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标题 血糖波动对2型糖尿病大鼠认知功能及N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸受体表达的影响

    何焰鹏 刘国荣




    [摘要]目的 探討血糖波动对2型糖尿病大鼠认知功能及N-甲基-D-天(门)冬氨酸(NMDA)受体表达的影响。方法 33只清洁级雄性SD大鼠,适应性喂养1周后,随机取11只作为正常对照组,其余大鼠用于建立2型糖尿病模型。采用小剂量链脲佐菌素45 mg/kg腹腔注射建立2型糖尿病模型,非同日两次测得的随机血糖>16.7 mmol/L为造模成功。将模型大鼠随机分为持续高血糖组(n=11)和血糖波动组(n=11),2型糖尿病模型成功后,血糖波动组大鼠皮下注射普通胰岛素2次/d,诱导血糖波动大鼠模型。比较三组大鼠的潜伏期、潜伏期距离、穿越平台次数及12周后大鼠海马组织中NMDA受体NR2B亚基mRNA表达。结果 血糖波动组大鼠的潜伏期长于正常对照组和持续高血糖组,持续高血糖组大鼠的潜伏期长于正常对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);血糖波动组大鼠的潜伏期距离长于正常对照组和持续高血糖组,持续高血糖组大鼠的潜伏期距离长于正常对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);血糖波动组大鼠穿越平台次数少于正常对照组和持续高血糖组,持续高血糖组大鼠穿越平台次数少于正常对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);血糖波动组大鼠海马组织中的NMDA受体NR2B亚基mRNA表达水平低于正常对照组和持续高血糖组,持续高血糖组大鼠海马组织中的NMDA受体NR2B亚基mRNA表达水平低于正常对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 血糖波动比持续高血糖更能加重大鼠认知功能的损害。糖尿病大鼠海马组织NMDA受体NR2B亚基mRNA表达量降低,且血糖波动同持续高血糖相比,NR2B亚基mRNA表达量降低更加明显。


    [中图分类号] R332? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)10(c)-0020-04

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of blood glucose fluctuation on cognitive function and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor expression in type 2 diabetic rats. Methods Thirty-three male clean Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly selected 11 ones for normal control group after one week of adaptive feeding. The rest were used to establish the type 2 diabetic rats model. A model of type 2 diabetes mellitus was established by intraperitoneal injection of a low-dose streptozotocin (45 mg/kg). The standard of successful modeling was the value of glucose >16.7 mmol/L measured randomly twice a day. After that, rats were randomly divided into persistent hyperglycemia group (n=11) and glucose fluctuation group (n=11). After successful type 2 diabetes model, rats in the blood glucose fluctuation group were subcutaneously injected with insulin twice a day to induce the blood glucose fluctuation rat model. The latency, latency distance, number of plateau crossings and the expression of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit in hippocampus of rats after 12 weeks were compared among the three groups. Results The latent period of the rats in the glucose fluctuation group was longer than that in the normal control group and the persistent hyperglycemia group, the latency of the rats in the persistent hyperglycemia group was longer than that in the normal control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The latency of the blood glucose fluctuation group was longer than that of the normal control group and the persistent hyperglycemia group, the latency of the rats in the persistent hyperglycemic group was longer than that in the normal control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The number of crossing platform in the blood glucose fluctuation group was fewer than that in the normal control group and the persistent hyperglycemia group, the number of crossing platform in the persistent hyperglycemic group was fewer than that in the normal control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The expression level of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit mRNA in hippocampal tissues of the glucose fluctuation group was lower than that of the normal control group and the persistent hyperglycemia group, the expression level of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit mRNA in the hippocampus of the persistent hyperglycemic group was lower than that of the normal control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Glucose fluctuation can aggravate cognitive impairment in rats more than persistent hyperglycemia. The expression of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit in hippocampus of diabetic rats is decreased, and the expression of NR2B subunit is decreased more significantly than that of persistent hyperglycemia.

    [Key words] Type 2 diabetic rat model; Glucose fluctuation; Learning and memory; Latency; Distance of latent period; N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor






    Trizol试剂(宝生物工程(大连)有限公司,批号:15596-026),链脲佐菌素(美国Sigma公司,批号:V900890-1G),反转录试剂盒(宝生物工程(大连)有限公司,批号:RP1105)等。Morris水迷宫系统(由XR-XM101型图像采集分析软件、摄像头等组成,购自北京硕林苑科技有限公司),T100型Thermal CyclerPCR仪(日本Bioer公司)。


    33只清洁级雄性SD大鼠,适应性喂养1周后,随机取11只作为正常对照组,其余大鼠用于建立2型糖尿病模型。采用小剂量链脲佐菌素45 mg/kg腹腔注射建立2型糖尿病模型,非同日两次测得的随机血糖>16.7 mmol/L为造模成功。将模型大鼠随机分为持续高血糖组(n=11)和血糖波动组(n=11),2型糖尿病模型成功后,血糖波动组大鼠皮下注射普通胰岛素2次/d,诱导血糖波动大鼠模型。正常对照组及持续高血糖组腹腔注射0.9%生理盐水,持续高血糖组和血糖波动组大鼠继续给予高糖高脂饲料,正常对照组给予普通饲料,饲养12周,持续高血糖组存活10只,死亡1只(死于感染),血糖波动组存活9只,死亡2只(死于低血糖)。




    采用统计学软件SPSS 19.0分析数据,计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,多组间比较采用单因素分析,两两比较采用t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。










    本研究结果显示,血糖波动组大鼠海马组织中的NMDA受体NR2B亚基mRNA表达水平低于正常对照组和持续高血糖组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。提示血糖波动能降低NR2B亚基的表达。当NR2B mRNA表达下降会影响NMDA受体的数量,导致可塑性突触形成异常,可塑性突触是信息储存的场所,信息储存异常会导致学习和记忆能力下降,因此NR2B亚基表达下降会诱发认知功能障碍。此外,NMDA受体数量减少,使Ca2+内流减少,从而阻碍了长时程增强,进一步阻碍了学习和记忆能力的形成。因此,NR2B亚基表达下降与大鼠学习和记忆能力平行。血糖波动组大鼠认知功能损害严重,表现以NR2B亚基下调为主要特点,从而加速了糖尿病认知功能障碍的发生发展[15-17]。



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    (收稿日期:2018-10-08? 本文编辑:刘克明)





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