somebody (to do something) ‘karen gave me a lift to the station.’ ‘that was kind of her.’ “凯伦让我搭便车到车站。”“她真好。” kindly [adverb] joan very kindly offered to wash the dishes. 琼很体贴人,提出由她来洗碗。 kindness /ˈkaɪndnɪs, ˈkaɪndnəs/ [uncountable noun] kind behaviour 好意;友好行为;体贴 what this child needs is a little love and kindness. 这孩子需要的是一点爱和关心。 she was touched by this simple act of kindness. 这简单的体贴举动使她感动。kindness to i shall never forget her kindness to me. 我永远不会忘记她给我的帮助。 nice /naɪs/ [adjective] especially spoken someone who is nice is kind and friendly, and often helpful 【尤口】好的;善良的;友善的 i've got a nice boss, and the pay's good. 我有个好老板,薪水也不错。 ‘she offered to pay for everything.’ ‘that was a nice gesture.’ “她提出所有东西由她付钱。”“这是友好的表示。”nice to why can't they just be nice to each other? 他们为何就不能友好相处呢?it is nice of somebody (to do something) it was nice of them to invite us. 他们很友好,邀请了我们。 considerate/thoughtful /kənˈsɪdərət, ˈθɔːtʃəl/ [adjective] someone who is considerate or thoughtful thinks about other people's feelings and tries to do things that will make them happy or comfortable 体贴的;周到的;关心的 louis was always considerate towards other people. 路易斯总是很体贴别人。it is considerate/thoughtful of somebody (to do something) it was considerate of them to warn us that they might be late. 他们想得很周到,预先通知我们他们可能会迟到。 ‘i didn't phone this afternoon. i thought you might be resting.’ ‘that was very thoughtful of you.’ “今天下午我没打电话来,我想你可能在休息。”“你想得真周到。” consideration /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] i could not believe that he could show such little consideration for others. 他对别人这么不关心,我简直不敢相信。 good /gʊd/ [adjective not before noun] if you are good to someone, especially someone who is old, young, sick etc, you are kind to them and give them what they need [尤对老、幼、病者等]好;关心的 good to my stepfather's always been very good to me and treated me like one of his own children. 我的继父对我一直很好,把我当作他自己的孩子一般。it is good of somebody (to do something) it's good of you to see me at such short notice. 你真好,这么快就来看我。 gentle /ˈdʒentl/ [adjective] someone who is gentle is nice and kind, and is never angry or violent 温柔的,温和的;和蔼友善的 my father was a professional boxer, but at home with the family he was always quiet and gentle. 我父亲是职业拳击手,但在家他总是又沉静又温和。 a sweet, gentle girl who wouldn't hurt a fly 一个可爱、温柔、不愿伤害一只苍蝇的女孩 somebody's heart is in the right place / somebodyˈs ˌhɑːʳt ɪz ɪn ðə ˌraɪt ˈpleɪs/ if you say that someone's heart is in the right place, you mean that they do not always do the right thing, but they are basically a good, kind person 某人的心地还是善良的 he can be rude and bad-tempered sometimes, but his heart's in the right place. 他有时会显得粗鲁和脾气坏,可心地还是善良的。2. kind to people who have problems or difficulties 对遇到问题或困难的人有同情心 sympathetic /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk◂/ [adjective] if someone is sympathetic when you are having problems, they say kind things to you and show that they feel sad about your situation 同情的;有同情心的 why don't you talk to elizabeth? she's always sympathetic. 你为什么不跟伊丽莎白去谈谈呢?她一直很有同情心。 my friends were extremely sympathetic when they heard i'd lost my job. 我的朋友听说我失业时都非常同情我。 noticing my embarrassment, the teacher gave me a sympathetic smile. 老师看到我很窘,便同情地对我笑了一笑。 sympathetically [adverb] she listened sympathetically to all our complaints. 对我们的牢骚话,她都同情地倾听。 understanding /ˌʌndəʳˈstændɪŋ/ [adjective] an understanding person is kind and patient when someone has a problem, and does not get angry with them or criticize them 能谅解的;通情达理的;宽容的 i'm sorry i've been so bad-tempered lately. anyway, thank you for being so understanding. 我最近脾气不好,很对不起。不管怎样,谢谢你这么能谅解我。 irene often has to take time off work. fortunately she has a very understanding boss. 艾琳得经常请假,幸好她有个非常通情达理的老板。 compassionate /kəmˈpæʃənɪt, kəmˈpæʃənət/ [adjective] someone who is compassionate wants to help people who are suffering or having problems [对处于痛苦或需要帮助的人]怜悯的;有同情心的 alice was a compassionate woman who wanted to save children from violence and poverty. 艾丽斯是一位富有同情心的女士,她想把孩子们从暴力和贫穷中拯救出来。 we must try to create a more caring, more compassionate society. 我们必须力求创造一个人与人之间有着更多的关怀和同情的社会。 compassionately [adverb] political refugees need our protection and we urge the government to view their plight more compassionately. 政治难民需要我们的保护,我们敦促政府对他们的困境能表示更多的同情。 caring /ˈkeərɪŋ/ [adjective] loving and sympathetic, especially so that you want to help people close to you when they are in trouble 有爱心的;关怀别人的;乐于助人的 sharon was lucky to have such caring parents at a time when she needed help. 莎伦很幸运,在需要帮助时有这么关心她的父母在旁。 it is possible for men to be tough and, at the same time, caring and sensitive. 男人是有可能既强硬同时又体贴、敏感的。 kind-hearted /ˌkaɪnd ˈhɑːʳtə̇d◂/ [adjective] someone who is kind-hearted has a kind and sympathetic character 好心的;有同情心的;仁慈的 being a kind-hearted woman, she felt sorry for the poor child. 她是个好心人,很同情这可怜的孩子。 i wouldn't have helped him at all, but then i'm not as kind-hearted as you. 我根本就不会去帮助他,不过话得说回来,我没你那么有同情心。 a shoulder to cry on /ə ˌʃəʊldəʳ tə ˈkraɪ ɒn/ [noun phrase] informal someone who will listen sympathetically when you tell them about your problems 【非正式】能给予安慰的人;可以倾诉苦楚的对象 remember, i'm always here if you need a shoulder to cry on. 如果你需要人安慰的话,别忘了我一直在你身边。3. to treat someone very kindly or too kindly 对某人非常好或过分地好 spoil /spɔɪl/ [transitive verb] to treat someone, especially a child, too kindly and give them everything they want whether they should have it or not, so that they behave badly 溺爱,宠坏[尤指小孩] you're spoiling that kid. he's getting cheeky and selfish. 你把那孩子宠坏了,他变得越来越放肆和自私了。spoil somebody rotten spoil someone very much 宠坏某人 danny was her favourite grandson and she spoiled him rotten. 丹尼是她最喜欢的孙子,她把他宠坏了。 pamper /ˈpæmpəʳ/ [transitive verb] to look after a person or animal very kindly, and spend a lot of time trying to make them happy and comfortable, sometimes in a way that is not good for their health or character [对人或动物]呵护,宠,娇惯 she really pampers that dog - it's even got its own little bed next to hers. 她太宠那条狗了,它甚至在她床边有一张自己的小床。pamper yourself take some time out to pamper yourself with an aromatherapy massage. 花点时间出去善待一下自己,去做个芳香疗法按摩吧。 pampered [adjective only before noun] pam was raised as the pampered daughter of a prosperous businessman. 帕姆是一个成功商人的女儿,从小娇生惯养。 make a fuss of/fuss over /ˌmeɪk ə ˈfʌs ɒv, ˈfʌs əʊvəʳ/ [verb phrase/transitive phrasal verb] british to look after someone very well and pay a lot of attention to them 【英】无微不至地照顾,体贴备至 when i came out of hospital and got back home, everyone made a great fuss of me and i loved it. 我出院回家后,每个人都无微不至地照顾我,感觉真好。 my sister was jealous because dad made such a fuss of me. 爸爸对我无微不至,所以我姐姐很嫉妒。 i enjoyed having people fussing over me - it made me feel important. 我喜欢受到大家的宠爱,这让我感觉自己很重要。☞ kind¹☞ kind²




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